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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Excellent job tonight, Nick!" Martin Gears, one of the members of the backstage crew, as well as one of Faith's and my good friends, exclaimed. "You were truly convincing as the Phantom!""Thanks, Dude!" I exclaimed, smiling and giving my good friend a fist bump. Sincerely, I added, "However, I think the one that truly deserves an Oscar for tonight's performance is Faith.""She definitely has a calling for acting that is for sure." Martin pointed out. Nodding and smiling, I agreed with Martin. Faith had a raw and natural talent for acting. For as long as I had known her, acting had come to Faith naturally. Just like Faith had done in all of the plays that she had been cast in, Faith had the capability to blow a crowd away and bring the house down. No, I am not joking, nor am saying this because she is my girlfriend. I am saying it because it is the truth."Do you think that she would ever consider acting as a profession?" Martin asked, breaking me out of my thoughts."I honestly don't know." I replied. "However, if it was something that she wanted to pursue, I would be there for her and back her up 110%."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Henley Beach, Florida has always held a special place in Diana's heart. It was the place where her family and Daniel's family got away each June. This was due to the face that the teens had summer tours during the month of July. While these families stayed at Henley Beach during June, they would stay at Diana and her family's beach house. I was a beautiful house inside and out. It overlooked the white sand and clear, crystal, blue water beach. It was truly paradise.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Captain, you kicked butt today at practice!" Shelby, one of my good friends exclaimed. "We have a plethora of future wins with you as captain!""I hope so!" I replied. "I have a good feeling about what is to come for our team this year!" From 8-12 from Monday-Friday this week, mydance team and I took part in a mandatory dance camp. Even though it was hard work, it was also alot of fun! After all, everyone on the team are good friends with each other. Truth be told, we are one big family."On a different note, Shan, are you excited about tonight " Shelby asked, as she pulled into the Burger King parking lot."No, I am stoked!" I exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "After all, tonight is going to be epic!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I posed in my beautiful dress, I could not help but feel genuinely happy. I love doing fashion shows and photo shoots. In fact, they were my favorite parts of being a model.On a different note, there was an additional reason as to why I was feeling the way that I felt.Today was my eighteenth birthday. I had waited and anticipated for this day for awhile now, and it was finally here.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Inner and outer beauty is all I have ever thought that existed. Little did I know that the gift of spending time with people that you love was beautiful in itself. This is because this certain kind of time is precious and should never be wasted. With the quality time with my boyfriend, best friend, friends and family that I will be getting, this summer will truly be beautiful. After all, it is off to a beautiful start.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As my parents and I pull into Santa Monica Pier, I cannot but help feel excited. Even though it is early in the morning, I am bright eyed and bushy tailed! Besides today being my eighteenth birthday, today was also the day that I would be shooting my fourth music video! The main reason that I am excited is because my boyfriend, best friend, and dance team will be dancing in my video. I am so excited about today that I can hardly wait!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As I blew out the candles on my cake, and everyone clapped and cheered, I could not smile. Tonight was and had been purely magical.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "I am so excited and happy for you, that I could burst!" Mom ex-claimed, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "How does it feel to be out of the hospital for good?""It feels great!" I piped, grinning from ear to ear. "I have waited such a long time to be cancer free and to be released from the hospital for good."This was very true. The summer before my sopho-more year of high school, I was diag-nosed with a rare and aggress-ive form of brain cancer. Fifteen surg-eries and a plethora of chemo and radiation treat-ments later, I am cancer free. Truly I tell you, God is so good!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    500,000 is the number of likes, views, and shares that my video has received on Facebook. 2,000,100, 447 is the number of likes, views and positive comments that my video has received on YouTube. Some of the comments were even asking where this song could be bought. Personally, those were some of my favorites.When I had agreed to let Ross film me, I had no idea of how quickly this video would spread and how big it would become.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Stepping inside of Hotel Icon, excite-ment and nerves fill my heart. In a few minutes, I am about to crash my old high school's masque-rade home-coming dance! Before I left for Los Angeles to live with my wonder-ful and amazing Aunt Clara two years ago to star in a success-ful, popular, and well liked t v show, I went to my high school. Even though I wished that I could stay the night, I have to head back to Los Angeles after the dance tonight. On a different note, being able to be here for a few hours is better than having no time at all.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Ladies and Gentle-men," Mrs. Prit-chard, the school prin-cipal, smiled. "It is my pleasure to present to you the class of 2020!"As every-one clapped and cheered, my best friends, our good friends, and I threw our grad-uation caps in the air. Immed-iately, we all began to hug one another. Due to the fact that I would be leaving tomorr-ow for LA to live with my amazing and favorite Aunt Lisa, as well as starting my new tv show that I would be starring in on Monday, I hugged them tighter.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As we made our way back to his car, I noticed that Jason looked a little nervous. In fact, he had looked that way all night. What is going on? I asked myself.As he was about to attempt to open the passenger door, Justin stopped and put his hand down.Looking into my eyes, Justin said, "Quinn?""What's up?" I asked, gently.Without saying anything, Justin gently kissed me on the lips.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Ever since I was sixteen years old, I have been a model. I have done count-less photo shoots, maga-zine inter-views, and fashion shows. Even though I love doing them, they make me a little nervous at times. Thank-fully, how-ever, today went really well!Follow-ing Mom to the car, I could not help but smile. After all, it was time to focus on my big day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Today is a big day for my choir mates and myself. Today is our State com-petition, and it will be held at Univer-sal Studios Islands of Adven-ture in from of the Incred-ible Hulk Coaster! Due to the fact that it has been forever since I have been here, I am truly excited!Getting back to why I am going here in the first place, I am a little nervous. My choir and I have worked so hard to get to where we are today, and I really want to go home with a State title! After all the hard work we have put into our songs, we deserve it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Two days ago, Mom and Dad ran into some old friends from college that they had not spoken to or heard from in years. Two days later, their family and my family are going out to dinner with them tonight. From what I under-stand, the couple has a son around my age. With this said, I am looking forward to meeting him and his parents! After all, I love meeting new people!-Anastasia

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Today is a big day for my twin brother, Carter and me. It is our eighteen-th birthday. To cele-brate our big day, we are having a co-ed sleep-over with our best friends and close friends! Truth be told, it is going to be awe-some!

  • - A Savannah Stinson Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    It had not taken long for the large audience to figure out that the cast of "Savannah & Co." were on stage dancing with Kendall, Sophia, Lauren and their boyfriends. As the ten teenagers danced along to the music, the crowd was on their feet, cheering, and clapping along to the beat. As the song and danced ended ear splitting volumes of cheer and applause rang throughout the auditorium. After hugging each other and taking a bow, Kendall and the others brought Savannah to the front and stepped back. After all, she was the one who deserved the recognition. She had been the one to choreograph the amazing dance.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    This morning had been a big morning for Rhiannon Hennessey, and her boyfriend/ bandmate, Shea Richardson. After attending the 8:00 service with their families at their church that they attended, Rhiannon and Shea had also partici-pated in dress rehearsal for tonight's concert. By the time that they had arrived at Chili's to enjoy a pre-concert lunch, they were both happy and excited. After the waitress took their food orders, Shea lifted his glass, smiled, and said, "To us.""To us." Rhiannon smiled, lifting her glass and clinking it with Shea's.

  • - State
    af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    My choir and I will be perform-ing a song that I had written, and a dance to go with it that I had choreographed. Even though I was very excited, I was also nervous. I really hoped that my song that I had worked so hard on would be good enough to win State.

  • - A Farrah Taylor Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Getting dressed and changed into my bikini, I cannot help but feel excited! Today, Reese and I are spending alone time together on the beautiful, white sanded, clear blue watered beach that is located outside of the beach house. Even though he and I have been spending a lot of alone time together (Which I have greatly enjoyed, by the way) since our families arrived at the beach house, I am especially excited about today's hangout with Reese.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Yesterday, my band and I were approached at the theater by sixteen fans. We were asked by all of the fans for autographs and pictures. It was truly awesome to be recognized.Tonight, Orlando's Originals will be recognized again. At 7:00, Lindsey Records will be hosting a record release party for us. Besides enjoying great food and dancing, my best friends, boyfriend, and myself will be performing "Hello From Us To You." It is truly going to be a great evening!-Raega

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I could not help but smile. God had truly blessed my year in so many ways. I truly could not have asked for a better senior year than I had received. It was truly one of those years that I would relive again and again throughout my life.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 - 143,95 kr.

    As I followed Amelia into her family's mansion and to where Abel and Aidan were, I could not help but smile and feel excited! Tonight was Amelia's annual Christmas party. Due to the fact that this gave me a chance to hang out with my best friends and a plethora of our good friends, I looked forward to this annual party greatly!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I love my career, direct-ors, plethora of friends, inclu-ding my cast-mates and direct-ors, and living with my wonder-ful and amazing aunt. There are times, how-ever, that I miss my parents and best friend, Caleb, back in Detroit. Due to the fact that today is my eighteen-th birthday, I find myself wishing that Mom, Dad, and Caleb could be here with me for the week-end, even if just for today. After all, that is my ultimate birthday wish!-Bella xo

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, What is happening to me? How did I go from the thirteen year old girl who enjoyed life to the fullest to the girl who became bulimic? As my parents and I are on the way to the pediatric hospital for me to be checked in, I cannot help but wonder this. Even though my parents and I are proud of me for admitting to them about my eating disorder and needing to get help, I still can't help but feel ashamed

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Today is a big day in my life. That's right! As of 4:18 am this morning, I am officially eighteen years old! To celebrate my birthday, Robert and Rylee are treating my best friends, boyfriend and me to a day at Walt Disney World's Hollywood Studios. Not only am I looking forward to checking out Toy Story Land, but I am also excited about going on the rides, and checking out the rides and attractions! Without a doubt, today is going to be a great day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Are you ready for a month of relaxa-tion and fun " My favorite cousin, Selena, asked over the phone in an excited tone."You have no idea!" I chimed, continu-ing to pack my things. "After three months of hard work and touring all over the world, I am so ready!""So, tell me this, girl, when did you leave for your world tour, and when did you return to LA?""Mom, Dad, and I left April 29th, and returned to LA two days ago.""Oh my good-ness, girl, you must be so tired!" Selena exclaim-ed. "With this said, I am definite-ly glad and excited that Mom invited you to stay with us for the month!""Same here!" I piped. "See you tomorr-ow night?""See you then!" Selena piped, as smile in her voice.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "It's good to have my sister at gymnastics camp for the week." Danny smiled. "After all, it means that I finally get some alone time with you.""I know how you feel." Devan smiled back. "I like hanging out with you guys in a group, but I also like hanging out with you guys seperately. On a different note.I especially like getting alone time with you, too." While talking on the phone last night, Danny had asked Devan if he could take her to P.F. Chang's for lunch. Due to the fact that that was her favorite restaurant, as well as the fact that she had something to talk about with him, Devan had said yes. There was also the fact that having lunch with Danny meant Devan would be having alone time with him. This factor made Devan very excited and happy!"So, Danny, I have a question for you that has to do with this week.""What is it, Dev? Tell me more!""You know how my family and I go to Florida to stay at our beach house during July for a few days?""Yes?""Well, I was wondering if you would be interested in joining us this year."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Fallon has looked forward to Prom all year, and now the day of Prom is finally here! She has the date, the look, the shoes, the dress, and the good attitude for a truly magical event! As she will soon learn, however, the magic will come when she least expects it. While at her best guy friend's pre-Prom dinner, Fallon learns of a secret that he has been keeping from her. This secret has the power to make Fallon's entire day even more magical than she could have ever dreamed of.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Noah, Talon, and Justin arrived at the beach, something or someone caught their eye. It was a girl riding the 50-100 foot waves.As he and his best friends watched the girl, Noah could not help but be impressed. This girl was riding the waves like a pro. His heart doing a flip flop inside of his chest, Noah decided that this girl was definitely someone that he wanted to meet and get to know better.