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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Today, I will be cele-brating my big day in New York City with my amazing boyfriend, our amazing manager and our amazing body-guard, but we will also be eating good food, going to the Empire State Building, and doing some shopping. Second of all, Sheppard and I will be prepping for tonight's concert at the Radio City Music Hall! Like I said, I am so excited that I can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Back in April, Isabelle had asked her record com-pany for a small break before she left on tour for the summer! Thank-fully, they had said yes! Instant-ly, she and Ida had made plans for Isabelle to fly from LA to Orlando for a mini vaca-tion!Soon after that, Ida and Isabelle came up with a plan to surprise the students of Jett Springs! Due to the fact that the school's choir (which her life long best friends were a part of) would be singing one of Isa-belle's songs, the mother and daughter duo came up with the idea of Isabelle surpri-sing the choir by joining them on stage, and singing with them! Thank-fully, the choir teacher had been on the band wagon about this, too!

  • - A Juliet Larsen Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Getting up from the table, I began to make my way to the pantry. After all that is where Stephanie and her family kept the soft drinks. All of a sudden, a searing pain made it's way into my head. It was one that I had never in my life felt before. Before I had a chance to scream or cry out in pain, every-thing went black and I fell to the floor.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    It has been an entire year since I have seen my wonderful, beautiful, and amazing girlfriend. Even though we talk, text, and email, and FaceTime constantly, it is not the same as seeing her in person. With this said, you can imagine just how happy and excited I am that she and her parents are spending the summer with my family and I at our beach house! The best part is that they are arriving today! As I hear a car pulling up on the gravel, my heart does a flip inside of my chest. After all, I know exactly who it is who is pulling up to the beach house.Spritzing on some cologne, and running a brush through my hair, I make my way downstairs. After all, I don't want to keep my wonderful and amazing girlfriend waiting!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, This time last summer, I went on tour with my favorite singer of all time, Trey Brent.Little had I known that I would fall for him, and we would start dating by the end of the tour. Most importantly, little had I know how much we would make it work. So far, we have made it work with phone calls, facetimes, emails, texts, etc. Due to our dedication and faithfulness to one another, we reached our ten month anniversary on the fourth of this month. Even though it hasn't been an easy ride, it has also a fun and great one, too! On a different note, I wish Trey were here today. After all, it is a big birthday for me!-Tegan XO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Before our week of dance boot camp ends, I just want to say that I love you guys dearly, and could not be any more proud to be your cap-tain!"I exclaim-ed, as my amazingcoach, Bella, best friend, Julie, and the rest of the dance team clapped, cheered, rushed towards me, and bombard-ed me with a big group hug! As the group broke apart, Alanna smiled and said, "Cap-tain, before we head out, are you going to blow out the candles on your cake?"Before I could ask what cake they were talking about, Coach Bella was bringing out a large, beauti-ful, beauti-fully lit cake.Instant-ly, every-one smiled and began to sing happy birthday to me.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "I'm glad that we are coming to see my family for a little while, if only for a couple of hours." I smiled."Me too." Michael smiled at me. "It will be great to see your parents, sister, and every-one again." Taking my hand in his, he smiled and said, "What do you think every-one will say when they see your Christ-mas gift on your left ring finger?""They will definite-ly be happy and excited like I was! How-ever, it won't even compare to how excited and happy that I was and am!" Giving my fiancée a kiss on the cheek, I smiled and said, "I love you, Michael Nash.""I love you to the moon and back, future Mrs. Nash." Michael smiled, return-ing my kiss on the cheek.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Before I left for my tour in May, I got into a huge fight with my best friends. They said some horrible things that really hurt me. Even at the end of the summer, it still stings a little. I haven't spoken to them since our fight. I miss them dearly, but can't seem to bring myself to call them. That's fine, because they haven't tried to contact me, either. Hopefully, things will start to get back to normal when school resumes. Honestly, I truly hope that that ends up being the case. Even though they hurt me badly, I miss my best friends more than anything.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Sometimes, life takes a tragic and unexpected turn. For Belinda, that is exactly how it is. When her Mom. Brooke, is killed by a driver who was texting and driving, Brooke's world falls apart. She is so heartbroken that she won't eat or come out of her room. This makes her grieving father, as well as her boyfriend and best friends worried. Wanting to help, Belinda's boyfriend and best friends decide to buy and bring her her favorite meal, and try to get her to open up. In this book of extreme heartache, follow the guys on the journey of bringing a little light into the overwhelming darkness of the situation.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 143,95 kr.

    "Sissy?" I asked, gently. "What's the matter?""You should-n't be in the hospital, and dealing with cancer, which is some-thing that I would NEVER wish on my worst enemy. You should be in school with Regina, Macy, Tommy, Marcus, and me cele-brating our senior year. We miss you, and wish that you could be with us."Clarissa sobbed. "How are you calm about this, and not wanting to scream all of the time?""I've come up with a system of thanking God for what I do have. Sure, I get angry, and cry once in a while, but I make myself feel better by focusing on what I said before." As Clarissa stopped crying, I rubbed her back and said, "The thing that I am thankful for today, is getting to spend Thanks giving with our family, Tommy, Regina, and their family."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Come in!" Zooey called, not steering her eyes away from the book that she was reading."Hi, Z." Greg smiled, making his way into Zooey's bedroom."Hi, Greg!" Zooey smiled at Greg, closing her book, and taking off her reading glasses. "What's going on?""I was wondering, if you are not too busy, if we could take a walk on the beach together. I have some big news for you.""Sure, Greg, I'd love that." Zooey smiled, sincerely. "Let me just put my flip flops on, and I will meet you down stairs."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 - 228,95 kr.

    "Are you ner-vous?" My wonder-ful and amazing boy-friend, Allen, wanted to know."A little, but mostly excited." I smiled. "I've never had the courage to sing in front of a crowd before, much less my teach-ers, friends, and peers." "I have heard you sing, and you have no reason to be ner-vous."Before either of us knew what was happen-ing, we were being intro-duced on the stage. After all, we were the next act in our school's end of the year show-case.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    This summer is different from any of the summers that I have had in the past nine years. Not only am I wheelchair free, but I am cancer free. In fact, this is the first summer in a long time to where I get to go to summer camp (Which my boyfriend and best friends leave for tomorrow for two weeks), do volleyball, gymnastics and basketball prep (Since my best friends and I will be playing on the Marsden High School varsity women's teams and competing on their gymnastics teams, prep camp is required this summer ), and get to be a normal teenager. I am so excited about this summer that I can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Last month, Darren, Aunt Casey, and Uncle Bart had called my parents and me about something exciting! During the call, they had invited me to stay in L.A. with them from yesterday until tomorrow, and attend Darren's movie premiere with them. Due to the fact that this week is spring break, as well as the fact that all of us thought that it would be an awesome and exciting opportunity for me, my parents and I happily agreed.As I continued to enjoy my breakfast, I could not help but smile and feel excited! After all, today was going to be a big and awesome day!

  • - A Juliet Larsen Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Everyone has their own idea of what makes a Prom fantastic and spectacular. For some, it could be the awesome food. For others, it could be the amazing music. For me, however, a fantastic evening at Prom means spending time with my boyfriend and best friends

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Yesterday was a big day for my parents and me. Yesterday the three of us moved from Los Angeles to Orlando. Why did we move, you ask? My Dad got trans-ferred to another church. On a different note, you may think that moving to a different place the summer before my sophomore year of high school would make me upset. However, it doesn't. Due to the fact that I was bullied and teased constantlyat my old school for having cancer and being bald, I am looking forward to a fresh start. Maybe I will even make a friend or two, who knows?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is my first day of school, and for the first time in a long time, I am not dreading it. In fact, I am very excited! I think it is because my best friends(All of whom are sophomores like I am), good friends from my youth group, and my cheer squad go to that school. On a different note, I am ready to let go of the past, and focus on my fresh start that God has granted me.After all, I can tell that my future at my new school looks bright!-Amberly

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    All of a sudden, there was a knock on my trailer door. Turning off the dryer and running a brush through my hair, I headed towards the door. Opening the door, I realized that there was no one at the door. On the porch, however, was an envelope that said "Read Me".

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Adam and Addison made their way to Adam's mansion, they could not help but feel excited. Tonight was Andrew's annual New Year's Eve Bash. These parties had a reputation for being fun and awesome, and had always exceeded expectation. Not only was there dancing and great food, there were also fun activities, like karaoke and games, too. Like I said, these parties were awesome and exceeded expectations every year.Before Adam and Addison could talk anymore about the party, they were arriving at Andrew's family's mansion.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Karlie mingled and laughed with her best friends and party guests, she could not help but feel truly excited and happy. Her parents, best friends, and her friends had come together to throw her an awesome surprise party. Truth be told, the party could not be any more perfect.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    67,95 kr.

    It had been one year since Demi Coolidge and her mother, Debbie, had been at their beach house in Anderson Cove, California. The last time that they had been there was last summer. This was due to the fact that Debbie and Demi spend the entire month of July at the beach hous, their wonderful and relaxing home away from home. Now, Debbie and Demi were back for another amazing and relaxing summer, and were more than ready for it.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    This wonder-ful, God given day is exciting for more than one! Not only is today my eight-eenth birthday, but my family's and my lifelong best friends, Riker, Elyse, and Jackson Cooke will be staying with my family and me from yester-day until Satur-day! Right about this time, you are probably asking yourself if this is the same Riker Cooke, as Riker Cooke, the sexy, talented, and award-ing teen pop sen-sation. I am happy to report that it is! Just like I have been, Riker has been a singer since he was thirteen.Speak-ing of another great thing about today, let me tell you about today! Later on this morning, Riker and I will be heading to the record-ing studio that I am a part of, and will be record-ing a duet! Record-ing a song with Riker Cooke is only some-thing that I have dreamt about for a while, and now my dream is finally coming true!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Moving on, it has also been a while since I have seen my best friends. The last time that I saw them was the summer before my sophomore year. That is way longer than the time space from when I saw my parents last (My parents came up to Los Angeles to visit me in December.). Even though I speak with all of them on a daily basis, and facetime and text too, it is not the same as actually seeing them in person. On a happier note, I have returned to Houston to spend the summer with my parents and best friends. I arrived home yesterday. As you can imagine, my parents are ecstatic, just like I am, that I am home. The only people who don't know that I am home for the summer are my best friends and good friends. However, they will be finding that out in a few minutes when I surprise them and the rest of the high school choir on stage! I am truly excited about this surprise that I can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Just so you know, I have always thought you were the most mature friend out of my sisters group of friends."Wesley Jacobs, my best friends' older brother, said, as he drove me from the airport to his sister's party. "With that said, I think you are doing the mature thing by surpri-sing my sister's at their party, especial-ly after they hurt you.""Even though they hurt me, I wouldn't miss this for the world." I smiled. "After all, I have forgiven them."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Today is my eighteenth birthday. Due to the fact that eighteen is a big birthday, Mom and Dad had asked me if I wanted a big party at Hotel Icon for my birthday. Even though it sounded awesome, I politely and respectfully declined. Instead, I told my parents that I wanted a barbeque and pool party at my parents with my best friends and our closest friends at my parents and my mansion.Thankfully, Mom and Dad had immediately agreed! Best party ever, here I come!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    For what seemed like an eternity, I stood frozen in place. I was so frozen that I was almost numb with hurt and anger.Who had decided to deface my locker? Most of all, why? Why would someone do this? Before I knew what was happening, Marie took out her iPhone and took a picture of my locker. With anger and fury in her eyes, Marie said, "We need to get this picture to Principal Evans and we need to get it to her now."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 173,95 kr.

    Moving on to today, Mom and I had come up with a special plan: Mom and I were going to pick out a dress and shoes at the mall for me, and purchase them. Next, I would go to my high school's Christmas Ball tonight, and surprise Amos, our lifelong best friends, Mallory, Carrie, Sadie, and Roger (Carrie's longtime bf), as well as everyone else. After all, NO ONE knows that I am cancer free and out of the hospital for good!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Ever since I was twelve years old, I have lived with my wonder-ful and favorite aunt in Los Angeles, and have starred on a hit TV show since then. The produ-cers, direct-ors, and cast are like my second family. That is how close all of us are. On a different note the pro-ducers and directors are very under-standing and accoma-dating. Last month, I had asked them if I could go home for a couple of weeks for Christ-mas, starting Christ-mas day. Due to all of the hard work I had put in, they had instantly said yes, and had agreed that I definite-ly de-served and needed a break.Fast forward to today, I am on a plane home to Dallas. The best part? My parents are the only ones who know that I am coming home. My best friends and good friends don't.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, today is the first day of Robinson Academy's week long Fall break. It also happens to be my eighteenth birthday. I have awaited for this day for a long time, and now it is finally here.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Three days ago, I was not even planning on going to my prom. I did not have the dress nor the date. Three days later, that has all changed. Not only do I have the perfect dress, as well as the shoes and jewelry to go with it, but I also have the perfect date! That's right, I am going to the prom with my best friend and secret love interest, Trevor! In my heart, I truly believe that tonight is going to be pure magic!