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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Ever since they were in pre-k, Kenny's wonder-ful Mom, Lois, have been the best of friends. Ever since we were born, Kenny and I have been the best of friends. Kenny and I even think of each other's moms as second Moms! Even when my wonder-ful Mom and I moved to LA, our bond grew strong-er!Moving on to tonight, Mom, Lois, and I have a New Year's Eve sur-prise for Kenny! Tonight, Mom and I will be attend-ing his and his Mom's New Year's Eve party! Due to the fact that I have not seen my best friend for quite a while, I am more than a little excited about this party!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Today was going to be a great Christmas. Not only was it cool outside (The high for today is 55 degrees), but I was also with the people that I loved more than anything. Besides eating great food and opening gifts, we will also be spending time together. Hopefully, Teddy and I will get to have some alone time together. In conclusion, I predict that today is going to be magical.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    "Thank you, Atlanta, you guys are awesome!" Cassidy cheered into the microphone. After the crowd finished cheering, Cassidy began to speak again. "For the last song, I will be singing Kenny Loggins' "Footloose, and I would like to invite my best friend, Callum, to sing it with me."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Would you like me to sing to you before you go to sleep?""That would be nice." Ellie smiled."Okay." Sheppard smiled, taking Ellie's hand in his. "I'm going to sing you a song that makes me think of you and that says what I have wanted to say to you for a while.""Okay." Ellie smiled, her heart doing a flip inside of her chest.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Even though I have been here a gazillion times, I always enjoy a trip to Disney-land." Dallas said, running her hand through her hair. "Truly, I tell you, I could not think of a better way to spend my birthday than at the happiest place on earth with my wonder-ful and favorite aunt whom I love very much.""I love you to the moon and back, sweetie, and am so glad that we get this day to-gether!" Dallas' Aunt Bea, smiled, as the limo escorted her and Dallas to Disney-land. "On a differ-ent note, have you heard from your parents, or Matt today?""I heard from them this morning, and they said to have a happy birthday that they missed me and wished that they could be here.""I know that you miss them lots and miss them dearly. Bea said gently. "If you don't mind me asking, how long have you and Matt been best friends, and how long have you secretly been in love with him?"Before Dallas had the chance to reply, the limo was pulling up to the Disney-land en-trance.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Two days later, while enjoying sugar free vanilla lattes at Starbucks, Russell had asked Avery about going to his parents beach house in Anderson Cove on Friday for the night, to relax and regroup from the big trip. After telling Avery that he had asked both sets of parents in advance, and they had said yes. Giving her wonderful and amazing boyfriend a huge smile, Avery had said that she would love that! As he and Avery embraced, Russell smiled to himself. Something wonderful was going to happen at Anderson Cove that Avery did not see coming!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Ever since we were babies, Kenny and I have been best friends. Even when I got cast as the lead in an upcom-ing TV show at the age of fourteen, and moved from Shreve-port to Los Angeles, we still kept in contact, and some-times visited one another. Even though this is true, I wish Kenny could still be here today!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Tonight is my birthday party at the Grand Hyatt Denver. It is being thrown by my best friends, boyfriend, and my record company. Not only will my parents, boyfriend, best friends, and my other friends be there, but some other people that are signed on with XalerelaX Records will be there, too. After the party, Chloe will be coming back to my mansion with me for a sleepover. I am truly excited about tonight!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    As I spritzed some perfume on my body, I could not help but smile. This summer tour had been amazing! Not only had I gotten to see and perform in amazing places, but I had gotten to tour with two people who mean the world to me! Truth be told, this summer's U.S. tour had been amazing! Even though the tour had been amazing, I had missed my family, and best friends greatly. As Mark pulled up in front of my family's and my mansion, I could not help but feel happy! After all, I was finally home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Brett, this is amazing." Blakely gushed, taking a bite of her chocolate covered strawberry. "I could not think of a better birthday lunch than this right here."For her birthday lunch, Brett had treated her to a picnic at their old elementary school's playground. This same exact playground was the one that Brett and Blakely would play endless amounts of tag and four square on. As you can imagine, this school and playground held a special place in both Brett and Blakely's hearts.After all, this school is where they first met and became friends."I am truly glad that you like it." Brett smiled, wiping some chocolate away from Blakely's lips. Retrieving a jewelry box from his shorts pocket and handing it Blakely, Brett said, "Blakely, I love you more than anything in the entire world and promise to always be there for you.""I love you, too, Brett." Blakely whispered, kissing Brett on the lips. Her heart overcome with happiness and joy, Blakely opened the jewelry box. As she opened it, Blakely felt her heart stop. Inside the jewelry box was a silver band with a dark blue stone. Without having to guess what it was, Blakely immediately knew that Brett's gift to her was a promise ring.

  • - A Dinah Gray Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tonight is a big night for the high school kids of Dexton Academy, my best friend, girlfriend, and me. Tonight is our annual Christmas ball. Besides Prom and Homecoming, the Christmas ball is one of the most anticipated dances of the year.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As my wonderful parents (the band's managers) prayed over my best friends and me before we went on stage, excitement and nerves filled my heart. Tonight was the band's and my kick off concert for our tour, and it was taking place in our hometown of Los Angeles, California. With this said, I hoped and prayed with all of my night that tonight would go well.As everyone said amen, it was time for my best friends and I to make our way on stage, and give our fans and awesome concert!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Waking up in my comfortable bed, the memories of last night fill my head. Last night, I had asked the girl of my dreams/my secret love interest to share a dance with me on the beach under the moonlight and stars. Much to my happiness and excitement, she had agreed. The song that we had danced to was "You're The Inspiration" by Chicago.During the minutes that we were dancing closely, we kept our eyes locked the entire time. At one point, Isabel gently laid her head on my shoulder. Moments later, I gently rested my head on her head. It was one of those moments that I wish could have lasted forever. With this said, I also realize something. I didn't think that this could happen, but my feelings for Isabel are stronger than ever.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "How was your first night back at home for good, sweet-heart?" Mom asked, as she and I made our way to church."I honestly slept like a baby, and am looking forward to many more nights like it." I smiled, taking Mom's free hand in mine. On Friday, my main doctor had told my parents and me that the cancer was officially gone, and that I was cancer free, and free to go home yesterday morning. When Mom, Dad, and I had gotten home yesterday, my sweet, gentle, and cuddly Abyssiniantabby, Lexi, ran towards me and instantly jumped into my arms. Through-out the entire day, I kid you not, she followed me every-where and would not stop crying. However, I did not mind at all, complete-ly under-stood, and was more than happy to pick her up, console her, and let her love on me, and vice versa. After all, it had been a good while since I had seen Lexi, and vice versa. As I fell asleep with her in my arms last night, it truly felt like things were finally and quickly getting back to normal. As Mom and I arrived at church to attend our Sunday school classes and then go hear Dad preach, I could not help but smile. I was finally back at my church home, and was about to reunite with and surprise my best friends, the other five upcoming seniors in our youth group. After all, none of them knew that the cancer was gone, and that I was finally home for good.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "I can't wrap my head around the fact that Kendall is gone." Katie James sniffed, retrieving yet another tissue. "It hurts too much.""I know, sweetie." Ashley Martin whispered, wrapping her arm around her best friend.It was Tuesday morning, and the girls were huddled together on the Johnson's sofa. Their best friend, Andrea O' Connell, was in in the same situation. Without it being said, the girls were grateful to have one another to lean on. This was truer now more than ever.Four days ago, Kendall Johnson and Jake Knight had been killed in a car accident. The fact that they had been two of the girls' best friends had made this situation extremely difficult to handle. Katie had spent all of Saturday in her room bawling her eyes out. The funeral for Kendall had been held earlier this morning. Having to say goodbye to Kendall had been very painful. Katie could not imagine how difficult this must be for Mr.and Mrs.Johnson. The fact that they had even volunteered to have the reception at their mansion was surprising to Katie and the others. If they were in this situation, the last thing that the three girls would want to do would be to hold a reception at their home. It would just be too much to bear.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    As Collette listened to her best friends talk about the big game against Creek Mountain High School, she could not help but think about her boyfriend, Cade, and Chelsea's boyfriend and her best guy friend, Chase. After all, they were on the football team. Knowing how much they to win the game, and how much it would mean for them to win tonight, Collette said a silent prayer for them. After all, she really wanted this for them.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    In just six days, the three hundred seniors of Barton High School would be graduating. Today, however, they would be participating in the Barton High School senior talent show. As she, Shelley, Ross, Becky, and the other seniors made their way to the audi-torium, Breanna could not help but smile. She had a secret talent that she was going to finally display.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    As my twin brother, Jim, our best friends, twins Freddie and Faye (Jim's longtime girl-friend) made our way to my family's and my extra large and beautifulbeach house that we have in Henley Beach, Florida, I didn't care that I had cancer. I didn't care that I had only a month to live (Even though I feel fine now, the doctors said it is going to quickly start getting worse). What I cared about was that I had gotten permiss-ion to go on the beach birthday trip with my brother and best friends for the night. After all, what was happen-ing right now was what truly matter-ed.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Oh, sweet-ie." Karis, my best friend in the entire world, whisper-ed, as she and I stood on her front porch, held each other, and softly cried. "It's a miracle."The miracle that Karis is referring to is the fact that, as of earlier this after-noon, I am officially out of my wheel-chair. Pre today, I had been in the chair for the past ten years, due to a car crash that I was in. With this said, it felt great to be out of the wheel-chair!Due to the fact that I am here at my best friend's mansion and able to finally be at her Memor-ial Day barbe-que and pool party after all of these years makes it even more sweet!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    My best friends and some of our plethora of good friends, all of whom I have not seen since the beginning of summer, will be gathering at my house for my birthday sleepover. I am so excited about seeing my best friends and my good friends that I can barely stand it! This birthday sleepover is, without a doubt, going to be awesome and amazing!-Agnes

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, It is once again Christmas Day! Next to my birthday, it is my favorite day of the year!Even though I love giving and receiving gifts, as well as eating the delicious Christmas feast that my wonderful Mom puts together each year, those are not the main reasons why I love Christmas! The main reason that I love Christmas is because my family's and my lifelong best friends, Marcia and Noah Newton, as well as their hot, sexy, genuine, and kind son, Jack (who is two years older than me) come and stay Christmas afternoon and night, and leave the next day. Even though my family and I wish they could stay longer, we are just grateful for the time that we DO have with them!Love, Erika XO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    It was the last day of school before Christmas break, and Katie could not be more grateful. She also could not be more ecstatic. Tonight was KCA's Winter Ball, and Katie could not be more pumped. Her best friends, Ashley Martin and Andrea O'Connell, were just as excited. To add onto her excitement, Katie had a trip with Ryan and his family to look forward to. However, it wasn't just any trip. Oh, no, not at all. Katie and the Swiss family would be heading to Denver in two days to be with Ryan on the set of his new movie. When he had invited her to join his family in Denver, Katie had become filled with excitement. She was so excited, in fact, that she had almost fallen out of her computer chair. Thankfully, Katie's parents had agreed to let her join the Swiss family on their Denver escapade. Before she knew what was happening, the dismissal bell rang. Immediately, Katie and Ryan packed their things and started for the door."Have a nice break, everyone!" Miss Sims called, as her class headed out the door.Don't worry, I plan on it, Katie smiled to herself.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As eighteen year old Aurora Sparks threw up the tennis ball and hit it to the other side as hard as she could, she felt as if she were on fire. Today, she and her team were compe-ting at the 2018 National Tennis Competition. Today, she had started from the beginning and had made it all the way to the single part of the compe-tition. This gave Aurora alot of confidence.

  • - An Everly Brown Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "I still cannot believe that we are actually doing this tonight!" Kaci exclaimed, as she and Everly received their mani/ pedis. "Thank you so much for asking me to do this! It is such an honor!""I am glad that you feel that way, because it means the world to me that you agreed to do this!"A couple of weeks ago, the girls and their dance team had competed at State and won! Not only had the dance team won State, Kaci and Everly had won first place in the duo division!Fast forward two weeks later. Tonight is Everly's Christmas Eve Concert. Even though tonight would be like most concerts that Everly performed, it was also going to be a little different. Last week, Everly had asked Kaci how she would feel if she and Everly performed their State winning solo at the concert tonight. Instantly, Kaci had agreed.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, As I write to you today, I find myself trying to wrap my head around the fact that this week is the last full week of school for the seniors. It makes me both excited and nostalgic. I find myself thinking about all that has occurred this year. From me getting accepted into Baylor University to attending my movie premiere, alot has happened. However, I would not change it for anything

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Today is a big day for my cheer squad. Not only is it our first competition of the year, but it also happens to be the State competition. The people who win state will compete at Nationals in Los Angeles in April. With this said, I really want my team and I to take home first place today!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Looking at my girlfriend and best friend as we sit silently in the back seat of the limo as it made its way to the hospital, I don't even have to ask what they are thinking. After all, I am thinking the same thing, too. Isabel has to be okay. She just HAS to. After all, our lives would never be the same without her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "I have waited for this camp session for weeks, and now it is finally here!" Kaci exclaim-ed, as she and her life-long bestie. Kali, made their way to the mall from the spa to get their hair done, as well as some last minute camp shopp-ing in. "I am beyond ex-cited!""Me too!" Kali piped. "I can't believe that the two of us are camp couns-elors!""Me too, and am excited that we are going to be in the same cabin, and that we are going to be in charge of six fresh-man girls!" Pausing for a mo-ment, Kaci asked, "Kal, do you think that they will like us?""I know they will!" Kali piped. "I also know that we will like them, too!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, It is the first day of winter vacation, and I could not help but feel excited! Not only did my best friends and I win Nationals yesterday, and will be competing in worlds in May, but tonight is my high school's winter ball. I have the perfect dress, but I wish that I had the date. I miss Jake more than anything, and wish that he could be here tonight. Since he lives in Los Angeles, and is filming a movie there, I know that it is impossi-ble for him to be here tonight.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "So, none of the Cole-mans, especi-ally Phillip, know that I am coming today, and will be here until Thurs-day?" I asked, as Dad and I made our way to Henley Beach from the Orlando Inter-national Airport. "They don't have a clue, I promise, sweet sweet." Dad smiled. "Your Mom and I appre-ciate you making time in your busy sched-ule in Los Angeles to be with us, even if it just until Thurs-day. After all, we miss you greatly back home.""I miss you guys, too, and am so glad that all of this worked out."Before either of us could say any-thing, Dad was pulling into the beach house's drive-way.