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Bøger af Lot Tertius

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  • - Does the Book of Change Contain End Time Messages?
    af Lot Tertius
    198,95 kr.

    This book is published to provide readers "another kind" of thinking for the issue of "the Last Days" talked in the Bible, from the perspective of the ancient Chinese culture. After we published Taichuan Tongs' six-book "End Time Series" by the Christmas of the year 2011, we met a special reader who showed such a great interest in the six books that he started to share his feedback and inspired reflections and research for many issues on one of our websites at 1459919.NET using the pen name Lot Tertius. Maybe our six books had renewed his understandings of the Bible and his wholistic view and vision of other things outside the Bible, he contacted us and expressed his need to reform his past understandings of "I Ching," the one ancient Chinese writing that is considered to be the book of all other books among Chinese speaking people. To our surprise, this reader of our six-book "End Time Series" finished the manuscript of this new book in only two months. The original manuscript was named "Use the Bible to Crack Open I Ching." To be consistent with our six books, we talked to the author and he agreed to change the name to the current one: "Cracking the End Time Code in I Ching with the Bible: Does the Book of Change Contain Biblical Messages?" After reading the manuscript of this book, we found that its perspective is unique and its flow of thoughts is sound. It shows that the author has a deep and wide understanding of the Bible and because of this he has a better and special understanding of the ancient Chinese book "I Ching" from a higher level than other views, past and present. In a sense, this book confirms an important concept in our original six books: Because Christians establish a very personal relationship with God through the person of Jesus, they not only recognize all laws in God's physical creation (the Nature), they also view God as a person who fellowship with them on daily basis. As for non-Christians, because they do not accept God as a person, they only see God as natural laws, governing all things. Through the publishing of this book, we believe that you will find the laws and principles in the Bible are not in conflict with those hidden in I Ching, rather they agree to each other in many ways. Based on this objective comparison between the Bible and I Ching, we believe that all will see the open heart of the Father: He does not want even one to perish in this world but to be saved through the only mediator, Jesus, and to receive the better resurrection that is appointed for everyone.

  • - For Beginners
    af Lot Tertius
    108,95 kr.

    The fact that the "Last Days" in the Bible are plural indicates that mankind has to go through the entire time period between the first coming and the second coming of Jesus as the Last Days. For this reason, the Bible also refers to this time frame as the "End Age." In other words, human beings have been unknowingly living in this "End Age" for about two thousand years, only starting to feel its full weight when it comes to its end point. The depression that is haunting almost everyone is really the "end time fear syndrome" and the remedy is not to ignore it any more but to face it head on. This book is our latest attempt to examine this entire End Age as a whole, using a language that is as simple as possible. Many new concepts and viewpoints have been used to present an overall picture for people who are new to the Bible. Because this book's perspectives are quite different from the traditional views, many veteran Bible readers may feel the many challenges in this book when you start to read it.

  • af Lot Tertius
    313,95 kr.

    The topic of the world's end is like a hot potato: You cannot simply drop it right away as you have to face it sooner or later; you cannot hold it in your hands all the time either - if you do, it is still you who gets hurt the most by becoming easily unsettled and alarmed by every "wolf cry" out there. The good news is, you do not have to be torn between the two above options. This book's objective content and step by step writing style make it possible that you can still eat the hot potato - see the truth concerning the world's end - without getting your hands burned. Simply put, the Last Days prophesied in the Bible do not point to a certain year. Rather, they refer to a certain period of time. The Bible clearly proclaims that the Great Tribulation is made up of a series of "never before and never again" events which will last for several years. Major prophecies concerning the end are studied. The meanings of those numbers associated with "a time, times and half a time," 1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days, 2300 evenings and mornings, etc. in the Bible are explored. End time messages hidden in 22 Hebrew letters are discussed. This book shows that Nostradamus' end time prophecy concerning the 7th month of 1999 was meant to plant a hint foreshadowing later developments of the event predicted. Other issues explored in this book include: How to look at the shocking event of 9-11? Whom does 666 in the Bible truly point to? What time interval might the "last seven" of Daniel's "Seventy Sevens" fall into? How to interpret the last day of the Mayan calendar (December 21, 2012), a day that was preset in an ancient Chinese book "I Ching" (the Book of Change)? Many new concepts and tools are used in this book such as numbers, roots of numbers and family of numbers in the Bible to explain the correlation between the year 2000 and roots of numbers, and the inner relationship between Pascal triangle numbers and the Millennial Kingdom to come. For those who have been buried by all kinds of "soft drinks" concerning the end, this book serves a cup of icy fountain water that can truly quench your thirst and make you enjoy the freedom and elegance that it brings.

  • af Lot Tertius
    143,95 kr.

    We have to face the hard fact, that is, whenever when the second coming of Christ is mentioned, we automatically associate it with the bad news such as the End of the World and the Destruction of the Earth. For that reason, few take it as good news, even to many so-called Christians. This book is an attempt to change this by looking at the issue from a bigger picture. Beside the second coming, this book covers other related subjects such as the Jubilee Millennium, the First Resurrection, the mystery concerning the Book of Life, the Second Death, the times of Noah and Lot, the Judgment after Death, etc.