Bøger af Malene Gram
- Samfundsvidenskabelige perspektiver
341,95 kr. Mad og måltider har en lang række sociale og kulturelle betydninger i menneskers liv. Denne bog fortæller om måltiders rolle for vore sociale fællesskaber, fx i familien, om de normer og symboler, der knytter sig til mad og som forbinder den med vores identitet og om hvordan kroppens behov og funktioner håndteres i hverdagens rytmer. Den fortæller også om sammenstød mellem madkultur, sundhed og miljøhensyn, om rådgivning om sunde kostvaner og om hvad mad og måltider betyder for mennesker i institutioner som hospitaler, plejehjem, skoler og daginstitutioner til børn.
- Bog
- 341,95 kr.
- – intercultural business communication
170,95 kr. A text and casebook for language and business students at BA level. Written by experienced teachers and researchers from Aalborg University, University of Southern Denmark, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen Business School, and Aarhus School of Business, Meanings and Messages offers a new and updated approach to intercultural communication. Meanings and Messages introduces students to culture, communication and business and contains authentic examples of how Danish companies deal with intercultural issues in various text genres. Study questions, classroom exercises and project ideas are included. Chapters • Culture in a business context • Communication - transmitting messages or fusing horizons? • Made in Denmark - global perspectives • Texts and localization • The translator as cultural mediator • English and Danish business negotiations • B2B Websites in an intercultural perspective • Speech acts in sales letters • Politeness in Danish and French e-mails • Business students and culture - searching for a toolbox Meanings and Messages is equally relevant for professionals working within the field of language and intercultural communication.
- E-bog
- 170,95 kr.