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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Nic, wake up, sweetie." Naya whispered. "We're here."Getting up from my bed, I went up and looked out the window. Naya was right. We were pulled up in front of my family's mansion.Getting up from my bed, and gathering my pillow and suitcase, I reminisced about this summer. The concerts had been awesome and I had performed at an awards show and had won awards. I had also spent it with my cool and awesome manager and bodyguard. Truth be told, it had been an amazing summer. However, I was glad to finally be home.After saying goodbye to Naya and Nate, giving them hugs, and thanking them for everything, I made my way off of the bus.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Sitting in my first class plane seat in the plane that is escort-ing me from Los Angeles back to my home-town of Orlando, I cannot help but smile. These past two months had been spent with me living with my favorite Aunt Sarah, filming a movie that was going to turn out to be a block-buster, and making good and lasting friend-ships! How-ever, I am ready to be home! Even though I am ready to be home, I am also a little nervous about it. Before I left for LA in May, my best friends, Michelle, Allie, Janet, Todd, and Hatchettand I had gotten into a huge argu-ment the night before I left for LA. Out of the blue, they had ganged up on me and told me that I was not good enough to be an actress, and that I had no busi-ness going to LA. After all, it would chew me up and spit me back out. Even though I had not started the argu-ment, I had not held my tongue either. Our argu-ment made my best friends and me not talk to one another since I left for LA. Now that I am coming home, I hope that I can work things out with them and vice versa. After all, I miss and have missed them greatly!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    One of the plethora of things that I love about camp are the Thursday night dances. It is a chance for all of the high school campers to get together for a night of fun. It is also a time to get to dance with some of the cute boys here at camp! As my good friends/cabinmates, best friend, awesome counselor, and I head to the dance, I cannot help but smile. After all, I predict that tonight is going to be awesome!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    My Dearest Amelia-You are truly the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my entire life. You possess an inner and outer beauty that is rare in today's world. With this said, I want you to know that I have admired you from afar for quite a long time. The only thing that I will tell you about myself for now is that I am someone that you have gone to the same church and school with all your life. After sending you these notes for the past year, I am finally ready to reveal myself. To find out who I am, please meet me in Harrington's fountain tonight before the Valentine's dance.Blessings, Your Secret Admire

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Besides my birthday, Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year! Not only does it mean good food, presents, and time with family, it also means it is time for my family's annual trip to Anderson Cove, California to spend time with a family whom we consider as part of our family and vice versa. Ever since I can remember, my parents and I have flown from Texas to California to spend Christmas through late afternoon of the next day with the Kiefer family, life long best friends of my family, at their beach house. There is Ellen the Mom, Hunter the Dad, Carter (Popular, genuine, and kind actor/ my longtime secret love interest (I am not in love with the actor, but the person. Even though he is three years older than me, my feelings for him haven't changed)), and Sasha, the daughter.In all honesty, spending time with my family and the Kiefer's is my favorite Christmas tradition!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Unpacking my suitcase, hanging up my clothes, and putting the rest of my belongings in their proper place, I could not help but feel relaxed and excited. My family and I had finally returned to our summer home. It felt amazing to be back.Moving on their was an additional reason that I was excited! After a year of not seeing him, I would finally be reunited with Ross once more! Don't get me wrong, I am stoked about seeing Aunt Sheila and Uncle Adam, too! However, I was especially excited about seeing Ross!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    About two months ago, my best friend and boyfriend betrayed me. While my lifelong best friend, Helene said she didn't want to be friends with me, my boyfriend of two years, Hunter (Helene's twin brother) broke up with me for no reason at all. This completely shattered my heart. On a different note, I was not the only one affected by what happened. My twin sister, Tara, was, too. About a couple of days after what happened, and angry Tara had called the twins up to inquire about why they had hurt me. They had told her that it had been a dare, and that they had immediate-ly regretted what had happened. Moving on to post disown-ment, the twins had tirelessly tried to get in touch with me for a long time. However, I was not about to give them the time of day. Pretty soon, they had stopped calling.Moving on to today, I am ready to forgive them. With this said, I am flying down from L.A. to Houston to see my family and to show up at the twin's birthday party. Even though I am a little nervous about surprising and seeing them, and am only able to in Houston and at their party for the day, it is worth it.Before I can think any more about this, the plane is touching down at Bush.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Miss beaut-iful," Mrs. Marshall smiled, as she and her seven-teen year old daught-er, Gerald-ine, enjoyed their lunch. "How are you feeling about today's physical therapy appt.?""Both hopeful and ner-vous." Geral-dine replied. "I am hopeful that after all of these years, that I can walk on my own again.""I am hopeful that it will happen today, too."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Exactly sixteen years ago today, I came into this world. That's right. I was born sixteen years ago today at 7:45 am. As I think about all that God had blessed me with, I am truly humbled. Not only do I have wonder-ul parents, extended family, and true, genuine, and authentic friends and best friends, I am also pursuing my career as a singer with my best friends and band mates. In all honesty, life is truly good.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Three days ago, I got a call from my sister and parents, asking if I could come down to Texas for the Home-coming dance for my sister's school. Due to the fact that I missed everyone like crazy, as well as the fact that I would not be able to come home for Thanks-giving, I had said yes. Even though it meant me having to fly back to Los Angeles right after the dance, I would not miss the chance to surprise my sisters and my best friends and good friends for anything!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Ever since we were babies, I have been best friends with Lisa and Callum Hunter. Even after I moved to Los Angeles to begin filming my show and a couple of movies, we still remained best friends.Speaking of my best friends, today is their eighteenth birthday. For their birthday, they are having a large co-ed sleepover at their family's mansion. The reason I know this is because they told me about it. The twins also told me that if they could have one birthday wish, it would be that I would be able to make their party, and celebrate with them and the rest of our good friends. Unbeknowst to them, their wish will be coming true!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Now, Miss J," Dr. Comrie smiled at me. "I want you to attempt standing up from your wheelchair and walk over to me.""I'm scared to do that." Jamie said, her voice barely above a whisper. "What if I fall?""You won't, because your wonderful parents, awesome best friends and I are here to help to make sure that that doesn't happen.""Okay." Jamie smiled, taking a deep breath. "I will try."When Jamie was six years old, she was involved in a car crash that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Ever since then, Jamie had gone through countless surgeries and physical therapy treatments that would make her stronger. Today, her strength would be put to the test as she would attempt to walk for the first time in over ten years.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Have I told you just how stunning and beautiful you look tonight, sweet-heart?" Mason, my tall, sexy, kind, genuine, loving, and selfless boy-friend of a year and a half asked and smiled gently."Only about fifty bazillion times, but I never get tired of hearing it." I smiled, gently touching Mason's cheek. After being in the hospital for four months, it is nice to be out of it if just for a few hours and feeling beau-tiful for a change.""Just for the record you have always been inwardly and outward-ly gor-geous to me." Mason said, gently. "Never forget that, okay?""Okay." I smiled and sighed.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As she and her boyfriend, Max continued to enjoy their picnic at a beautiful, secluded place that overlooked Los Angeles, Mitchie thought about what this summer had brought. Not only had it brought staying with her favorite aunt during this summer, but it had also brought filming and fun times with a wonderful cast and crew. On a different note, it also brought her an amazing, kind, and genuine boyfriend. Even though she was looking forward to going back home to Denver, and being reunited with her parents, best friends, and her plethora of good friends, Mitchie was also said about saying goodbye to everyone here in Los Angeles. After all, she had had the summer of a lifetime!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, My head is pounding and my wrist is tingly. When I fainted, I hit my head against my computer desk and fell hard on my right wrist. Unfortunately, I also remember why I fainted. Marilyn and Julianne had sent me hurtful and ugly messages via my Facebook inbox. How they were able to send me messages, I don't know. After all, I have them blocked. Because of how angry and hurt I was, and how much I had been crying, I somehow fainted. The next thing I know, I am waking up in the pediatric hospital. My parents, Ava, McKenzie, and their families are sitting around me. People are crying. Ava and McKenzie are attempting to hug me, and vice versa, but their parents and my parents are preventing us from doing so. When I ask why my head and wrist hurt, the doctors remind me that I fainted, hit my head, and broke my right wrist in two places. They also explained that when I fell, I cut my forehead open. Well, that explains why there are five stitches on the very far right side of my forehead.On a different note, I will be able to come home on Monday. However, the doctors don't want me to return to school until the following Monday.Even though I love school, my friends and my teachers, I am glad that I am getting a small break from it. After what happened with Marilyn and Julianne, I am kind of apprehensive and afraid to return.-C

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    This summer was one of the best ones that I have ever had! Not only did I get to spend the summer with Penny, my favorite aunt in the entire world, as well as spend it making a movie with some amazingpeople and direc-tors that quickly became good friends of mine, but I also tried out for the lead role of an up-coming show that would start filming next summer, and got the part! With this said, I will be moving to LA, and moving in with Penny for good after I graduate high school in May! I am so excited that I can barely stand it!Before I can get too excited about what is to come next summer, let me tell you about what I am extreme-ly excited about now! After a summer of being away from them, I will finally be reunited with my parents, best friends, and good friends! Due to the fact that I wanted to look my best when I saw them, I shower-ed, got dressed in a pretty sun dress, and braided my hair into a messy side French braid!As my private plane touches down at the airport, I truly feel beaut-iful!

  • - A Carson Cooper Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    It's Christmas Day, and fifteen year old Carson Cooper has just received the best news that she has heard in a long time. Not only are she and her family moving back to their hometown of Orlando, Florida, but Carson will also be attending the school that she attended before moving to New Mexico! In Carson's mind, these two big pieces of news are the best Christmas presents that she could ever receive!In this story of surprises, follow one girl as she takes in the amazing news that she has just received.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    "I cannot thank you guys enough for inviting Max to stay with us for a couple of days for Christmas!" I exclaimed, taking a sip of my Starbucks beverage. "It is truly the best Christmas present that I could ever ask for!""You are more than welcome, sweetie!" Dad smiled. "Just like his parents, Max is a great person, and it is our pleasure to have him with us for a few days!""It sure is!" Mom piped. As my parents and I sat in the Starbucks at Denver International Airport, and awaited Max's arrival, I could not help but feel excited! From today until Friday, Max would be spending Christmas and staying with my family. It was truly the best Christmas present that I could ever ask for!

  • - A Katie Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    When she finally got onto the stage I said, "Katie, I have called you onto the stage because there is something that I have to tell you." Taking her hand in mine, I continued, "Katie Russell, ever since I was eleven years old, I have had the largest crush on you. You are the most sweet, kind, and beautiful girl that I have ever laid my eyes on." Retrieving a dainty, silver peace sign necklace from my jeans pocket, I asked, "Katie Russell, will you be my girl-friend?"

  • - An A.J. Ackerman Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    It has been seven years since A.J. was a camper at Camp Ackerman. This summer, however, she is finally able to return! Looking forward to spending a week with her best friend, Laine, and her boyfriend, Kevin, A.J. is anticipating her week being the best week of her summer!In this story about summer fun and growing closer to God, follow A.J. as she, her best friend, and boyfriend embark on a fun and Christ centered week

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    After an amazing and awe-some summer tour of perform-ing in sold out concerts all over the US, I have one more special concert that I have planned before Mom, Dad, and I return to LA. Today is my best guy friend, Garth's, eighteen-th birthday. It is being held at Hyatt Regency Albu-querque. Unbe-knowst to Garth, our best friends, good friends, and the rest of the party guests, I will be perform-ing some songs at his big party tonight! Only his parents, my parents, and I are in on the surprise! Truth be told, I am so excited that I can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    When she was eight years old, Giselle was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer. When she was fifteen, she was put on remission.Even though she has been on remission for two years, and has been doing very well, Jeremiah, Kayla, and I hope that Giselle's doctor will tell her that she is cancer-free. That would truly make our day.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Waking up in my oh so comfortable bed, I could not help but feel excited! After all, today was Christmas Day, my favorite holiday of the year! Even though I am not able to see my parents or best friends today, and miss them like crazy, I am thankful and blessed that I get to spend it with my wonderful and amazing favorite Aunt Hilary! From opening presents to making gingerbread cookies to eating great food, today is going to be an awesome day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Okay, so here is the truth. Very few have ever heard me sing. The only people who have heard me are my family, Serena, and Serena's family. There is a reason that these wonderful people are the only ones who have ever heard me sing. I have a great fear of singing in front of crowds. I am scared that I will be judged by people, and they will not like my voice. Moving on, I am conquering my fear tonight at the talent show, and singing a solo. Even though I am a little nervous about singing a solo, I am also excited and proud.As my cabin mates, counselor, the other high school campers, and I made our way into the place where the Tuesday night talent show would be happening in fifteen minutes, I could not help but smile. After all, I had a feeling that tonight was going to be fun.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Besides my birthday, Christ-mas is my all time favorite holiday of the year! Even though I love living in Los Angeles with my wonder-ful and favorite Aunt Susie, and filming my TV show, I love getting to go home for a few days to visit my wonder-ful family and best friends. This year, how-ever, things are a little diff-erent. Due to the fact that that they will be going to Colo-rado on a ski trip, I am not able to go home. On a different note, some-thing new and awe-some will be happen-ing. My amaz-ing, wonder-ful, longtime boy-friend and fellow co-star, Lance, and his family will be having dinner with Aunt Susie and me. This is the first time that all of us have come together for a holiday dinner. Truth be told, I am pretty excited about it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    For as long as Amber could remem-ber, she and her parents set aside one week out of the summer to escape the Los Angeles scene, and go stay at their extra large beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. For each of those summ-ers, their lifelong best friends, the Coop-ers, would join them for the week. As luck would have it, the Coopers had sexy, kind, gor-geous, and awe-some fraternal twin boys that were Amber's age named Ansel and Brent. Even though she was extreme-ly close to both guys, Amber was especial-ly close to Ansel. With this said, it comes as no surprise that, over the years, she had come to fall in love with him. Moving on, there is also one other thing that Amber is especial-ly excited about: Breanna is finally joining Amber and her family on the vaca-tion! With this said, Amber was going to do every-thing that she could to make Bre-anna's time as good as it could possibly be!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Lori made her way downstairs, she prayed that she looked her best. After all, this was the first time that she had seen Landon in person since December. On a different note, Lori also felt very happy. Landon had surprised her with a visit. To make things even more cool, the visit was taking place on her eighteenth birthday. Happy birthday to me, Lori thought, smiling to herself.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    I have been an actress since I was thirteen, and have starred on a hit t.v. show since then. I have also been living with my incredible, amazing, and favorite Aunt in L.A. since then. Even though I love acting and living in L.A., I miss my family, best friend, and good friends back in Orlando. It truly makes the times that I go back home for a visit, no matter how long or short, worthwhile. In fact, I would give anything to spend one minute or an hour with them, or even just to give them a big hug. Speaking of coming home, that is exactly what I am doing today. From today until Sunday, I will be taking a small vacation, and seeing my family, best friend, and our good friends! Due to the fact that I have not been home or have seen any of them since Christmas, I am truly excited!Relaxing in my first class seat, I cannot help but smile and feel excited! After all, it won't be long until I see everyone!

  • - Emma
    af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    As Emma packed her book bag and got ready for the day, a million butterflies fluttered inside of her stomach. Tryouts for the new team captain had been held last Wednes-day, and Emma had given it all that she had. The other people who had tried out had been Gemma and Marisol. Even though Emma truly wanted to be captain more than anything in the entire world, it would not devastate her in the least if she was not chosen as captain. Both Marisol and Gemma would make amazing captains, and Emma would be more than excited if either one of them became Captain of the Tornados."Knock-knock." Emma's older sister, Ellie, said, knocking on her sister's door."Hi, Ellie." Emma smiled. "Come on in." As Ellie made her way into Emma's room, Emma could not help but smile. Due to the fact that both Emma and Ellie had learning differ-ences, they both attend-ed Terrence Hill High School. For those of you who don't know, Terrence Hill is a high school that is specific-ally designed for students with learning differences. Each grade can only hold a maximum of 200 students. While the freshmen and sophomoreclasses had two hundred students, the junior and senior classes had only eighty students. As it just so happened, both Ellie and Emma were a part of the smallest classes at Terr-ence Hill High School. This was due to the fact that they were only one year apart."Are you nervous about the results of the tryouts?" Ellie wanted to know. "A little bit." Emma replied, sincere-ly. Taking a seat on her bed, Emma contin-ued, "Ellie, I want this more than any-thing.""I know you do." Ellie smiled, taking a seat next to her sister. "Don't get me wrong, I would be excited and happy if Gemma or Marisol got it." Emma ex-plained, placing a piece of her shoul-der length dark red hair behind her ear. "How-ever, I also want that po-sition, too.""That's more than okay, Emma." Ellie smiled. "I am not just saying this as your older sister who loves you very much, but I think that you deserve that position more than any-one.""You do?""Definitely.""Thanks, Ellie." Emma smiled. "I love you, too."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Scott has not kept his eyes off you since you got here, girlfriend."Marnie, one of my plethora of good and genuine friends, smiled. "It is so, so obvious that he adores you as more than a friend.""That's more than okay with me, because I have been in love with him for the longest time." I smiled, blushing a little. "On a different note, I cannot believe that we are the only two girls here at the sleepover!""I know, right?" Marnie asked. "Lucky us!""Agreed!" I smiled, as Marnie and I high-fived.Relaxing in my lounge chair by the pool, I met Scott's gaze. Moments later, we smiled at one another and gave each other a little wave.