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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Making my way to dinner with my amazing girlfriend Este, awesome best friends Isabel, Wyatt, and awesome managers/ Isabel's parents, Jack, and Melanie, I cannot help but think about how tonight is our official last night in Anderson Cove. How did it go by so fast? One minute, all of us are arriving at Anderson Cove, California, and having a great time. The next, we are packing up and getting ready to leave. Even though all of us are extremely excited and pumped about touring, we are also a little sad about having to leave our second home. After all, we have had such an amazing time these past few days.As Jack pulls into the restaurant parking lot, I decide right then and there that I am going to make the last night in Anderson Cove fun and special!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is the day that I graduate from high school. I have waited a long time for this day to come. Today, I will be walking across the stage with the two hundred and ninety-nine other students that make up Kellwood High School's Senior Class and receive my diploma. I am so excited that I can hardly wait

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 - 78,95 kr.

    "How are you feeling about tonight?" Tori, my twin sister, asked. "Excited? Nervous?""Both." I replied, honestly. "This is the first date that I have ever been on with Thomas, and I don't want to screw it up.""You won't, I promise." Tori replied. "Besides, it's normal to be both excited and nervous about a first date.""It is?""Definitely." Tori replied. "When Trent and I went on our first date, I was nervous. However, due to the fact that we have been together for the past two years, I can easily say that everything worked out in our favor."Before we could finish our discussion, the doorbell rang.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    I have never been a crier. In fact, I cannot remember the last time that I cried. Actually, I can. It was at my Grand-mother's funeral two years ago.That's right. Up until today at 2:15 pm, the last time that I had cried was two years ago. Why was I crying at 2:15 pm, you ask? Well, that was the exact hour and minute that I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Seth 11:35 pmFor a moment, I stood there, frozen solid. I was so angry, that I was too scared to move. No one, and I mean no one, bad mouths my girlfriend.Finally thawing out, I growled,"You did not just say that about my girlfriend.""I did, so what are you going to do about it?"Taking a deep breath, I said, "I am going to tell you this one thing, and I am going to say it loud and clear." Looking deep into Riley's eyes and taking her hand, I said, "I am the luckiest guy in the world to be dating Riley Johnson. She has this strength that I wished that I possessed. Bald or with a head full of hair, she is the most beautiful girl that I have ever laid my eyes on. To be quite honest, I wonder some-times if I am good enough for her." Riley 11:36 amBefore I knew what was happening, my heart was melting with pride. Seth was doing everything that he could to protect my honor. However, it made kind of sad that he wondered sometimes if he was good enough for me. Didn't he know how much I loved him and need-ed him in my life? Didn't Seth know and understand that he made a huge difference in my life?Before I could remind Seth of that, he turned to Zoe and con-tinued, "You can say what-ever you want about me, because I couldn't care less. However, don't you dare let me hear you or catch you saying mean things to or about my girlfriend. Do I make myself clear?"Without saying anything more, Erin, Seth, and I made our way out of Steak N' Shake. After all, there was nothing more we needed to see or say.

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Before my best friends, classmates, and I go to the homecoming dance, my pre-homecoming party is going to take place. A few weeks ago, I asked my parents if I could host a pre-homecoming party for my best friends and the rest of the guys in our senior class.Thankfully, they had said yes. During the party, good food will be eaten, pictures will be taken, and a good time will be had by all. This, I am definitely sure of.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Wow, Alice, you are truly amazing." Nurse Molly smiled, as she rolled Alice into surgery."Really?""Really." Nurse Molly laughed. "I have never seen anyone take an IV as well as you did. Were you even aware that I was putting the IV in?""Not really." Alice admitted, smiling at Dr. Molly. "I was distracting myself with positive self-talk.""That's very good, Alice." Clearing her throat, Nurse Molly asked, "What things have you been telling your-self?""I have been telling myself that I am not going to let this cancer win and that I am more than willing to dowhatever it takes to make sure it doesn't come back."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Today, the last day before Christmas vacation, the band and I will be giving a free concert as a Christmas gift to the teachers and middle and high school student body. After Kimberly and I explained our idea and why we wanted to do this, Principal Martin, the teachers, and Kim's and my band mates (My boyfriend, good friends/ her brothers) were all 100% on board with this idea. In fact, they had said that it was the best idea that they had heard in a long time. After all, finals were done, and today was designated to class parties, anyway.After everything was said and done, we had a concert scheduled. I am truly excited about today's concert, and about giving the teachers and student body a gift that they will never forget!

  • - A Dinah Gray Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    For Christmas this year, my best friend, boyfriend, the rest of the students from our grade, and I are going to partake in a Christmas sleepover at my family's and my mansion. Not only are we going to exchange gifts, eat great food, go swimming in the indoor pool, we are also going to enjoy each other's company. With this said, I predict that a great time is going to be had by all!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Jo-lene!!" My twin sister, Joan, squeal-ed, running towards me. Dropp-ing my Vera Bradley duffle bag, I squeal-ed, and ran towards her. Mo-ments later, we were bombard-ing each other with a big hug!"Hi, sister, it's so great to see you!" I smiled, hugging my sister tightly. "It's been too long!""That it has!" Taking a step back, and giving me a once over, she said, "Girl, you look great! How much have you lost so far?"'"One hundred pou-nds!" I smiled, feeling proud of myself. "I am at 135, and have fivw more pounds to go until I reach my goal weight.""That's awe-some, but please be careful." Joan said, thought-fully. "You are already toned every-where on your body as it is, for as far as I can tell.""Don't worry, I am always careful, girl.""Prom-ise?""Prom-ise." I smiled."Okay."Joan smiled at me. Putting her arm around me, she said, "Come on, girl. We have a party to get ready for."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "You don't know how excited it makes me that you are taking a break from Los Angeles, and will be spend-ing your senior year back here with us!" Mrs. Fowler, Addison the amazing princi-pal of Aca-demy, a K12 school for students with learning disabili-ties, smiled. "This is the best end of the year gift that I could ever ask for!""Same here!" Ariana smiled, sincere-ly. "Even though I love living with my aunt in Los Angeles, and filming movies and TV shows, I am ready to take a break from it, and to come back to live with my amazing and wonder-ful parents for the year."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As I finished blow drying my hair and getting ready to leave for upcoming tour tonight, I thought about what Mom was saying. I knew she wasn't trying to justify the hurtful things that Dolce and Darren had said. She was just stating a fact. However, I also knew that I was still hurting from what they said, and was not ready to talk to them yet.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    For the first part of my birthday, my family and Mason's family had boarded our large van, and had gone to Walt Disney World's Blizzard Beach. After all, I had been in the mood to go to a water park. While at the water park, Mason, our parents, and I had gone on a plethora of slides and had relaxed in the big wave pool. However, I had been the only one brave enough to conquer Summit Plummet, the large drop slide at Blizzard Beach. Even though it had been scary, it had also been fun!Even though all of us were very tired after being in the sun for as long as we had been, and were ready for a shower and nap, none of us could deny that we had had a great time today!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, My heart is shattered. If I could cry, I would gladly do that. However, I do not know that I can. I have been crying all day, and I don't think that I have any more tears to shed. My parents have been coming in every ten minutes to check on me. They put on this brave face for me. I know that they hope that I will buy their brave act. However, I know better. They are just as hurt and scared as I am. My name is Riley Johnson and I have been diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer.

  • - An Isla Danney Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    When you move to somewhere new and unfamiliar, a certain amount of excitement and anxiety are involved. For thirteen year old Isla Danney, that is definitely true. When her father is reassigned from his church in San Antonio, TX to a mega church in Orlando, Florida, Isla is both nervous and excited about the move. In the first book on the Isla Danney series follow Isla as she discovers just how cool and welcoming her new church can truly be.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    After being treated for an eating disorder last spring, JoAnna made a decision right then and there that she was going to make every day count. Five months later. she is doing well and on to her next adventure called high school. With her best friends, new friends, and a new love interest in the works, JoAnna's first year of high school is definitely going to be a new and fun adventure that she will never forget.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    I will be singing a solo. This makes me very excited and a little nervous. The only people who have heard me sing are my best friends, boyfriend, and parents.Never before has anyone else heard me sing. I hope the guests and my class-mates like my voice. After all, the last thing that I want to do is embarrass myself.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I can't believe that it has been three whole years since the last time that I was a camper at Lawrence Church Camp!" Devan exclaimed, as she, the twins, and the twins parents made their way to camp. "I have truly missed it!""Well, it, as well as all of our plethora of longtime good camp friends, have missed you, too!" Diana chimed. "Have you told any of them that you will be returning this week?""No, I left that little part out." Devan replied, sheepishly.

  • - A Katie Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    83,95 kr.

    After Dad, Cody, and I sat down with Chelsea and Claire, I asked Dad how it was possible that he was even here. He had explained to me that, back in March, Cody had written him a letter saying that he had wanted to make my first prom extra special. Cody had also told him that I missed him greatly, and that, if my Dad could, it would be amazing if he could surprise me at the prom. In the end, Dad had gotten the okay to come back just for my Prom night. When Cody had found this out, he had immediately told Mom and MCA's principal, Mrs. Jeter. Immediately, they both became on board with Cody's idea. Apparently, Mom had been so touched at Cody's sweet gesture that she started crying. After Dad and Cody had finished telling me of how this wonderful surprise came to be, I stood up from my seat and gave Dad a hug. Afterwards, I went over to Cody and did the same."Thank you, Cody." I whispered, sincerely. "Thank you for making this the best and most perfect prom night that I could ever ask for."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    "Call me when you touch down in Dallas, okay, Ma'am?" Aunt Bonnie said, as she dropped me off at the LAX entrance. "I will be looking forward to your call.""Yes, Ma'am!" I smiled. "I will see you tomorrow night! I love you!""Love you, too, sweetie, and happy birthday!" Aunt Bonnie, my amazing and favorite aunt, smiled. "Please tell your wonderful Mom that I say hello!"Moments later, she was blowing me a kiss and driving away. As I made my way up to the check in counter to check in and drop my luggage off, I could not help but think about how truly blessed I was. I had been acting since I was twelve in a few movies and on a successful and hit family t.v. show. I had a supportive and amazing mom, supportive friends, and an amazing, support-ive, and hot best friend, Derek, that I had been secretly and completely in love with for years, even before I had moved to L.A. to start my acting career and live with my Aunt Bonnie. Even though it was hard sometimes living in a different state than everyone, I would not change my career for anything.Moving onto today, today is my eighteenth birthday. It also happens to be Derek's eighteenth birthday, too! Not only am I flying in today to celebrate my birthday with my parents, I am also going to crash Derek's party and surprise him, as well as our plethora of good friends! The only people who know about this are Mom and Derek's parents, and just like me, they are super excited about it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    The original plan was for Agnes and her besties to go to Magic Kingdom by themselves. Much to their excitement, however, Rydel and Ralston were ending up going with them. Due to the fact that Rydel, Ralston, and their parents would be flying back to California tomorrow, Agnes and her besties had invited the twins to go to Magic Kingdom. After asking their parents, Rydel and Ralston had accepted the invitation. After all, they wanted to spend time with Agnes and her besties.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Are you okay, Cap-tain?" My best friend, Mindy, asked."Yeah, just a little nervous, that's all.""Why are you ner-vous?" Mindy's and my other best friend, Kara, wanted to know."I worked so hard on choreo-graphing the group dance, and I want it to go well, that's all."Today is a big day for my dance team and myself. Not only is it Nation-als, and our last perform-ance together, but it is the last time that my best friends and I will dance on this dance team with the team mem-bers that we love and adore before gradu-ating next week. Truth be told, it is both exciting and bitter-sweet.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    After school had let out on Thursday, Maggie had approached Monica. After approaching her, Maggie had asked Monica if they could meet up for lunch on Saturday. To this, Monica had said yes. After all, there was lots that needed to be talked about.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Bye, Mom, I love you!" Brenna Michael-son smiled, shutting the car door behind her."Love you, too, sweetie, have a great day!" Mrs. Michael-son smiled. "I know that every-one will be excited to see that you are back for your last year of high school!" Blowing Brenna a big kiss, Mrs. Michael-son drove away.Taking a deep breath and smiling to herself, Brenna made her way into the school.

  • - A Savannah Stinson Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "The person that Shana, Garrett, and I have the pleasure of presenting to you this afternoon is one of the most amazing and talented individuals that we have ever met." Brady beamed. "Besides being an amazing actress, this individual is also a fiercely talented singer and songwriter. I could not be more proud to call her my co-star and girlfriend."After loud cheers from the teenage girls in the audience rang out and deceased, Garrett began to speak. "Not only does this individual Shana's and my best friend, but she is also one of the strongest people that we have ever met." Frowning a little, Garrett added, "As many of you are already aware of, this individual lost her cousin to Hodgkin's Lymphoma. With this said, this individual is dedicating her performance to her late cousin." Clearing his throat, Garrett continued, "I am truly blessed to call this individual one of my best friends and sisters.""I could not have said it better myself, Garrett." Shana said. Giving the audience a huge grin, Shana continued, "Ladies and Gentleman, performing her hit single, "Heather", a song that she wrote for her late cousin, is Savannah Stinson!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Today was Robyn's seventeenth birthday. Tonight was Robyn's birthday party that Portman Records was throwing for her. At the party, she would be singing her new single that had been released today on iTunes. This song also happened to be the song that Robyn's boyfriend, Ross McIntyre, had filmed her singing. More than anything Robyn wanted to do this song justice tonight. After all, it was a song that she held close to her heart.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Standingoutside of the hotel's ballroom doors, Camila took a deep breath to steady her nerves. Even though she was beyond excited about being here tonight, she was also a little nervous. After all, tonight was the first time that every-one would be seeing her walk again.Taking a deep breath, Camila opened the doors and made her way inside of the ball-room.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    "It's so great to have you home, sweetie, even if just for the day!" Dad smiled, giving my hand a gentle squeeze."It's so great to be home!" I smiled, returning my Dad's hand squeeze. "Aunt Ashley says hi.""How is my baby sister doing?""My favorite Aunt in the entire world is doing great!" I smiled. "Living with her while filming my show and upcoming show in Los Angeles is a great second home for me!"This was very true! Living with Aunt Ashley was amazing! Truth be told, I could not think of a better second home for me than with her! Even though I loved living with Aunt Ashley, it was not the same as being at home in my hometown of Phoenix, Arizona with my parents, plethora of good friends, and best friend, Brent(aka my longtime secret love interest). On a different note, I am so happy to be home for Christmas! Not only will I get to see my parent s, but I will also get to see Brent and his wonderful parents, too! Ever since Brent and I were little, It became a tradition that Brent, his parents, and my family spend Christmas together! I have been looking forward to this holiday for weeks, and now it is finally here!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Taking a good and relaxing shower in one of the spa's many luxor-ious show-ers, I think about what this amazing day had had to offer so far. First, my wonder-ful and amazing Aunt Bonnie (Due to my acting career, I have lived with her since the age of twelve), took me to break-fast at my favorite restaur-ant, where we enjoyed some great food, and where I opened some great gifts! After we got home, my best girl friend, and co-star, Annie, went to the spa where we would receive mud baths, hot stone mass-ages, citrus facials, and mani/ pedis (Due to the fact that Annie and I wanted to get shower-ed before them, we asked if we could take showers before our mani/ pedis began. After all we were stinky and sweaty.Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about what is going to happen after the spa. While Annie and I will be going to the mall to eat lunch and to buy dresses for tonight (We are going to a fancy dinner at Silo's and want to look our best). To end the awe-some day, Annie and I will be going back to my Aunt's mansion and enjoy some cake and ice cream!Like today has been so far, today is going to be even more ama-zing!

  • - A Leona Daniels Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Landon ordered our breakfast, I thought about what today would hold. At 7:45, our stylists and makeup artists would be helping us get ready to shoot our music video. The filming location? The Galleria. So we could film our music video without any interruptions, the Galleria people had agreed to open at noon, instead of at its usual time. For backup dancers and extras, Landon and I had asked some of our good friends from church and school to help us out with that. Thankfully, they were more than happy to help out.As Landon and I thanked the drive thru person, and made our way out of the Starbucks drive thru with our food, I could not help but feel excited! After all, a big day was ahead for Landon and me.