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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    For her eighteenth birthday, Sage had asked her parents if she could have a co-ed sleepover for her birthday. Much to her delight, Sage's parents had said yes! However, the deal was that her guest list could only consist of seven people. After all, including Sage and Solange, that would make up eight people. This was definitely a condition that Sage could abide by!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Addison and her parents made their way to the meeting room, curiosity filled her heart. What good news did Dr. Morris have for her and her family? Before she could ask herself a second question, Addison and her parents had arrived at the meeting room."Hi, guys!" Dr. Morris greeted. "Come on in!'

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Months ago, I had told my Aunt Stacey that I missed my lifelong best friend, Brenda, dearly, and that I wished that I could see her for my 18th birthday. After all, I had not seen her in awhile. Of course I missed my parents, too! How-ever, I especial-ly missed Brenda! Fast forward to now, Brenda and I are hugging each other tightly, smiling, and jumping up and down in excite-ment! After all, my aunt flew her here from Dallas so she could be here for my big birthday! Even though I haven't opened my birthday presents yet, Brenda being here is the best birthday present that I could ever ask for!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Jett, you truly have an eye for jewel-ry!" Julie piped, as she stared fondly at the beautifulwhite gold, dark purple engage-ment ring that had itself placed on her left ring finger. "Even though the ring is gorg-eous, you asking me to be your wife is the best early birthday gift that I could ever ask for!""Well, just so you know, you saying yes when I pro-posed last night at dinner was a true gift to me, and made me feel like it was MY birth-day." Jett smiled. "What do you think your twin sister and best friends will say when they see a ring on your finger?""I know that all of them will be happy for me, but I am not going to talk about it too much." Julie replied, gently. "After all, my sister leaves for basic training tomorr-ow.""I can appre-ciate that, sweet sweet." Jett smiled, gently, gently taking Julie's hand in his. "With that said, I know that you surpris-ing her at her party is going to mean alot to her, even though we will only be able to be there for a few hours."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, It feels so good to finally sit down and relax. After church today, Erin, Seth, our parents and I were stopped by Aunt Jessica. After telling my best friends, boyfriend, and I that we did extraordinarily well today, she told us that she had a friend that wanted to meet us. All of a sudden, a lady with long red hair and a kind smile approached us. Much to our surprise, the person that Aunt Jessica wanted to introduce us to was none other than Missy Holbrook. Besides being the founder and President of Holbrook Records, a Christian Record Company, she also was one of our favorite teachers of all time. Before I continue with this story, let me tell you a little bit of what I mean. Before Missy Holbrook started Holbrook Records in 2012, she was the guidance counselor at Parra. Everyone at Parra loved her, because she was one of the nicest staff members at The Parra School. After my best friend, boy-friend and I exchanged hugs and hellos with Mrs. Holbrook, she told us that she liked what she heard this morning, and would like to talk to all of us and our families about us joining her record label. It was safe to say that all of us nearly came undone when we heard this. Flight #99 joining her record label? Serious-ly? Her invitation was how all of us found ourselves enjoying a lunch with her at Cheddar's after church let out. During lunch, we talked about the require-ments of signing on with her. First off, we had to keep our grades up, as well as our grade point averages. Second, she said that we had to have at least a B in our classes to continue working with her. Third, we could not let this come before God, school, family, and worship. After we promised her that we would meet all of the require-ments, Missy went on to explain that she was going to make sure that we took the process slow. Recording would not start until the spring and touring would not start until the summer.Finally, at the end of the meeting, Missy explained that, if we were to sign on to Holbrook records we would immediate-ly start getting paid monthly. Finally, she made it clear that she did not want to hear of a decision until May 30th at the earliest. This was because she wanted all of us and our families to seriously think about it.With all of this said and done, I seriously think that the meeting went well. I also believe that my parents and band mates would back me up on that.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    As Aunt Aimee and I headed to LAX so I could catch my flight to Dallas for Christmas break, I thought about how grateful I was that my favorite aunt in the entire world was letting me live with her while I am filming my show. Even though I have lived with her since I was ten, it felt much shorter than that. That was due to the fact that I was having the time of my life living in Los Angeles. Don't get me wrong, I miss my family and besties greatly every day. However, I am still able to have a great time in LA with my Aunt and plethora of friends, including all of my cast mates and directors.Moving on, I am extremely excited about seeing my family and besties! After all, it has been awhile since I have seen them!

  • - One Year Later: A Carson Cooper Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    One year ago, Kenneth Keller and Carson Cooper were approached by CeCe Christopher and asked about possibly joining the Christopher Records family. One year later, these two make up the musical group, "Kenneth & Carson". Besides today being the one year anniversary of the fateful meeting, today also happens to be the release date for their first CD. To celebrate their first album release and to get ready for their release party tonight. Kenneth and Carson are treated to an amazing day of eating shopping, and relaxing. As the duo soon learn, however, these events are not the only ones that will end up making this one year anniversary amazing.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    While awake, I cannot help but smile. Not only is my girlfriend sleeping peacefully next to me, but today is her eighteenth birthday. This makes me happy. Happiness filling my heart, I lay back down and put my arm around L.J's waist, and fall asleep.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    228,95 kr.

    When I was twelve years old, I was involved in a car crash that left me para-lyzed from the waist down. Ever since then, I have been confined to a wheel-chair, and have had a plethora of surger-ies and physical therapy appoint-ments. Even though I have gone to physical therapy a plethora of times, I have never tried walking...until now.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Before I knew what was happen-ing, I heard a faint knock on my door."Com-ing!" I called, making my way to my bedroom door, and opening it. As I opened it, I gasped and clasped my hand over my mouth!Standing in my door-way, dressed up and looking fierce, was my best friends in the entire world, Hannah, Avery, and Maggie!Instant-ly, we began to squeal, jump up and down, and bombard each other with a big group hug!As we broke apart, I smiled and asked, "Oh my good-ness, guys, what are you doing here ""We are here with you for the week-end, and most import-antly, to surprise you on your birth-day!" Hannah piped."After all, you only turn eighteen once!" Avery added."That's very true!" Maggie piped. "On a different note, we are not the only ones who are here to surprise you!""What do you mean?" I asked, gently.Smiling along with the other girls, Maggie took my hand and said, "Follow me."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As my tour bus passed by the Dallas sign, my home-town, I dried off, got dressed, and blow dried my hair. Even though it would only be my parents that I would be see-ing tonight after three months of being on tour, I still wanted to look my best! After getting dressed in a black one shoulder-ed midriff top, faded blue jeans, and black, strappy, low heels, I made my way to the main part of the bus."Thank you guys for taking care of me this summ-er." I smiled at my mana-ger, CeCe, giving her a big hug. "I love you guys!" "We love you, too, sweet-ie!" CeCe exclaim-ed giving me a big hug."That we do!" Bart, my body-guard and bus driver, piped. "Just like always, it has been a true pleasure to travel with you."

  • - A Juliet Larsen Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As my classmates and myself ran through dress rehearsal for tonight's graduation, a feeling of joy filled my heart. Many months ago, I was not sure if I was going to be able to walk across the stage, or even live to see it. However, thanks to God, the wonderful people in my life, and the doctors, I am able to walk across the stage tonight and graduate.

  • - A Jerica Samuels Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Prom night has finally arrived, and I am excited and ready to go! Not only do I have my hair freshly trimmed, as well as my nails and toes cleaned up, clipped and polished, but I also have the perfect dress. It is a shimmery gold strapless, sweetheart necklined, a-lined, knee length dress. The only thing that I don't have is the date. While my best friends asked some senior guys from our youth group at our church, I didn't ask anyone. After all, no one really caught my interest. The only person who catches my interest is the love of my life who resides in Dallas. Even though I wish Jesse were here tonight to take me to the junior/senior prom, I have decided that I am going to have a good time, no matter what. -Jerica

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Today, after mom and I got lunch, a massage, mani/pedis, and after I took a shower, Mom took me to Bella and Brooke's house to get ready for Homecoming. I arrived forty five minutes ago.At 5:30, the guys are supposed to arrive. After we take pictures, the limo is supposed to pick all of us up at 5:45 to take us to dinner. After dinner, we will be heading to the Hyatt Regency for Homecoming.Smiling to myself, I realized once again that tonight was going to be truly amazing.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 - 173,95 kr.

    "This room has a nice view, doesn't it?" I asked, as Aunt Alice and I put our large Vera Bradley duffel bags on our designated beds."It sure does, precious!" Aunt Alice smiled. "I take it that, due to the huge and excited grin on your face, you are more than excited that you, Bart, Alec, and I are here in Maui until Saturday to celebrate your big birthday!""You have no idea!" I piped, grinning from ear to ear. "I don't think that it is possible for this trip to get any better!""It may be possible, you never know."Aunt Alice smiled, with a twinkle in her eye.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Sister, it is so great to see you!" Skyler exclaim-ed, hugging Jennifer tightly. "I am so excited that you are here for the week!"" Me too!" Jennifer piped, hugging her sister back. "Thanks for asking me to do this with you!""Well, thank YOU for agreeing to do this with me!" Skylar piped, as she and Jennifer made their way to the back stage of the high school's auditor-ium where the last day of school talent show was taking place. "By the way, just like your good friends and every-one in the audi-torium, Nathan, Maggie, and Geoff do not know that you are here, either.""That's good." Jennifer smiled, letting out a sigh of relief that her best friends in the entire world did not know what was going on.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Meg pulled on her blue jean shorts and army green ribbed tank top, excitement filled her heart. Today was her eighteenth birthday. Besides going to both Universal Studios parks (The main park and Islands of Adventure) she would also be going to dinner with her boyfriend, Mom and Mindy. Yes, today was truly going to be a great day.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    "The Leukemia is gone."Instantly, I began to cry tears of joy. For a long time, I had awaited this news. Now, it was finally out."Do my parents know?" I asked, wiping my eyes. "Yes they do." Dr. Jodie smiled. "I told them that you would be getting discharged on Saturday.""Really?""Really."Moments later I was giving Dr. Jodie a big hug. After being in the hospital for seventeenmonths, I was finally going home. Words cannot express how happy I am about this.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As I got my things packed and ready to leave on Monday, shock and excitement hit me once again. I, Faith Johnson, had been chosen to play Julia Brooks in the upcoming Julia's Journey movie franchise. How in the world had that happened? Before I knew what was happening, my phone beeped. Going over to my phone, I had noticed that I had one unread text message. One of my good friends, Hannah Brewer, had sent it to me. It read, Faith- I was at the mall today and saw this. I am so so sorry.XOXO, HannahWith tears in my eyes, I glanced down at the picture. Looking quite cozy and kissing each other on the lips were Nick and Hope.Crying, I picked up the phone and dialed Grace's number.After picking up on one ring, Grace answered and said sympathet-ically, "I will be over in five minutes."With just that one sentence, I knew that one thing was for sure. Grace had received the same photo that I had.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    I look forward to this week every year. It's the week where I get to get out of the hospital for a week to go to camp and have a fun time with the other teens who have cancer, just like I do, and are in the same boat like I am. It is during this week that I feel normal, and not a freak. Finally, it is a week where I spend a week with the wonder-ful, counsel-ors and plethora of long time good and genuine friends. Truth be told this week at this special camp is truly my para-dise.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    During middle school, no one had really paid attention to Layla, Lizzie, Libby, and Lucy. Even guys had walked past them like they did not exist. Now, girls at school were asking if they could eat with them, inviting them to parties and sleepovers, and asking them for fashion tips. Now sweet and cute guys who had become the girls' friends were asking them on dates. What in the world was going on? Was staying true to themselves and not being afraid to be themselves actually working in the girls' favor?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "What are you and Marcus doing tonight to celebrate Valentine's Day?" I asked, as CeCe and I got changed and ready for dance practice."Marcus said that he was going to surprise me, so I honestly don't know." CeCe replied. "What about you, girl? What are your plans for the day of love?""My parents are going out to dinner, but I'm staying home and watching a movie.""That doesn't sound like fun." CeCe said thought-fully. "Besides, you shouldn't be alone on Valentine's Day.""I'm okay with it, I promise."I said, giving my best friend a small smile.This was true. I was okay with being by myself on Valentine's Day. Even though it was not my ideal choice, I was okay. Moving on, my ideal Valentine's Day would be going out to dinner with my best friend, Reid. However, on account that Reid and I are not speaking at the moment right now, that is not possible.

  • - An A.J. Ackerman Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    You may think that because I am an actress and a model, the people at my school treat me differently, and that I am a stuck up snob. You may think that because my parents own a lot of businesses in Ackerman City, Florida, that they think they are better than everyone else. Finally, you may think that people are only friends with me because I am an actress and model. If this is what you think, then you are in for a major reality check.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    A few weeks ago, my best friend, Katie, Steven, and I had come up with an awesome plan.It consisted of flying down to Houston on Thursday and for the weekend, and going back to Los Angeles on Sunday after church, as well as surprising Phillip at Katie's, Steven's, and his high school's masquerade homecoming dance. In fact, the plan to surprise Phillip at the homecoming dance was the main reason that I would be flying down to Houston in the first place. After talking with my aunt, uncle, and parents about this, they were on board. Three weeks later, the plan was taking place.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Sitting in the audience with my boyfriend and parents, and listening to the sermon, I felt both excited and nervous. After the message, the offering would be taking place. This meant that I would be singing a solo as the offering song. A few weeks ago, Pastor Mark, the contemporary service pastor, had come to me, and asked if I could sing a solo for the offering. Due to the fact that Pastor Mark was a longtime good friend of my family and mine, as well as the fact that I love to sing, I had agreed.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I still cannot believe that they are spending the week with us!" Danielle exclaimed. "What time will they be here again?""Their flight got in at 2:15, so they should be arriving any minute now."My family and the Nelson's have been best friends our entire lives. While the parents have been best friends since they were in pre school, my brothers and sisters have been best friends with Delta since we were babies. Even though we live in different states, and don't get to see each other as often as we would like, we still keep in close contact with one another. Moving on, let me tell you a little as to why my family and I are over the moon with excitement! After not seeing them for the past two years, the Nelson's are coming here to Anderson Cove, California to stay with my family and me until Friday. Due to the fact that Delta did not schedule a tour for this summer, she and her parents were able to come. I am very excited about seeing Delta, and hope that I get some alone time with her. After all, I have been secretly in love with her for the longest time!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is the Fourth of July, and I could not be more excited! Not only does this one mark eight days until my eighteenth birthday, but Tucker's parents, my parents, Tucker, and I get to spend it together this year! The last time that we got to spend it together was two years ago. Two years later, we both families are reunited and able to Fourth of July together again! I am so excited that I can barely stand it!-Astrid

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I rode with Ross in the ambulance that was making its way to Henley Beach Memorial Hospital (our parents following in their cars, of course), I tried to go over the events in my head that led up to this unintentional ambulance ride. At one point, Ross and I were surfing and having fun. The next order of events however were anything but. In fact, they were extremely scary. After a wave knocked Ross off of his surfboard, pulled him under, I immediately got off of mine, dove under, pulled him up, got him back onto his surfboard (He had hit his head really hard on some coral reef, had been knocked unconscious, and was bleeding badly), and made our way back to shore. Seeing everything that had just happened, my parents and his parents had met me outside. Immediately, 911 was called. That is how we find ourselves in this situation.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As I put on my khaki skirt and dark purple collared shirt with Cam-bridge's logo imprinted on it, I smiled to myself. This year was going to be amazing. Even though putting aside what had happened this summer would be challenging at times, I knew that I could do it. I have so much going for me this year, that there is not a reason in the world for it not to be the best that it can be. After all, this year is a year of starting over.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Getting to be back here for the long weekend from filming is the best vacation for a long weekend that I could ever ask for!" Maggie, my best girl friend from our cast, piped. "It is so cool of you and your mom to invite me to stay with here with you for a couple of days!""Well, it is me who should be thanking you!" I smiled, as she and I placed our luggage in my bed-room. "It truly means alot to me that you agreed to come here and help me surprise every-one at my former school's home-coming tomorr-ow night!