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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Michie!" My older sister, Marie cheered into the phone, as happy as a clam. "Happy birthday!""Thank you, sweetie!" I smiled and replied, making sure Marie heard me through my car's hands free speakers. "How are you ""Good! Guess what, Michie?""What, girl ""I got employee of the month at my job at Chick-Fil-A!""Oh, sweetie, I am SO, SO proud of you!" I cheered. "Thank you, I try really hard.""You always have, girl, you always have." I replied, pulling into Starbucks. "Well, listen, sweetie, I just arrived at Starbucks, and am about to meet Katie and Lauren for a birthday breakfast. It was so great talking to you, and again, I am so very proud of you, just like always."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Prom has officially arrived and Fallon Greer could not be more pumped! Besides being the only junior nominated for Prom Queen, her best guy friend, Greyson Holt (The guy that she has been secretly in love with for years) has also been nominated for Prom King. The only thing that would make her more excited is if Greyson asked her to go to the Prom. However, she knows that that is probably not going to happen. After all, he only likes her as a friend...right? In this book of pre-Prom surprises and jitters, find out what wonderful things can happen when you least expect them.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "What time is Tay's flight getting in today?" Rowan, Taylor's best girl friend and Todd's longtime girl-friend, wanted to know, gently placing a strand of her long hair behind her ear."From what I under-stand Taylor should be arriving at around 3." Taylor's twin brother, Todd, replied. "Even though I am beyond excited about seeing my twin, I am also a little ner-vous.""Do the nerves have anything to do with what went down before Taylor left for Los Ang-eles?"It has every-thing to do with it.""I feel the same way." Justin, the twin's best guy friend, replied, thought-fully. "If I could go back in time, I would take back every-thing that we said to her. She didn't deserve it.""No, she didn't." Justin and Rowan replied.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    65,95 kr.

    Before the diplomas would be handed out, the plan was for my class and I to sing our class song, Mike and the Mechanics' "The Living Years". As we sang our song together, it hit me hard that today was the last day for awhile that I would be around my parents, best friend, and graduatingclass. This filled my eyes with tears. Before I knew what was happening, James was lacing his fingers through mine. Moments later, we gave each other's hands a gentle squeeze.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As I made my way into the ball-room, Avalon's "Every-thing To Me" was playing and every-one was dancing to it.Before I knew what was happen-ing, Bradley was looking in my direct-ion, and making his was towards me.Arriving at where I was stand-ing, Bradley mouth-ed, "Tally?"Smiling at my best guy friend and secret love interest, I gently nodded.Mo-ments later, we were wrapp-ing our arms around each other.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Speak-ing of my sister, let me tell you about the part of the surprise that I am most excited about! A couple of weeks ago, my sister, Allie, told me that she and the choir would be perform-ing one of my Christ-mas songs that I wrote and recorded at my church's youth Christ-mas service. With this said, I am going to surprise her and our good friends in the choir by singing it with them. My parents, youth choir director, and preacher are all in on it! Truth be told, I am very excited!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    While the three of us are at dinner tonight, Dad will be proposing to his amazing and wonderful girlfriend of three years, Amanda. To make it even more special, he will be proposing P.F. Chang's. This restaurant is the place where Dad and Amanda had their first date! I love Amanda so much, and want more than anything for her to say yes. After all, I cannot imagine a better stepmom for me than her!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Thank you for inviting me to go with you to this." I smiled, as my older sister, Janet, finished putting the finishing touches on my makeup."Are you kidding, girl?!? Thank you so much for agreeing to go with me!" Janet piped. "I could not imagine going to senior prom with anyone but you! After all, you are not just my younger sister. You are one of my best friends!""You are one of my best friends, too." I smiled. As I sat in Janet's vanity chair, and let her put lip stain on my lips, I thought about how close we had been all of our lives. Growing up, we hardly ever argued. We were also there for each other. When I was in the hospital, she would come visit me daily, and hang out with me. When her jerky boy-friend broke up with her a couple of years ago (By the way, she has an amazing one now), we talked, cried, and enjoyed small pints of ice cream together. Like I said, we have always been very close.As I gently stood up, Janet smiled at me, offered her hand to me, and asked, "Rea-dy?""Ready." I smiled, putting my hand in hers.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    At the same time that I made my way out of my hotel room to meet my parents and the Hollidays for breakfast, a tall, toned, and gorgeous guy mad his way out of the hotel room that was across from mine. Moments later, the guy turned around, smiled, and waved at me. Smiling and waving back, it took me a minute to realize that the guy was Kent.Moments later, he and I smiled, quickly made our way towards one another, and embraced ini a big hug!"Happy birthday, Dusty!" Kent exclaimed, hugging me tightly. "It is so great to see you!""You too!" I smiled back. As we broke apart, I said, "You look great, by the way!""You look great, too!" Kent replied. "Are you going down to have breakfast?""Yes. I think that both of our families are having breakfast together.""I think so, too!" Kent replied. Offering his arm to me, Kent smiled and asked, "May I escort the beautiful birthday girl to breakfast?""Of course." I smiled and blushed, gently taking his arm.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Today is Valentine's Day, the day of love. Usually, it is not a big deal to me, but this year it is. Not only do I have someone special to celebrate with, but we will also be celebrating it with our best friends. With this said, my awesome and amazing boyfriend, Adam, our best friends, Andrew and Andrea are going on a group date. The group date will contain the four of us. I am so excited that I can barely contain myself!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Getting ready to leave for Walt Disney World, I think of what today is going to bring. Not only will it bring the Doorsmans and my family going to Walt Disney World for the morning/ afternoon, both families will be going out to a nice dinner tonight to celebrate my birthday! Truth be told, it is going to be a fun day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    343,95 kr.

    When I was sixteen years old, I was diag-nosed with Leu-kemia. From then on, every-thing chan-ged. Instant-ly, I was admitted into the oncolo-gy hospital that was located in the medical center that my parents owned. Twelve surger-ies and one blood trans-fusion later, I am still here. You may think that I feel angry about my situ-ation all of the time, but I don't. Sure, I have my bad days, but I also have very good ones, too.Before I know what is happen-ing, Nurse Gwen and Dr. Jill are making their way into my room."Ready, sweet-ie?" Dr. Jill asks giving me a gentle smile."Ready."I reply, getting ready for them to roll me to my thirteen-th surgery.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    When I got home yesterday, Mom and Dad had informed me that they were throwing me a welcome home party today. Not only were my best friends invited, but my other good friends from church and Chanton were, as well. This made me truly excited and happy. After all, I would be getting to see everyone that I love and had missed! I am truly excited about tonight!On a different note, I am truly happy to be home! I have missed it and everyone so much!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    The limo escorting me to Hotel Icon (My parents are already there in the ballroom greeting guests, etc.), I cannot help but be filled with excitement and joy! I have awaited my eighteenth birthday for some time now, and now it is finally here! So far, today has been a great day! This morning, I sang in the youth worship band at church, and this afternoon, I had birthday lunch with my parents, and opened the gifts from them. Even though today has been awesome, the awesomeness does not stop there!Tonight is my birthday bash at Hotel Icon. With this said, my best friends and over one hundred of our closest friends will be in attendance tonight! To be quite honest, I am beyond excited about tonight!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I make my way down stairs after getting dressed in my pale yellow tank top, pastel pink Soffe shorts, and white Old Navy flip flops, I make my way down-stairs. As I do this, I stop in mid step. There are some familiar voices coming from the kitchen. The voices sound like.. no, it couldn't be. They are back in least I think so. My curious self making my way down stairs into the kitchen, I stop, gasp, and clasp my hand over my mouth. Not only is my wonder-ful Mom and Dad standing in the kitchen with Aunt Jamie, but my wonder-ful best friends, twins Ivan and Jack, and my best girl friend, Donna, are there, too."Happy Birth-day, Ida!" All of them smiled and cheered.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "What are you looking forward to most about tonight, sweet-heart?" Mom asked."Honest-ly, I am looking forward to every-thing!" I smiled. "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time and now it is finally here!""All of us have been waiting for this day, too, and are more than happy and excited that we get to steal you away from the hospital for the after-noon!" Mom said, excited-ly.Before Mom and I could say anything more, we were arriving at my family's man-sion

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    In thirty minutes, the mansion is going to be filled with friends and family of Sheppard and me. Besides enjoying a great dinner and hanging out with one another, Sheppard and I will also be performing a new song for our guests. Without a doubt, a truly great time is going to be had by all.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, This morning at 10:30, I flew in from Los Angeles to Dallas to spend a few days with my family and friends for Christmas. So far today, my family and I had a Christmas lunch at IHOP and opened presents. Afterwards, I took a good nap! Not only was I tired from the flight, but I had my best friends' annual Christmas party to get rested and ready for! Noe that I am showered and dressed, I am truly ready for a night of Christmas fun!-Brand

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I am so, so sorry!" The guy said, helping Anastasia to her feet. "Are you okay?""I'm fine, no worries." Anastasia smiled. "No big..."Taking off her sunglasses, her heart did a flip inside of her chest. The guy standing in front of her was none other than her favorite actor, Andy Doorsman.From the look on his face, Andy seemed to be surprised himself.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Ever since the summer before fifth grade, Zack and I have attended Camp Brynn for the entire month of June (Session one of Camp Brynn). It is a summer camp located two hours outside of Orlando. Through the years, Zack and I have made a plethora of good and genuine friends, all of whom we have kept in touch with over the years.Making my way to my cabin, I cannot help but feel genuinely happy and excited! After all, Zack and I are back at camp for what will definitely be an awesome and amazing month!

  • - A Juliet Larsen Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    The night of Juliet's movie premiere has arrived, and she could not be more pumped! Besides getting to see her work play out on the big screen, her best friends, boyfriend, and her parents will be joining her at the premiere! In this book of excitement and celebration, follow Juliet as she discovers just how awesome experiencing the after math of a job well done can truly be!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "What time did Mom and Dad say that Brooklyn was coming home to-morrow?" Delia Maxx-Holt asked as she and her sisters, Dani and Bonnie, hung out in hers and Bonnie's extra large bedroom."2:30, I believe." Dani replied. "Even though it is only a day away, it feels like an eternity away. I've just missed her so much, that's all.""All of us have, sweet sister." Bonnie replied. Before Bonnie could continue with what she was saying, there was a knock on the door."Come in!" The three sisters called.Moments later, Brooklyn was making her way through the door.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Aunt Katie, just like always, your choco-late chip pan-cakes are ama-zing!" I piped, as I took a bite of my break-fast."I am glad that you like them, sweet-ie!" Aunt Katie smiled. "Not only is it not every day that my wonder-ful and amazing niece turns 18, but you need your strength to spend your birthday at Disney-land!"Before I could respond to this, I heard the doorbell ring."I think that that is for you." Aunt Katie smiled, a twinkle in her eye!Getting up from the table, I went over and opened the door! Instant-ly, my jaw dropped into a wide smile! Standing in the door-way, were Mom, Dad, and my best friends, triplets, Connie, Sara, and Adam!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "We are so happy and glad to have you home for Christ-mas, as well as until Satur-day morning, sweet sweet." Dad smiled, as he pulled into my family's man-sion's three car garage. "We've missed you so much!""I've missed you guys, too, Daddy!" I piped. "I've missed you guys so much!""We've missed you, too!" Dad piped. As he turned the car off, he smiled, "Why don't you go in and see your Mom and sister? I know that they are anxious-ly awaiting to see you."

  • af Lindsay Anderson & Alexander (Ca )- Christie
    258,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.