Bøger af Lydia Brownback
109,95 kr. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores Romans' core themes and important doctrines of the faith, including justification, propitiation, and redemption, on a practical and accessible level.
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- 109,95 kr.
108,95 kr. ¿Por qué siempre tengo la sensación de que me falta "algo"? Jóvenes o viejos, solteros o casados, hombres o mujeres, en algún momento de la vida, todos nos enfrentamos a la soledad. Tratamos de llenar ese vacÃo o cambiar nuestras circunstancias para que ya no sintamos dolor, pero, ¿y si nuestras punzadas de soledad están destinadas a llevarnos a algo más grande? En este estudio sobre varios aspectos de la soledad, Lydia Brownback nos recuerda el poder de Dios para redimir nuestra soledad y usarla en nuestra vida para acercarnos a Ãl. En definitiva, nos ayuda a ver que incluso cuando nos sentimos incomprendidas, desamparadas o abandonadas, nunca estamos realmente solas, Dios siempre está con nosotras, y solo Ãl puede satisfacer todas nuestras necesidades en Cristo Jesús. Cuando la soledad nos cubre como un manto, nuestro instinto es buscar una salida. Cuando no conocemos a Cristo como nuestro tesoro, buscamos una salida en cualquier cosa que podamos ver frente a nosotras: ciertos hábitos o excesos, lugares a los que vamos e incluso ciertas relaciones. Parece que esas cosas no solo están más al alcance de la mano, sino que también, en cierto sentido, tendemos a culpar a Dios por nuestra soledad. No lo conoceremos como nuestro mayor tesoro si nuestra visión de Ãl está distorsionada, y cuanto más busquemos escapar de nuestro dolor en las cosas terrenales, más distorsionada será nuestra visión de Dios. En lugar de buscar una salida de la soledad, necesitamos ir a Jesús. Solo entonces descubriremos que Ãl es lo que hemos estado buscando todo el tiempo. Y solo entonces estaremos realmente dispuestas a "vender" nuestras posesiones y adquisiciones terrenales por amor a Dios y su reino. Jesús dijo: "Si alguno viene a mÃ, y no aborrece a su padre, y madre, y mujer, e hijos, y hermanos, y hermanas, y aun también su propia vida, no puede ser mi discÃpulo. Y el que no lleva su cruz y viene en pos de mÃ, no puede ser mi discÃpulo. Porque ¿quién de vosotros, queriendo edificar una torre, no se sienta primero y calcula los gastos, a ver si tiene lo que necesita para acabarla?". Y concluye todo esto diciendo: "AsÃ, pues, cualquiera de vosotros que no renuncia a todo lo que posee, no puede ser mi discÃpulo" (Lc. 14:26-28, 33). Gran parte de la soledad proviene de la reticencia o de la absoluta falta de voluntad de seguir a Jesús si hacerlo significa renunciar a cómo queremos que funcione nuestra vida. INCLUYE GUÃA DE ESTUDIO Young or old, single or married, male or female―at some point in life, we're all confronted with loneliness. If there is an overwhelming and disturbing current issue in the world around us, it is undoubtedly that of loneliness. It might seem that the forced confinement of the pandemic recently experienced would have made this issue emerge due to the isolation to which we were subjected. However, sometimes there is no need for solitary isolation; one can also feel alone in the midst of a crowd. The author will answer these questions, which all of us have at times, by showing us how God has worked, throughout biblical history, through the loneliness of his own. His biblical answers go far beyond the merely psychological or social ones to which other authors have accustomed us. With multiple examples from the biblical past and the present that surrounds us, he manages to make us easily identify with some type/s of loneliness. The reading captivates you because the simple language that gets to the root of the problem (of "our problem", because who does not feel lonely?) invites us to continue to seek those answers for which we are thirsty. Study Guide Included
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- 108,95 kr.
- Finding Meaning When Life Feels Meaningless
109,95 kr. A 10-Week Study for Women on the Book of Ecclesiastes We all want our lives to count, to have purpose and meaning and value. The big question is, where do we find it? Fame, fortune, and pleasure promise much, but meaning isn't found there. It's not found even in personal success or happy family life. It's found only in one source, the Lord Jesus Christ, and in living for one thing, the kingdom of God. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback takes readers on a purpose-journey through the book of Ecclesiastes, illuminating our need for a guide and Savior. Written for individuals or groups, this study explores this wisdom book verse by verse to help women understand the themes of sin, vanity, enjoyment, and death, ultimately encouraging believers to follow the will of God for their lives, no matter their current circumstances. 10-Week Bible Study for Women: Offers an in-depth, exegetical look at the book of Ecclesiastes Quick, Engaging Weekly Resources: Helpful reading plans, sidebars, timelines, and more to help busy readers get the most out of Scripture Perfect for Individuals or Small Groups: Includes discussion questions and additional verses for further reading
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- 109,95 kr.
138,95 kr. ¿Qué es la sabiduría y por qué es importante en la vida de cada mujer? Los libros de consejos para manejar los retos de la vida diaria encabezan las listas de libros más vendidos cada año, incluso cuando gran parte de la "sabiduría" que ofrecen resulta superficial a largo plazo. Las personas, sin embargo, buscan consejos prácticos y perdurables, y el libro de Proverbios es el lugar más sabio para comenzar. Analizando el libro de Proverbios, Lydia Brownback muestra cómo la Biblia aborda cuestiones de la vida real como el dinero, la pureza, el matrimonio y la rutina diaria. Escrito en un tono familiar y lleno de la experiencia de una maestra bíblica del calibre de Lydia Brownback, Mujeres sabias enseña a las mujeres de hoy cómo adquirir la sabiduría verdadera, conociendo mejor al propio Autor de la sabiduría y poniendo en práctica la riqueza de sus consejos más relevantes. Incluye guía de estudio ideal para la reflexión personal o el estudio en grupo. El problema para muchas de nosotras es que queremos una fórmula de tres sencillos pasos hacia la buena vida. Por esta misma razón, a menudo nos es mucho más fácil digerir una lectura rápida y fácil que tomarnos el tiempo para profundizar en la Palabra de Dios. No "tenemos tiempo" para conocer a Dios. "Tal vez mañana", pensamos; hoy sólo queremos algunos consejos sobre cómo minimizar el estrés, equilibrar el presupuesto y lograr que los niños se porten bien. Un vistazo al libro de Proverbios nos muestra justo lo que parecemos necesitar: instrucciones breves y concisas en anuncios tipo "X" (antes Twitter). Sin embargo, si abordamos Proverbios con una mentalidad de solución rápida, perderemos el punto general del libro: conocer y aprender a amar al Autor de la sabiduría. Sólo a través de conocer y amar a Dios (lo que Proverbios llama "el temor de Jehová") entenderemos cómo aplicar sus instrucciones prácticas. Las mujeres necesitamos consejos prácticos para la vida, pero aún más que eso, necesitamos corazones puestos en Aquel que gobierna todos nuestros aspectos prácticos. El libro de Proverbios abre la clave para ambos. Su sabiduría es eterna. En tus manos hay un libro sobre la sabiduría que se puede extraer del libro de Proverbios. Encontrarás nueve capítulos divididos en tres partes que puedes leer sola o en un grupo pequeño. Al final encontrarás una guía de estudio. Parte 1, ¿Qué es la sabiduría y por qué es importante? Parte 2, Seis cosas que las mujeres saben Parte 3, El retrato de una mujer How the Book of Proverbs Speaks to Everything Advice books are no short-lived trend, even though much of the advice parading as "wisdom" proves shallow in the long run. What we need is biblical wisdom, and even more than that we need hearts set on the One who governs all our practicalities. The book of Proverbs unlocks the key to both, helping us to face very real challenges such as: handling our freedom, independence, and material resources wisely keeping ourselves sexually pure practicing biblical femininity in a world that scorns us for it sustaining God-glorifying marriages elevating biblical priorities ahead of day-to-day pressures Exploring the timeless counsel in the book of Proverbs, A Woman's Wisdom teaches us to know the very Author of wisdom and to apply his relevant, how-to riches.
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- 138,95 kr.
133,95 kr. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores the themes of Colossians, exalting Christ as the ruler of everything and helping readers put him at the center of their own lives.
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- 133,95 kr.
150,95 kr. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores the themes of Jonah--compassion, mercy, patience, repentance, and sovereignty--to help readers understand God's relentless grace and his desire to save the lost.
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- 150,95 kr.
128,95 kr. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores Ephesians to encourage Christians in their walk with Christ. Readers will learn the book's core themes and embrace the abundant riches found in Christ.
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- 128,95 kr.
173,95 kr. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback presents an in-depth, exegetical look at the book of Job, helping readers explore topics including faith, doubt, and God's sovereignty in a suffering world.
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- 173,95 kr.
128,95 kr. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores James verse by verse, addressing trials and temptations, the relationship between faith and good works, and choosing the wisdom of God over the wisdom of the world.
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- 128,95 kr.
128,95 kr. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores the book of Habakkuk verse by verse, addressing the complex subject of God's wrath, his punishment for unrepentant sin, and his mercy for believers.
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- 128,95 kr.
- Living for Christ
128,95 kr. In this 10-week study of Paul's letter to the Philippians, learn how to find peace in Christ through challenges and press on for the sake of the gospel. Part of the Flourish Bible Study series.
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- 128,95 kr.
- The Path from Chaos to Kingship
173,95 kr. Through this 10-week study, Lydia Brownback examines the twelve judges and how they exemplify the persistent grace of God in the face of human rebellion.
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- 173,95 kr.
- Good News of Great Joy
128,95 kr. This 10-week study explores the theme of joy in the book of Luke, showcasing how the message Jesus proclaimed to the downtrodden, the hurting, and the outsider is still good news to the world today.
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- 128,95 kr.
- Living Hope in a Hard World
128,95 kr. Through this 10-week study, Lydia Brownback explores the theme of suffering in Peter's letters, displaying how God uses hope, humility, and holiness to prepare believers for their final home in heaven. Part of the Flourish Bible Study series.
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- 128,95 kr.
- The Hidden Hand of God
128,95 kr. Through this 10-week study, readers will discover how Esther, a book that does not mention God directly, implicitly points to our Lord Jesus Christ. Part of the Flourish Bible Study Series.
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- 128,95 kr.
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- 173,95 kr.
- How the Love of Christ Frees Us from Self-Focus
118,95 kr. Featuring six chapters aiming to free women from self-consciousness, self-improvement, self-analysis, self-indulgence, self-condemnation, and self-victimization, this text will help readers discern subtle false messages from the truth in God's Word--exchanging a self-focused life for the abundant life Jesus promises them in the Gospel.spel.
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- 118,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Lydia Brownback offers biblical encouragement for women to help them see how God can redeem seasons of loneliness and draw them to the only true and lasting remedy: union with Jesus.
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- 118,95 kr.
- A Godly Woman's Adornment
173,95 kr. Buying into the lie of "I can only be happy if..." guarantees a frustrated existence. But God desires something far better for his daughters. This convenient On-the-Go Devotional will direct you away from empty distractions and toward what you really long for: a satisfaction that never fades.
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- 173,95 kr.
- A 12-Week Study
88,95 kr. In this 12-week study, author Lydia Brownback leads readers through the book of Proverbs, uncovering its wisdom for godly living that both glorifies God and leads to blessing for his people. Part of the Knowing the Bible series.
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- 88,95 kr.
- A 12-Week Study
118,95 kr. Highlighting God's faithfulness to his people, this 12-week study through the book of Hosea points readers to the symbolic nature of Hosea's relationship with his unfaithful wife, revealing God's redemptive purposes in Christ.
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- 118,95 kr.
- How the Book of Proverbs Speaks to Everything
143,95 kr. Author and speaker Lydia Brownback teaches women about true wisdom through the practical wisdom found in the book of Proverbs.
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- 143,95 kr.
- A Godly Woman's Adornment
98,95 kr. An On-the-Go Devotional for women that focuses on Scripture's truths about what lies beneath our fears and how we can overcome them, so that we never have to live with chronic anxiety.
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- 98,95 kr.
- A Godly Woman's Adornment
128,95 kr. This On-the-Go Devotional addresses a problem universal to women: the pursuit of joy in today's world. Forty-two devotionals look to Scripture for words of encouragement and correction to adorn women with joy.
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- 128,95 kr.