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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Fast forward to tonight, I have a fresh mani/ pedi, and a massage and facial, all of which Mom and I received at the spa today. I look and feel beaut-iful, which I haven't felt in a long time. Finally, I am wheel-chair, braces, and glasses free! Truth be told, life is good!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Are you sure that you are not hungry anymore, sweetheart?"Natalie asked, "You barely touched your food.""I'm sure, Mom, I promise." Nia replied, getting up from the table and giving her Mom a sad smile. Tears filling her eyes, Nia continued, "I'm just going to go up to my room and relax a little.""Okay, sweetie." Natalie replied, gently, Without saying anything more, Nia made her way up the stairs."If you don't mind me asking, is everything okay with Nia?" Nina asked, gently, as soon as Nia was out of earshot. "She is not her bubbly, happy self.""She is experiencing her first broken heart." Natalie frowned. "The guy that she had dated for three years cheated on her with someone whom she thought was her friend, and broke up with her.""Are you serious " Nick asked, anger filling his heart. "When did this happen?""A couple of days ago." Natalie replied. "I just want to make it clear to you guys that Nia is excited and happy to be here and to be with you guys. After all, she has missed you lots. She's just going through a lot right now, that's all."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, This summer, my best friends and I have had the pleasure of touring with one of our good friends, Marcia. We met her at this past summer at an event for the record company that we are both signed on, XalerelaX Records. Instantly, we became good friends.On a different note, it was then that I noticed that something started brewing between Matt and Marcia. Over the next year, constant flirting, texting, frequent phone calls, and lots of alone time hanging out would ensue. In conclusion, Matt and Marcia became really close.In fact, it was obvious to my best friends and me that the two of them liked each other as more than friends.However, neither of them have said anything. Moving on, I am looking forward to today. Since we have a week off from singing, my best friends, Marcia, and I will be spending the week at Disney World. With this opportunity of spending more time together I hope Matt finds the courage to finally tell Marcia how he feels. That would be truly awesome!-Chloe

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Alright, Miss Frankie," Dr. Elyse, Frankie's physical thera-pist, smiled. "I want you to try something new today.""What is that?" Frankie smiled back.Her grin growing bigger, Dr. Elyse said, "I want you to try walking."Immediately, Frankie let out a gasp. Had Dr. Elyse actually suggest-ed that Frankie try walking? Frankie knew that she was getting stronger, but she hadn't known that she had gotten to that point."I'm scared." Frankie replied, honestly. "What if I fall?""I will be right here to pick you back up." Dr. Elyse smiled.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    As the girls and I got into performance mode behind the closed curtains of the stage, my heart became filled with happiness, excitement, sadness and awe. Even though I knew it all too well, I still could not believe that it was the Panther Honor Choir's last performance of the year. For me, it was kind of sad and bittersweet. Three of my good friends were graduating tonight, and I would not be seeing some of the girls until next August. However, I was also excited and happy. Even though I was saying hello to summer and goodbye to my friends, I was also saying hello to Senior year, as well as my role as co-captain of next year's Honor Choir.With this said, I decided was going to make the most out of everything that came my way. I was also going to take it head on. After all, what other way was there to take it?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    On our way to the school to get ready for the home-coming game, and stopped at a red light, I notice that my best guy friend, and longtime secret love interest, Andy, is looking at and smiling at me. "What?" I asked, blushing a little and return-ing his smile."I'm just really proud of you for how strong you are, and am so grateful that you are here.""I appre-ciate that, Andy, and am grateful for the same thing."If you would have told me two years ago that I would be cancer free and the head captain of my school's varsity cheer squad, I would not have believed you. After all, I had been dealing with an aggress-ive form of Leuke-mia. Thank-fully my faith in God and the support of my amazing parents and every-one got me through it! Today, I am doing the best that I have in years!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Pretty soon into the flash mob, I had realized that the flash mob was for me. Even though I didn't know what was going on, I could not help but smile, giggle, and enjoy myself. After all, no one had ever done anything like this for me before. During the last part of the song, something awesome happened. As the dancers parted to either side, a smiling Brad came walking through with a bouquet of roses. Furthermore, he was dressed in a tuxedo. This made me gasp and put my hands over my mouth.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    "How does it feel to be back here at Marsden High?" Mrs. Cochrane, the sweet and amazing competition choir teacher, and one of my teachers for next year, asked. "Is it a little weird?""Yes, but in a good way." I smiled. "It's good to be back, even just for the morning.""Well, it's good to have you back." Mrs. Cochrane smiled. "We've missed you around here."Today was the last day of school for the students of Marsden High School. This meant that the school's last day of school talent show was today. For the talent show, Addie, Alyson, and I would be singing Mackenzie Ziegler's,"Breathe".While Alyson and Addie would be on stage and singing the first verse, I would be singing the second verse, walking down the middle aisle of the auditorium, singing, and joining my best friends in singing. While me being out of the hospital was the first surprise for our good friends and everyone else, me walking was going to be the second surprise. Without a doubt, it was going to be epic.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    The week of this past Valen-tine's Day, Chad had asked me if he could start coming with my parents and me on Fridays to my physical therapy appoint-ments. Wonder-ing why he would want to come to these appoint-ments in the first place, I had said yes. Quickly, it turned out that Chad's presen-ce was bene-ficial. Even though my parent's support meant every-thing to me, Chad's did, too. He was there when I was at my highs and lows, and every-thing in between. Truth be told, I don't know what I would do without him.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Ever since I was a toddler, my parents and I would fly from Denver to Los Angeles to stay at our large beach house in Anderson Cove, California (a beach town located twenty miles outside of Los Angeles). I have fond memories of surfing, spending time on the beach, going shopping, etc. When my best friends and I first began touring, it was not just my parents and me enjoying the time at Anderson Cove. In fact, a new tradition had been born. Three days before our first concert on the tour (which takes place in L.A., BTW), my best friends, parents, and I would spend a few days at Anderson Cove before the tour began. This pit stop gave us a chance to relax and mentally prepare for it. As Dad drove the bus past the "Welcome To Anderson Cove" I could not help but feel excited. After all, all of us had just arrived at one of my favorite places in the entire world!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Dear Erin, As this year comes to an end, I find myself ready to come clean. I am tired of hiding and being scared to reveal my identity to you. With this said, I want you to know that I am ready to reveal who I am to you. I think it is important that you find out the truth about who has been sending you these anony-mous love notes over the past two years. If you are interested in finding out who I am, meet me at the Grand Hyatt's flower garden tomorrow night at 8:45 pm.Sincerely, Your Secret Admire

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "...I don't know if I am ready or can do it, Danny." I said, sitting in my wheel-chair. "I'm scared.""I am, too, but I know deep down that we are ready to and can do this." Danny replied, sitting in in his own wheel-chair. Extend-ing his hand to me, he gently asked, "Do you trust me?""Of course I do." I smiled, taking his hand in mine.Before either of us knew what was happen-ing, we were planting our feet on the floor, gently standing up from our wheel-chairs, and taking our first steps.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    228,95 kr.

    Dear Journal. For as long as I can remember, I have been the most popular girl in my grade, as well as one of the most popular girls in school. I am good friends with everyone in my grade, as well as with everyone on my cheer squad and dance team, both of which I have competed on since freshman yesr. Before I go on to what this year holds, I want to tell you about why I am popular. I wasn't popular because of my looks (My school uniform of my choice was pants and a blue collared shirt. Up until Monday I had long hair, glasses, and braces.I am popular because of the kind genuine, and big hearted person that I am. Moving onro this year, I am the head cheerleader and dance captain of my teams, and will be cheering and dancing with my best girl friend, Savannah. Without a doubt, it is going to be a great year!-Angel XO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    As I make my way downstairs, I cannot help but smile. After all, I know who is ringing the doorbell. It is my best friend, Jerica. Even though my four other sleepover birthday party guests are supposed three o'clock, I had asked Jerica to come early. After all, I had not seen her for two whole months.As I open the door, Jerica and I let out excited squeals and begin to hug one another. After all, it is quite obvious that we are both more than excited to see each other.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    They say that actions speak louder than words. In nineteen year old Donovan Taylor's case, that could not be further from the truth. After he and his girlfriend, Poppy, get into a fight, Donovan is willing to do whatever it takes to make things right with Poppy.....even if it means crashing her prom to do so.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    I am one who is able to play it cool around any person or situation that I come across. All of my life, it has been that way. Don't get me wrong, I wear my heart on my sleeve, and show my emotions. After all, I am not made of stone. All I mean is that, most of the time, I am able to keep my composure. Around Poppy Phillips, however, it is quite difficult. She is drop dead gorgeous, talented, and just as drop dead gorgeous on the inside as she is on the outside. In thirty forty five minutes, I will be driving to her house and picking her up for lunch. Even though I am nervous, I am also very excited.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Besides it being Friday, today also happens to be my eighteenth birthday! I have been anticipating this day for weeks now, and it is finally here! I don't have any doubts that today is truly going to be one of the most amazing days of my life! After all, you only turn eighteen once! Another reason that I know it is going to be a great day is that I am going to be spending it with my best friends, Ava Leal and Anna Carter, and my boyfriend of eight months, Adam Banks. After school today, Ava, Anna, and I are going to the spa to receive facials, massages, pedicures, and manicures. For my birthday/ pre- Homecoming dinner tonight, Adam, Ava, and Anna will be taking me out. The three of them won't tell me where they will be taking me, because they want it to be a surprise!Even though I am excited about being celebrated on my birthday, I am even more excited about spending it with some of the people who mean the world to me! That in itself is truly what makes birthdays and homecomings special.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 - 88,95 kr.

    Ever since my sister and best friend's deaths in April, I feel like I have been walking in a fog. Today, however, I felt like I was truly alive. Even though healing has taken place in my heart little by little for a while now, I could definitely feel it today. As time goes on, I look forward to more healing taking place.

  • - A New Beginning
    af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 - 118,95 kr.

    As I put the finishing touches on my makeup and outfit the next evening, a burst of confi-dence and happiness filled my heart.I truly looked stunning in my lavender Adrianna Papell Lace Fit and Flare dress. My silver, dangly teardrop earrings went with my outfit perfectly. My brunette chest length hair had been transformed and shaped into long ringlets. For the first time in a long time, I truly felt beaut- iful. As I made my way downstairs, I realized something. Even though I had lost my legs, the new beginning that God had given me was the one that I had truly needed and so much better than the one I had anticipated.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    It was New Year's Eve, and the girls of Lovington Academy's senior class were pumped. Tonight, they would be seeing their favorite singer in concert. His name was Landon Landers and he was the girl's favorite singer of all time. Besides being extremely gorgeous, this tall, blonde haired cutie was also insanely talented. All three of his albums had gone double platinum within the first three days of being released. Yeah, his music was that good.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Knock, knock, knock.Getting up from my bed, I went over to my bedroom door and opened it. Much to my happiness and surprise, Ephraim was standing on the other side."I didn't wake you up, did I, Ev?"Ephraim whispered."No, not at all." I whispered back, giving Ephraim a genuine smile. "What's up?""I was wondering if you wanted to go on a late night stroll on the beach with me.""Just the two of us?" I asked, hopefully."Just the two of us." Ephraim smiled at me."Then, yes, I would like that very much." I replied, smiling and blushing a little. "Give me a minute to get changed, and I will meet you downstairs."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, My sister has been in Afghanistan for the past year and a half, fighting for our country. She is truly my hero. Even though I could not be more proud of my sister, I miss her more than anything. I wish she were here right now. After all, I would give anything just to see and hug her again.Love, Agn

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    67,95 kr.

    Sitting in my first class plane seat, my mind goes deep into thought. From ten years old until now, I lived with my cool and amazing Aunt in Los Angeles, California. While there, I starred in an uber popular and highly successful pre-teen/teen t.v. show that would earn it as well as my amazing cast mates and me a plethora of awards. Even though living in Los Angeles with my cool and amazing Aunt was awesome, as well as I made great and lasting friendships with the cast, I am looking forward to finally being back home in Dallas, Texas with my parents, best friend, and our plethora of good and genuine friends for good. After all, I have missed them greatly!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Last week, Fable and Finn had performed in the camp's Wednes-day night talent show. In the in they had won. This meant that the girls of Fable's cabin ( Fable, Savannah, Jamie, Victoria, Ava, and Lucy), the guys in Finn's cabin (Finn, Nathan, Max, Nick, Derek, and Brad), the girl's counselor, Amy, and the guy's counselor, Robbie, were getting to spend the Fourth of July at Six Flags Over Texas. Since the guys and girls were good friends with their cabin mates and with each other, as well, a great time was going to be had by all.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Eleven years old was when my life changed forever. It was the age that I was picked for an upcoming family t.v. show. It was also the year that I alone would say goodbye to my parents, best friends, and our plethora of good friends in Dallas, TX, move in with my favorite aunt, and begin filming the show. Even though I enjoy living in Los Angeles and filming, there is also a big part of me that misses everyone back home. Only coming to seethem during Christmas and summer is hard, especially since I was not able to come home last summer or Christmas due to filming schedules (Thankfully, Mom and Dad were able to come see me during these times.). I won't be coming home this summer, least that is what my best friends and good friends think. This morning, I flew in from Los Angeles for the summer, and won't be returning home until August 1st! Getting dressed and ready for Troy and Tess's birthday party, I cannot help but smile! They are not going to know what to do when they see me!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    After getting dressed in my black sports bra, light pink Soffe shorts, and flip flops, the smell of pan-cakes, blue-berry muffins, break-fast casser-ole, and bacon wafted through my nostrils and led the down the stairs from my room to the kitchen.Around the same time that I had arrived in the kitchen, I was meeting eyes with Aunt Claire."Happy birthday, girlie!" Aunt Claire smiled at me, giving me a big hug. "Thank you, Claire!" I smiled, hugging my wonder-ful, amazing, and favorite aunt back. As we broke apart, I asked, how long have you been up?""Since 6:30." Claire replied. "I wanted to have break-fast at least more than half way ready when you got up.""I appre-ciate you and for doing this for me." I smiled, giving my aunt another hug."It's truly my plea-sure, sweet-ie." Aunt Claire smiled back, giving me a big squeeze."After all, you only turn eighteen once."As we broke apart, the doorbell rang at the same time."Why don't you go see who it is, while I finish cook-ing?""Yes, Ma'am!" I piped, hurrying over to the door.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Luke 21:19: "By your endurance, you will gain life."Luke 21:19: The verse that I have tattooed on my right forearm.Saturday, November 26, 2016: The day I got the tattoo and six days after my parents, Misty and Marcus Johnson, died in Iraq. This verse, God, my school, church, dance team, all of the wonderful people in my life are what have been my rock these past months. Sometimes, they were the only thing that got me out of bed in the morning. Today, I am so much stronger in all areas of my life. I have gained ten pounds of muscle, continued my "Straight A" streak, was named the captain of my dance team, and became a bible study leader for the sixth and seventh grade girls. Finally, I am stronger and happier than ever.As I finish my packing for my upcoming summer long stay at camp, I am excited about the new journey of rediscovering myself. I am truly looking forward to what God and this summer have in store for me.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "This is a true miracle and bless-ing, sweet-ie." Mrs. Fator said, as she drove me from the airport to her and her family's man-sion. "The twins are not going to know what to think." Tears filling her eyes, she turned her attention from the road to me, smiled, took my hand in hers, and said, "I am so grateful to God that you are here for the night, and are able to walk again.""Me too, Holly." I smiled, squeez-ing her hand. "On a different note, Bobby and Sarah don't know that I am here to surprise them to-night?""No, Ma'am, not a clue."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Blow drying my hair and getting ready for tonight I could not help but feel excited! Tonight was my welcome home party that my parents were throwing me, and my best friends and our good friends were going to be there! Due to the fact that I had not seen these people in a little over a year made me even more excited about seeing them!