Bøger af Lise-Lotte Hjulmand
378,95 kr. Self-Study Workbook with Answer Key is intended to be used together with Hjulmand and Schwarz's Concise Contrastive Grammar of English for Danish Students, which is a systematic and pedagogical introduction to English grammar for Danish students at bachelor level.A Concise Contrastive Grammar Of English Supplement til The workbook is divided into two parts: the first part contains exercises (different from those in the 2014 Workbook), the second part an answer key. The exercises are structured in such a way that each chapter in the grammar book matches a chapter in the self-study workbook. The answer key provides answers to the exercises, and in many cases also explains why it is the correct answer.There are exercises of many different kinds. Some aim at explanation and exemplification, others at awareness-raising and recognition of particular structures. Some aim at production, e.g. translation or insertion of particular forms or structures, others at recognizing differences between English and Danish. Finally, there are a number of exercises where students can practice identifying and correcting mistakes which are typical for Danish learners of English.Supplement til: A Concise Contrastive Grammer of English
- Bog
- 378,95 kr.
- for Danish students
377,95 kr. A Concise Contrastive Grammar of English is a pedagogical introduction to English grammar for Danish students of English at bachelor level. At the same time the book is a practical tool of reference for the Danish-speaking English teacher.The reader is guided through the labyrinth of the English grammatical landscape and is introduced to English grammar as well as to basic sentence analysis. The book gives a systematic description of English and covers all the major areas of English grammar. It contains definitions and explanations as well as a large number of examples from a wide range of material (newspapers, magazines, literature, spoken language, etc.).Special attention has been paid to areas that are known to cause problems for Danes who are learning English at a fairly advanced level. Wherever relevant, parallels have been drawn to Danish grammar, and the most important differences between Danish and English have been highlighted.The present fifth edition is the result of a thorough revision. Some sections have been completely or partially rewritten; others have been adjusted in various ways. As with previous editions, the purpose in doing this is to bring the book up to date and make it more helpful for the users, and these have once again helped us in the process with recommendations and suggestions.The reader may be interested in knowing that there are two workbooks which can be used together with the textbook, i.e. A Concise Contrastive Grammar of English for Danish Students. Workbook, 2nd ed. and A Self-Study Workbook with Answer Key, both by Lise-Lotte Hjulmand.
- Bog
- 377,95 kr.
- genvej til engelsk grammatik
278,95 kr. Shortcut - genvej til engelsk grammatik er en kortfattet og overskuelig introduktion til engelsk grammatik skrevet i et letforståeligt sprog. Bogen indledes med en beskrivelse af vigtige grammatiske grundbegreber som ordklasser og sætningsled, og herefter behandles de væsentligste felter af engelsk grammatik. Fokus er lagt på de områder, hvor der er forskelle mellem engelsk og dansk, og redegørelserne for de forskellige områder af grammatikken følges derfor af oversigter over, hvor danskere typisk har problemer på engelsk. Erfaringsmæssigt kan disse problemer nemlig ofte (men ikke altid) forklares ud fra forskelle mellem de to sprog. Shortcut - genvej til engelsk grammatik henvender sig til flere målgrupper: gymnasieelever, seminariestuderende med engelsk som linjefag, universitetsstuderende (primært studerende, der ikke har engelsk som fag, men som læser på engelsksprogede uddannelser, hvor de forventes at kunne kommunikere på engelsk på højt niveau) samt andre, fx personer, der i en professionel sammenhæng har behov for at bruge engelsk.
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- 278,95 kr.