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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Even though I only attended Harwood for three years, it was truly the best three years of my life. Not only did I have amazing teachers, make a group of genuine best friends(I even formed a band with them), fall in love with an amazing individual (and have my feelings and love returned by them), and many other wonderful things, but I also was given an amazing high school experience!As Chloe and I make our way into Harwood and get ready to partici-pate in the graduation dress rehearsal, I cannot help but feel happy, excited, and thankful.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Do you need help finishing packing for tomorr-ow's depart-ure, girl?" My good friend and room-mate, Lisa, asked, sitting on the edge of her bed. "I've already gotten mine done.""I appre-ciate the offer, girl, but I am good, ready, and packed for my summer at home." I smiled at Lisa. "I'm going to miss you this summer, and am beyond excited about starting our senior year in Au-gust, and for being roomies for another year!""Same here!" Lisa piped. Coming over to me, Lisa gave me a big hug, and said, "Love you, girl!""Love you, too!" I smiled, giving Lisa a big hug.As I hugged Lisa, I thought about my journey here at Heron Board-ing School for girls with learning dis-abilitiesgoing into high school that is located in Albu-quer-que, New Mexico.When I went was in junior high with my best friends back in my home-town of Houst-on, Texas, I was bullied relent-lessly. Even when my best friends, Kina, Marley, Jemma, Kellan, and Race, and my parents had tried to do some-thing about it, the staff wouldn't do anything about it. In fact, the bullying had gotten so bad to where I had attempt-ed suicide on Valen-tine's Day. That was the last straw for my parents! After immed-iately pulling me out of that school, they started looking for alter-native options for my high school career. After discover-ing Heron Board-ing School, and doing some thor-ough research on it, Mom, Dad, and I decided that it was worth paying it a visit.During the visit, I was more than a little nervous. What if what happen-ed at my last school would happen here? What if the head-master, staff, and students were mean and snotty? During my first visit, I learned that that was not the case, at all. Quickly, I had come to love every-one at HBS, and they quickly came to love me, too! With this said, I could not ask for a better school to call my school home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 - 108,95 kr.

    Today was Gibby's annual back to school pool party, and Ashley Jane wanted to look her best. With this said, she had wanted to pick out a new and awesome swimsuit.While Delilah and Ashley Jane had gone to Orlando to shop for swimsuits for tonight, both girls had found perfect ones. While Delilah had decided on a cute bikini, Ashley Jane had decided on a split black cut out swimsuit. Without a doubt, Ashley Jane knew it was perfect.As the girls checked out and purchased their swim-suits, Ashley Jane could not help but smile. Tonight was going to be epic.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, For as long as I can remem-ber my family and my sexy, tall, genuine, selfless, down to earth, kind, lifelong best friend, Kenny, and his amazing parents, Tina and Zachary, have come together for Thanks-giving dinner each year. Even when I moved to LA, and became an actress, that did not change! On a different note, a new sched-ule was added, too: I would fly down Thanks-giving day and leave that Saturday to go back to LA. So far, that plan has worked perfect-ly! Even though I LOVE Christ-mas, I have to be honest to say that Thanks-giving is my favorite holiday!As my private plane makes its way to Orlando, I cannot help but smile and feel excited! After all, I will be seeing every-one very soon!-Idalia XOXO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "I LOVE the "Move It! Shake It! Dance and Play It!" Street parade!" My best friend, Shauna, exclaim-ed, as she, my parents, and I entered Magic King-dom. "It is one of my top favorite things about coming to Magic King-dom!""Same here!" I exclaim-ed. Turning to my parents and best friend in the entire world, I smiled and said, "Come on guys, let's go find a good place!"For my big birthday this year, my parents treated my best friend and me to a week at Walt Disney World. On Monday, we had flown from Los Angeles to Orlando after Shauna and I had finished wrapp-ing up filming that after-noon. At around 8:00 that evening, the four of us arrived at the contem-porary resort, and will be flying back to LA tomorr-ow. Truth be told, this week had been the most fun that I have had in a long time!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    From twelve years old- yester-day after-noon, I was para-lyzed, and not planning on attend-ing my senior prom. Tonight, how-ever, I have a fresh mani/ pedi and a new dress and shoes that I got at the mall today (The dress is champ-agne colored, knee length with a flowing skirt, and two piece.), and am standing on my best friends' porch, feeling both excited and nervous to ring the doorbell. After all, my best friends, twins Frazier and Hazel, and our plethora of good friends don't know that I am wheel chair free. Taking a deep breath, I ring the doorbell.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Girl, it is so great to see you!" Jane exclaimed. "You look great!""You do, too, girl!" I replied, sincerely. "I've missed you and Jeremy lots!""We've missed you, too!" Jane said, "Jeremy has especially missed you.""He has?" I asked, my heart skipping a beat."Definite-ly." Jane smiled. "You are mainly all that Jeremy has been talking about lately."Due to the fact that I have secretly been in love with Jeremy for as long as I can remember, this made my heart skip a beat. Not only was Jeremy tall, sexy, and extremely gorgeous, he was also a kind and genuine person. In fact, he was everything that I looked for in a guy!As Jane and I pulled into one of Flatiron Crossing Mall's plethora of parking lots to have some best friend time and do some Christmas shopping, I could not help but smile. There was no other place that I would rather be right now than here with Jane!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "What did you wish for, sweetie?" Jesse asked, as we got our pieces of cake and made our way back to our table."Honestly? Nothing." I smiled. "After all, I could not ask for a more perfect birthday."This was, without a doubt, very true. Today had been such an amazing day. Not only had I gotten to go shopping for a party dress and get pampered with Shannon, as well as participate in an awesome photo shoot, but I was celebrating my birthday at my birthday bash. I had been looking forward to this for weeks, and now it was finally here! As Jesse and I enjoyed our cake, I could not help but smile. After all, I could not help but silently thank God for today.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    At the beginning of camp, it had occurred to me that I am in love with my best friend, Fable. Not only is she sweet, kind, genuine and down to earth, she is also amazing and extremely beautiful.After putting it off for an entire summer, I am finally going to tell Fable how I feel about her tonight.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Okay, girl, we have the all the types of chips and dip that we could find, as well as some other yummy treats!" My best friend, Chelsea, noted. "What else do we need for to-night?""Mom has already pur-chased the cake and ice cream for tonight, and we are ordering pizza for dinner tonight, so I think we are good!" I chirped.For their eighteen-th birth-days, most teens would want a big party. How-ever, I am not most eighteen year olds. For my birthday this year, I wanted a co-ed sleep-over with my best friend, and a few of our closest friends. Thank-fully, Mom agreed.As Cecilia and I made our way to check-out, I could not help but smile. After all, tonight was going to be awe-some!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Today is the day of love. That's right! Today is Valentine's Day. This year, I am especially looking forward to day, because I have someone to celebrate with. One othr reason that I am excited is because of the Valentine's Day dance at school tonight. Since today is the last day of school before a five day weekend, the school decided that it would be awesome to do something big for Valentine's Day. With all of the things happening today, I am so excited about today that I can hardly wait!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Fighting with your best friend can be one of the hardest things in the world. It is a situation where both parties end up getting hurt, and no one wins. I should know, because I am in a fight with one of my best guy friends right now. The funny thing is I don't even know how the fight started. One minute, we are hanging out and having fun. The next minute, we are fighting and not speaking to each other. In fact, Kieran and I have not spoken in two weeks. That is how bad the fight is.Truth be told, I am not angry anymore. I am hurt. I am hurt because, even though I want to surrend-er and wave a white flag of truce, I am scared to. I am scared that Kieran won't wave one back.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Yester-day, Mom, Dad, and I were inform-ed that the cancer that I had fought for such a long time, was finally gone. Today, after being confined in the hospital, I am on my way home with Mom. Even though I am very tired, I am also very happy. After all, I have a great summer ahead of me!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Lying in bed, I open my eyes and look around the room. I am not in my room. I am in my good friend, Meggie's, sleeping in the other twin bed that is in her room. I am in my boyfriend's and his family's mansion, spending Thanksgiving with them. My parents are also visiting, too. Sitting up in my bed, I stretch and smile.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "I know and under-stand that you and Eva are as different as night and day, but on your end, I need you to please attempt a truce betweenyou and her." Denise Master-son told her son, Daniel. As they made their way from the airport to Eva and Ellen Gandon's extra large beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. "Her best friends apparent-ly started a rumor about her on the inter-net.""That's horri-ble!" Daniel ex-claimed. "When did this happ-en?" "A couple of days ago." Denise frowned. "From what Ellen tells me, Eva is truly dis-traught.""I would be sur-prised if she weren't." Daniel said, gently. "With what I know now, I want to call a truce between us, and slowly become friends.After all, it sounds like what Eva needs is a friend right now."

  • - A Jade Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I can't believe that we are finally here!" Meg exclaimed, as she, Kayla, and I made our way to the restroom."I know, right?" Kayla asked. Frowning a little bit, she added, "Too bad that Jeanette, Gabby, Kasey, and Missy, got expelled and can't experience this.""How could they have thought that getting drunk at a party during Spring Break would not have consequences for them?" Meg asked, incredulously. "I am angry at them, but sad that they are not here to experience this." Silently, I agreed with her. Even though I was angry at the girls for getting drunk and kicked out of school, there was a part of me that still wished that those four could enjoy the experience of competing at Disney's ESPN Wide World of Sports. As my friends and I made our way into the restroom, I could not help but think that nothing could rain on our parade. However, a few seconds later, an all too familiar girl made her way out of one of the stalls. Unfortunately, the girl was none other than my ex-best friend, Kim Martinez.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Being oblivious to your boyfriend of one year cheating on you with a longtime good friend of yours, and finding out about it through a tabloid is one of the most heartbreaking and heart-wrenching things that I have ever experienced! Even though I immediately dropped both people out of my life, the betrayal still breaks my heart! It has been about a week and a half since the breakup, and I am still reeling about it! Even though my wonderful parents have been there for me, and telling me that these feelings are totally normal, it does not change the fact that I am in pain! Hopefully, the week with the Hunters at their beach house will do some good!-Opal XOXO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    In that moment, I could not agree more with Aunt Carter. My former show wrapped up filming on Friday, and my new one begins the process of filming next Monday. With this said, I have a break in between them. For my break, I will be spend-ing today-Friday in Orlando with my family and best friends. Due to the fact that I have not seen them in a while, I am beyond excited about this trip! There is also the fact that I get to see my twin sister and our best friends graduate from high school tonight! With this said, this makes me even more excited about the trip!"Are you ready?" Aunt Carter asked, smiling at me."Rea-dy!" I piped, zipping up my suitcase, and taking it off of my bed.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As my twenty one other classmates and myself participated in the dress rehearsal for tonight's graduation ceremony, there was one thing on my mind. No, it wasn't tonight's graduation party at my mansion, my upcoming world tour (which I leave on Saturday for, by the way), the fact that summer was finally here, or the fact that my boyfriend, best friend, and I would all be at Texas Tech University in the Fall. No, my mind was on the fact that I will be graduating from high school tonight.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    After everyone had finished eating dinner, it was time for the karaoke part of the evening. The first people to volunteer and perform? Nikki and Nick.As they got ready to perform, Nick and Nikki could not help but smile to themselves. After all, there was no one else that they would rather sing a duet with than with each other.

  • - A Katie Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Okay," I sighed, picking up the invitation that was in front of me. "How many people have RSVP'd to Katie's surprise party on Friday night?""Out of the twenty-five people that we have invited, all of them have replied." My twin sister, Claire, informed."That's good." Giving my sister a thoughtful look, I asked, "So, out of the twenty-five guests that were invited, how many will be able to make it to the party?""Twenty-five.""That's good." I replied, breathing a sigh of relief. "That is extremely good." On Friday, Katie Russell, my sister's and my best friend in the entire world, will be turning eighteen years old. Katie also happens to be our twin brother, Cody's, girlfriend.Due to how much she means to us, Claire, Cody, and I wanted to do something special for Katie's eighteenth birthday. In the end, my siblings and I decided that throwing Katie a surprise party at our mansion would be perfect."Do you think Katie suspects anything?" Claire wanted to know."Honestly? No." I replied. "She thinks that you and I are taking her out for a birthday dinner."Good." Claire smiled. "Let's keep it that way."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    My heart caught in my throat, my left hand clasped over my mouth, and happy tears running down my cheeks, it took me just a minute to process what was happen-ing. Mark was down on one knee, and displaying the most beautiful ring that I had ever seen!His voice cracking, and tears running down his cheeks, Mark asked, "Beautiful Amelia Larsen, will you marry me?""Baby, of course I will." I smiled, beginning to laugh and cry at the same time.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As you have probably guessed by now, it is my best friend and band mate's eighteenth birthday. It is going to be a big day full of celebrating Amberly. Smiling to myself, I cannot help but feel happy for Amberly. After all, she is a person that deserves to be celebrated.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "It feels good and weird, huh? Going home after these couple of years residing here at the hospital, I mean?" Charlie, my tall, sexy, genuine, best guy friend, and fellow cancer survivor, asked."I know exactly what you mean." I replied. It feels great getting out of the hospital, and finally being able to go home. It's just weird, that's all." Clearing my throat, I asked, "Hey, Charlie? Even though we won't be seeing each other as much any-more, we will still be best friends, right?""Of course, we will!" Charlie piped. "After all, you are a best friend that is rare and hard to come by these days."Without saying anything more, Charlie and I gently bumped fist, and contin-ued to watch the dark and starry sky from the roof.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Addison and her parents made their way home, she could not feel any more happy. After a long time of being in the hospital, she was finally out. Not only would she finally be able to spend time with her family and sweet cat, but Addison would finally be able to go back to home school. On a different note, Addison was finally able to hang out with her best friends and plethora of good friends again. Speaking of her best friends and good friends, Addison had an idea. "Guys, do you think that we could stop by Andrea's?" Addison asked. "I want to surprise her.""Sounds like a plan to me." Mr. White smiled."Me too."Mrs. White added. "After all, it is on the way home."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Due to scheduling conflicts, Solange was unable to come home for Christmas this year. However, she was able to come home for a night to spend New Year's Eve with her family and friends. Even though Solange wished that she could stay longer, she was grateful for the time that she had been given. After all, one night was better that none at all.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Girl, I cannot thank you enough for bringing me along on this vacation." Sicily said. "It was amazing, and I truly had the time of my life!""Same here!" Spencer replied. "I just wish that we did not have to leave tomorrow.""Me too." Sicily sighed. "Leaving means having to say goodbye to the guys tomorrow, and you on Sunday.""I'm going to miss everyone so much." Spencer said, a single tear making it's way down her cheek. Wiping it away, she smiled and said, "Hey, at least the guys and us have a campfire to look forward to tonight.""That we do." Sicily smiled, wrapping her arm around her best friend. "That we do."

  • - An A.J. Ackerman Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Tomorrow, A.J. Ackerman will be moving to Denver. Tonight, however, she will be dancing the night away at the homecoming dance with her boyfriend, Kevin, and their friends. Because this is the last time that she will be together with everyone for a while, A.J. plans on making tonight the best that it can be.In this story of good times and saying goodbye, Follow A.J. as she says goodbye to and dances the night away with the people she loves.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Are you excited about your first dance at your new school? Mom asked."I truly am." I smiled. "I am looking forward to hanging out with my class-mates and the rest of the high schoolers.""I am excited for you." Mom smiled back. "From what I can see, it seems like you are really happy at your new school.""You're right, Mom." I smiled, sincerely. "I truly am."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Today is the last soccer game of the school year. In fact, It is the last game of the season. Am I excited? Of course! Am I nervous? Yes and no.Even though I know that the Ataman Aviators varsity girls soccer team will do well today, I really want us to win. If we won today, that would mean that we would have a perfect season under our belts. After all, we have not lost one game this season.