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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "I am so glad that your pro-ducers gave you and your co-stars an extra day off for the Fourth of July week-end!" Mom piped, driving away from the area where my private plane had dropped me off. "I have missed you so much, and it is so nice that you get to spend time with Kathryn, Graham, and me at the beach house this week-end!""I have missed you, too, and am so excited to be hear and relax for a couple of days! I smiled. "On a different note, only Kathryn knows that I am going to be here this week-end, corr-ect?""Corr-ect." Mom smiled. Now, come on. It's time for you to have a fun and well de-served long week-end!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    From 10-11:30 each morning, and 2-4 in the afternoon, the campers were given free time. A majority of the students spent it hanging out outside or doing whatever they want. However, it did not look like that that was going to happen this morning at least. At 9:30 am, the skies had been sunny and mildly cloudy. Five minutes later, it had started raining cats and dogs. It had not let up since. Unfortunately, this meant that Harrison and the rest of the guys of cabin F1 had to cancel their plans for the morning. As he listened to the other cabin, Thomas silently reveled in his own disappoint-ment. He had truly been looking forward to going on a hike with Charlotte this morning. Friend wise, he enjoyed spending as much as he could with Charlotte. She was truly like a sister to him."What kind of dance is tonight's dance?" Travis Simpson wanted to know."Black light." Zeke York, the boys counselor replied. "As we were heading back from worship, I saw some of the staff decorating for it.""Cool." Harrison replied. "So, did you guys ask anyone to go to the dance?"I asked Dana from E4 to go with me.""Elizabeth from F6 will be going with me." Travis smiled. "I asked Kristin Jefferson ." Thomas replied. Turning to Jensen, Thomas asked, "What about you, Jensen? Who did you ask?"Blushing a little, Jensen replied, "I asked Charlotte Beiger."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "How is it possible that you, Bentley, and I are seniors this year?' Bea asked, as she drove herself and her best friend, Beverly, to Porter. "It is completely exciting and uncanny to me.""Me too!" Beverly exclaimed. "It feels just like yesterday that you, Bentley, and I were walking through the doors of Porter for the first time as kindergarteners!""Agreed!" Bea replied. Changing the subject, she asked, "So, are you ready for the best school year ever?""I was born ready!" Beverly smiled, as she and Bea pulled into Porter's parking lot.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    I have been up for hours. I went to bed at ten and it is now one in the morning. You would think that I would be asleep right now, but I am not. I have racing thoughts and an excited heart and mind. After all, today is my eighteenth birthday.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 - 143,95 kr.

    "The thought of going home to see my parents, brother, and everyone terrifies the living daylights out of me." I said. "Even though I am excited about being there until Saturday, I am also very nervous.""Do these feelings have something to do with what happened with your brother and friends back home a few weeks ago?" Uncle Henry asked gently. "It has everything to do with it Uncle Henry." I replied, fresh tears filling my eyes. "My brother and friends decided to believe that awful rumor about me that was on social media, instead of believing me, and deserted me for no reason."As my wonderful, amazing, and favorite uncle drove me to LAX to board a plane home to Texas, the flashback of what had happened a few weeks ago plagued my memories once more. A few weeks ago, a mean rumor about me brewed by an anonymous individual, and had spread on social media like a virus. Thankfully, it had come down quickly and my agents, fans, good friends in LA, Uncle Henry, my parents, etc. had been there to support me. However, my brother, best friends, and our good friends back home hadn't been. In fact, they had disowned me. That had broken my heart into a million pieces, and I was still picking them up three weeks later.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    This morning, seventeen year old Miriam Davis had slept in. While her parents and the English's had gotten up Miriam had decided to sleep in. Not only was she tired, but she had also needed her rest for today's activities.At around 10:00, Miriam had woken up to wrap her presents for her boyfriend, good friend, their parents and her parents. Thirty minutes later, she had everyone's presents wrapped.Getting up off of the floor, Miriam put on her robe, and headed down-stairs. After all, everyone was waiting for her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Was it nerve wracking to be up there on stage yesterday?" Kristin wanted to know. "A little, but it only lasted for ten seconds." Fallon confessed, applying her mascara. "When the music began to play, I had quickly begun to feel confident and calm.""It truly showed yesterday." "Kristin's right, Fallon." Katie added. "You truly rocked the house yesterday and I am not just saying that as your best friend or teammate.""When you were performing yesterday, the members of the other teams had shocked looks on their faces." Kristin put in. Before Fallon could reply, Mrs. Gutierrez was letting them know that it was time to get ready to perform. After all, the Bears were scheduled to perform first. "Are you guys ready to the Texas teams just how hard the Brocket Academy Bears can bring it?" Fallon asked, giving her friends a confident smile. "After all, here and now is the place and time to show them just that.""You bet." Kristin replied, as she and Katie returned Fallon's smile. "Let's do this thing!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Pulling her light blue polo shirt over her head, and her khaki skirt over her hips, eighteen year old Collette Chambers could not help but smile. This morning, she would be returning to the school that she had called home for Kinder-garten to 8th grade. Words could not describe how truly excited she was.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tonight, Rhiannon would be attending her first school dance at Shea's high school. To make things more exciting, Shea would be escorting her to the dance. Even though she did not know if tonight was a date or not, Rhiannon was still excited that Shea had invited her as well as volunteered to take her to the dance, and bring her back.

  • - An Isla Danney Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is the last day of me being a middle school student. That's right! Next year, I will be entering the big world of high school! I am so excited that I can hardly wait! Even though I will be at McCarthy Academy for another four years, it does not damper my excitement! In fact, spending another four years at the school that I have come to know and love makes my excitement even stronger! Getting back to my excitement about today, let me tell you some of the reasons that I am excited about today! Reason one that I am excited? My eighth grade graduation is today! From 8-8:45 am, my twenty nine other classmates and myself will walk across the stage and receive our eighth grade certificates! Reason two that I am excited? From 9-10:15 am, the junior high talent show will take place. Reason three? From 10:30-11:00 am, is the designated yearbook signing. Finally, the reason that I am truly excited about today is because of the eighth grade ormal tonight. I am going with my best guy friend and secret crush, Landon! I am so excited that I can hardly wait!Love and God Bless, Isla

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    After Bethany and I had returned home from the spa, as well as after I hugged and kissed Mom and Dad, I had gone upstairs to get showered and cleaned up! After all, my birthday/ New Year's Eve party would be starting at 6:00 sharp!As I took a good shower, and let the water run over me, I closed my eyes. After today's spa adventure with Bethany, which had included massages, facials, and mani/ pedi's, I was feeling truly relaxed. In fact, I was feeling the most relaxed than I had in months! Immediate-ly, my mind went to tonight's festivities. Tonight, my best friend, Gianna, as well as our other good friends, would be coming together for my party tonight! Due to the fact that it had been awhile that I had seen everyone, I was truly excited about seeing them!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    Living in Los Angeles with my favorite aunt and filming my t.v. show is awesome, but I miss my parents, best friends, etc. back home. The last time that I was home was last Christmas. Even though Mom and Dad came to visit me for some of the time between then and now, I still missed coming home. With this said, it felt so great to be home for Christmas!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 173,95 kr.

    "Beautiful sister, you are a bigger person that I could ever be." My older sister, Alyssa, said, as she drove me to Starbucks."Why do you say that?" I asked. "I'm not above anyone else in any way, shape, or form, or even consider myself to be.""You also happen to be humble." Taking a deep breath, Alyssa took my hand in hers and gently said, "Look, Anna, all I am saying is that I don't think that I could do what you are doing, meeting up at Starbucks with Katie and Cody. After what they did to you, they don't deserve your forgive-ness, time or a second chance."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Walking on the grounds of Camp Allen-Wood (A summer camp for teens with learning disabilities) brings a relaxing feeling to my heart and soul. Over the course of this week, I will be riding horses, going camping, going on hikes, etc. The best part is that I will be doing these things with my best friends.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    My best friend and secret love interest, and I have the same birthday. Ever since we were little, we would have a joint party. However, due to the fact that I moved to LA when I was fifteen to live with my favorite Aunt and filming my show, I was only able to come home on Christmas and leave the next day, we weren't able to celebrate. This year, however, was different. Even though I wasn't able to come home for Christmas this year, I was able to come home for a day. So far my birthday has been great. I received some amazing Christmas and birthday gifts, and went with my Mom and sister to the spa where we received massages, facials, and mani/pedis. After we got home, I took a good shower. After all, I wanted to be clean and fresh for tonight's party!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 - 143,95 kr.

    "I want to make a toast to our awesome and amazing sister, Celia." Marci, my younger sister, smiled, raising her glass. "We are so proud of you, and am so glad you are home for a visit." As my sisters and I raised our glasses, Marci said, "To Celia!""To Celia!" My twin sisters, Gia and Carly, cheered, as all of us clinked our glasses together. After the Christmas Eve service had ended, Mom and Dad had given us some money to go out and enjoy a "sister" dinner. This was due to the fact that my parents knew that my sisters and I wanted time together since I had not been with them in seven months. After thanking Mom and Dad, my sisters and I had headed to Carly's car, got in, and headed to Lindsay's Café. After all, it was our favorite restaurant in town.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    To celebrate the Fourth of July, my best friends, girlfriend, and I are going to partake in a barbeque at my place. Besides enjoying great barbeque and dessert, the four of us are going to enjoy some good pool time. Truth be told, tonight is going to be awesome!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Early this afternoon, Greg Ganton had gotten on a plane that would take him from Phoenix, Arizona to Dallas, Texas. His plan was to lay low for the afternoon and surprise Greer tonight. After calling Mr. and Mrs. Friedson a couple of weeks ago, telling them about his plan, and asked them about it, Mr. and Mrs. Friedson were excited. They had even asked Greg to stay with them for the night. Of course, Greg had taken them on their offer. After all, flying to and back would be too much for Greg.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Two months ago, I received Facebook friend requests and phone calls from the teenage members of the Greer Frazier movie series. Including Donovan and myself, there are four main teenagers in total. The other actor and actress in the movie were Mia Jackson and Seth Priestley. I have talked with them on Facebook and on the phone many times. Just like Donovan, they are really nice and awesome people. However, I have not met them in person. That, in fact, is going to change today. Donovan, Seth, Mia, Donovan and I are going to Six Flags Over Texas today. Besides looking forward to seeing Donovan (I have not seen him in three months, btw), I am also looking forward to meeting Seth and Mia in person! Today is truly be a fun day had by all!Love and God Bless, Popp

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, How is it even possible that it is summer once again? It feels as if school just started last week! Oh, well. Time flies by when you are having fun! With this said, my first year at Long High School was definitely that and more! First off, I joined nineteen other awesome and girls in the LHS Honor Choir. Four of those people include my best friend Kelly. Two of our good friends Madison and Jamie, are also in the honor choir. Second of all, I received all A's this entire year. I think the fact that I loved my teachers and the subjects, I felt motivated to do well. Third, I have never been happier at a school than I am at Long. I am, for once in my life, confident in who I am and not afraid to be myself. I think this, along with my kindness and respect toward everyone, is why I am popular. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever imagined that I would be popular one day.However, the school year started off as anything but fun.On August 14th, 2015, Courtney and Sara were killed in a car crash. They were hit head on by a drunk driver. Due to how much all of us were hurting, Kyle, Keith, Kelly, and I leaned on each other quite a bit. I don't think that we could have gotten through the first month or so without one another's help. Even though the four of us miss Court and Sara greatly, we feel happy and are able to smile when we think about them. Love and God Bless, Kaci XOXOXOXO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Tonight, my best friends, boyfriend, and I are hosting a large Christmas party. It is going to be held at Henry's mansion. This is the first Christmas party that we have ever hosted as a band, and I am so excited that I can barely stand it! After all, a good time is definitely going to be had by all!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    The summer before sixth grade, my Dad got a job in Orlando, Florida. This meant that he and I would be moving from our home in Anderson Cove, California, and leaving everyone behind . For me, moving meant leaving my best friends and good friends behind. Knowing at the time that this move would be an adjustment, he, my best friends' family, and I made a plan. On Christmas Day, I would fly to California, and stay with my best friends for a few days. In the summer, my best friends would fly to Orlando, and stay with us for a few days in June. Even though things quickly turned out great for me living in Orlando (Making lots of friends in church and homeschool, etc.), I am, just like always, excited about coming back to Anderson Cove, and seeing everyone. Relaxing in my first class plane seat, I could not help but smile. After all, it wasn't long before I would be reunited with my best friends.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Look at this view, Fifteen year old Alice Quinnthought, becoming enchanted by the view of the majestic snow capped mountains. This truly the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen in my entire life.As the plane touched down at Denver International Airport, Alice felt the need to pinch herself once again. Was this a dream? Were Alice and her parents actually starting the next chapter of their lives in Denver, Colorado? Judging by the pain that was cascading through the place on Alice's arm that she had pinched, it truly was real indeed.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "You sounded fantastic tonight, Violet!" Via smiled. "Just like always, I am super proud of you!""I think having my beautiful and amazing twin sister there at the Good Friday service gave me confidence!" My fraternal twin sister, Violet, smiled. "It is so great to have you home for Easter, Via!""It sure is!" Dad piped. "We miss you so much when you are not here, sweetie.""That we do, honey." Mom added, gently. "It makes our hearts happy that your studio observes holidays.""Me too!" I added. "I am so excited and happy to be here from today to Monday!"Raising her glass of Coca-Cola, Violet raised her glass and said, "A toast to my wonderful and amazing sister on her Easter home-coming! To Via!"To Via!" Mom and Dad cheered, as we clinked our glasses together.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Around this time last year, Cora was bound to a wheelchair. Now, she will be able to walk across the stage and receive her hight school diplo, ma. In this story of miracles, goodbyes, and celebations, follow one girl as she celebrates the joy that graduation has to offer.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Have you gotten your dress for the homecoming dance yet?" Amy asked, as she and her best friend in the entire world, Alyson, retrieved their things from their lockers for study hall. "The dance is this Friday, after all.""No, because I'm not going." Alyson replied, shutting her locker. "Yes, I have had a plethora of guys ask me, but the right guy hasn't.""By the right guy, you mean my brother, don't you?" Amy asked thoughtfully.Before Alyson had a chance to answer and confirm that Amy was right, Asher appeared as their lockers."Hi, guys, what's up?" Asher asked."Not much, just hanging." Amy replied. "What's up with you?""Not much." Turning to Alyson, Asher asked, "Hey, Aly, is it okay with you if I take you home after school?""Sounds great!" Alyson smiled, as Amy gave her a thumbs up."Great!" Asher smiled and exclaimed. "See you in an hour!"

  • - A Tiffany Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Ever since Prom, it feels as if things have changed between J.T. and me. It's not a bad change, but different. During class, I will catch him staring at me during class, and vice versa. We also have been asking each other to hang out more than we usually do. Is it just me, journal, or could there be something more than friendship feelings between J.T. and me?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 - 143,95 kr.

    "I know that I have said this a million times this morning, but I am so excited and happy that you guys are here!" I exclaimed, as the limo escorted Aunt Claire, Tori, Kelly, my parents, and me to Disneyland. "If you don't mind me asking, how long did you guys know about coming today to surprise me?""Aunt Claire called us last month, then we called Tori and her parents to ask them if it was okay that she come with us, peanut." Dad smiled."Thankfully, they had said yes, or I would have been beyond pissed at them if they had said no!" Tori smiled. Taking my hand in hers, she continued, "After all, it is not every day that I get to spend time with my bestie, and get to celebrate her birthday with her!"Before anything else could be said, the limo was pulling up to the Disneyland entrance.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Today is my 17th birthday, and I am receiving one of the best gifts that I could imagine or get, I smiled to myself, as I packed my Vera Bradley suitcase.I am cancer-free and finally able to return home to Denver, Colorado.The day that I had yearned for for so long is here. The day that I have anxiously waited for has finally arrived. After being treated fpr Stage 4 breast cancer and residing at the Long Cancer Center, and Long Rehabili-tation Facility for the past two years, I am finally being discharged. Twenty surgeries, endless chemo and radiation treatments later, I am healthy and finally going home. I am finally going to be reunited with Mom, Dad, my twin brother, Kyle, our dachshund, Rocket and our Abyssinian Tabby, Sunshine. I have missed them greatly and am looking forward to spending quality with them. However, they aren't the only ones that I am anxious to see. My best friends, Kelly, Sara, Courtney, and Keith Ford, have been best friends with Kyle and me since all of us were six months old. Actually, Kyle and Kelly are more than just friends. In fact, they have been dating for two years. My point is that we are family. We have been through so much together, as well as been their for each other countless times. After all, what are best friends for? As I closed my suitcase and headed to breakfast, a happy feeling filled my heart. I was finally going home and being reunited with the people that I have missed greatly. I mean, come on. What could be better than that

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I have been looking forward to this trip for weeks!" Addie exclaimed, buckling her seatbelt. "It is so amazing of you and your parents to invite us to stay at your beach house for a few days!" "It sure is!" Adam replied, also buckling his seat belt. "Neither of us have ever been to Florida, and have always wanted to go!"A few weeks ago, my parents and I invited my best friends in the entire world to join us at our beach house in Henley Beach, Florida from Christmas Day until the 28th. Much to my excitement, Adam and Addie were able to go!