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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Wes and I sang "I Can Only Imagine", I began to think of my parents. I thought of their bravery while serving in Iraq, and how they died for my freedom. Their bravery and selflessness was what inspired me every day to grow, mature, and continue the journey of becoming even more of the strong, selfless, and confident person that I am today.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remember, the Christmas Eve Bash, a huge concert that consists of 20+ musical artists from all across the U.S.A., has occurred here in Denver, Colorado. This year, The Denver Six has been asked to perform in this big show. For my band mates and me, this is a HUGE deal.We became a band in October of last year, but signed on to XalerelaX Records, Hadley's Uncle's record label, a year ago. In that year we have made two music videos, made appear-ances on talk shows, released our first full-length album, performed in concerts, etc. However, this is the first big concert that we have ever been asked to perform in.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Before we go on stage, guys, I want to pray for us." I said, as my teammates and I waited our turn to go on stage.Immediately, everyone agreed to it. Moments later, we were gathering in a circle, holding each other's hands and closed our eyes."Dear God," I began. "You know what is on our hearts. You know our nerves, excitement, and our wanting to win this State competition today. Please help us give everything that we have and be brave and confident. In Your name, Amen.""Amen." Everyone repeated.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    A few weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. Cole had called inviting Devan to spend a few days with them and their family for Christmas in Dallas. Of course, Devan and her parents had said yes. After all, Devan had not seen them, nor her boyfriend and best friends since August. After Devan and her parents had given Mr. and Mrs. Cole their answer, Mr. and Mrs. Cole had asked that Devan not say anything to Kent, Brooke, or Christian about her coming to Dallas for Christmas. After all, they wanted it to be a surprise.Immediately, Devan had agreed. After all, this surprise was truly going to be wonderful and unforgettable.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Ever since this morning, my lifelong best friend, Lana, and I had been on the go. Not only had we enjoyed some pre-party pampering and shopping for tonight, but we had also eaten an awesome lunch at our favorite restaurant at Chick-Fil-A. Even though it had been a tiring day, it had been a good one.Moving on, let me tell you about tonight. Tonight is my big birthday bash at Hotel Icon! I have been looking forward to this for awhile now, and it has finally arrived. Not only will there be great food, desserts, a beautiful and amazing cake, their will also over 65 of my good friends, as well as my two best friends, having fun and dancing the night away! Truth be told, I predict that tonight is going to be awesome!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    Usually around this time, the teenagers and our parents would be turning off the light and going to sleep. For my best friend, good friends, and me, however, that was not the case tonight. Tonight, we were partaking in a late night campfire. While at the campfire, we would be singing songs and roasting marshmallows. Truth be told, I had a feeling that tonight was going to be awesome!

  • - Beach Style
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Waking up in my bed, I take in my surroundings. I am not in Minnesota, but in Henley Beach, Florida. I am not in my home, but in my family's large beach house. It is not snowing or bitter cold here, but sunny and warm. Finally, I am here with my parents, my amazing and beautiful best friend (aka my longtime secret love interest), and her parents celebrating Christmas. Truth be told, life could not be better.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Making my way to my locker to get my things out of my locker, and get ready for my lifelong best friends, Tiffany, Sara, and Abigail, to head out for the day, I notice that they are gathered around my locker and talking in low voices. There are also a plethora of other people gathered around the vicinity of my locker. Before I can ask myself what is going on, my best friends turn to face me, and they look both shocked and pissed at the same time.This cannot be good, I thought to myself, meeting them at my locker."Girlie," Sara began, calmly. "I am going to have to ask you to meet us at my car.""We will get your things and bring them to you." Abigail said. "Just trust us on this one.""What's going on?" I asked, my voice with a hinge of panic.Before any of them can say anything, or our able to block me from my locker, I finally arrive at it. What I see makes my stomach drop.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "You are a brave young man, Mason." Mr. Hemsworth thoughtfully said, gently clapping Mason on the shoulder. "Without you, our daughter might not be alive today.""It's true." Mrs. Hemsworth said, gently. "You are truly a hero."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "What did you guys think of Tower of Terror?" I asked as my best friends, parents, and I waited in line to board Rock N' Rollercoaster starring Aerosmith. "Did you like it?""Definitely!" Tess chimed."Same!" The guys piped."I liked it, too, but it made my stomach drop." I replied. "It is definitely one of those rides that I would ride only once in a day." Yesterday, my parents, best friends, and I arrived at our beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. While at dinner last night, Mom and Dad had surprised us by saying that we would be spending the first part of the fourth at Disney's Hollywood Studios. This had made all of us very excited!As all of us boarded the ride, I could not help but smile. This Fourth was and was going to be the best one that I could ever ask for! After all, I was spending it with my best friends and parents!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Getting dressed in her school uniform (light blue shirt with school emblem and khaki skirt), as well as her strappy black, low heels, Seven-teen year old Eleanor Dowling looked at her reflect- ion in the mirror. Instead of a girl with long hair, glasses and braces, a toned girl who was glasses and braces free, and had a cute new haircut stood in the mirror. Even though Eleanor loved what she saw in the mirror, she didn't like the nervousand anxious feelings that she felt inside of her heart.Even though she was excited about today being the first day of her senior year, Eleanor was also hesitant.After all, she had not seen or spoken to her so called best friends since the last day of school last year.Before school had ended for the summer, Ricky, Laurel, and Derek, the individ-uals whom Eleanor had thought were her best friends, and had her best interests at heart, had started a nasty rumor about her. Thank-fully, no one had believed it, and had stuck by her. After all, she was the most popular girl at school for positive reasons, and was good friends with every-one at her school. Even though she was thankful for the support, Eleanor was also let humili-ated and hurt. With this said, she had fled to Hawaii to spend the summer with her favorite aunt in the entire world! Thank-fully, it had helped a lot.Taking a deep breath, and one last look in the mirror, Eleanor gathered her things, and made her way down-stairs.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    For Katum High School's Christmas talent show, Cabe and Cora would be singing "Rewrite The Stars" from "The Greatest Showman". When Cabe had asked her to sing that song with him, Cora had automatically said yes. After all that Cabe and their best friends, Colbie and Caitlin, had done for her, Cora could not help but say yes. After all, singing a song with the guy that she was secretly in love with sounded like an amazing idea.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "How are you feeling about today, sweetie?" Aunt Pamela asked. "Are you nervous? Excited? Both?""Due to the fact that today is the first day of table readings, as well as the fact that I am good friends with the entire cast and crew, I am extremely excited to get started!" I smiled."That's great to hear!" Aunt Pamela smiled back. "You are going to do great today, I know that for a fact!""Thanks, Aunt Pamela!" I smiled.Before either of us could say anything more, we were arriving at the studio.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Tonight is Monday night, which means it was time for the summer camp's weekly Monday night talent show. Sadly, it was the last show of the summer. With this said, everyone was going to make it a point to give all that they had and make this show come out with a bang! Moving on, Charlie was going to use this show as a way of apologizing to his best friend/longtime secret love interest, Christy Forrest. Yesterday, they had gotten into a huge fight and had said hurtful things. With this said, Charlie was willing to put away his pride if it meant making up with his best friend in the entire world.

  • - A Leigh Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    As I made my way up the front steps of my co-star and crush's front steps, a million thoughts were going through my mind. Was I actually here right now? Was I actually about to surprise my co-star and ask her to be my date to her homecoming? Would Leigh be happy to see me? How would she react when she saw me? Before I could ask myself any more questions, I rang the doorbell.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As everyone clinked their cups, Zooey could not help but smile. Over the summer, she had written a musical called "Moving On." It is based on a girl named Samantha who gets her heart-broken severely, and thanks to her best guy friend, Dean, finds the strength to love again. In fact, it is with the best friend that she finds love. When she had shared it with the ZBA drama teacher, Mrs. Farr, Zooey had only intended for the musical to be shared as just something she had written. Never in her wildest dreams had Zooey thought that Mrs. Farr would turn it into something bigger.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Sweet-ie, I could not be any more happy than I am right now!" I smiled, gazing at the delicate ring that was placed on my left ring finger. Kissing my wonder-ful and amazing co-star/ fiancée, Hatchett, on the cheek, I said, "I am truly looking forward to spend-ing the rest of my life with you!""Me too, sweet sweet!" Hatchett smiled back, kissing me on the cheek. "Does anyone else besides your Mom and Dad know about the propo-sal?""No." I replied. "I haven't told Mariana, Katie, or Sarah yet."Before Hatchett had a chance to reply, his private jet was touching down.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "What do you guys want?" Rowan snapped. "Haven't you caused enough pain for Robyn already?""Please, Rowan, we are here to apologize to Robyn." Ross pleaded, his voice shaking. "Is she home?""No, she's not." Rowan said, calming down a little. "She and my parents just left to send Robyn off on her tour.""What?" Cassidy asked. "I thought she was supposed to leave at 6.""She was, but she got a call on Thursday night saying that the new time for departure would be at 3:45."Finally calmed down, Rowan said, "I'm sorry, guys, but you're too late."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Pulling her 2020 yellow Volks-wagen Beetle into one of Elton High's many student parking spaces, a million thoughts began to run through Brooke Hel-feldt's, Elton's most popular and well-respect-ed and liked girl (She is popular for her genuine, big, kind, and helpful heart), mind. While she was very excited about the first day of school, as well as her senior year, Brooke was also a little nervous.Brooke had not seen or heard from her best friend, Simon, since before she left for LA in May for the summer to film her movie. This was due to their blowout fight where Simon had said some nasty things to Brooke, and had said that he wanted her to fall off the face of the earth. Not only had the fight been awful, it had been deva-stating!As Brooke got out of her car, and gathered her things, she closed the door and made her way into the main building.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    As my parents, the twins parents, Lionel, Liam, Lori, and I climbed into the twins' family's large white van, I could not help but feel excited. Not only was today my eighteenth birthday, but all of us were going to celebrate it at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom! Even though I am excited about the birthday dinner, cake, and opening presents, I am especially excited about going to my favorite Disney park of all time!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    I have been looking forward to this day and weekend for weeks! Not only is it my birthday week-end, but it is also Memor-ial Day week-end! Due to the fact that my directors and pro-ducers of the show gave my cast and me today and Monday off! When I found this out, I had instant-ly called my parents asking if I could come down to Orlando from today until Sunday, and spend the weekend with them! Thank-fully, they and Aunt Marie had said yes!Shower-ed, clean, and dressed up in a pastel pink lacy tank top, black jeans, and black, strappy, low heels (Aunt Marie had thought it would be best to get shower-ed early and casually yet nicely dressed up), my private jet is heading to Orlando as we speak!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Tonight, Caro-line Simon's former high school was hosting their annual show-case. The last one that she had been to was the Christ-mas before she left for LA and moved in with her awe-some and favorite Aunt Penny, and to start filming her TV show. Even though it had been awhile since Caroline had set foot in this school, it felt good to be back!On a different note, there was another reason that Caroline was back for the night. She wanted to surprise her twin sister and best friends!As she took a seat with her wonder-ful parents, Caroline could not help but smile! After all, it felt good to be back at her old stomp-ing grou-nds!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Oh my goodness, Mom, I LOVE it!" I exclaimed, retrieving the beautiful shirt that mom had made for me. Giving her a big hug, I said, "Thank you so much, Mom!""It's my pleasure, sweetie!" Mom smiled back, hugging me tightly. "I thought it would be something that you would like." "You were indeed correct." I smiled at Mom, as we broke apart. "In fact, I am going to wear it today while running birthday errands with Liz, Leigh, and Lori."When she was just fifteen years old, Mom gave birth to me. To support us, Mom used her sewing skills and fashion sense and started selling amazing homemade jewelry and shirts. Before long, Mom's small business had grown into a popular, successful, multi-billion dollar company that she owned! That is just how amazing Mom's hard work paid off! "I love you, Mom!" I smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek."I love you more, sweetie!" Mom smiled, kissing me back on the cheek.Without saying anymore, I went upstairs to get dressed! After all, I had a big day of party prepping ahead of me!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    The limo escort-ing my wonder-ful and amazing longtime boy-friend, Tanner, and me from the hospital where I reside at to the hotel where my former school/ boy-friend and best friends' current school, I feel like a prin-cess going to the ball. I am wearing a fabulous dress that I truly feel beautiful in, and beautifuland comfy strappy, low heels. I also have the date who has been with me through every-thing, and still loves me and wants to continue being there for me. Without a doubt, I am truly blessed!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    Walking the dark purple carpet, waving at the cheering fans, and letting the photo-graphers take pictures of me, I could not help but feel truly excited! This was my third time that I had been invited to the Teens of Today Awards. Not only would I kicking off the show by performing one of my hit songs, I am also up for a couple awards: Video of the Year and Artist of the Year! Like I said, I am truly excited about today!

  • - A Jameson Ridge High Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    As Sage watched his girlfriend dance on stage with her cabinmates, he was thoroughly impressed. Besides being an amazing singer, she was also a talented dancer.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    When we think of Prom, we think of fun times of hanging out and danc-ing with our friends and or dates.With this said, it isn't of any wonder that seven-teen year old Haven Kelley thinks that tonight is going to be the best night of her life! After all her best friends, Olivia Davis and Alyssa Miller, as well has her love interest, Chris Jacobs, will be dancing the night away to-gether. It sounds like the perfect night, right? It does, but appearances can be deceiving.As Haven will soon learn, Olivia is not who she seems and her secret that she has been keeping has the power to shatter the friend-ship that she has with Haven... for good.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    After four months of being on tour, the members of Orlando's Originals are coming home for Christmas. Besides looking forward to a much deserved break, Raegan, Ezra, Emma, and Scott are also looking forward to celebrating Christmas with their friends and families. As one member of the band will soon learn, however, this holiday has the potential to be the most magical Christmas that she has ever had. In this book of celebration, reunions, and surprises, follow Orlando's Originals as they experience a truly Merry Christmas.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Logan Leal had been one of the girls' best friends since the start of high school. He also happened to be Layla's long time crush. Even though he had asked her this morning to be his date, Layla still could not believe it. He was sweet, popular, and uber hot. Out of all of the girls that Logan could have asked, he had asked Layla. Why Logan had asked her was something she couldn't figure out.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "I am glad that you are getting to go home for a little while, as well as that the directors and produ-cers are giving you and your cast a good break." Opal Harris said, as she helped her niece, Isadora John-son, pack her things. "Even though I am going to miss you like crazy, I know that you deserve this break, and am glad and happy that you are able to go home and see your parents and every-one.""I am, too, Opal, and I will miss you, too, and will see you on August 1st!""Look-ing forward to it!" Opal piped. "What do you think that your parents and every-one else will think when they see that you are not in the wheel chair any-more?""I know that my parents are happy, due to the fact that I face-timed them instant-ly after I learned that I could walk again. There were definite-ly tears in-volved." Isadora replied. "How-ever, Stella, Andrew, Mark, Zack, and Tanner don't know that I can walk again.""Well, then. That is going to be a great surprise for them when they see you walking again, won't it?""Yes, yes, it will!"