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Bøger af Louise Penny

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  • - A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel
    af Louise Penny
    198,95 kr.

    The new Chief Inspector Gamache novel from the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, How the Light Gets In

  • af Louise Penny
    145,95 kr.

    Kriminalkommissær Armand Gamache og familien er i Paris og samles på deres første aften til en middag. Da Armands gudfar, milliardæren Stephen Horowitz, bliver kørt ned, er Armand overbevist om, at det ikke er et uheld, men derimod et drabsforsøg mod den aldrende mand. En mærkværdig nøgle dukker op blandt Stephens ejendele, og det bliver startskuddet til en hæsblæsende jagt gennem Paris, hvor Armand, hans kone Reine-Marie og hans tidligere næstkommanderende Jean-Guy Beauvoir må søge højt og lavt for at afsløre hemmeligheder, som gudfaren gennem årtier har holdt skjult for alle.Da et lig bliver opdaget i Stephens lejlighed, er hele familien pludselig fanget i et spind af løgne og bedrag, alt imens Armand må indse, at faren hele tiden har været nærmere og langt mere alvorlig end først antaget. For selv i Lysenes by er skyggerne lange. Og i dette mørke springer djævlene frem

  • af Louise Penny
    145,95 kr.

    Da Armand Gamache på sin første dag tilbage på posten som kriminalkommissær i drabsafdelingen finder ud af, at han skal bestride embedet i fællesskab med kriminalkommissær Jean-Guy Beauvoir, er det på ingen måde dagens første overraskelse. Da landsdelen senere rammes af en oversvømmelse, henvender en far sig midt i tumulten til Gamache og bønfalder ham om at finde sin datter, Vivienne.Kriserne hober sig op, og mens Gamache forsøger at håndtere kaosset, må han indse, at han er nødt til at indstille eftersøgningen af Vivienne Godin. Men samvittigheden trykker ham, eftersom han selv har en datter og derfor udvikler en stor og potentielt uprofessionel empati for den bekymrede far. Mens vandstanden fortsat stiger, og shitstormen mod Gamache på de sociale medier tager til, bliver et lig fundet. I forvirringen opstår der fejl. Og Gamache bliver tvunget til at forholde sig til et presserende spørgsmål: Hvad ville du gøre, hvis dit barns morder gik fri?En bedre mand er bind 15 i Armand Gamache-serien

  • af Louise Penny
    249,95 kr.

    "The 19th mystery in the #1 New York Times-bestselling Armand Gamache series. Relentless phone calls interrupt the peace of a warm August morning in Three Pines. Though the tiny Quâebec village is impossible to find on any map, someone has managed to track down Armand Gamache, head of homicide at the Sãuretâe, as he sits with his wife in their back garden. Reine-Marie watches with increasing unease as her husband refuses to pick up, though he clearly knows who is on the other end. When he finally answers, his rage shatters the calm of their quiet Sunday morning. That's only the first in a sequence of strange events that begin THE GREY WOLF, the nineteenth novel in Louise Penny's #1 New York Times-bestselling series. A missing coat, an intruder alarm, a note for Gamache reading "this might interest you", a puzzling scrap of paper with a mysterious list-and then a murder. All propel Chief Inspector Gamache and his team toward a terrible realization. Something much more sinister than any one murder or any one case is fast approaching. Armand Gamache, Jean-Guy Beauvoir, his son-in-law and second in command, and Inspector Isabelle Lacoste can only trust each other, as old friends begin to act like enemies, and long-time enemies appear to be friends. Determined to track down the threat before it becomes a reality, their pursuit takes them across Quâebec and across borders. Their hunt grows increasingly desperate, even frantic, as the enormity of the creature they're chasing becomes clear. If they fail the devastating consequences would reach into the largest of cities and the smallest of villages. Including Three Pines"--

  • af Louise Penny
    148,95 kr.

    Da Armand Gamache modtager en besynderlig invitation til et forladt husmandssted, opdager den nu suspenderede kriminalkommissær, at en ukendt kvinde har udnævnt ham som bestyrer af sit efterladte bo. Hendes testamente er så underligt, at han mistænker kvinden for at være gået fra forstanden – indtil et lig bliver fundet.Men dette er ikke den eneste trussel, Gamache står over for. Den interne undersøgelse af de begivenheder, der fandt sted seks måneder forinden, forfølger ham, og han ser sig tvunget til at tage mere og mere desperate metoder i brug for at rette op på fortiden. Langsomt begynder Gamache at se sine egne blinde pletter. Og de forfærdelige ting, de har skjult.

  • af Louise Penny
    148,95 kr.

    Da Armand Gamache modtager en besynderlig invitation til et forladt husmandssted, opdager den nu suspenderede kriminalkommissær, at en ukendt kvinde har udnævnt ham som bestyrer af sit efterladte bo. Hendes testamente er så underligt, at han mistænker kvinden for at være gået fra forstanden – indtil et lig bliver fundet.Men dette er ikke den eneste trussel, Gamache står over for. Den interne undersøgelse af de begivenheder, der fandt sted seks måneder forinden, forfølger ham, og han ser sig tvunget til at tage mere og mere desperate metoder i brug for at rette op på fortiden. Langsomt begynder Gamache at se sine egne blinde pletter. Og de forfærdelige ting, de har skjult

  • af Louise Penny
    123,95 kr.

    Der går et gys gennem Three Pines, da en kutteklædt skikkelse viser sig på fælleden en kold og våd novemberaften, og da skikkelsen endelig forsvinder, er lettelsen for beboerne kortvarig, for i den gamle jordkælder under kirken finder man et lig. Det bliver atter en gang op til kriminalinspektør Armand Gamache at finde sandheden bag den mystiske skikkelse. Nogle måneder senere befinder Gamache sig i en retssal for at komme til bunds i mysteriet, der viser sig at trække tråde tilbage til middelalderens Spanien, over finanskrisen i 2008 og frem til opioidkrisen i Nordamerika. I den glohede retssal tvinges han til at konfrontere sig selv. Kunne han have gjort mere? Har han gjort det rigtige? Og hvordan vil han blive dømt i den højeste ret?

  • af Louise Penny
    148,95 kr.

    Der går et gys gennem Three Pines, da en kutteklædt skikkelse viser sig på fælleden en kold og våd novemberaften, og da skikkelsen endelig forsvinder, er lettelsen for beboerne kortvarig, for i den gamle jordkælder under kirken finder man et lig. Det bliver atter en gang op til kriminalinspektør Armand Gamache at finde sandheden bag den mystiske skikkelse.Nogle måneder senere befinder Gamache sig i en retssal for at komme til bunds i mysteriet, der viser sig at trække tråde tilbage til middelalderens Spanien, over finanskrisen i 2008 og frem til opioidkrisen i Nordamerika. I den glohede retssal tvinges han til at konfrontere sig selv. Kunne han have gjort mere? Har han gjort det rigtige? Og hvordan vil han blive dømt i den højeste ret?

  • af Louise Penny
    221,95 kr.

    Chief Inspector Armand Gamache returns in the eighteenth book in #1 New York Times bestseller Louise Penny's beloved series.

  • af Louise Penny
    148,95 kr.

    Ved første øjekast ligner det bare en tilfældig kuriositet, da man finder et gammelt og indviklet kort inde bag den gamle bistros vægge i Three Pines. Men jo mere landsbybeboerne ser på kortet, des underligere bliver det.Kortet bliver foræret til Armand Gamache på hans første dage i sit nye job, men kortet leder ham kun til knusende hemmeligheder, og til en gammel ven og modstander. Kortet fører den tidligere politiinspektør til et sted, som selv han gerne ville slippe for. Men der er ingen vej uden om. Her finder han fire unge kadetter og en død professor. Og på liget finder han en kopi af det gamle, mystiske kort.Hvor end Gamache tager hen, så ser han kadetten Amelia Choquet, tatoveret og piercet. Amelia er typen, som man ville regne med at finde på den modsatte side, når man legede politi og røvere. Men alligevel er hun på politiskolen, som en protegé til den myrdede professor.Efterforskningen vender sig hurtigt mod Gamache selv og hans mystiske forhold til Amelia. Er det muligt, at de kan være involveret i forbrydelsen? For både Amelia og Gamache er det blevet tid, til at tage det store opgør.

  • af Louise Penny
    148,95 kr.

    Der går ikke én dag uden, at den niårige Laurent Lepage råber ’ulven kommer’. Han fortæller skrøner om alt: invasioner fra rummet, gående træer, bevingede dyr i skoven og dinosaurer, som skulle være set i landsbyen Three Pines. Hans fortællinger er så usædvanlige, at ingen kan tro ham, heller ikke Armand Gamache og Reine-Marie Gamache, der nu har bosat sig i den lille flække i Quebec. Men da drengen forsvinder på mystisk vis, står landsbybeboerne pludselig overfor den svære erkendelse, at en af drengens røverhistorier måske har været sand.I søgen efter drengen udløses en række begivenheder , der fører til mord, en gammel forbrydelse og et gammelt forræderi – og direkte til døren hos en gammel digter. Armand Gamache må nu stå ansigt til ansigt med den benhårde realitet: Han har selv spillet en rolle i de forfærdelige hændelser, fordi han valgte ikke at stole på drengen.

  • af Louise Penny
    123,95 kr.

    Der går ikke én dag uden, at den niårige Laurent Lepage råber ’ulven kommer’. Han fortæller skrøner om alt: invasioner fra rummet, gående træer, bevingede dyr i skoven og dinosaurer, som skulle være set i landsbyen Three Pines. Hans fortællinger er så usædvanlige, at ingen kan tro ham, heller ikke Armand Gamache og Reine-Marie Gamache, der nu har bosat sig i den lille flække i Quebec. Men da drengen forsvinder på mystisk vis, står landsbybeboerne pludselig overfor den svære erkendelse, at en af drengens røverhistorier måske har været sand.I søgen efter drengen udløses en række begivenheder, der fører til mord, en gammel forbrydelse og et gammelt forræderi – og direkte til døren hos en gammel digter. Armand Gamache må nu stå ansigt til ansigt med den benhårde realitet: Han har selv spillet en rolle i de forfærdelige hændelser, fordi han valgte ikke at stole på drengen.

  • af Louise Penny
    123,95 kr.

    Ved første øjekast ligner det bare en tilfældig kuriositet, da man finder et gammelt og indviklet kort inde bag den gamle bistros vægge i Three Pines. Men jo mere landsbybeboerne ser på kortet, des underligere bliver det.Kortet bliver foræret til Armand Gamache på hans første dage i sit nye job, men kortet leder ham kun til knusende hemmeligheder, og til en gammel ven og modstander. Kortet fører den tidligere politiinspektør til et sted, som selv han gerne ville slippe for. Men der er ingen vej uden om. Her finder han fire unge kadetter og en død professor. Og på liget finder han en kopi af det gamle, mystiske kortHvor end Gamache tager hen, så ser han kadetten Amelia Choquet, tatoveret og piercet. Amelia er typen, som man ville regne med at finde på den modsatte side, når man legede politi og røvere. Men alligevel er hun på politiskolen, som en protegé til den myrdede professor.Efterforskningen vender sig hurtigt mod Gamache selv og hans mystiske forhold til Amelia. Er det muligt, at de kan være involveret i forbrydelsen? For både Amelia og Gamache er det blevet tid, til at tage det store opgør

  • af Louise Penny
    472,95 kr.

    Chief Inspector Armand Gamache returns in the eighteenth book in #1 New York Times bestseller Louise Penny's beloved series.

  • af Louise Penny
    243,95 kr.

    Hillary Clinton y Louise Penny nos sorprenden con un thriller cargado de adrenalina e información privilegiada. Terror de Estado sigue la trayectoria de una secretaria de Estado novel que se incorpora a la administración de su rival, un presidente que llega al poder tras un mandato que relegó a Estados Unidos a un segundo plano en el tablero internacional. Cuando una serie de ataques terroristas dinamita el orden establecido, esta mujer será la encargada de aglutinar al equipo que descifre aquella conspiración letal, un plan calculado al milímetro para sacar provecho de un gobierno estadounidense débil y desconectado de la realidad. Este thriller de alto voltaje revela secretos políticos de alcance global accesibles tan sólo a quien conoce la Casa Blanca desde dentro. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Named one of the most anticipated novels of the season by People, Associated Press, Time, Los Angeles Times, Parade, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Guardian, Publishers Weekly, and more. From the #1 bestselling authors Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny comes a novel of unsurpassed thrills and incomparable insider expertise--State of Terror. After a tumultuous period in American politics, a new administration has just been sworn in, and to everyone's surprise the president chooses a political enemy for the vital position of secretary of state. There is no love lost between the president of the United States and Ellen Adams, his new secretary of state. But it's a canny move on the part of the president. With this appointment, he silences one of his harshest critics, since taking the job means Adams must step down as head of her multinational media conglomerate. As the new president addresses Congress for the first time, with Secretary Adams in attendance, Anahita Dahir, a young foreign service officer (FSO) on the Pakistan desk at the State Department, receives a baffling text from an anonymous source. Too late, she realizes the message was a hastily coded warning. What begins as a series of apparent terrorist attacks is revealed to be the beginning of an international chess game involving the volatile and Byzantine politics of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran; the race to develop nuclear weapons in the region; the Russian mob; a burgeoning rogue terrorist organization; and an American government set back on its heels in the international arena. As the horrifying scale of the threat becomes clear, Secretary Adams and her team realize it has been carefully planned to take advantage of four years of an American government out of touch with international affairs, out of practice with diplomacy, and out of power in the places where it counts the most. To defeat such an intricate, carefully constructed conspiracy, it will take the skills of a unique team: a passionate young FSO; a dedicated journalist; and a smart, determined, but as yet untested new secretary of state. State of Terror is a unique and utterly compelling international thriller cowritten by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 67th secretary of state, and Louise Penny, a multiple award-winning #1 New York Times bestselling novelist.

  • af Louise Penny
    198,95 kr.

    INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA December 2018 Indie Next PickOne of Kirkus Reviews' Best of 2018 PicksBookPage Best of the Year 2018 A LibraryReads Pick for November 2018A LibraryReads Hall of Fame WinnerWashington Post's 10 Books to Read This NovemberOne of PopSugar's Best Fall Books to Curl Up With"A captivating, wintry whodunit." -PEOPLE"A constantly surprising series that deepens and darkens as it evolves." -Marilyn Stasio, New York Times Book Review Kingdom of the Blind, the new Chief Inspector Gamache novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author. When a peculiar letter arrives inviting Armand Gamache to an abandoned farmhouse, the former head of the Sûreté du Québec discovers that a complete stranger has named him one of the executors of her will. Still on suspension, and frankly curious, Gamache accepts and soon learns that the other two executors are Myrna Landers, the bookseller from Three Pines, and a young builder. None of them had ever met the elderly woman.The will is so odd and includes bequests that are so wildly unlikely that Gamache and the others suspect the woman must have been delusional. But what if, Gamache begins to ask himself, she was perfectly sane? When a body is found, the terms of the bizarre will suddenly seem less peculiar and far more menacing.But it isn't the only menace Gamache is facing. The investigation into what happened six months ago-the events that led to his suspension-has dragged on, into the dead of winter. And while most of the opioids he allowed to slip through his hands, in order to bring down the cartels, have been retrieved, there is one devastating exception.Enough narcotic to kill thousands has disappeared into inner city Montreal. With the deadly drug about to hit the streets, Gamache races for answers.As he uses increasingly audacious, even desperate, measures to retrieve the drug, Armand Gamache begins to see his own blind spots. And the terrible things hiding there.

  • af Louise Penny
    198,95 kr.

  • af Louise Penny
    408,95 kr.

  • af Louise Penny
    437,95 kr.

    It's Gamache's first day back as head of the homicide department, a job he temporarily shares with his previous second-in-command, Jean-Guy Beauvoir. Flood waters are rising across the province. In the middle of the turmoil a father approaches Gamache, pleading for help in finding his daughter. As crisis piles upon crisis, Gamache tries to hold off the encroaching chaos, and realizes the search for Vivienne Godin should be abandoned. But with a daughter of his own, he finds himself developing a profound, and perhaps unwise, empathy for her distraught father.

  • af Louise Penny
    413,95 kr.

    "As the early morning mist clears on Thanksgiving Sunday, the homes of Three Pines come to life--all except one..."""Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Surete du Quebec and his team of investigators are called in to the scene of a suspicious death in a rural village south of Montreal and yet a world away. Jane Neal, a long-time resident of Three Pines, has been found dead in the woods. The locals are certain it's a tragic hunting accident and nothing more but Gamache smells something foul this holiday season...and is soon certain that Jane died at the hands of someone much more sinister than a careless bowhunter. ... STILL LIFE With this award-winning first novel, Louise Penny introduces an engaging hero in Inspector Gamache, who commands his forces--and this series--with power, ingenuity, and charm. "[An] auspicious debut... [Penny's] deceptively simple style masks the complex patterns of a well-devised plot."--Marilyn Stasio, "The New York Times Book Review""" "A perfectly executed traditional mystery."--"Denver"" Post"

  • af Louise Penny
    200,95 kr.

    "The 16th novel by #1 bestselling author Louise Penny finds Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Sãuretâe du Quebec investigating a sinister plot in the City of Light On their first night in Paris, the Gamaches gather as a family for a bistro dinner with Armand's godfather, the billionaire Stephen Horowitz. Walking home together after the meal, they watch in horror as Stephen is knocked down and critically injured in what Gamache knows is no accident, but a deliberate attempt on the elderly man's life. When a strange key is found in Stephen's possession it sends Armand, his wife Reine-Marie, and his former second-in-command at the Sãuretâe, Jean-Guy Beauvoir, from the top of the Tour d'Eiffel, to the bowels of the Paris Archives, from luxury hotels to odd, coded, works of art. It sends them deep into the secrets Armand's godfather has kept for decades. A gruesome discovery in Stephen's Paris apartment makes it clear the secrets are more rancid, the danger far greater and more imminent, than they realized. Soon the whole family is caught up in a web of lies and deceit. In order to find the truth, Gamache will have to decide whether he can trust his friends, his colleagues, his instincts, his own past. His own family. For even the City of Light casts long shadows. And in that darkness devils hide"--

  • af Louise Penny
    223,95 kr.

  • af Louise Penny
    198,95 kr.

    AN INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER​ Named one of the most anticipated novels of the season by People, Associated Press, Time, Los Angeles Times, Parade, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Guardian, Publishers Weekly, and more. From the #1 bestselling authors Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny comes a novel of unsurpassed thrills and incomparable insider expertise—State of Terror.After a tumultuous period in American politics, a new administration has just been sworn in, and to everyone’s surprise the president chooses a political enemy for the vital position of secretary of state. There is no love lost between the president of the United States and Ellen Adams, his new secretary of state. But it’s a canny move on the part of the president. With this appointment, he silences one of his harshest critics, since taking the job means Adams must step down as head of her multinational media conglomerate. As the new president addresses Congress for the first time, with Secretary Adams in attendance, Anahita Dahir, a young foreign service officer (FSO) on the Pakistan desk at the State Department, receives a baffling text from an anonymous source. Too late, she realizes the message was a hastily coded warning. What begins as a series of apparent terrorist attacks is revealed to be the beginning of an international chess game involving the volatile and Byzantine politics of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran; the race to develop nuclear weapons in the region; the Russian mob; a burgeoning rogue terrorist organization; and an American government set back on its heels in the international arena. As the horrifying scale of the threat becomes clear, Secretary Adams and her team realize it has been carefully planned to take advantage of four years of an American government out of touch with international affairs, out of practice with diplomacy, and out of power in the places where it counts the most. To defeat such an intricate, carefully constructed conspiracy, it will take the skills of a unique team: a passionate young FSO; a dedicated journalist; and a smart, determined, but as yet untested new secretary of state. State of Terror is a unique and utterly compelling international thriller cowritten by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 67th secretary of state, and Louise Penny, a multiple award-winning #1 New York Times bestselling novelist.

  • af Louise Penny
    224,95 kr.

    It's Gamache's first day back as head of the homicide department, a job he temporarily shares with his previous second-in-command, Jean-Guy Beauvoir. Flood waters are rising across the province. In the middle of the turmoil a father approaches Gamache, pleading for help in finding his daughter. As crisis piles upon crisis, Gamache tries to hold off the encroaching chaos, and realizes the search for Vivienne Godin should be abandoned. But with a daughter of his own, he finds himself developing a profound, and perhaps unwise, empathy for her distraught father. Increasingly hounded by the question, how would you feel ..., he resumes the search. As the rivers rise, and the social media onslaught against Gamache becomes crueler, a body is discovered. And in the tumult, mistakes are made.

  • af Louise Penny
    228,95 kr.

    When an intricate old map is found stuffed into the walls of the bistro in Three Pines, it at first seems no more than a curiosity. But the closer the villagers look, the stranger it becomes. Given to Armand Gamache as a gift the first day of his new job, the map eventually leads him to shattering secrets. To an old friend and older adversary. It leads the former Chief of Homicide for the Sãuretâe du Quâebec to places even he is afraid to go. And there he finds four young cadets in the Sãuretâe academy, and a dead professor. And, with the body, a copy of the old, odd map. Everywhere Gamache turns, he sees Amelia Choquet, one of the cadets. Tattooed and pierced. Guarded and angry. Amelia is more likely to be found on the other side of a police line-up. And yet she is in the academy. A protâegâee of the murdered professor. The focus of the investigation soon turns to Gamache himself and his mysterious relationship with Amelia, and his possible involvement in the crime. The frantic search for answers takes the investigators back to Three Pines and a stained glass window with its own horrific secrets. For both Amelia Choquet and Armand Gamache, the time has come for a great reckoning.--Translation of the Spanish.

  • af Louise Penny
    298,95 kr.

    A New York Times Notable Crime Book and Favorite Cozy for 2011A Publishers Weekly Best Mystery/Thriller books for 2011 With A Trick of the Light, Louise Penny takes us back to the deceptively peaceful village of Three Pines in this brilliant novel in her award-winning, New York Times bestselling series featuring Chief Inspector Armand Gamache."Hearts are broken," Lillian Dyson carefully underlined in a book. "Sweet relationships are dead."But now Lillian herself is dead. Found among the bleeding hearts and lilacs of Clara Morrow's garden in Three Pines, shattering the celebrations of Clara's solo show at the famed Musée in Montreal. Chief Inspector Gamache, the head of homicide at the Sûreté du Québec, is called to the tiny Quebec village and there he finds the art world gathered, and with it a world of shading and nuance, a world of shadow and light. Where nothing is as it seems. Behind every smile there lurks a sneer. Inside every sweet relationship there hides a broken heart. And even when facts are slowly exposed, it is no longer clear to Gamache and his team if what they've found is the truth, or simply a trick of the light."Penny has been compared to Agatha Christie [but] it sells her short. Her characters are too rich, her grasp of nuance and human psychology too firm...." --Booklist (starred review)

  • af Louise Penny
    448,95 kr.

  • af Louise Penny
    178,95 kr.

    "An intricate old map is found stuffed into a wall of the bistro in Three Pines, and the closer the villagers look, the stranger it becomes. Given to Armand Gamache as a gift the first day of his new job, the map eventually leads him to shattering secrets. To an old friend and older adversary. It leads the former Chief of Homicide for the Sauretae du Quaebec to places even he is afraid to go. But must. And there he finds four young cadets in the Sauretae Academy, and a dead professor. And, with the body, a copy of the old, odd map. Everywhere Gamache turns, he sees Amelia Choquet, one of the cadets. For both Choquet and Gamache, the time has come for a great reckoning"--Back cover.

  • af Louise Penny
    161,95 - 448,95 kr.

  • af Louise Penny
    448,95 kr.

    "Published in 2010 by arrangement with St. Martin's Press"--T.p. verso.