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Bøger af Maria Martinez

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  • af Maria Martinez
    128,95 kr.

    International bestselling author María Martínez pens an angsty, emotional new adult contemporary romance perfect for readers of Colleen Hoover, Elle Kennedy, and Alice Kellen.Until she can figure out what she wants for herself, love will always be a disaster.Twenty-year-old Harper Weston always wanted to be a book editor. But when she inherits her grandmother's beloved bookstore, she has to decide between carrying her grandmother's legacy forward and the carefully planned life she had envisioned for herself. After all, her love for reading came from her grandmother, who always supported her dreams; but grief, sadness and resentment at the loss of both her grandmother and her dream job resurfaces every time she steps foot in the store.Amid her uncertainty, Harper struggles to welcome all her family who has come into town, not only for her grandmother's service, but for the wedding of her older sister Hayley. But she was not ready for the event to bring back Trey Holt, a close friend of her siblings who Harper has been in love with for years. Faced with many conflicting thoughts and decisions to make, Harper takes a trip to get away from it all, to think. Little did she know it would change her life, and send her right into the arms of Trey, the person she needs answers from the most.

  • af Maria Martinez
    208,95 kr.

    ¡Vuelve María Martínez, la autora española que enamora a los lectores! ¿Y si tuvieras que perderlo todo para darte cuenta de que no tenías nada?¿Si la única forma de recuperar tu vida es dejar que esta se derrumbe?¿Qué ocurre cuando lo único que te queda es un corazón roto y un futuro incierto?Darcy abandonó Tofino un día de diciembre, con el corazón repleto de sueños rotos y promesas sin cumplir. Desde entonces, no ha hecho otra cosa que huir de los recuerdos y sus heridas. Ahora, sus pasos la han llevado de vuelta al principio.A un lugar donde el amor y la culpa colisionan.Donde la lluvia cuenta historias y esconde secretos.Porque hay instantes que marcan toda una vida. Porque a veces volver para decir 'adiós' es lo único que puede salvarnos.

  • af Maria Martinez
    178,95 kr.

    What happens when all your plans fall apart? Harper has planned every last detail of her future. She will soon finish her studies and achieve the job for which she has worked so hard. She will have the life she wants. However, a sad loss will make her perfect plan, what she thought she wanted more than anything, turn back into confusion, doubts and insecurities. Because secrets can't be kept forever. Because there are paths destined to cross. Because a single decision can change everything and nothing is more scary than taking risks for your dreams. Because life is not about surviving the storm, but about learning to dance under it.

  • af Maria Martinez
    278,95 kr.

    The book of Revelation or The Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ is not just a book of bad news, judgments, epidemics, great cosmic cataclysms, and a future world government full of darkness. It is also the message of the greatest love that can exist, God's love to save humanity from the terrible end that all those who did not want to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and chose to distance themselves from him will have to face. It is a book worth studying because of its placement at the end of the gospels and the Epistles. Furthermore, it represents the final act to complete the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and is the only book in the Bible that speaks of the beginning and the end of all times.

  • af Maria Martinez
    168,95 kr.

  • af Maria Martinez
    198,95 kr.

    ¿Y si para seguir adelante tuvieras que retroceder al punto donde todo comenzó? Para Hunter, la música es mucho más que un conjunto de notas dando forma a una melodía. Las canciones que compone son un refugio. Acordes que hablan de sueños y miedos. De ganas y carencias. Compases que iluminan las sombras del frío y solitario mundo en el que ha crecido. Musas que han transformado su pasado en un presente brillante. Sin embargo, esa inspiración enmudece cuando encuentra una carta manuscrita en su buzón, que lo obliga a cuestionarse todo lo que sabe sobre sí mismo. La vida de Willow se ha convertido en una caja de momentos desordenados y sueños frustrados. Siente que ha perdido su lugar en el mundo y ya no recuerda a esa persona que siempre quiso ser. Mientras la nieve cae silenciosa, Hunter y Willow descubrirán que el destino no siempre tiene la última palabra y que los momentos, buenos o malos, nos van convirtiendo en todo lo que somos. Que a veces basta con escuchar al corazón para encontrarse a uno mismo. Y que hay amores de invierno, capaces de sobrevivir al deshielo y convertirse en canciones eternas.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONFor Hunter, music is a lot more than just melodies. The songs he writes are his refuge, the only place where he can share his dreams and fears. However, he will be forced to question everything when a handwritten letter arrives in his mailbox. Willow's life has become a box of messy moments and broken dreams. She has lost her place in the world and can no longer remember the person she wanted to be. As the snow falls, Hunter and Willow will discover that destiny does not always have the last word, and that all of life's moments--good or bad--make us who we are: that sometimes it is enough to listen to the heart to find oneself. And that, sometimes, love can survive the winter and become an eternal song.

  • af Maria Martinez
    198,95 kr.

    La primera novela de María Martínez.No hay magia más poderosa que el amor.Una novela fascinante sobre el poder del pasado y la fuerza del destino.Cuando su madre muere en un terrible accidente de tráfico, la vida de Abby cambia por completo. Acogida por un hombre misterioso que dice ser su padre, se instala en el pueblo de Lostwick, en el sur de Maine, y cree haber encontrado la vida que tanto había deseado: ahora tiene amigos, familia y un lugar al que pertenecer.Pero este nuevo mundo quizá no es tan idílico como Abby cree. Hay algo en quienes la rodean que le hace desconfiar, la atormentan terribles pesadillas y esa sensación de sentirse observada amenaza con volverla loca. El peligro está aterradoramente cerca y acecha como la sombra de un cuervo en la oscuridad.Todo parece girar en torno al atractivo e irritante Nathan, un chico enigmático junto al que tendrá que descubrir la verdad de lo que sucede, confrontar el pasado y enfrentarse a un destino implacable que viene a cobrarse promesas hechas siglos atrás.

  • af Maria Martinez
    228,95 kr.

    ¿Renunciarías a tu mundo por amor?¿Bastaría ese amor, si perdieras todo lo demás?Él ha crecido en un entorno en el que las tradiciones y unos valores anclados al pasado dictaminan su futuro. Ella se siente tan perdida que le cuesta recordar quién es.Él guarda un secreto que podría destruir el vínculo que lo une a su familia.Ella apenas cree en el amor y camina de puntillas por el mundo.Cuando una casualidad hace que los pasos de Jun y Daniela se crucen en las calles de Londres, no imaginan que sus vidas se acabarán uniendo.Encuentros fugaces que se convierten en comienzos.Porque hay huellas en la nieve que no se pueden borrar y amores imposibles que, tal vez, y solo tal vez, duren para siempre.

  • af Maria Martinez
    168,95 kr.

    The true prophecy is a very interesting book. A prophecy is a word that is revealed from the heart of God, but recognizing when a prophecy is true is what really matters. The prophetic word not only comes to correct you, but also comes to align you to the divine purpose, to propel you to the next level of glory that is coming. That is why every man and every woman who walked in true prophecy was unstoppable and untouchable. That is why we see the story of David, when the prophetic word came to him that he would be king in Israel. It was a true prophecy because true prophecy has credibility when it is released. It does not come from men, it comes from the heart of God and is revealed to men for the purpose of glorifying His holy name. Today we have to consider which prophecy we can grasp, because prophecy cannot just excite you. Prophecy comes to guide you, to give you spiritual guidance so that you can battle without fear. There was a man in the Bible who walked in such an extraordinary level of revelation that he was unstoppable. That man was Abraham. He received a prophecy that he would receive a descendants, but over time, he may have doubted because he saw that it was not being fulfilled. But true prophecy may be delayed, yet it will manifest. False prophecy has no fulfillment, so it does not move you from where you are. That is why the men and women whom God raised up were genuine, because prophecy makes you genuine, authentic. Prophecy makes you return to your original state. That is why, before dying, Christ said a very profound and powerful word: "I will rise again on the third day," because true prophecies occur before the event. Christ said: "I will die, but truly I will rise again. The prophecy that He is releasing is one of life. However, when He died, He did not remain in that cold tomb. He rose again because the word that He released had to resurrect Him, since that word did not just come from Him, but came from the heart of the Father.Let us remember that Jesus said:

  • - Una Llave Poderosa
    af Maria Martinez
    173,95 kr.

    Este libro te ayudara a tener una relación más íntima con Dios !

  • af Maria Martinez
    258,95 kr.

    ¿Y si te enamoraras de la persona menos indicada?¿Lo arriesgarías todo por una posibilidad?Él nunca lo ha tenido fácil y esconde su vulnerabilidad tras una apariencia despreocupada.Ella desea salir al mundo y conocer el amor.Él esconde cicatrices mucho más profundas que las que marcan su piel.Ella quiere volar alto y cumplir ese sueño que no se atreve a confesar.Ren y Jisoo se conocen desde niños y no podrían ser más diferentes.Sin embargo, cuando el destino los ponga a prueba, descubrirán que el corazón no entiende de razones.Porque hay polos opuestos que sí encajan y sentimientos más fuertes que el miedo a lo prohibido.Porque el amor no sabe de imposibles y a veces vale la pena apostarlo todo por un puñado de quizás.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONWhat if you fell in love with the least suitable person? Would you risk everything for one chance?He has never had it easy and hides his vulnerability behind a carefree appearance.She wants to go out into the world and know love.He hides scars much deeper than those that mark his skin.She wants to fly high and fulfill that dream that she does not dare to confess.Ren and Jisoo have known each other since they were children and couldn't be more different.However, when fate puts them to the test, they will discover that the heart does not understand reasons.Because there are opposites that do fit and feelings stronger than the fear of the forbidden.Because love knows no impossibles and sometimes it's worth betting everything on a handful of maybes.

  • af Maria Martinez
    278,95 kr.

    El libro de Apocalipsis o la revelacion del Senor Jesucristo, no es solamente un libro de malas noticias, de juicios, epidemias, de grandes cataclismos cosmicos y de un futuro gobierno mundialmente tenebroso. Tambien es el mensaje del mas grande amor que pueda existir, el amor de Dios para salvar a la humanidad del terrible final que tendran que enfrentar todos aquellos que no quisieron creer en el Senor Jesucristo y prefirieron alejarse de el. Es un libro que vale la pena estudiar por la ubicacion que tiene justo al final de los evangelios y de las epistolas. Ademas, porque representa el ultimo acto para poder completar el evangelio del Senor Jesucristo y porque es el unico libro de la Biblia que habla del principio y del final de todos los tiempos.

  • af Maria Martinez
    328,95 kr.

  • af Maria Martinez
    268,95 kr.

  • af Maria Martinez
    208,95 kr.

  • af Maria Martinez
    158,95 kr.

    An Italian American born, at the age of six, Maria realized she was different. Maria Martinez has been a professional psychic for over fifty years. During that time, she has come across ghosts, spirits, and a myriad of different specters as she has continually tried to assist clients with the betterment of their lives. Whether it's telling clients the future of their lives or their business, contacting spirits, or performing an exorcism, she has been instrumental for the betterment of many lives. Maria had even been credited for saving and prolonging the lives of many of her clients over the years through several different means, including early detection of cancer. Maria has worked with law enforcement to solve many crimes when they had no leads or the victim had sadly passed away. Maria has also been studied by the UCLA paranormal division in the 1980s and found to be one of the most gifted psychics of our time. Between speaking engagements, readings, and conducting paranormal investigations, Maria has also been able to chronicle some of her most influential spirit messages and has laid them within the pages of this book, Esoteric Poetry From The Other Side. Maria also takes the reader on a spiritual journey through the pages, giving them the knowledge of spirit meaning. Maria had come to a higher level of understanding the other side. Maria hears the spirits' messages but also receives apparitions in full view.

  • af Maria Martinez
    298,95 kr.

    Maria Martinez has been a professional psychic for over forty-five years. During that time, she has come across ghosts, spirits, and a myriad of different specters as she has continually tried to assist clients with the betterment of their lives. Whether it's telling clients the future of their love life or their business, she has been instrumental in the betterment of many lives. Maria has even been credited with saving and prolonging the lives of many of her clients over the years through several different means, including early detection of cancers long before any medical professional would have been sought out. Maria has worked with law enforcement to solve many crimes when they had no leads or the victim had sadly passed on. Maria has also been studied by the UCLA paranormal division and found to be one of the most gifted psychics of our time. Between speaking engagements and conducting paranormal investigations, Maria has been able to chronicle some of the most influential stories and has laid them within the pages of this book. After her greatest spirit investigation that lead to the publication of Finding Aime, Maria had multiple requests to publish her own findings and now 7th Sense has actually arrived. Maria has opened her heart and history for those who want to know of her true gift. Readers are now able to gain insight to Maria's trials of growing up with her psychic gifts. From knowing karma and her friends more intimately than they ever knew themselves, to understanding that she could not change the will of God and save her own brother from the predestiny that would take his life at a young age. Maria takes the reader on an adventure through the decades, giving them the knowledge of how to meditate and channel healing energy. Maria not only shares some of her favorite stories about clients, she shares how those reading this book can hone their psychic gifts to allow them to reach their greatest psychic potential. Through thank-you notes from clients, personal records, and public documentation, 7th Sense is a journey unlike any other and touches on virtually all aspects of the paranormal. From casting out demons and breaking curses, to healing the sick and tormented, 7th Sense prove that life does exists after death, and a master plan has been laid down for those that currently walk the earth.

  • - Made by a Fatherless Girl
    af Maria Martinez
    188,95 - 323,95 kr.