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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear journal, Tomorrow is the first day of my Junior year at Collins High School. Even though I am excited, I am also a little anxious. Going back to school means having to face my ex-best friends, Dana, Darcy, and Dallas. I am so not ready to do that. After the way that the three of them stabbed me in the back this summer, I don't know if I will ever be.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I feel so much better than I did this morning. Spending time with my best friends, camp friends, and Elliott helped. Even though I am saying goodbye to camp for good, I am not saying goodbye to my boyfriend or camp friends for forever. I am only saying goodbye to them for now. In my heart, I know that it won't be long until I see them again.Love and God Bless, Eleano

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    "I would like to make a toast to a senior year that is bound to be great and awesome!" I said, raising my glass."Amen to that!" Archie replied, as we clinked glasses. "Cheers!""Cheers!" After taking a sip of my drink, I asked, "So, Arch, has anyone asked you to tomorrow's back to school dance?""Yes, but I politely turned them down." Archie replied, thought-fully. "After all, the right girl has not asked me yet.""Oh, okay." I replied. "Well, would you do me the honor of going with me?"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Kaylee took turns hugging her boyfriend and best friends, she could not help but feel extremely proud of herself. As of this morning, she was officially a college graduate. Her hard work had truly paid off. Looking towards her future, Kaylee could not help but feel excited. Besides making music with her best friends, recording and touring, Kaylee would also (finally) be moving back home to San Francisco and into the band house. Thanks to her amazing band mates, her room was decorated and ready. Second of all, everything that Kaylee needed was already there waiting for her. Kaylee's amazing band mates had made sure of that, too.She was truly excited about sleeping in her own bed tonight. Most importantly, Kaylee was excited about being home and starting the next chapter of her future with the band.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "It is so good to have you here, sweetie!" Uncle Rick smiled, as the limo escorted he, Rydel, Aunt Renee, Ralston, and me from the airport to Chick-Fil-A."It sure is, sweetie!" Aunt Renee smiled, giving my hand a squeeze. "We are so happy to have you here for the next two months!""I'm excited, too!" I smiled. "I am truly looking forward to spending time with every-one!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Are you okay, sweet sweet?" My wonder-ful and amazing Mom asked. "You don't seem like your usual optimist-ic self today.""I'm exhaust-ed, weak, and just having a hard day today, that's all." I replied, weakly. "While my best friend Archie, and our plethora of good friends are away at camp or doing other fun summeractiv-ties, I am here, receiv-ing chemo, treat-ments, and surger-ies for my cervical cancer. I know that I feel this way every time summer comes around, but it does not make it any easier.""I know, sweet-ie." My wonder-ful and amazing Dad whisper-ed, taking my hand in his, and sitting on the edge of my bed."I just wish Archie were here and not at camp." I said, tears filling my eyes. "I miss him.""You don't have to miss me for long." A familiar voice said from the door way."Arch-ie." I whisper-ed, a tired and faint smile forming on my face. "Hi, beau-tiful." Archie smiled. After exchan-ging hugs and hellos with Mom and Dad, Archie asked, "Do you guys think that I could have a word with her?""Of course." Dad smiled, as he and Mom exited my hospital room.

  • - A Leona Danels Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Getting out of the shower, blow drying my hair, and getting dressed, today's upcoming high school graduation is on my mind. Today at 5:00 PM, Landon and I will be graduating from Marley, our school home since kindergarten. Even though I am excited about graduating and moving on to the future, I am also a little sad and emotional. Like I said, Marley has been Landon's and my school home since kindergarten.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Who are you guys looking forward to dancing with tonight?" Annie asked."Patrick, for sure!" Serena replied, blushing a little."I thought so! After all, he is your boyfriend!""I am so excited and happy for you, girl!" I smiled. "You guys have been secretly in love with each other for years, and, as of two days ago, you are together!" "Thanks, girl!" Serena smiled. Giving me a knowing look and grin, she asked, "So, girl, who are you looking forward to dancing with tonight?""It's Nick, isn't it?" Rydel asked, grinning from ear to ear."Yes." I smiled, my face growing hot.Instantly, my cabin mates began to squeal, me included."I have a feeling that he likes you as more than a friend.""Same here!" Annie added. "I have seen the way that he looks at you, and the way that he smiles when you walk in the room.""I like him, too." I confessed, blushing a little.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As I gave thanks to God and sang my heart out, confidence flooded throughout my entire body. The crowd was going wild and cheering at the top of their lungs. Their energy filled me with awe. As I looked out on to the crowd, something became very clear. Even if I won awards or none at all, tonight would end up being categorized as the most amazing night of the summer.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    As I made my way seventh period Spanish II, I could not help but smile. At this time, my twin brother and Dad were getting off a plane at LAX. Tonight, my best girl friend, Trista, was going to get the surprise of a lifetime. My brother was going to surprise her at her house and take her to Prom. Everyone, including Trista's Dad, stepmom, Darcey, twin step-sisters (and my other best friends) Dana and Dylan, and Trista's Mom, were all in on it. Without a doubt, I knew that this was going to turn out to be one special evening for my brother and Trista.

  • - A Katie Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    "Guys, you have to come check this out." I said, trying to process if what I had found inside the box was real or an illusion. Inside the box were three backstage passes, tickets, and t-shirts for the concert tomorrow night."What's in there, Cody?" Claire asked, bringing me back to reality.Before I had a chance to answer, my sisters were looking inside the box and squealing quite loudly. They were also jumping up and down. Due to how excited I was, I cheered and pulled my sisters into a group hug. Even though no one said anything, I knew that one thing was for sure. Chelsea, Claire and I were more than a little excited about seeing Katie dance as Brooke Simone's backup dancer. However, the three of us were not as excited about that as we were about finally seeing Katie after an entire summer of being apart from her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As Dean put the dishes in the dish-washer, he came over to me, smiled, and asked, "Sweet-heart, are you ready for your birthday gift?""Birth-day gift?" I asked. "Sweet-ie, this wonder-ful dinner was the perfect one, because it came from the heart.""I appre-ciate that, honey, but I think that you will like this gift more."Before I knew what was happen-ing, Dean was getting down on one knee in front of me, and present-ing one of the most beaut-iful rings that I had ever seen."Collins Marie Brekke, will you marry me?" Dean asked, his voice shaking a little.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 - 143,95 kr.

    As the melody to the second verse came around, I began to sing it, and make my way onto the stage. Immediately, everyone in the audience began to stand, clap, and cheer. Even though I could hear the audience in the background, that was not what I was focused on. I was focused on the happy and shocked look on my sister's face.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    There are some actors and act-resses out there that are spoiled, mean, ungrate-ful, and think that they are entitled to what is given to them, as well as the opport-unities that they are offered. How-ever, seven-teen year old Haven Adams is quite the oppo-site! When she was fourteen years old, Haven moved from Dallas to Los Angeles to live with her amazing and favorite Aunt Hillary, and pursue her acting career. With this said, it wasn't long before she became a popular, well loved, and big time actress who had earned herself a great repu-tation! Even though her star rose quickly, she still contin-ued to be the kind, giving, genuine, humble, and down to earth person that she always had been! On a personal note, her talent and big heart had landed her a sexy, tall, toned long time boy-friend named Christian who was also a big time actor and had the same good qualities that Haven possess-ed. Two years later, they were still going strong!As Haven pulled her car into the drive-way, she could not help but smile! Tomorr-ow is her eighteen-th birthday, and she could not be more ex-cited!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    What does a popular, well liked, and successful band and their managers do on a free day in Dallas while on tour, you ask? Go to Six Flags Over Texas and to the Dallas Galleria. As the four best friends and bandmates made their way over to get in line for the fourth ride of the day, New Texas Giant, they could not help but feel excited! Today was truly going to be a great day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Trevor began to play the melody for the verse after the second chorus, it was not his voice that could be heard. It was a young woman's. Moments later, Blythe was singing and making her way from backstage to where Trevor was sitting. All of a sudden the crowd, as well as my best friends and me began to stand up, clap and cheer. Moments later, Cassidy, Brooke, Joseph and I clasped our hands over our mouths. After all, our best friend was here after two years of being gone.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As I finished getting dressed, I heard a knock on my door.Opening it, I gasped and clasped my hand over my mouth. Standing in my doorway was my best friend, and secret love interest, Wyatt."Merry Christ-mas, Whit." Wyatt smiled. Happy tears flowing down my cheeks, I wrapped my arms around him, and began to cry

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Henley Beach is a large beach town in Florida that is located twenty miles outside of Orlando. It has cool shops, great places to eat, a small amusement park, beautiful beaches with white sand and clear, blue water, etc. It is also where the Mellencamp's beach house is located.As he and Mindy made their way from the airport to the beach house, Miles could not help but feel excited. He was about to see the girl that he had fallen hard for.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Sweetie, if it is okay with you, I want to try something new with you today." Dr. Caryn said, as she helped me sit up on the physical therapy table. Smiling at Mom and me, she said, "I want to try getting her to walk today.""Do you think that she is ready?" Mom asked. "After all, this is the first time that this has ever come up.""I was thinking the same thing." I added, gently. "To be honest, I am a little scared. After all, what if I fall?""You won't, because I will be walking in front of and holding onto you.""Okay." Smiling, I added, "I'm willing to try."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    The summer before I started middle school, Dad's job transfer-red him from Texas to New Mexico. This meant having to leave my best friends, twins, Cady and Carla, and the rest of our good friends behind. To make this move easier, Dad and the twins parents (Who had been best friends since pre-K), as well as the twin's family and I came up with a plan for me to come see and stay with the twins and their wonder-ful family (Both my family and the twin's family had been best friends for the longest time) from the Sunday-Tuesday of Memor-ial Day week-end! I have come to stay with them ever since then!As the plane toucheddown at DFW, I could not help but smile! After all, the yearly tradition was finally here!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tonight is Madison Christian High School's highly antici-pated annual Christmas Ball. Just like the prom is, this certain dance is also held at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress. Not only is there great food, but there is also great socialization and dancing Speaking of dancing, Maren is excited about sharing dances with her plethora of guy friends. However, she has her heart on sharing a dance with her best friend and secret love interest, Milo Maxwell. In fact, it would truly make her night if she got a chance to dance with him.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    The break up was not messy at all. There was no anger or awkwardness between us. In fact, we had immediately gone back to being best friends again. Sometime afterwards, I had begun to wonder if Scott and I breaking up had truly been the right thing to do. Even after I started dating Michael, I had wondered that. Even though I had tried to deny it, a single fact alone had quickly become quite clear. I had never stopped loving Scott Conrad. The funny thing is, I get the feeling sometimes that he never stopped loving me, either.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "It smells so good in here, sweetie!" Mom exclaimed, making her way into the kitchen, and giving me a big kiss on the head. "Merry Christmas, sweetie!""Merry Christmas, Mom!" I smiled back, continuing to cook breakfast. "Where's Dad?""He had to run an errand, and will be back soon." Mom said, giving me a knowing smile."I wonder what kind of errand he had to run. After all, it is Christmas Day."Turning my attention back to my cooking and putting my muffins and breakfast dishes into the oven, I could not help but wonder what the errand was. It was obviously a surprise or something because Mom only gave me a knowing smile when a surprise was involved. Before I let my wonder get the best of me, I moved on to thoughts about the festivities that today would bring. Not only would there be a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as opening presents, but there was also my annual Christmas party to look forward to.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As I sang the song tomy best friends and good friends, I could not help but smile. Times like these with these wonderful and amazing people meant the world to me. On a different note, this was also a song that I would sing with Rydel whenever we were together. I really enjoyed singing it with her. As I got to the second verse, I heard an additional voice singing it. Looking up with a huge grin on my face, and continuing to sing, I noticed Rydel making her way towards me, and sitting next to me.Moments later, the solo became a duet.Looking around at my best friends and good friends, their eyes were huge. While some had their hands clasped over their mouths and hearts, some were smiling and had their jaw dropped.After we finished singing, and as my best friends and good friends clapped and cheered, Rydel and I smiled at each other and gave each other a big hug.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Two summers I met kind hearted, genuine, teen heartthrob actor, Levi Oakley. I met him on the set of the movie that we had been filming that summer.Immediately, we had become fast friends, and then had become boyfriend/ girlfriend not too long after that! Even though Levi and I live in different states (Him in California, Me ix Texas), we have managed to make it work and have become stronger as a couple! With this said, I am excited for what the future holds for us, and here is why: I will be moving to Los Angeles after I graduate, live with my favorite and amazing aunt, and will start filming a show that Levi and I will be the main stars of! This makes Levi and I really excited! Moving onto today, it is a big day for Levi, because it is his eighteenth birthday. What is one of the many ways how I am able to remember this, you ask? It is my eighteenth birthday, too!-Livi xoxo

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    Arriving at their cabin for the week, Nikki and Natalie let out an excited squeal. The other two girls and the counselor in the cabin did the same thing. After all, they were longtime good friends with one another. Moments later, all of them embraced in a group hug.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Mom-my!" I cheered, as Dad and I made our way into the man-sion, and Mom and I wrapped our arms around each other."Hi, my sweet girl!" Mom smiled, as she gently and tightly hugged me. "Your sister and I have missed you so much!""I've missed you guys, too!" I piped. "Wh-ere's Judith?""She's upstairs with Sara and Stephan-ie." Mom smiled. "Why don't you go say hi to them?""Sounds like a good plan!" I piped, eager to see my twin sister and best friends (who also happen to be twins, too!)!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Today was a big day in the Arrington household. Brecken Arrington, the founder and owner of Arrington Publishing, was getting married to his long time girlfriend, Amanda Crowder. Not only would Brecken be getting a new wife, Bali would be getting a new stepmom. With this said, Brecken and Bali could not be more excited and happy to welcome Amanda in the family.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    It is been two summ-ers since the last time that I was at Mom's and my beach house in Henley Beach, Florids. I know this, because it was also during that summer that I was diag-nosed with an aggress-ive form of cervical cancer. After two years of fighting and a plethora of sur-geries, I am officially cancer free, and am able to return to the beach house!This makes me so excited that I can barely stand it!On a personal note, let me tell you a little bit about the back-ground, and why I am excited! Ever since weI was a baby, Mom and I would travel to Florida from Texas to meet up with Peggy (Mom's best friend since they were in Pre-K) and her son, Penn, my lifelong best friend in the entire world, to stay at Mom's and my beach house for the last weekend of June. This weekend gives us quality time with each other, which is good on account we only see each other once a year, and live in different states! Even though I have been able to keep in contact with Penn and Peggy through face-time, phone calls, and texts, as well as a few visits from them while I was in the hospital, it has been a long time since they have seen me out of the hospital, and not sick.As Mom's and my plane touches down in Orlando. I cannot help but smile! After all, it is a short while before I see Penn and Peggy!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "You're hair looks beautiful, sweetie!" Mom smiled at me. "Just like always, Bailey did a great job!""That she did!" I smiled back. "I am now hair ready for the summer!"For as long as I can remember, I have gone to the same hair dresser since I was ten. I like my hair dresser very much, because she knows what I like when I get my hair done: A trim to get the shaggy parts off of my hair, getting it cleaned up, but still leaving it long. Today, she had done a great job, just like always. Today, I was exceptionally glad of the job well done, because there was someone that I wanted to impress this summer, and every summer before and after.