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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    228,95 kr.

    It is Blythe's eighteenth birthday, and she could not be more pumped! For her birthday, she, her parents, and best friends will be spending a four night, three day stay at Walt Disney World! With all the amazing adventures waiting for her, her parents, and best friends, this birthday could turn out to be the best birthday that Blythe has ever celebrated!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remember, it has been a tradition at OCC to host a talent show on Wednesday nights for the high school campers. Due to the fact that today is Wednesday, everyone is heading from worship to the activities center for the talent show. As all of us head there, I cannot help but feel excited! Sebastian asked me to sing a duet with him for the talent show, and I said yes! With this said, I am truly excited about tonight's talent show!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    "Every-thing seems to be going quickly today!" I said, as James and I waited in line to board Slinky Dog Dash. "I have been to Walt Disney World more times than I can count, and it has never gone this fast before!""I agree with you on that one!" James piped. "It is probably because the park seems to have less people than usual.""Probably." I agreed.At 10:00 this morning, my class, our teachers, and I had arrived at Disney's Hollywood Studios. By the time that we had had lunch at noon, we had ridden three rides and had gone to a couple of shows. After lunch, we had all headed to Slinky Dog Dash. After all, that is the ride that all of us wanted to ride together.As all of us waited in line, I could not help but smile to myself. After all, this was the best Senior Field Day that I could ever ask for!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    When I was thirteen years old, I left my home and family back in Orlando, and moved in with my Aunt and Uncle in LA to start my music career. Four years later, I have a plethora of albums, tours, singles, and awards under my belt! Truth be told, I am truly thankful for my career!Moving on, let me tell you about today. Yester-day was my last concert of my six week summer tour, and today, I am on my way to my family's mansion to spend the week with my family! Due to the fact that I have not seen them or my best friends and good friends in a long time, I am truly excited about this vaca-tion!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    The Perfect Summer? It is the last day of their Junior year and Katie James, Amy King, Kelly Martin Nicole Mason could not be more pumped! Not only will these four best friends be at the camp they have called home for the past five summers, they will also be assigned the same cabin! It is also neat that their best guy friend (and Katie's crush), Ryan Swiss, has been transferred from Houston to Little Rock. The fact that he will be a camp counselor at the same camp doesn't hurt, either. It is only natural that the girls think that this summer will be perfect. However, the girls soon learn that things are not always as they seem to be. With rekindled friendships, more responsibilities, and new romances, this summer is sure to be one that these best friends will never forget!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "THANK you for taking me, Mom."I smiled. "I really appreciate it.""Anytime, sweetie." Mom smiled, taking my hand in hers. "Are you excited about getting back in the routine and seeing your dance team?""I sure am." I replied. "It will be so good to see them again."During the week before school started, the Renwood Rangers dance team participates in a week long dance practice. It occurs from Monday-Thursday from 9am-3pm. On that Friday, the dance team sleepover occurs. With this said, it is a big week for the Rangers dance team. Most importantly, however, it is also a very fun one.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Tonight was Arterman High School's annual Christmas Ball at the Hotel Icon, and excitement was in the air. It was especially in the air for Abigail, and her best guy friend/ secret love interest, Adam. Not only had Adam asked his longtime secret love interest to the big dance, but she had said yes! This had made both of them excited beyond words!As the limo pulled up to the hotel, Adam and Abigail could not help but feel excited! After all, a good time was going to be had by all!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 - 143,95 kr.

    "Are you nervous, girl?" Fiona's twin sister, Felicity, gently asked, as they awaited back-stage to go on stage."Terri-fied." Fiona sighed. "No one knows or has seen me since I was pronoun-ced cancer free and able to walk again. I am nervous about what every-one will think.""They will think that it is nothing short of a miracle, and will be happy!"Felicity piped, giving her sister a big side hug. "After all, I know that I am happy to have my sister healthy and walking again."Six years ago, Fiona Carter was involved in a car crash that left her para-lyzed from the waist down. Two years ago, she was diag-nosed with cervical cancer. Two days ago, she was pronoun-ced cancer free, and, due to the physical therapy that she received while in the hospital, she was able to walk again. With this said, Fiona left the hospital yester-day morning after two years of being there, healthier and stronger as ever!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    "Are you okay, Sweetness?" Mrs. Eason asked gently. "You seem a little nervous.""I am nervous, excited, and okay at the same time." Andrea replied, honestly."What is making you nervous?""The last time that my best friends, friends, and classmates saw me, I had long, brown hair, glasses, and braces, and a jaw that did not close all of the way. Now, I have blonde, shoulder length, wavy hair, a corrected jaw, and am glasses and braces free." Andrea explained. "I just don't want to be treated differently because of my new look.""I can promise you that that won't happen, honey." Mrs. Eason said thoughtfully. "After all, they have shown time and time again that they love you for the good person that you are. Second, you have shown them time and time again the same thing that they have shown you.""Thanks, Mom." Andrea smiled, giving her Mom a kiss on the cheek. "I will see you at noon.""I will be here." Mrs. Eason smiled. "Have a great first day, sweetheart!""Will do!" Andrea smiled, getting out of the car, and closing the door behind her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Up until the middle of her sopho-more year, Deborah had attended Henley Aca-demy, a k12 school for students with learning dis-abilities. Even though she loves her school, the staff, and every-one, Deborah was unable to finish her sopho-more year, due to being diag-nosed with brain cancer. Instant-ly after she was diag-nosed, she was admitted into the hospital that she would call home for a while. Moving on, after a plethora of chemo and radiation treat-ments, and plenty of surger-ies later, Deborah was pronoun-ced cancer free last Thurs-day, and was instantly enrolled back into Henley. The only people who knew about this were her parents, teach-ers, and best friends, Riker, Lizzie, and Colton.As she got out of the car, closed the door, and waved at her mom, Deborah made her way to the main building.

  • - A Caralee Green Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "How do you think that Caralee is feeling?" I asked Aunt Caroline and Uncle Carter. "Do you think she is nervous?""Knowing our daughter, she is more excited than nervous." Uncle Carter said. "After all, she has been anticipating this night for a long time."As Mom, Dad, Aunt Caroline, Uncle Carter, and I sat in our seats and waited for the concert to begin, I could not help but feel excited and proud for Caralee. Just like many other artists, Caralee had been chosen to sing in this year's annual televised Christmas Concert that was held in Orlando. In the music world, that is a big deal. As I continue to think about Caralee, the lights dim, and the presenter comes onto the stage.Here we go, I think to myself, as everyone, including myself, stood up and clapped.

  • - Nationals
    af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As my choir mates and I made our way to the reception room for a snack and a fifteen minute intermission, I could not help but feel nervous. The twenty teams that had performed before us had truly been amazing. It had quickly become clear to me that the nine other teams and my team had a tough act to beat.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dressed in my dance attire, I made my way to the audition room. I know, I know. Dance attire is not something that one would normally where to their first, or any, movie audition. However, due to the fact that part of the audition required some dance moves, it was mandatory to wear "appropriate" attire to the audition. Today, I would be auditioning for the lead role in the upcoming movie series "The Alex McDaniel Files." This upcoming movie trilogy revolves around a teenage girl named Alexandra"Alex" McDaniel. It is about how she is diagnosed with cancer and has to put her dancing on hold for awhile. However, with the help of her best friend, Todd McDean, that she gets better and builds up the physical and emotional strength to dance again. In the end, they fall in love, and Alex becomes one of the best dancers of all time. It is a plot that truly speaks to my heart.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Mom and I followed the ambulance to the ER, I had found myself wishing that it had been me who had been pulled into the undertow. I also found myself wishing that I could turn back time and take her place. Finally, it had been at that moment that I realized why I wanted to trade places with Blake so badly. I was truly in love with her, and wanted to do whatever I could to make sure that she never got hurt.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I am officially at camp and am so excited to be here! I am truly looking forward to the surprises that God has in store for my friends and me while we are here at Camp Easton! Without a doubt, they will truly be wonderful.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Ever since I was thirteen years old, I have had the pleasure and joy in perform-ing in the annual Christ-mas Eve Concert Bash, a Christ-mas Eve concert that features perform-ances from thirty singers. A plethora of the featured singers are longtime good and close friends of mine! With this said, I am looking forward to tonight!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Rough day, huh, sweet-ie?" A kind looking bald girl, who was obvious-ly my new room-mate, sitting on the bed besides my new one."Yes, Ma'am." I reply, gently, knowing that the girl was only trying to be kind. "How could you tell?""Your eyes are blood-shot red, which indi-cates that you have been crying a lot, and haven't gotten much sleep."The girl replied, hitting it on the nose. "If you don't mind me asking, what cancer do you have, and when did you find out?""I found out on Thurs-day that I have cervical cancer." I replied. "On that same day, I found out that I needed to get transferr-ed and checked into this pediatric cancer hospital as soon as possi-ble. I'm scared, angry, hurt, and so many other emo-tions right now.""I know how you feel, because that is how I felt when I first got checked in here six months ago for Leukem-ia." The girl said, gently, walking over to me, Gently putting her hand on my should-er, the girl said, "I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but speak-ing from exper-ience, it will get better.""Thank you so much for listening and giving good advice." I said, wiping a tear from my eye. "What is your name?""Alex." The girl smiled at me. "What's about you?""Greta." I smiled. "Greta Kee-gan."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As Adriana and I sang along to the music, we kept our eyes on each other. Our smiles stayed on our faces, as well. As we sang, I also noticed something else. This was the first time in many years that we weren't bickering, and were actually hanging out with each other. I also noticed that the feelings that I felt for her weren't annoyance or disgust. In fact, they were feelings of love.Suddenly, I realized something. I hadn't bickered with Adriana out of annoyance. I had bickered with her because I am in love with her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Raegan Settle's eighteenth birthday has arrived and she could not be more pumped! To celebrate her birthday, Ella and Ethan Lindsey have arranged an all expenses paid trip to Maui for Raegan, her bandmates, parents, Kenzie, and Taylor! At this point, Raegan thinks that nothing could make this birthday any more special and amazing. As Raegan will soon learn, however, she is about to be proven wrong in one of the most special ways possible.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 143,95 kr.

    The week after school let out was the week that I left for my summer U.S. tour. I love touring, getting to meet my fans, touring with my wonder-ful manager and public-ist, Teresa, and my awe-some body guard, Jett. Even though I love touring, I miss every-one back home. With this said, my heart does an excited flip as my tour bus passes the Dallas sign! After all, this signals that I am finally back in my home town, and that it is not long before I see every-one!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    As seven-teen year old Kirstie Thorne did a once over of her first day of school outfit that consist-ed of a white Ralph Lauren short sleeve polo, knee length blue jean skirt, and white, strappy low heels in her floor length mirror, she could not help but smile. This summer had been a transfor-mative summer for her. Not only had she receivedmuch needed eye surgery to greatly improve her vision (Due to the eye surgery, she did not need her glasses any-more), as well as getting her braces removed and teeth whiten-ed, but through deter-mination and hard work, had lost fifty pounds this summer, earned her toned body and six pack. Truth be told, it had been a great summ-er! Smiling to herself, she knew that the kids at school, as well as her best friends, Nia, Ross, and Matt would not believe their eyes once they saw her. After all, Kirstie still could not believe it herself.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As I danced the dance that I had created and showed it to everyone, they were cheering my name and clapping along to the beat. It truly gave me confidence and happiness. It also made me feel as if I was on top of the world. Truth be told, that is one of the best feelings that I could ever feel!

  • - A Jerica Samuels Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As the plane touched down at Orlando International Airport, I could not help but feel excited! Not only had my parents and I just arrived in warm Florida, but the moment of seeing Jesse and his parents was getting closer and closer. Truth be told, I was getting more and more excited by the minute!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I cannot think of a better way to spend my last day in Florida than with my parents, boyfriend, and best friends at the happiest place on earth!" Nora exclaimed, as her parents, best friends, and boyfriend made their way into Magic Kingdom. "I really can't!""Same here!" Nick, Noel, and Natalie cheered."So guys, what ride would you like to go on first?""Splash Mountain!" The four teens answered.As the teens and Nora's parents made their way to Splash Mountain, Nora thought about what today would bring. Not only would it bring fun attractions, but it would also bring one last fun filled day with the people that she cared about the most before she moved to Los Angeles tomorrow. With this said, Nora had her mind set on making this day count!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Relaxing and enjoying a pre-concert shower, I thought about what this amazing Christ-mas Day had brought so far. After getting up early and exchan-ging gifts this morning, Mom, Dad, and I met up with Teddy and his parents, Andrea and Michael, at IHOP for our tradition-al Christ-mas break-fast. While at break-fast, the six of us exchang-ed gifts. After-wards, Mom and I went to the spa to get facials, body wraps, mud baths, facials, massa-ges, and mani/ pedis. With all of the wonder-ful things that have happen-ed today, I am ready to give the Christ-mas concert of a life time with my wonder-ful and amazing boy-friend ever tonight!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, It is T-minus three hours and thirty minutes until the Ender's (Lifelong great friends of my family and me) will be arriving from Michigan to my hometown of Denver, Colorado! Due to the fact that the Ender's son, Eric, has been my secret love interest for as long as I can remember, this makes me even more excited!Even though they are only able to spend one night here, the fact that they are able to celebrate Christmas with us this year makes this holiday that much more exciting and amazing!-Penelope

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear journal, it has been three months since I have seen Dad, Darcey (My amazing stepmom), and her kids, my awesome twin step siblings, Dana and Dylan. Just like me, they are sixteen years old. In fact, our birthdays are one week apart. While I was born on January 1st, Dana and Dylan were born on Christmas day. I am so excited about seeing them tomorrow!Speaking of tomorrow, I am so excited about it that I can barely stand it!Tomorrow at 7 AM, I will be boarding a plane that will be departing Los Angeles, California and heading to Orlando, Florida. Of course I will miss my amazing Mom, but I am looking forward to getting out of LA for the summer. After all, it is always nice to get away for a little while, and be in a different surrounding.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    About three hours after they had arrived in Florida, her boyfriend, band mates, and manager had presented Joy with one of her gifts early. Opening the small gift box, Joy had found a purple magic band inside. Instantly, she had become very excited. After all, Joy knew that that meant that all of them were going to Disney World.

  • - A Juliet Larsen Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, As I silently go over today's events, I can't help but smile. From getting to spend time and celebrate my eighteenth birthday with the people who truly mean the world to me to receiving amazing gifts from them, it is definitely safe to say that this birthday turned out to be the most amazing one that I could ever ask for. Even if I had not received any gifts at all, my birthday would have still been amazing. After all, I got to spend it with my parents, boyfriend, and best friends. -Juliet

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Tomorrow is a big day for the band and me. Tomorrow is the day that we leave for our first tour. For our first tour, we are going to be traveling around the U.S.A. Besides looking forward to performing in different cities and states, and getting to see many sites, I am looking forward to doing this with my siblings and girlfriend. Words cannot describe how excited and ready all of us are for this! -Kenneth