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Bøger af Manly P. Hall

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  • af Manly P. Hall
    188,95 kr.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    478,95 kr.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    198,95 kr.

    Lige siden 1923 har denne bog nydt en stigende popularitet blandt frimurere over hele verden. Bogen har et særligt fokus på Hiram-legenden (Adoniram), for en frimurer er en arkitekt, en ’opbygger af karakterens tempel’.Frimureriet er mere end blot en social organisation, der er få århundreder gammel, og kan betragtes som en forevigelse af de filosofiske mysterier og indvielser fra gammel tid. De bringer ikke deres lys til menneskene, menneskene må bringe deres lys til dem. Visdommen iklæder derfor ‘sandheden om guddommen’ en kappe af symbolik og dækker indsigten med allegorier. Bogens INDHOLD:Prolog: I et område med kaos1. Den evige søgen2. Kandidaten3. Antagen lærling4. Frimurersvenden5. Mestermureren6. Den sande frimurers kvalifikationerEpilog: RA-præstenTillæg 1 - I guld og himmelblåtTillæg 2 - Hermes’smaragdgrønne tavleTillæg 3 - Den ægyptiske indviede

  • af Manly P. Hall
    169,95 kr.

    Is Masonry merely a club created to collect dues and offer light entertainment or is it something far more inspired? Are the Rosicrucians a mythical, nonexistent group or very real seekers of wisdom on a mystical path? Manly Palmer Hall, one of the most enlightened esoteric authors of the 20th century, offers his sage thoughts on the Freemasons and Rosicrucians in this collection of thought-provoking essays. Includes The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Freemasonic Symbolism, Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins and more.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    288,95 kr.

    This is a first book of the series; Manly P. Hall - A Seeker of More Intelligent Life. Manly Hall was born on 18 March 1901, in Peterborough, Canada, to William S. and Louise Palmer Hall. The Hall family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States, in 1904. Manly Hall later settled in Los Angeles in 1919.As a young man, he became interested in all forms of occult subjects. He subsequently joined a number of societies, among them the Theosophical Society, the Freemasons, the Societas Rosecruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, and the American Federation of Astrologers. In 1922, Hall wrote his first book: Initiates of the Flame and was collecting all form of esoteric/exoteric/mystical subject matter, in his own words: "late in the fall of 1922, the plan for a comprehensive work on the symbolism of western mystical societies began to take shape in my mind. It soon became apparent that research facilities for such a project were not available in Southern California... The only answer was to contact antiquarian book dealers and elicit their cooperation in the search for the items desired." In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a research institute modeled on the ancient school of Pythagoras. He was ordained a minister in 1923 to an occult/mystic congregation at the Church of the People in California. In that same year specifically in May 1923, Manly Hall began the membership/student based, not for sale magazine, all written, edited and published by Hall titled the "The All Seeing-Eye." We now follow Manly P. Hall from the "All Seeing Eye" book series at the age of 24, to his private lessons for his students in this latest book series, at the age of 32. In this series, Mr. Hall moves from imparting wisdom through stories to a confident, fact-based approach of his findings and understanding of his research. His elucidation exudes confidence and is well written, with it being exceedingly broad in scope. In this series we provide 4 years of lessons condensed into four books. We are positive you will find the information herein to be quite useful in filling in some hidden areas of understanding in religion and history. Editing was minimal in terms of punctuation and spelling. In some cases, there are made-up words (or words that are no longer in use) in which case they were left spelled as is. I'm sure that you will find, as did I, that Manly Hall was highly intelligent and possibly bordering on genius. Suffice it to say, we are positive you will enjoy the many journeys Manly Hall takes you on.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    288,95 kr.

    This is the second book of the series - A Seeker of More Intelligent Life. Manley Hall was born on 18 March 1901, in Peterborough, Canada, to William S. and Louise Palmer Hall. The Hall family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States, in 1904. Manly Hall later settled in Los Angeles in 1919.As a young man, he became interested in all forms of occult subjects. He subsequently joined a number of societies, among them the Theosophical Society, the Freemasons, the Societas Rosecruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, and the American Federation of Astrologers. In 1922, Hall wrote his first book: Initiates of the Flame and was collecting all form of esoteric/exoteric/mystical subject matter, in his own words: "late in the fall of 1922, the plan for a comprehensive work on the symbolism of western mystical societies began to take shape in my mind. It soon became apparent that research facilities for such a project were not available in Southern California... The only answer was to contact antiquarian book dealers and elicit their cooperation in the search for the items desired." In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a research institute modeled on the ancient school of Pythagoras. He was ordained a minister in 1923 to an occult/mystic congregation at the Church of the People in California. In that same year specifically in May 1923, Manly Hall began the membership/student based, not for sale magazine, all written, edited and published by Hall titled the "The All Seeing-Eye." We now follow Manly P. Hall from the "All Seeing Eye" book series at the age of 24, to his private lessons for his students in this latest book series, at the age of 32. In this series, Mr. Hall moves from imparting wisdom through stories to a confident, fact-based approach of his findings and understanding of his research. His elucidation exudes confidence and is well written, with it being exceedingly broad in scope. In this series we provide 4 years of lessons condensed into four books. We are positive you will find the information herein to be quite useful in filling in some hidden areas of understanding in religion and history.Editing was minimal in terms of punctuation and spelling. In some cases, there are made-up words (or words that are no longer in use) in which case they were left spelled as is. I'm sure that you will find, as did I, that Manly Hall was highly intelligent and possibly bordering on genius. Suffice it to say, we are positive you will enjoy the many journeys Manly Hall takes you on.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    288,95 kr.

    This is the third book of the series - A Seeker of More Intelligent Life. Manley Hall was born on 18 March 1901, in Peterborough, Canada, to William S. and Louise Palmer Hall. The Hall family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States, in 1904. Manly Hall later settled in Los Angeles in 1919.As a young man, he became interested in all forms of occult subjects. He subsequently joined a number of societies, among them the Theosophical Society, the Freemasons, the Societas Rosecruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, and the American Federation of Astrologers. In 1922, Hall wrote his first book: Initiates of the Flame and was collecting all form of esoteric/exoteric/mystical subject matter, in his own words: "late in the fall of 1922, the plan for a comprehensive work on the symbolism of western mystical societies began to take shape in my mind. It soon became apparent that research facilities for such a project were not available in Southern California... The only answer was to contact antiquarian book dealers and elicit their cooperation in the search for the items desired." In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a research institute modeled on the ancient school of Pythagoras. He was ordained a minister in 1923 to an occult/mystic congregation at the Church of the People in California. In that same year specifically in May 1923, Manly Hall began the membership/student based, not for sale magazine, all written, edited and published by Hall titled the "The All Seeing-Eye." We now follow Manly P. Hall from the "All Seeing Eye" book series at the age of 24, to his private lessons for his students in this latest book series, at the age of 32. In this series, Mr. Hall moves from imparting wisdom through stories to a confident, fact-based approach of his findings and understanding of his research. His elucidation exudes confidence and is well written, with it being exceedingly broad in scope. In this series we provide 4 years of lessons condensed into four books. We are positive you will find the information herein to be quite useful in filling in some hidden areas of understanding in religion and history. Editing was minimal in terms of punctuation and spelling. In some cases, there are made-up words (or words that are no longer in use) in which case I'm sure that you will find, as did I, that Manly Hall was highly intelligent and possibly bordering on genius. Suffice it to say, we are positive you will enjoy the many journeys Manly Hall takes you on.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    288,95 kr.

    This is the fourth book of the series - A Seeker of More Intelligent Life. Manley Hall was born on 18 March 1901, in Peterborough, Canada, to William S. and Louise Palmer Hall. The Hall family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States, in 1904. Manly Hall later settled in Los Angeles in 1919.As a young man, he became interested in all forms of occult subjects. He subsequently joined a number of societies, among them the Theosophical Society, the Freemasons, the Societas Rosecruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, and the American Federation of Astrologers. In 1922, Hall wrote his first book: Initiates of the Flame and was collecting all form of esoteric/exoteric/mystical subject matter, in his own words: "late in the fall of 1922, the plan for a comprehensive work on the symbolism of western mystical societies began to take shape in my mind. It soon became apparent that research facilities for such a project were not available in Southern California... The only answer was to contact antiquarian book dealers and elicit their cooperation in the search for the items desired." In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a research institute modeled on the ancient school of Pythagoras. He was ordained a minister in 1923 to an occult/mystic congregation at the Church of the People in California. In that same year specifically in May 1923, Manly Hall began the membership/student based, not for sale magazine, all written, edited and published by Hall titled the "The All Seeing-Eye." We now follow Manly P. Hall from the "All Seeing Eye" book series at the age of 24, to his private lessons for his students in this latest book series, at the age of 32. In this series, Mr. Hall moves from imparting wisdom through stories to a confident, fact-based approach of his findings and understanding of his research. His elucidation exudes confidence and is well written, with it being exceedingly broad in scope. In this series we provide 4 years of lessons condensed into four books. We are positive you will find the information herein to be quite useful in filling in some hidden areas of understanding in religion and history.Editing was minimal in terms of punctuation and spelling. In some cases, there are made-up words (or words that are no longer in use) in which case they were left spelled as is. I'm sure that you will find, as did I, that Manly Hall was highly intelligent and possibly bordering on genius. Suffice it to say, we are positive you will enjoy the many journeys Manly Hall takes you on.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    283,95 kr.

    This is the Book Second in the series. The All Seeing Eye Book series were complied with graphics and edits by Darrell Jordan, MPS.¿¿Manley Hall was born 18 March 1901, in Peterborough, Canada, to William S. and Louise Palmer Hall. The Hall family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States in 1904. Manly Hall later settled in Los Angeles in 1919.As a young man he became interested in all forms of occult subjects. He subsequently joined a number of societies, among them the Theosophical Society, the Freemasons, the Societas Rosecruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, and the American Federation of Astrologers. In 1922, Hall wrote his first book: Initiates of the Flame and was collecting all form of esoteric/exoteric/mystical subject matter, in his own words: "late in the fall of 1922, the plan for a comprehensive work on the symbolism of western mystical societies began to take shape in my mind. It soon became apparent that research facilities for such a project were not available in Southern California... The only answer was to contact antiquarian book dealers and elicit their cooperation in the search for the items desired." In 1934 Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a research institute modeled on the ancient school of Pythagoras. He was ordained a minister in 1923 to an occult/mystic congregation at the Church of the People in California. In that same year specifically in May 1923, Manly Hall began the membership/student based, not for sale magazine, all written, edited and published by Hall titled the "The All Seeing-Eye." This Book series covers the first year of the All Seeing-Eye magazine for ease of reading. Bear in mind that Manly Hall at this time in 1923 was only 22 years old! Editing was minimal in terms of punctuation and spelling. In some cases, there are made up words (or words that are no longer in use) in which case they were left spelled as is. I'm sure that you will find as did I, that Manly Hall was highly intelligent and possibly bordering on genius. Many of his stories that elucidate a particular subject were written in the first person. Whether or not this was the case, the stories demonstrate either a highly active imagination or perhaps, he did in fact experience what he wrote in the first-person account stories or a combination thereof. Suffice it to say, we are positive you will enjoy the many journeys Manly Hall takes you on.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    283,95 kr.

    This is Book Third in the series. The All Seeing Eye Book series were complied with graphics and edits by Darrell Jordan, MPS. ¿¿Manley Hall was born 18 March 1901, in Peterborough, Canada, to William S. and Louise Palmer Hall. The Hall family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States in 1904. Manly Hall later settled in Los Angeles in 1919.As a young man he became interested in all forms of occult subjects. He subsequently joined a number of societies, among them the Theosophical Society, the Freemasons, the Societas Rosecruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, and the American Federation of Astrologers. In 1922, Hall wrote his first book: Initiates of the Flame and was collecting all form of esoteric/exoteric/mystical subject matter, in his own words: "late in the fall of 1922, the plan for a comprehensive work on the symbolism of western mystical societies began to take shape in my mind. It soon became apparent that research facilities for such a project were not available in Southern California... The only answer was to contact antiquarian book dealers and elicit their cooperation in the search for the items desired." In 1934 Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a research institute modeled on the ancient school of Pythagoras. He was ordained a minister in 1923 to an occult/mystic congregation at the Church of the People in California. In that same year specifically in May 1923, Manly Hall began the membership/student based, not for sale magazine, all written, edited and published by Hall titled the "The All Seeing-Eye." This Book series covers the first year of the All Seeing-Eye magazine for ease of reading. Bear in mind that Manly Hall at this time in 1923 was only 22 years old! Editing was minimal in terms of punctuation and spelling. In some cases, there are made up words (or words that are no longer in use) in which case they were left spelled as is. I'm sure that you will find as did I, that Manly Hall was highly intelligent and possibly bordering on genius. Many of his stories that elucidate a particular subject were written in the first person. Whether or not this was the case, the stories demonstrate either a highly active imagination or perhaps, he did in fact experience what he wrote in the first-person account stories or a combination thereof. Suffice it to say, we are positive you will enjoy the many journeys Manly Hall takes you on.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    118,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    288,95 kr.

    The All Seeing Eye Book series were complied with graphics and edits by Darrell Jordan, MPS.¿¿Manley Hall was born 18 March 1901, in Peterborough, Canada, to William S. and Louise Palmer Hall. The Hall family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States in 1904. Manly Hall later settled in Los Angeles in 1919.As a young man he became interested in all forms of occult subjects. He subsequently joined a number of societies, among them the Theosophical Society, the Freemasons, the Societas Rosecruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, and the American Federation of Astrologers. In 1922, Hall wrote his first book: Initiates of the Flame and was collecting all form of esoteric/exoteric/mystical subject matter, in his own words: "late in the fall of 1922, the plan for a comprehensive work on the symbolism of western mystical societies began to take shape in my mind. It soon became apparent that research facilities for such a project were not available in Southern California... The only answer was to contact antiquarian book dealers and elicit their cooperation in the search for the items desired." In 1934 Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a research institute modeled on the ancient school of Pythagoras. He was ordained a minister in 1923 to an occult/mystic congregation at the Church of the People in California. In that same year specifically in May 1923, Manly Hall began the membership/student based, not for sale magazine, all written, edited and published by Hall titled the "The All Seeing-Eye." This Book series covers the first year of the All Seeing-Eye magazine for ease of reading. Bear in mind that Manly Hall at this time in 1923 was only 22 years old! Editing was minimal in terms of punctuation and spelling. In some cases, there are made up words (or words that are no longer in use) in which case they were left spelled as is. I'm sure that you will find as did I, that Manly Hall was highly intelligent and possibly bordering on genius. Many of his stories that elucidate a particular subject were written in the first person. Whether or not this was the case, the stories demonstrate either a highly active imagination or perhaps, he did in fact experience what he wrote in the first-person account stories or a combination thereof. Suffice it to say, we are positive you will enjoy the many journeys Manly Hall takes you on.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    92,95 kr.

    This book is a guide that helps people tell the difference between good and bad magic, so they can avoid practices that could harm their character and health. It's important to remember that there are rules in nature that can't be broken without consequences. Some researchers have been studying hidden aspects of life and nature, but not all of them have thought about the moral and ethical responsibilities that come with it. Some folks think they can use supernatural powers for their own benefit without considering the effects. This can be dangerous, just like in the old stories of sorcerers. This essay gives a set of rules to follow to protect yourself and others when dealing with magic. It's essential to remember that using magic just for personal gain goes against the bigger plan of the universe. We need to be responsible when exploring these mysteries and use our discoveries for the greater good. The topics covered include different types of magic, the power of demons, and how to use magic responsibly.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    143,95 kr.

    "Initiates of the Flame" is the earliest literary work by the esteemed Manly P. Hall, one of the foremost mystics of his era-one that stretched on for more than half a century.Speaking of the Rosicrucians, Masons, Arthurian legend, ancient Egypt, and essentially being an explanatory endeavor aimed at the symbolism of mystery traditions, this text is one of the most important occult works of the 1920s. Both, The book and its author would go on to shape the spiritual movements of the subsequent century.

  • af Jakob Böhme, Manly P. Hall & Sigismond Bacstrom
    178,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Jakob Böhme, Manly P. Hall & Sigismond Bacstrom
    228,95 - 393,95 kr.

  • af Jakob Böhme, Manly P. Hall & Sigismond Bacstrom
    178,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Jakob Böhme, Manly P. Hall & Sigismond Bacstrom
    298,95 - 443,95 kr.

  • af Jakob Böhme, Manly P. Hall & Sigismond Bacstrom
    228,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Manly P. Hall
    163,95 kr.