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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    As soon as I took a look in the mirror, I gasped! The girl staring back at me was wearing a beaut-iful, long sleeve red shirt, black slacks, black flats, and a black bow on her bald head! In all honesty, this was the first time that I actually felt beautiful since being admitted into the hospital.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    On a different note, I knew that there was a certain someone that Aurora wanted to look cute for. It is our best friend and the guy that Aurora is in love with, Thomas.In my heart, I wished that Aurora would gather up the courage to tell Thomas how she felt about him. After all, she would feel alot better by doing so.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Ell, are you okay?" Katie asked her best friend. "You seem kind of quiet today."Not really." Ellie admitted. "I don't like fighting with Sheppard and Brent at all.""I don't like it, either." Katie admitted. "I know that they said some pretty mean things to us, but they are not the only ones at fault.""I completely agree." Ellie replied.Tonight was Eckerland's homecoming. The girl's had their dresses, and in a few minutes, would have cleaned up and freshly painted toes and nails. However, they did not have their dates. Even though they were excited about going to homecoming with each other, they wished that their boyfriends were going with them.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Overcome with joy and emotion, Gabby kissed Greg on the lips. Instantly, she pulled back. Even though she had wanted to kiss Greg for years, Gabby had not planned on actually acting on it."Greg, I'm so sorry." Gabby said, feeling embarrassed. "I-" Interrupting her in the best way possible, Greg was kissing her. Realizing what was happening, Gabby began to kiss Greg back.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Tonight is my birthday sleepover. My best friends, Katie, Nina, and Shelby are going to be in attendance. Since I have not seen them all summer, I am truly excited about seeing them tonight.Besides getting dressed up and going to a nice dinner, we are also going to watch movies, enjoy my birthday cookie cake, and lots of other fun things. I am so excited that I can hardly wait! Love and God Bless, Popp

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Blow drying my hair, and putting it into a high ponytail, I reflect on what today had brung. While this morning and after -noon had brought a birthday break-fast at IHOP, and an awe-some spa day with my favorite and amazing Aunt Dana, it had also brought a late lunch, and present opening.Tonight, it would bring my big birthday party that my product-ion comp-any was throwing me.Pulling the gloss over my vibrant, red lip stain, there was a knock on my bath-room door.Opening it, the person on the other side of the door and I squeal-ed out of joy, and hugged one another tightly. After all, it was my amazing Mom on the other side!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    For my family's and my annual Fourth of July party, my sisters and I decided to get strapless, a-lined, knee length dresses with polka dots on them. While Rylee had decided on a navy dress with large white, polka dots, and Raini had decided on a black dress with large white polka dots, I had decided on a red dress with large white polka dots. As you have probably figured out, my sisters and I wanted to match for the party tonight!As we took a plethora of selfies together, I could not help but smile! It was awesome and amazing to be home for the party and weekend!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "I can't believe that we are going to be in Scherer Island tomorrow afternoon!" I exclaimed, as Mom and I enjoyed a dinner of chicken salad and rice."Me too!" Mom replied, excitedly. Smiling widely, she added, "This will be the first Christmas that we will be spending there!""Don't forget that it is also the first Christmas that we will be spending with Andrew and Georgia Mallory." I pointed out. "In my mind, that is the best part!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Ladies, I must say that all of you look fabu-lous in your spa-ghetti strapp-ed, two piece, knee length, a-lined dress-es!" Mom piped, as the girls and my private jet made its way from LA to Dallas. "I think it is cute and cool that you guys planned and picked the same kind of dress but in your favorite pastel colors!""Thank you, Jemma!" Vanessa smiled. "That means a lot!""It sure does!" Brie piped. "On a different note, are these people, and the guy that we are going to be sur-prising nice?""They are very nice and down to earth, especial-ly Kellan." I smiled, feeling my face get hot. "They are HUGE VBJ fans.""That's cool." Vanessa smiled. "Just to confirm, Kellan is your best friend who's birthday party that we are crashing to-night?""Corr-ect!" I smiled.Before any of us could say anything more, the plane was touching down at DFW's private jet area.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    Ever since kinder-garten, my best friend, James, and I have called Theran Academy, a K12 school for students with learning dis-abilities, home. Over the years we made a plethora of good and long lasting friend-ships. We are even good friends with the eight other students in our grade. In fact, all of us are good friends with each other.As James and I make our way to the senior lock in, I think about all this week (aka senior week will be offering). While tonight is the lock in, and Wednes-day, is our senior field day at Walt Disney World, Thursday is our graduation! Due to the fact that I will be moving to LA on Friday to start filming my t.v. show, and will be living with my favorite aunt in the entire world, I have all kinds of different emotions!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    All of a sudden, an idea popped into Spencer's head. Instead of dwelling on the rain with Sicily, Spencer could teach her best friend and good friends how to let loose dance wise. Whenever she felt down in Los Angeles, or even when she was feeling as happy as could be, Spencer would let loose and dance like there was no tomorrow. Due to the fact that it was awful outside, this was the perfect thing for Spencer to show and teach her best friend and good friends."Sicily, let's go get the guys!" Spencer smiled, getting up from her bed. "I think I've got an idea!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As Lauren watched her best friend get out of the car and say goodbye to her Mom, her heart sank. Judging by the look on Vanna's face, she was having a rough morning. Truth be told, Lauren was in the same boat. Today was the last last day of school that she would have with Vanna before Vanna moved to LA next month. Even though Lauren was excited that today was the last day of school, she was sad that this was the last one that she would get to spend with her best friend.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Changing into my bikini and blue jean shorts, I become more and more excited about tonight! Tonight is my family's and my annual Fourth of July barbecue and pool party. Due to the fact that I missed last year's shindig due to being in Los Angeles, and filming a movie, I am especially looking forward to tonight! Not only will my best friends and their parents be there, but a plethora of my family's and my good friends will be there, too! Without a doubt, a good time will definitely be had by all!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 - 143,95 kr.

    On Sunday, I flew in from LA to Orlando to spend time with my family and best friends. Four days later, my Zack and I are at his family's beach house for the day, spend-ing some quality time together before I have to go back to LA tomorr-ow. Throw-ing our things away, Zack and I decided to go get changed into our swim-suits and to get ready for some beach time!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    After the door closed behind us, Drew and I looked at each other, and gently and sincere-ly said, "I'm sorry."Mo-ments later, we were hugging.After we broke apart, I smiled and asked, "Would you like to join us for dinner?""I would love to." Drew smiled, follow-ing me back in the man-sion

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "I wonder how she is doing today." Andrea asked, as she, her boyfriend, Andrew, and her best friend, Adam pulled into Pulman Cancer Hospital's parking garage."I don't know, but we will find out very soon, though." Andrew said, turning off the engine of his car.As the teens got out of the car and made their way into the hospital to see Addison, they could not help but have strong empathy for their lifelong best friend. When Addison was sixteen years old, she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Ever since she had been diagnosed, she had been a patient at Pulman Cancer Hospital. While there, Addison had also had twelve surgeries, and a double mastectomy. Even with all of this going on, Addison had remained strong and a fighter. Even though Addison had had her share of bad days, it did not change the fact that she was strong and a fighter.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Nick and Faith made their way to TCBY to enjoy some celebratory ice cream, Nick could not help but feel awestruck. His best friend that he was completely in love with had agreed to go with him to get some celebratory ice cream at TCBY. After all, they had both been awarded the lead roles in the upcoming winter musical.As Nick parked the car, he wished that he had the courage to tell Faith how he felt about her. Even if she did not feel the same way about him as he did for her, at least Faith would know the truth.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Are you excited about being back here for a month?" Mrs. Whitmer asked, as she drove past the entrance gate of Camp Moran."You have no idea!" Seven-teen year old Dusty Whitmer smiled. "I have been waiting for a long time for this!"I can only ima-gine, sweet-ie." Mrs. Whitmer smiled. "Even though the flight from Dallas to LA, as well as this month will be lonely without you, I am glad that you are getting to do this, because I know that this is what you really want."When Dusty was nine years old, she had tried out for the lead in an upcom-ing TV show. In the end, she had been picked. That summer, Mrs. Whitmer and Dusty moved from Texas to LA to start Dusty's acting career. Even though this had been awe-some, it had been hard for Dusty to leave her lifelong best friends, twins Jessica and Jonah behind. Thank-fully, they had kept in touch by phone calls, texts, face-times, and meeting up at camp each June. Truth be told, it was a great situ-ation!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 - 143,95 kr.

    "Oh my gosh, guys, it is so great to see you!" I exclaimed, wrapping my parents in a big hug. Breaking apart from them, I smiled and asked "What are you doing here? I thought you were going on a business trip!""We lied." Dad replied. "Carly, Greg, and your Mom and I didn't want you expecting that your Mom and I were going to be coming her for a couple of days for Christmas. We wanted you to be genuinely happy and surprised!""I am definitely those things!" I smiled, hugging my parents once more. "I am truly happy that you are here!" Breaking apart from Mom and Dad, I made my way over to my wonderful and amazing boyfriend, wrapped my arms around him, and gave him a big kiss on the lips."Thank you, babe." I smiled. "I love you.""I love you more." Greg smiled, hugging me tighter.As Greg and I broke apart, Dad smiled and asked, "I don't think we told you this, but there is one more person who was in on this surprise, and who is another surprise guest.""Who?" I wanted to know."That would be me!" An all too familiar voice said from behind me.Turning around, I became face to face with my lifelong best friend, Gia.Moments later, we were smiling, squealing, running towards, and hugging one another.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    "Sweetie, wake up." Mom whispered, gently, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "We're home."Slowly opening up my eyes, I slowly and groggily got up from my bed. Going over to one of the buses many windows, my heart did an excited flip inside of my chest. After all, we were back at my home in Houston, Texas.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Ever since Cambrie and I were born, our parents would come to my family's beach house each year to celebrate Labor Day. Since Cambrie and I don't and never had school on Fridays, our families would come to Henley Beach on Friday and stay until Labor Day morning. Since Henley Beach is located twenty miles outside of Orlando, it makes for an awesome and easy getaway trip.As all of us continued to eat our food, I could not help but feel excited. After all, we were in Henley Beach, and about to have an awesome labor day weekend!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Tonight is the Spring Showcase for the high school students. Not only will I be doing a dance solo, but I will also be doing a dance with Kenzie and Hadley. Even though it will be a tiring and emotional evening tonight, I am predicting that it will be a good one!

  • - A Jameson Ridge High Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Nikki made her way home for Jameson Ridge High School, tears flowed down her cheeks. Before she had left for the day Nikki had used the restroom. After what she had heard while using it, however, Nikki wished that she had waited until she had gotten home.Shortly after Nikki had locked herself inside of a bathroom stall, her best friends, Erin, Geri Lynne, and Katy had made their way into the restroom. The topic of their conversation? Nikki. They were talking about how it had been a bad decision on their AP Honor Choir teacher's, Mrs. Leggerman, part to pick Nikki as December's State Choir Competition soloist. Erin, Katy, and Geri Lynne had also said that Nikki sounded like a dying horse when she sang. Immediately, the three of them had started to laugh. It had been at that very moment that Nikki had flushed and ran out of the stall. She hadn't wanted to hear another cruel word come out of her best friends' mouths.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    When Diana was fourteenyears old, she and her Mom, Erica, moved from Hous-ton to Denver. This was due to the law office that she was the owner and founder of moving her to Denver to open a second branch!Even though this move had been exciting, it had also been bitter-sweet. After all, it had meant that Diana had to leave her best girl friends, as well as the girls' best guy friends, Jay and Hunter behind. With this said, Diana and her best friends were thankful for the time that they got with each other at Moun-tain Sky Summer Camp, a camp in west Texas that they thought of as a second summer home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Hey." Christian smiled back. Frowning a little he asked, "Did I wake you up?""No, I haven't been to sleep yet." Devan replied. "I've been up thinking about...""What happened during our duet last night?" Christian finished. "Yeah, I've been up all night thinking about it, too." Running a hand through his hair, Christian asked, "Would you like to go swimming with me, and maybe we can figure it out together?""That sounds like a plan." Devan smiled. "Let me get changed real quickly.""Okay." Christian smiled, as Devan closed her bedroom door.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    300,95 kr.

    ""Among Typhoons And Pirate Craft"" is a thrilling adventure novel written by Lindsay Anderson and published in 1892. The story follows the journey of a young British sailor named Jack Harman who finds himself caught up in a dangerous world of piracy and typhoons while on a voyage to China. Along the way, he encounters a host of colorful characters, including a ruthless pirate captain, a beautiful Chinese princess, and a cunning French spy. As he navigates through treacherous seas and battles against the elements, Jack must use all of his wits and courage to survive and protect the people he cares about. Filled with action, suspense, and romance, ""Among Typhoons And Pirate Craft"" is a classic adventure tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Today is the last State dance competition that I will ever compete in. This makes me a little sad. On a different note, I am also very excited about today's competition. If my team and I win today, we will compete at Nationals in the spring. We will also receive a large trophy, individual trophies and gold medals for each of the team members, and a $25,000 check for our school. With this said, I truly hope we win today!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As a confused Candace took a seat, Chris's cabin mates were making there way onto the stage. What is going on? Candace wondered. After Chris's cabin mates were on stage, Candace finally got her answer."Candace, for this entire month, I have been trying to find the right words to tell you of my long time feelings for you." Smiling, Chris said, "I think this song does just that."After everyone cheered and awed, Chris and his cabin mates began to sing.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Every July since I was a baby, my parents and I have spent the entire month of July in Henley Beach. While there, we would spend time on the beautiful, white sanded, clear blue watered beach, go to Walt Disney World, etc. Due to the fact that June was booked solid with dance team camp, basketball camp, and church camp, coming here is a nice getaway.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Dear journal, Today's date is one that I will never forget. Two years ago today, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. One of the reasons that I remember it so well, because the diagnosis occurred the day before my twin brother, Kyle's, and my fifteenth birthday. When I told Kyle's and my mutual best friend, Brett Ford, Kyle's girlfriend, Brett's fraternal triplet sisters, and my best friends, Kelly, Courtney, and Sara, they were beyond devastated. To add on to the devastation, I told them that I would have to spend the summer at The Long Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. As it turned out one summer turned into one year. Due to how aggressive that my cancer had become, and all of the surgeries, chemo, and radiation treatments that I needed, I was enrolled into the cancer center that my parents owned, The Long Cancer Center. The bright side of being in the hospital for that long of a time was that I was able to keep up with my school work, successfully complete ALL of my AP English courses that I would ever need to take in high school, spend time reading my bible and praying, and work on writing lyrics. On June 24th, 2016, I was released from the hospital and placed into Long Rehabili- tation Facility, which is the other facility that my parents owned. After an entire year of residing at LRF, I am finally returning home tomorrow to Denver, Colorado. My Mom is flying in tonight. In addition to returning home, I am also excited about seeing my family and my best friends. The last time I saw my parents was last month. However, I saw my family and the Fords together was in March. The Fords and my family had come to visit me during Spring Break. I have truly missed everyone deeply and am looking forward to finally being with them again. I am especially looking forward to seeing Brett. I honestly that my crush on him grew stronger during my stay at the hospital. On a different note, what makes the home-coming even more special is that it is going to be a surprise. As far as Kyle knows, Mom is going out on an overnight business trip to Denver. Won't Kyle be surprised when he learns that that is not what it is, at all?