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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tomorrow morning at 5:30 am, Ryan, Roxanne, Ramsey, Rylee, Robert, and I will be leaving for my best friends and my 2018 U.S. Tour. Even though all of us have to be up and will be leaving super early, it does not phase any of us one bit! After all, we are too excited about the tour, that we can barely stand it! Before we can think about the tour, however, we have some preparations that need to be done first. Besides finishing packing, all of us need to relax and get "cleaned up". While the guys are going to be getting haircuts, Rylee, Roxanne and I will be getting our hair done, nails and toes done, and will be receiving massages and facials. With this said, a relaxing day is going to be busy and relaxing!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    When I was twelve years old, my Mom and I moved from our home-town of Orlando to Los Angeles so I could pursue my music career (In the end, I would end up winning a plethora of awards for my music). Even though this was exciting, it meant that I had to leave my best friends Grey, Sadie, and Justin behind. Even though this had been very hard, Mom and Grey's Mom had come up with a plan. On the last week of July, I would stay with Grey (My longtime secret love interest), and his wonder-ful parents from the last Monday-Friday of July. This was awe-some because my tours would not get in the way of the big visit, and vice versa. As the plane descend-ed into Orlando Inter-national Airport, I could not help but smile. After all, a fun week with my best friends awaited me!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 143,95 kr.

    "I'm terri-fied." I said, my voice tremb-ling a little. "I've never walked without holding onto the bars before.""I know it's scary, Bry, but I know that you can do it." Charlie smiled at me. "Be-sides, I will be here to catch you if you fall.""Prom-ise?""I give you my word.""Okay." Slowly, I put my feet on the floor.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    For almost a year now, I have been hiding my feelings from Jeremiah, because I was scared about getting hurt. However, I have decided that I can't hide my feelings anymore. It hurts more than if he told me he did not feel the same way. With this said, I plan on taking a chance and telling Jeremiah how I feel tonight. Even if he doesn't feel the same way, I will be okay. After all, I would have gotten my feelings out in the open, and would not have lost my best friend.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "It's okay, honey, you've got this." Mom said, gently. "You are ready.""You've got this, girl." My best friend, Grace, smiled. "All you have to do is believe that you do.""They are right, missie." Rhoda, my physical thera-pist, smiled. "Why don't you try to stand up and walk a little bit while holding on to the support bars?""Sounds good." I replied, taking a deep breath, holding on to the bars, and slowly and gently lifting myself up from my wheel-chair.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Oh my gosh!!!" Seven-teen year old Fallon Brooks ex-claimed, wrapp-ing her arms around her parents, Wendy and Tim, and her best friends, Stacey and Kim. "What are you guys doing here ""We missed you so much that we wanted to come surprise you for Thanks-giving, as well as your birth-day!" Wendy piped. "Your awe-some Aunt helped us plan it!"Turning to her amazing, favorite, and wonder-ful Aunt Nicole, Fallon turned to Nicole, smiled, and asked, "You were in on this, too?""I sure was!" Nicole smiled, proudly. "When they had come to me with the idea, I had invited them to stay from today until Satur-day!""You are the best aunt ever, and I love you so much!" Fallon smiled, wrapp-ing her arms around Nicole.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    It is tradition that, on the final day of dance boot camp, the captain of the team hosts a sleepover for the girls of the dance team. Due to the fact that I am this year's captain, the sleepover is being held at my mansion this year! Truth be told, I could not help but be more excited! After all, the girls and I love each other and think of each other as family. Truth be told, it is a good situation!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Today is my best friend's eighteenth birthday, and her birthday party is tonight. It is going to be a truly fun evening had by all.On a different note, there was another reason that I could not help but smile. My best friend, Tory, is one of the most kind, genuine, and down-to-earth people that you will ever meet. She works hard and puts her heart into everything that she does. The fact that she is a famous actress now did not change these things. Just like every day, especially today, Tory deserves the very best.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Is it possible that people can be distractions? Whenever Britt comes to visit me, I am able to escape my reality and focus on the conversations that take place between her and me. No one has ever affected me in the way that Britt does.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 - 108,95 kr.

    Tonight is my senior prom. Last year, I was in my wheelchair, but this year, I am not. This year, I finally get to dance with my boy-friend, best friend, and our good friends at the biggest dance of the year. For me, this is a dream come true.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    After the last of the song was sung, Ross and I looked at each other. We didn't have to say anything to in order what the other one was thinking. We did not want to say goodbye tomorrow, and were going to miss each other greatly.Before I knew what was happening, Ross began to speak."If you are okay with it, I would really love to take you out to dinner tonight, just the two of us.""I would love that." I smiled, my heart skipping a beat. "I really would."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Ever since we were in kindergarten, my lifelong best friends hotm sexy, genuine and kind twin boys, Jett and Tucker Palmer, and as well as Jett's longtime girl friend and Tucker's and my best girl friend, Olivia Jaden, have attended Dowling Academy, a k12 school for students with learning disabilities (Much to our joy, the four of us make up our graduating class at school!).As luck would have it, that is where our wonderful and amazing parents met and went to school at, too!. Just like the guys, Olivia, and I are lifelong best friends, our parents are, too! Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about this week. This week is Dowling's spring break, and my best friends and I are celebrating it in one of the most fun ways possible! Ever since Monday, my best friends and my parents have stayed at my parent's and my beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. So far, we have gone swimming, surfing, had beach time, gone to Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. Tuday we are going to Sea World! With this said, it has been an amazing spring break so far, and it will continue to be awesome!Love, D XOX

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "It's so great to have you home, sweet-heart!" Mr. West exclaimed, as he and Chloe made their way out of the airport parking lot. "It will be nice to finally have you home for good!""I feel the same way, Daddy!" Chloe replied. "Living in Los Angeles with Aunt Claire was awesome, but it was time for me to come home."This was very true. Even though her time in Los Angeles had been awesome, Chloe was ready to come home to her family, best friends, and her plethora of good friends. After all, she had missed them greatly.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Phoenix and I waited to be called and presented into the ballroom, I could not help but feel extremely happy and excited! Tonight was a big night for Phoenix and me. Not only was today our eighteenth birthday, but tonight was our eighteenth birthday party at one of the largest and most exquisite hotels in Los Angeles, California. Over 250 people, including some of my good friends in the business, my parents and extended family, Phoenix's parents and extended family, as well as a plethora of our good friends from church and school would be in attendance! Truth be told, tonight was going to be a big night!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, For as long as I can remember, I have always loved to sing. I would sing in front of my friends, family, in the shower, etc. However, I have never sung in front of anyone else but them. It would make me too nervous. Well today, that is all about to change. At our Christmas show today, which takes place on the last day before Christmas break, I am going to conquer my fear and sing in the talent show. Even though I am nervous, I am also very excited!-Miria

  • - A Dinah Gray Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today was the first day of Dinah, Dylan, and my week at Montag Christian Camp. For Dinah, it was her first time attending this camp. She had attended another Christian camp before over the years before she moved to Dallas. From what I understand from her and Dylan, Dinah had a great first day. Not only are she and Dylan the only campers in their cabin, they also have Rachel as their camp counselor. She is truly one of the most awesome camp counselors ever. From what I also understand, the other people (campers and counselors alike) took to her quickly. I am not surprised by this at all. After all, Dinah is one of the nicest, genuine, and down to earth people ever, and it is not hard to get attached to her quickly.Speaking of Dinah, I have decided to finally come clean to her this week about how I feel about her. I have held it in too long, and don't think that I can hold it anymore.-Doug

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    67,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much to all of you for joining us here tonight to celebrate Jordin on her graduation and to say goodbye to her as she leaves for LA tomorrow." Dad said into the micro-phone. "Before we enjoy and devour a delicious dinner, I would like to call James O' Connell. After all, he has something very special to show everyone."As everyone clapped and as Dad took a seat by me, James came up to the front of the room."Thank you, everyone." James smiled at the crowd, as they stopped clapping. "Before I play the slideshow that I made for the graduate herself, I have something that I want to say to the graduate. Jordin, you are such an amazing person and best friend that I could ever ask for. You make me a better person. You are so many wonderful things, and I am going to truly miss you like crazy when you leave tomorrow. With this said, I wanted to make you something special for you."After everyone clapped once more, the lights dimmed, The Glee Cast's Version of "Roots Before Branches" began to play, and the slide show began.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As the doorbell to Lindsay's mansion rang, and our good friends from church arrived, I was bombarded with excited squeals and hugs. This was due to the fact that these girls had not seen me yet, and had not known that I was going to be home for a while. Due to the fact that I was excited to see these girls, too, I could not help but squeal and hug everyone tightly.Let the girl time begin, I thought to myself, grinning from ear to ear.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remember, the Jameson's and my family have spent six weeks out of each summer at the Jameson's extra extra large beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. It gave us a chance to hang out and spend time together. This summer, however, was going to be a little different. My best friend, Lori, would be joining us. This makes me very excited!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I took the empty seat at the table, I tried to once again wrap my head around the fact that I was celebrating my eighteenth birthday with my best friends and parents in MAUI. Not only is the resort that we are staying at amazing (We are staying at the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa), we were in one of the most amazing places in the world!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As Brylee performed her routine, it wasn't long before everyone in the room became mesmerized by how talented she was. Very soon into Brylee's routine, everyone began to clap and cheer for her. Even the coaches were standing from their seats and clapping. As this happened, Brylee could not help but smile. After all, she was making an excellent first impression.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I lay on my comfortable bed and rested my eyes, I tried to forget about the note I had received from Keith. In the note, Keith had said that he was not into me anymore and that I was the ugliest thing that he had ever seen in his life. When I confronted him about it, Keith had said that he had no idea what I was talking about. He and I had then exchanged some words that we should not have and now aren't speaking to each other. This happened on Tuesday night during evening break.Thankfully, Kelly, Madison, Jamie, Sara, Court, and my counselor had been there for me. Even though I am hurting, I have been able to have a good time with my best friends and new friends. We have gone swimm-ing, hiking, played basketball, as well as many other activities. I am not letting what happened between Keith and me change the fact that I am having a good time at camp.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is a big birthday for me. That's right, journal! Today at 8:17 AM, I turn the big 1-8! With this said, I am spending it in the best way possible! While Mom, Dad, Caitlin, and Corey have something in Orlando this morning and this afternoon (They left about fifteen minutes ago), I get to spend some alone time with my wonderful and amazing girlfriend, Courtney! Due to the fact that this is the last day of our time at Henley Beach this summer (This makes me a little sad), spending time with Courtney is the best thing that I could ever ask for my birthday!-Christian

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Candace Carr stepped onto the turf of Camp Crocker, a summer camp for children ages 10-18 with learning disabilities that that was located 40 minutes outside of Denver, she could not help but smile. After six weeks of a little over a month of being on tour, it was nice to be in a place that she was very familiar with.

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As the fireworks made their debut in the sky and over Henley Beach's main beach, a different kind of fireworks were occurring on the balcony of my parent's and my beach house. That's right! Bentley and I were sharing our first kiss! For such a long time, I had only dreamt of kissing Bentley. Now, my dream was coming true!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Ever since the summer before my freshman year of high school, I have attended Camp Evers. It is a camp for campers who are entering 9th-12th grade in the upcoming fall who have cancer or are in remission from it. I have been in remission from cancer since the middle of eighth grade. Coming to Camp Evers for a week long session is a summer activity that I truly look forward to! I have a plethora of good friends that I have kept in close contact with (These friends including the counselors and my longtime fellow camper and secret love interest, Ethan). Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about the cabins. Due to the fact that three campers and one counselor make up a cabin, there are four twin size tempur pedic beds in the cabin and four shower stalls. Truth be told it is pretty awesome! As I made my way to my assigned cabin, I could not help but smile. After all, a fun week of camp with good friends had finally arrived!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    On a different note, today was also a special day. It was Vanna's seventeenth birthday. When Vanna had arrived to practice this morning, she was surprised and delighted to see a big banner on her trailer door that read, "Happy Birthday, Vanna!!!" During lunch, Vanna had been presented with a cake, and everyone had sang "Happy Birthday" to her. She had even received a card and a $500 Visa gift card from the cast and crew. All in all, it had been a great birthday for Vanna, so far. However, the fun did not stop there. Tonight, Devon would be picking Vanna up and taking her out on a date for her birthday tonight. Words could not describe how excited Vanna was about this.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Are you ready, Miss Annyce?" Miss Blanton, the awesome and amazing dance team coach, asked."Yes, Ma'am." I smiled, sincerely."Okay, then!" Miss Blanton smiled. "Let's see what you've got!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, This month has brought me so much joy. From winning my soccer tournament to getting into my dream school, I never thought that one person could experience so much joy, and that nothing could bring me more joy. Up until tonight, that is what I thought. At dinner tonight, Daniel asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course, I said yes. Daniel brings me so much joy and is the person that I could never be without.Thank you Lord for bringing so much joy into my life.-Trista

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    For her birthday this year, Spencer had suggested the idea of going to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. After all, she had never been there, and had always wanted to go!Due to the fact that they were in the same boat as Spencer when it came to this awesome theme park, Shiloh, Sam, and Sicily had backed her up on it. Two weeks later, the four teens and their parents were making their way inside of the theme park."Birthday girl, what do you think that we should ride first?" Sicily smiled at her best friend."The Incredible Hulk Coaster!" Spencer exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear with excitement. "Does that sound good to everyone?""Definitely!" The teens exclaimed grinning from ear to ear with excitement, as well.Moments later, the four teens and their parents made their way to their first ride of the day!