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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    I have been looking forward to my eighteenth birthday for months and now it is finally here! For my birthday this year, I am visiting my parents, best friend, and our good for the weekend in my hometown of Orlando, Florida (I arrived this morning and will be going back on Sunday.). Even though I love living in L.A. with my amazing Aunt, and love filming my t.v. show, I also love being home with everyone that I love!As the plane touches down at Orlando International Airport, I cannot help but feel excited! After all, I am finally home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Amy and I made our way to school for the second time today, I could not help but think about all of the excitement that was about to ensue tonight! Tonight was our homecoming football game, and our football players would be playing the alumni. My longtime secret love interest was the quarterback on our football team, and was good at what he does! With this said, I would not be surprised if we won tonight!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I truly never have been that scared in my life as I was today." Lana said, fresh tears filling her eyes. "I could have lost my best friend.""We both could have, sis." Landon whspered putting his arm around his sister. When Lana and Landon had agreed to go with their best friend and her family to their beach house in Henley Beach, Florida, for the week, they had expected to have lots of fun like they had yesterday. What they had not expected however, was the tide to pull Laurel under, and them jumping into action to save her life. After everyone had arrived back to shore, Mrs. Sussman had called 911. Not only had Laurel sustained a broken wrist, as well as multiple bruises and bumps, but she had also had a small but severe gash on her forehead that needed attention. Even though these things were bad, they were better than death. After all, that is what Laurel had barely escaped today.

  • - A Jade Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    103,95 kr.

    When 15 year old Jade Baker moved to Los Angeles, CA, at the beginning of the summer, she never imagined the impact that it would have on her life! In just one summer, Besides having real friends, she also has a movie star boyfriend who treats her well! Oh, and did I mention that Jade is the captain of her cheerleading squad?In this story of friendship and love, follow Jade as she takes full advantage of the fresh start that she has been given!=

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    So far, today has been one good, positive, happy, and miracu-lous blur. This morning, I am waking up in the hospital for the last time, and a couple of hours later, being dis-charged for good (I was pronoun-ced cancer free yester-day). Finally, my parents and I are now on our way to my high school that I was at a student at before I got the cancer, as well as will be attend-ing next year for my final year of high school to surprise my best friends, Gandon, Nina, and Zack, as well as our plethora of good friends at the school's last day of school talent show. The amazing princi-pal, Mrs. Shipka, is in on it, too!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Do you think that Kara and her kids will like me, Mom?" Seven-teen year old Ginny Good-fairer wanted to know. "Oh, sweetie, of course they will!" Gillian smiled, taking her daught-er's hand in hers. "From what Kara tells me, she and the kids are so excited and ready to meet you!"For as long as they could remem-ber, Kara and Gillian had been the best of friends. Even the fact that both of them lived in different states, and were busy with their careers did not stop them from being best friends. Moving on to some-thing positive, the two ladies were able to set aside this summer so them and their kids could meet and hang out this summer at the Good-fairer's extra large beach house in Henley Beach, Florida."How do you think that the teens will react when they find out that I am your daught-er?" Ginny wanted to me."They will definite-ly be excited at first, and then they will want to get to know you as a person.""That's good." Ginny smiled. "After every-thing that has happen-ed with Garrett cheating on me, and it being all over the tabloids, a summer break with potential new friends is just what I need."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    After Mom, Dad, and I had enjoyed an early birthday lunch, Mom had told me that she wanted to steal me away for the afternoon and have some mother/ daughter time. Due to the fact that I couldn't remember the last time that we had had that, as well as the fact that I had missed her greatly, and wanted the same thing, I had immediate-ly agreed!Three hours later, we are fresh out of the spa (We received facials, massages, and mani/pedis), and heading to the mall to do some birthday shopping, and get our hair done!As Mom and I make our way to the Mall, I cannot help but smile. After all, I cannot think of a better way to spend my birthday than this right here!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I am so excited about the graduation party tonight!" Giselle exclaimed. "I have been looking forward to this for weeks!""Same here!" Gabby piped. "Mom and Dad are so cool to let the guys join us in our graduation sleepover!""They sure are!" I added. "Tonight is going to rock!"To celebrate our high school graduation, Gabby and Giselle had asked their parents if their longtime boyfriends/ my best guy friends, Gandon and Geoff, our other best guy friend/ my longtime secret love interest, Gabe, and I could gather at their mansion and have a co-ed sleepover. Much to our excitement, they had said yes!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    For as long as she could remember, Harriet and her amazing parents, Laura and Brent, had spent the final Tuesday-Friday of June at their beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. Callum, Jane, and Wes Trousdale, lifelong best friends of Harriet and her parents, would stay with them, too(Even when Harriet moved from her parents to Los Angeles to live with her awesome and amazing Aunt Kara to at the age of thirteen to begin filming her new show, it did not change the tradition). Even though she loved Jane and Wes, she was constantly at odds with Callum. It was probably because they found each other annoying, and picked at and teased each other constantly. There was also the fact that Callum was two years older than Harriet. On a different note, Harriet was especially glad and thankful for this vacation. After all, she had just found out that her boyfriend of two years had cheated on her, which shattered her heart into a billion pieces.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As everyone clapped and cheered for me, I made my way across the stage to receive my diploma. As I shook Mrs. Porter's hand, gave her hug, and made my way back to my seat something truly hit me. Not only was today my last day as a high school student, but it was also the last day that I would see these people. Even though my best friends and classmates would be at my graduation/ birthday pool party tonight, it was still one of the last times that I would see everyone. After all, I leave for Los Angeles tomorrow morning. With this said, saying goodbye was and would be a very hard pill to swallow.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "How are you feeling about going home tomorr-ow, sweet sweet?" Kaithe Aarons asked her niece, KimberlyAarons, as Kimberly finished prepping her carry on bag for tomorr-ow's plane ride back to Orlando."Excit-ed, yet terri-fied." Kimberly replied. "I am nervous about facing my twin sister, and our best friends again after what was said.""Oh, sweetie, you have nothing to be nervousabout, I prom-ise." Kaithe said, gently. "After all, you are not the ones who said those horrible things. They did."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    For as long as they could rememb-er, the Adams and Rose, Ricky, Ryder, and Riker Johnson had been the best of friends, and had spent one week out of July at the John-son's beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. Due to the fact that Frances-ca had moved from Atlanta to LA when she was fifteen years old to live with her favorite and amazing aunt, and to film the show that she was the star of, it had been a couple of years since she had seen the John-son's and had spent time with them. From what Frances-ca's twin sister, Fran-cine, as well as the John-son's know, Frances-ca will unfort-unately not be able to be at the beach this year. With this said, this makes the surprise even more awe-some!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As she, her parents, and best friend enjoyed their lunch, Greer could not help but smile. She was finally home and reunited with her parents and best friend. This made Greer more happy and excited than any-thing.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "So, girl, tell me this," Kara said. "How hot do you think it is going to be today?""My guess is at least one hundred." Kristen replied. "It's already ninety-five as it is.""I know." Kara groaned. "Even though I love the Henley Beach Fourth of July parade, I wish that our dance team didn't have to walk in it."As my best friend and I made our way to the high school to prepare to walk in the parade, I thought about what she was saying. Truth be told, I agreed with her. I loved the parade and all, but walking in it was a whole other story and ball game. Even though we felt this way, we had to fake it for the other dance team members. After all, we were the captains for the upcoming school year, after all

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    "Thank you for volunteer-ing to come with us to my appoint-ment, Nick." Nikki smiled at her best friend. "You really didn't have to.""I know, but I wanted to come with you and your parents to this." Nick replied, sincerely. "I want to be supportive of you the best way that I know how, and that includes hearing what the doctor says so I know exactly how I can be."When she was just five years old, Nikki was diagnosed with Leukemia. When she was thirteen and just starting out as a singer, she was put on remission. The good news is that Nikki has been on remission ever since. Hoping against hope, Nikki prayed that Dr. Ruiz, her oncologist, would say that she was officially cancer free. That would be awesome! Looking over at Nick, Nikki could not help but smile. Nick had volunteer-ed to come as support. Immediate-ly, Nikki and her parents had said yes! After all, it was a small yet big thing that he was doing for his best friend."Nikki Enders." The nurse called from the door.Silently standing up from their seats, Nikki, her parents, and Nick made their way over to the door where the nurse was standing.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    218,95 kr.

    For as long as the girls could remember, Camp Aleman had been a girls only camp. The boys camp had been located across the lake (Even though this was so, the girls had never met the guys who attended it). However, this summer was going to be different. Due to the fact that it had been decided at the end of last summer that Camp Aleman become a co-ed camp, members of the opposite sex would be on Camp Aleman's turf this summer. Even though it was a big change, the girls did not mind one bit. In fact, they were very excited.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "You look killer in that bikini, girl!" Kara exclaimed, as she and I got ready for my birthday party. "You are going to have every guy's attention tonight, that's for sure!""Thanks, girl, I appreciate it!" I smiled. "However, there is only one guy that I want to catch attention from.""Don't worry, you will." Kara smiled back. "After all, my brother knows a good thing when he sees it."Smiling to myself, and continuing to set up things for my pool party, I could not help but thank God for Kara. She was my absolute best friend in the entire world, and such a wonderful one at that! She always knew what to say, especially when it came to her brother. Even though she knew that I was secretly in love with him, Kara didn't mind. In fact, she thought it was pretty cool!Moments later, the doorbell was ringing."Party time!" Kara and I smiled, giving each other a high five.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, This week was my first week back to homeschool after being in the hospital for over a year. My long time, awesome, and amazing tutor, Alicia, is also my homeschool teacher. Even though both of us were happy to be back in the swing of things (Me being out of the hospital and being back at home), it was also an adjustment for us. For example, she resumed coming Monday- Thursday from 8 am- noon, instead of two to three days a week. Even though I am very tired, I am also very happy. It feels good to be back in the swing of things.Even though I am happy about this, there is another reason about why I am very happy.Earlier this week, Adam had told me that he wanted to take me out to bowling and dinner tonight to celebrate the completion of my first week back at homeschool. Immediately, I had said yes! Even though I know that this is not a date, I do not care! After all, I am up to spending time with my long time secret love interest and best friend anytime!-Addison

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Moving on, let's talk about present day. As of now, Garrett and I are on a plane to my hometown ofAlbu-querque, New Mexico. When we arrive, Mom and Dad will be picking us up, and taking us to Pascal. For those of you who don't know, Pascal Academy is a K12 school for students with learning disabilities. While I attended this school from Kinder-garten through sixth grade (I moved to Los Angeles the summer after sixth grade to live with my wonderful, amazing, and favorite aunt, and began filming my TV show), Leslie, Kaci, and Jessica stayed (Just like I am, the girls are seniors in high school). Moving on, Pascal's high school students will be partici-pating in the Fall showcase (A talent show that takes place before Pascal's week long Fall break). From what Mom tells me, my sister and best friends are going to be performing a song that I wrote for and sing on Garrett's and my show. I am ready to forgive my sister and best friends, and I think surprising and singing with them is the best way to do that!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Home. The place that I have yearned to be at for the past nine months. Where I would finally reunite with Dad, my younger sister, Kendra, my lifelong best friends, Heather, Robert, and Tyler, and every-one whom I loved as finally being cancer-free. Gently lifting my head up from Mom's should-er, and stretch-ing, I could not help but smile, and feel genuine-ly happy! After all, I was finally home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    With happy tears filling my eyes, and my hand clasped over my mouth, my heart thudded inside of my chest. Down on his knee in front of me, and display-ing a beautiful white gold ring with a dark purple stone was the love of my life, Uriah. Even though we had had our fair share of hard times, we had also had a plethora of good ones. In all honesty, I love Uriah with every-thing that I am, and cannot imagine spend-ing the rest of my life with anyone else but him!"So, what do you say, Miss beau-tiful?" Uriah gently asked, his voice crack-ing, and tears filling his own eyes. "Will you spend the rest of my life with me?""Of course I will!" I replied, smiling, laugh-ing, and crying at the same time.As we stood up, and Uriah put the ring on my finger, we wrapped our arms around each other and shared a sweet kiss!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Sweet sweet, I cannot thank you enough for flying down from LA to be with your Mom and me on our big anniver-sary to-morrow, as well as being at our party." Dad smiled, as he and I made our way to my family's man-sion. Frown-ing a little, Dad took my hand and said, "With what your sister and best friends did to you, I know it cannot be easy for you to be back here.""It's not, but I want to be here to cele-brate my wonder-ful parents 25th wedding anniver-sary. On a different note I am ready to forgive my twin sister, but not the others yet."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Every Wednesday night, the youth group that my best friends are a part of their church holds a different event each Wednesday during the summer. Last week, it was an ice cream social. This week, it is an open mic night. Due to the fact that I love going to church and youth group, as well as the fact that I do that in Houston, I am really excited about tonight! -Delta

  • - A Dinah Gray Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    For those of you who don't know, Stevens Modeling Agency is a Christian modeling agency for peoples ages 13-65. It is a very successful, legitimate, and well known modeling agency. All of their lives, Dinah and Dylan had dreamed of modeling with them.As Heather arrived at their table, the girls were both stunned yet excited. After all, Heather Stevens was approaching their table.

  • - A Dinah Gray Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Today is my first day at Dreier Academy. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I excited? Definitely!Today is the first day that I will be attending an actual school, and I am so excited! Not only does school take place from 8-12 each day (Periods 1-4 on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 5-8 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sport practices and or study hall takes place on periods 4 and 8.), but the school days are Monday- Thursday!On a different note, I am looking forward to making new friends. I know that it will take time, and that is okay with me. Even though I know that this year will come with new challenges, that is more than okay with me! After all, I am looking forward to a great year!

  • - Maui
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Even though the members of 4G Magic would be performing in Maui first, that is not the only thing they would be doing there. Due to the fact that Gabby would be turning eighteen while they were in Maui, everyone would also be celebrating Gabby's birthday while there. After all, she had a big birthday coming up.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Dude, I am so excited and happy for you!" I exclaimed, as Branson and I took our seats in our sixth period American History class. "I can't believe that you actually left a rose and a note in Amby's locker, telling her how you felt and asking her to homecoming!""It feels good knowing that I actually did something about my feelings.""From what Nicolette told me, I believe that you doing what you did could not have come at a better time.""What are you talking about?" Branson wanted to know."Nicolette told me that Amby is not going to home-coming, because no one has asked her." I explained."Amby told Nicolette this?" Branson asked, a surprised and thought-ful look crossing his face."She sure did." I replied. "Like I said, doing what you did could not have come at a better time."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remember, both families have spend the first Tuesday-Friday in July at Nick, Natalie (My godmother), and Nate's (My godfather) beach house in Anderson Cove, California! It is truly something that I look forward to every summer! With this said, I am looking forward to tomorrow!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Blythe and I sang our solo and looked into each other's eyes, something amazing and magical happened. In that moment, I did not like Blythe as my best friend. No, I began to like her as more than a best friend.Even though the feeling was new, I wasn't scared. In fact, it made me very happy.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Flying from Los Angeles, California, to Orlando, Florida, my heart feels like it is going to explode with excitement and joy! For the next few days, I will be staying with my best friend(aka my lifelong secret love interest), Teddy, and his parents! Due to the fact that these past two summers have been spent filming movies, it has been two years since I have been able to return to the city where I grew up, and see my best friend and our good friends!Truth be told, I have been looking forward to this vacation for a long time!