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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • - An Everly Brown Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Today is a day that my best friends and I have been looking forward to for a little while! Today is a relaxation day and it is going to take place at the beautiful, white sanded, blue, clear watered beach of Anderson Cove, California. This small and beautiful beach town is located fifteen miles outside of Los Angeles. Since I have a show in L.A. tomorrow, Anderson Cove is the perfect place to relax and chill with everyone before tomorrow's festivities.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, It has been three whole months since I have talked to my best friends, Amy, Nick, and Jack! This is due to the fact that the three of them turned against me, and said some nasty things about my career and me to my face! In return, I had said some nasty things back to them! This had ended up with them not speak-ing to me all summer, and vice versa. Three months later, it is the first day of school, which means I will have face them. Even though I am a little nervous, I am also looking forward to seeing my best friends! After all, I am tired of fighting and not speak-ing with them!-Isla XO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Normally during summer vacation, I am not one who wakes up early. In fact, I sleep in until 9:30 or 10. Today, however, is different. Today is my eighteenth birthday, and excitement and anticipation is running through my veins.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "How are you feeling about being a student here again?" Mom asked, taking a seat next to me. "I am 90% excited and 10% nervous." I said, thoughtfully.Last November, Dad and I were involved in a horrible car accident. The accident had left me with injuries that were so bad, that I had to be home-schooled for the rest of the year and attended a plethora of physical therapy sessions. Even though I had returned to Brocket in May to watch my boyfriend and best friends perform in the last day of school assembly, today was my first time returning to Brocket as a student. Even though I am the most popular girl in the Senior class, and had many friends, and had been assigned to a great teacher, I was still nervous. Would I have a great first day back? Would I be able to conquer my nerves? Finally, would I be able to make this year, as well as my first semester back at Brocket, the best that it could be? My goodness, I certainly hope so.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Agnes, her best friends, their awesome cheer coach and team members of the Anderson Aviators cheer squad made their way to Disney's Wide World Of Sports complex, she could not help but feel excited. Today, her best friends, cheer squaad, and herself would be competing against fifteen other cheer squads for the title of the 2018 National Cheer Champions. So far this year, the Aviators had taken first place at the State and Regional competitions. Taking home the national title would be fiercely awesome!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "How do you feel, sweet-heart?" My wonder-ful and amazing stepdad, Mark (Be-cause of how close we are, I call Mark Dad) wanted to know. "Are you tired?""I am, but very happy and excited at the same time!" I piped from the back-seat."Well, we are beyond happy, grateful, and excited to have you cancer free and out of the hos-pital!" My wonder-ful and amazing Mom smiled, reaching to the backseat and taking my hand in hers.Two years ago, my world was rocked when I was diag-nosed with an aggress-ive form of cervical cancer. Instant-ly, I was rushed into surgery, and admitted into the cancer hospital. Just like it broke mine, me having cancer broke Mom's, Dad's, and my wonder-ful and amazing step-sister/ lifelong best friend, Anna's(Before and after our parents got married when we were ten, we were best friends first before, and continue to be best friends first now) heart, too. A plethora of surger-ies, chemo and radiation treat-ments later, I am cancer free. The only ones who don't know are Anna, and our lifelong best friends, Mandy and Kelly. With this said, Mom, Dad, and I are on our way to surprise them, as well as the student body, right now.

  • - An Everly Brown Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Are you okay, Captain?" My best friend and co-captain, Everly, asked. "You seem distracted.""I am a little bit, Captain." I replied. "I am just trying to process the fact that today is our last competition of our high school careers.""You are not the only one going through that, I promise." Everly said, gently, wrapping her arm around me. "However, the best thing that we can do right now is to go out on stage with our team and give it our all like we always do.""Agreed." I said, as my best friend and I embraced in a side hug. As I finished getting dressed in my outfit, and did my dance makeup, I felt confident and excited. After all, my best friend, dance team, and I had a dance to show off that Everly and I choreo-graphed and put together.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    From 7:30-11:30 from Monday-today, my dance team and I had had dance team boot camp. During boot camp, we learned new dances (I even got to teach my dance team a dance that I had choreo-graphed). Even though it had been a week of hard work, it had also been a week of fun!Before I knew what was happening, my teammates were singing the birthday song, and presenting me with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, and a large gift bag

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    When I woke up this morning, I was looking forward to spending the first day o of spring break with my wonderful and amazing girlfriend and our best friend this afternoon. Never had I imagined Bea's family and my family from Beverly's Dad saying that Beverly and her mom had been in a severe car crash involving a drunk driver. Second, I had never imagined the fact that Beverly's Mom had died in the car crash. Even though I am thankful that Beverly made it out with just a black eye, some wounds (The doctors wounds required some stitches) and a broken wrist, my heart hurts for her.As my parents, Bea's parents, Bea, and I wait in the waiting room, Bea leans her head on my shoulder and begins to cry. Immediately, I put my arm around my best friend.Before any of us knew what was happening, the doctor comes into the room and informs us that Beverly is awake and that we can see her now.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    The last time that I was in, my home-town of Orlando, Florida, was when I was on a two week vacation from LA back in August, and there is a good reason. Before I left, my twin sister, Ginny, and our best friends, twins Kina and Kyle, said some nasty things to me, inclu-ding that I was a dumb actress, and that they never wanted anything to do with me. Even though I knew that those were just empty words, and that they didn't mean any-thing, the words still cut like a knife. Nine months later, I am on a private plane to Orlando for a two week vaca-tion, as well as to surprise every-one (Mom and Dad are the only ones who know that I am flying in) and am finally ready to forgive them. Even though it will take time to forgive them, I am ready to just that.

  • - An Isla Danney Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    I can do this, Isla thought to herself as she made her way from her dressing room to the backstage area. Even though Isla had done this routine once before and knew it by heart, something was making her nervous. Without a doubt, Isla knew what that something was. More than anything, Isla wanted to make it into the top three. If she did, that meant that she and the two other top finalists would go on to State in May. As she waited to go onto the stage and perform her solo, Isla worried that her solo would not be good enough to win. Before Isla knew what was happening, the stage lights turned on and a voice over the intercom said, "Ladies and Gentleman, please assist me in welcoming McCarthy Academy's Isla Danney to the stage!" Here goes nothing, Isla thought, as she made her way onto the stage.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "You are going to look like a princess tonight, girl." My best friend, Jessica, smiled at me, as she painted dark red gel nail polish on my toes. "Are you excited about playing hooky from the hospital for a little bit tonight, and going to the Christ-mas ball?""I sure am!" I smiled and piped. "I am glad that that my nurse, doctor, and parents are letting me go tonight.""Same here!" Jessica piped, screw-ing the top back on the bottle of her nail polish. "Every-one is going to be so sur-prised and excited when they see you tonight!""I am excited, too!" I piped, grinning from ear to ear."That's good!" Jessica smiled. "Now, why don't you go get shower-ed and cleaned up, then I will help you get dressed, do your make up, and finish putting clear gel nail polish on your fin-gers?""Sounds good!"I piped, grabbing my towel and bath robe.

  • - A Lyndsey Kelley Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Tomorrow is the big photo shoot for People magazine. Am I a little nervous? Yes. Am I excited more than anything? Of course! I mean, who wouldn't be? Come on, it's People magazine!!!Because my choir and I won the World Choir Competition earlier this month, we are getting a front page story in May's issue of People magazine. Getting a front page story was one of the perks that the winner of Worlds would receive. I am so excited that my choir and I were the winners and am getting this cool opportunity tomorrow!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Even though it was only 7:30 in the morning, today had been great so far. Not only had her cabin mates and counselor woken her up by singing "Happy Birthday" but they had also presented her with awesome gifts. Not only had her cabin given Fable an FCC water bottle and T-shirt, but they had also given Fable a stuffed elephant with a purple FCC shirt on it. With all of the wonderful things that had gone on this morning, Fable could not help but decide that today was going to be an amazing birthday.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Thanks for asking me to go to lunch with you, sis!" I smiled, as Chelsea, my wonder-ful and older sister, and I made our way to Chick-Fil-A. "I am glad that we are getting to do this!""I am even more glad!" Chelsea piped. "I don't remem-ber the last time that we did some-thing, just the two of us.""I think it was before I was admitted into the hos-pital." I said. "I still cannot believe the cancer is gone, and that, as of yester-day, I am out for good.""You being out of the hospital is the best gradu-ation gift that I could ever ask for." Chelsea said, gently. "On a differ-ent note, do you have any plans for to-night?""None that I can think of." I replied. "Why?""I want you to hang out with the girls and I at my gradua-tion sleep-over tonight.""I appre-ciate you trying to be nice and include me, but you don't have to.""Who says I am just asking to be nice, girlie?" Chelsea asked. "You got out of the hospital yester-day, on the same day as I gradu-ated high school, and I would love it if you hung out with us tonight.""Sounds like a great plan to me!" I smiled.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "So, girlie, how are you feeling about starting you senior year today?" Mom asked me. "Are you excited?""Yes and no." I replied, sincerely. I am excited about starting senior year, but not as excited as I would be if the people who I had thought were my best friends were still my best friends.""Oh, honey..." Mom whispered, putting her hand over mine."Even though I am still angry at them for hurting me by posting that video of them imitating me, I would have answered any one of their calls if they had tried to get in contact with me while I was in Los Angeles filming that movie and staying with Aunt Marie this summer. But no, they never called."Before Mom had a chance to say anything, I got up from the table, put my bowl and cup in the kitchen sink, kissed Mom on the cheek, told her I loved her, gathered my stuff, and maid my way out of the door.

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    I have always been a person who loves school and gets good grades. I enjoy school extra-curricular activities like being on the school's varsity men's football and basketball teams. On a different note, I have amazing classmates, all of whom happen to be good friends of my best friends and me. Finally, I have two of the most amazing best friends that I could ever ask for I have secretly been in love with one of them for the longest time). Like I said, I love school. Today, I especially love it, and here is why. Porter's senior retreat starts today. This means that my best friends, our amazing classmates, and some of the amazing senior teachers will be going to a camp and participating in fun, skill building, and trust activities. We leave for camp at 7:45 am and return tomorrow at 1:00 pm. With this said, I am truly excited about this trip!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Just like always, girl, you OWNED that runway this morn-ing!" My best girl friend, Kimber, piped."Thanks, girl!" I smiled, taking a bite of my lunch. "So, let me ask you this... out of the plethora of summer dresses, party dresses, and purses that I modeled in today, which party dress do you want to keep and wear for my birthday party to-night?""Are you serious? I get to keep one?" Kimber asked, her eyes growing wide."Of course you do!" I piped. "You are my best girl friend, after all!""Can I have the silver one?" Kimber asked. "I want to look beautiful for John tonight.""Well, I want to look beautiful for Caleb, too."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Speak-ing of my family, they are the reason I am return-ing to my home-town for the night! Not only is today my birthday, but it is my twin sister, Brooke's birthday, too. Even though I am excited about seeing her and our best friends, and my wonder-ful and amazing parents, I am also a little hesitant. About two months ago, Brooke and our best friends, Sean, Marco, Liz, and Jacob, had trashed me on social media, as well as on the phone. Thankful-ly, no one listened to them and threw it back in their faces. Pretty soon, they had come to their senses, and tried to get in contact with me. With this said, its been a while since I have talked or seen them!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Even though seven-teen year old Cara Jake loved her acting career, it could be highly demand-ing and draining. With this said, Cara was thankful for the mini vacation that she was taking to her home-town of Hous-ton, Texas to surprise her best guy friend, Harvey John-son, on his birthday, and at his co-ed birthday sleep-over. Even though his parents, Gina and Tommy and older sister, Myrna (all of whom Cara was very close to) knew, Harvey, their best friends, Kira and Drew, as well as their plethora of good friends, did not.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I closed my eyes, and relaxed into my bed, I could not help but smile. Even though I was very tired today, I was also very happy. Today was the first day of my time at Camp Elwood. Don't get me wrong, I am a little sad that this is my last year at camp. I am happy to finally be back here, as well as the fact that I will be spend-ing today until Friday at a place that I consider my second summer home! Without a doubt, I am looking forward to spend-ing this week here with my besties and our plethora of good friends! After all, I can already tell that it is going to be a great week!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    67,95 kr.

    "How are you guys feeling about the party tonight?" Marnie inquired. "Just to let you know in advance, there are alot of Harley twins fans who will be at the party.""We are definitely excited to be partying with you guys and your friends!" Jamie replied."We sure are!" Julie smiled. "It's been awhile since we have partied and hung out with people our own age!""That's good!" Sicily smiled and exclaimed. "This party is going to rock!"As the limo escorted the four girls to Hyatt Regency Dallas, the girls excitedly chattered. After all, a good time was definitely going to be had by all tonight!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As Zack, his cabin mates, and their counselor made their way to the last Wednesday open mic night of the session, he was deep in thought. Tonight during open mic night, Zack was going to sing Elton John's "Your Song." Most importantly, he was going to call Cambrie onto the stage and serenade her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Blow drying my hair, and getting dressed in my pretty dress, I anticipate the party that is going to be starting in fifteen minutes. Tonight is my family's annual New Year's Eve party. Even though it is a family party, it usually ends up being my parent's good friends and my best friends who end up attending. This is more than okay with me. After all, it gives my best friends and me time together. Due to the fact that I live in Los Angeles, and don't get to see my parents and them as often as I would like, I cherish the times that I have with them! With this said, I am truly excited about tonight!Moving on, there is another reason that I am excited about tonight. After years of holding my feelings in, I am finally going to man up and tell Hank how I feel about him. After all, the time is right!

  • - A Caralee Green Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    After lunch was over and the presents had been opened and put away in their proper place, Chad and I had gone up to the sun room to hang out. While our parents are sleeping, Chad and I are making plans on making a video. It was a fun and good idea that Chad had come up with. Instantly, I had agreed to it. After all, it sounded like a great idea, and I had never made a video where I was dancing with someone before. Even though this was true, I could not help smile. After all, I would be dancing with the person who would and always be my number one dance partner.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    For as long as they could remem-ber, Twins Logan and Alaina had been best friends with the preach-er's daught-er, Brandy. Even after she and her family moved six years ago, that had not put a damper on the friend-ship. In fact, it had made it strong-er.As the twins contin-ued to set up for their beginn-ing of summer pool party, they could not help but miss Brandy.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    From the age of three through early this morning, seven-teen year old Colleen Hatchett had been in a wheel-chair. This had been due to a bad fall that she had experi-enced as a young child. Fourteen years later, Colleen was wheel chair free, and mentally and physical-ly stronger than ever! Moving on, let me tell you about the little last day of school surprise that Colleen has up her sleeve.For their talent for their high school'slast day of school talent show, Colleen and her best friends, twins Shelley and Sadie, will be singing Kelly Clark-son's "Strong-er (What Doesn't Kill You). After the twins roll her onto the stage, the three of them will begin to sing. When the first chorus comes up, Colleen is going to stand up and quickly push her wheel-chair away! Truth be told, this surprise is going to be one that no one saw coming!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    In Los Angeles, Californ-ia, where she resided with her favorite and amazing Aunt Marcia since the age of twelve, she was a house-hold name. She and her show cast were a second family to one another, and she had a plethora of good and genuine friends in and outside of her cast-mates of the show that she was the main charac-ter of. She was popular due to her down to earth attitude, kind heart, and talent. She had a plethora of adoring fans all around the world. To her family, best friends, and good friends, how-ever, she was good ol Geri John-son, regular teen-ager, and from now until the 26th, regular camper at Camp Hollis, a summer camp two hours outside of her home-town of Orlando, Florida! Truth be told, that is just how Geri liked it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Two days ago after evening worship, Sebastian had pulled me aside and asked me if I would be okay joining him on a canoe ride for two this afternoon. My heart filling with butterflies, I had said yes. After all, I am secretly and completely in love with him. Heading down to the lake to meet Sebastian, I cannot help but feel excited! After all, I was about to have some alone time with Sebastian, and go on a canoe ride with him!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Tomorrow is the day that I return to Orlando, Florida for the summer. I have waited for this day to arrive for awhile. I can't wait to be reunited with my Dad, stepfamily, best friend, and the boy who has stolen my heart. Orlando, Florida, here I come