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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Just like Belinda and her best friends have been best friends since they were bablies, the same goes for their parents. Not only do all of them hang out together and do fun stuff, but they also go on vacations together. With this said, the time has come for the families to go on vacation to Henley Beach, Florida, and spend time at Belinda and her parents large beach house. During the trip, lots of fun will ensue. On A different note, a romance may even ensue.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "How do I look, Mom?" Alice Kane asked, as her Mom zipped up her beauti-ful, strap-less, ankle length dress."You look amazing, honey." Mrs. Kane smiled, tears filling her eyes."What's wrong, Mom-my?" Alice asked, gently."Not a thing, sweetie, these are happy tears. "I am happy and excited that you will be getting out of this hospital room tonight, and going with Beckett to the Christ-mas Ball. After all that you go through with chemo, treat-ments, and sur-geries, you more than deserve a good night out."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Thank you for agreeing to come Christmas shopping with me, Lei!" Leo smiled. "I really appreciate it!" "Are you kidding? Thank you for asking me!" I smiled back. "After all, it has been a while since you and I have hung out just the two of us.""It sure has." Leo agreed. "Do you think that we will get more time together while you are home?""Of course!" I replied, my face getting warm.Before either of us had a chance to say anything else, we were pulling into the Galleria parking garage.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remem-ber, my amazing and wonder-ful family, extend-ed family, best guy friend and secret love interest, Beckett and his wonder-ful parents have spent Thanks-giving together at my family's man-sion. Just like they do for special occas-ions, like Christ-mas, Easter, and my birthday, my wonder-ful and amazingnurse and doctors at the hospital for Thanks-giving for the day, so I can have time with my family and the people that I love!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Before I could think about this any more, there was a small knock on my bedroom door. Getting up from my bed, I opened it. Standing in my doorway shirtless and wearing his swim trunks and flip flops was Payton."Sorry, Pfeiffer, did I wake you up?" Payton whispered."Not at all." I whispered and smiled at him. "What's up?""I was just wondering if you wanted to join me for one more moonlight walk on the beach.""That would be great!" I whispered, smiled, and replied. "Give me two minutes to change and I will meet you downstairs."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    From the time that seven-teen year old Christ-ine Valencia was a second grader-eighth grader, her father, Bart, served as the main preacher at Major UMC in Dallas, Texas. Growing up there, Christ-ine had made a plethora of good and genuine friends, as well as a good group of best friends named Marci, Callum, and Kellan. With this said, moving to Michi-gan, Bart's new church location, had been hard. After all, moving to Michi-gan meant leaving all of her friends behind. Thank-fully, they kept in touch with phone calls, texts, etc.Fast forward to three years later: Bart has been re-assign-ed back to Major UMC, and the Valen-cia's are back in Dallas, as well as Major for good! The catch? Christ-ine has not told anyone about this! After all, she wants it to be a surprise! As Mrs. Valencia pulls up to the curb to drop her off for her first Sunday back at Major, as well as the youth group and Sunday school class, Christ-ine cannot help but smile and feel excited!After all, she is back in her true church home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Besides December, July is my other favorite month of the year. Not only is it my birthday month, but it is the month where I get a month long vacation from Los Angeles and filming movies and my show. Don't get me wrong, I love my career, plethora of good friends, living with my favorite aunt, etc. However it is not the same as being home with my parents and best friends. Moving on, my favorite month has finally arrived! Right now, as we speak, I am on a plane home to Dallas, Texas. Starting tonight, I will be here from now until Thursday, August 1st. Truth be told, I am excited about seeing everyone, and what this summer will have to offer!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    This morning, I had flown in from Los Angeles to Dallas for the weekend. Today is my eighteenth birthday, and I wanted to be with my parents and best friends to celebrate. However, my birthday is not the only thing that will be celebrated at my birthday dinner tonight with my parents and best friends. We will also be celebrating my upcoming homecoming that will be taking place in a couple of weeks! One thing that makes this awesome is that my best friends do not have any idea that I will be moving back home in July. With this said, I am truly excited about seeing what my best friend's reactions will be!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "I am so thankful to God that we get a three day weekend from filming!" My wonder-ful, sexy, genuine, tall, kind, and caring longtime boy-friend, co-star, and fellow actor, Henry Grey. "I was in need of one badly!""Same here!" I piped. "I love doing what I do, but there are times when I need a break from it.""Same here." Smiling at me and taking my hand in his, Henry smiled and said, "Thank you so much for inviting me to stay with you and your family for the week-end. It means a lot to me.""Are you kidding? It is our pleas-ure!" I smiled. "Be-sides my family loves you almost as much as I do!" When I was twelve years old, I moved from Houston to LA to live with my wonder-ful and amazing Aunt Jamie, and to start filming my new show that I was the main star and chara-cter of. Little had I known at the time that my cast would quickly become like family to me, that we would win a plethora of awards for our highly success-ful show, and that my favorite actor of all time would event-ually become my longtime boy-friend!Truth be told, life was good!

  • - Haven
    af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    For a moment, no one said any-thing. How could Maria do this to us? Didn't she under-stand that it was vital and man-datory that she sing her solo? Didn't Maria also under-stand that if she did not sing, it would put the team in danger of having to forfeit? After all, one of the require-ments of com-peting was that some-one from each Honor choir had to sing a solo. "Are you serious, Miss Bree?""Unfort-unately, I am." Trying not to panic, Miss Bree contin-ued, "Unless we can find a soloist in two minutes, we will have to forfeit." For a second time, the room went silent. It was obvious that every-one was trying to con-vince them-selves to be the bigger person and take the stand. How-ever, they were having trouble doing that."Miss Bree, I'll take her place." Haven volunteered, confi-dently. "Besides the solo being one of my all-time favorite songs, I also happen to know it by heart."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    When we were playing basketball last week during free time, Finn asked me how I felt about singing a duet with him. After I told him about my fear of singing in front of a crowd, he told me that he believed in me with all of his heart, he 110% knew that I could do this, and that he would be there up on stage with me. Joy and awe filling my heart, and wanting to conquer my fear, I agreed to sing with him. Even though I am nervous about singing on stage at the talent show tonight, I am also confident and excited, too. After all, I will have Finn by my side.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Tonight is a big night for the ladies of the Peterson Academy Pumas varsity ladies volleyball team and myself. Besides it being the final game of our 9-0 season, it was also the championship game. If my team and I won tonight, then we would be the 2017 Texas Private School Volleyball Champions. Besides getting a huge trophy, and each of the team members getting gold medals and trophies for themselves, the team and I would also be receiving a $10,000 check for our school.As you can imagine, tonight's game is a big deal.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Later on this morning, my besties, our competition choir, and I will be competing at the 2018 Florida State Choir Competition.For the competition, we will be singing "Time Warp" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Since today is Halloween, I think that it is the perfect song to sing at State!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Ever since Kinder-garten, my sexy, tall, toned, genuine, kind, loving, brunette, lifelong best friend, Devon and I have attend-ed Lake-view Aca-demy, a K12 school for students with learning dis-abilities. He is truly the best best friend that I could ever ask for! He has been with me through thick and thin, includ-ing when I found out that I had ovarian cancer, and had to stay in the pedia-tric cancer hospital for thirteen months. Moving on, I am happy to say that, after thirteen months of being in the hospital, and under going chemo, surger-ies, and radiation treat-ments, I am finally cancer free, and will be return-ing to school today! Best part? Devon and I (the only two people who make up our graduat-ing class at school) are the only ones, along with the staff, that know that I am return-ing to school today! With this said, I am so excited about this that I can barely stand it!-Isabella

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I tried talking to Libby and Lucy today. For awhile now, the two of them have been spending more time with their boyfriends, than with Layla and me. I understand that they have boyfriends, and am very happy for them. However, their best friends also need attention, too. When I tried explaining this to them, they called me a jealous loser and hung up the phone. At some point, they had done the same thing to Layla. I should know because Layla called me a few minutes ago in tears. I know exactly how she feels.We both miss our best friends greatly. Now, it seems like Libby and Lucy are leaving us out in the cold for good.-Lizzie

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Personally, I think that you should ask Tory out on a date, Travis." I said, as my brothers and I made our way to the set. "I have to agree with Caitlin on this one." Nicholas added. "Asking her out on a date is exactly what you need to do.""I agree, but what if she turns me down?" Travis wanted to know. "That would be so humiliating.""Bro, something tells me that she wouldn't." Smiling, Nicholas added, "It is so obvious that she likes you, too."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "This is cool that we are getting to hang out this afternoon." Andrea said, as the five friends took a seat at the large round table. "But, why isn't Katie here?""I was wondering the same thing." Ashley frowned. "Is she okay?"She's fine." Ryan smiled, reassuringly. "She doesn't even know we are meeting today.""Why not?""I have a big surprised planned for her for tomorrow, and I need your help.""Believe me, it is going to be big." Michael Lane added."Actually, it is HUGE." Brendan Clark sighed."Wait a is it you guys know something that Katie and I don't?" Andrea wanted to know.I told them what the surprise was over the phone, and I told them not to tell you." Ryan explained. He quickly added, "I wanted to tell you ladies in person.""I can appreciate that, Ryan.""I definitely can, too." Ashley chimed in. "If you don't mind me asking, Ryan, what exactly do you have in store for Katie?"Taking a deep breath, Ryan replied, " I am going to ask her to marry me." As you can only imagine, Ryan's news sent the girls into excited and high pitched squeals. Thankfully, they weren't high enough that they caused the other guests in the food court to stare. They were chatting loudly enough as it was. After Andrea and Ashley gained their composure, Ryan explained to the group why he wanted them to meet him here today. Because the two couples were best friends with him and Katie, Ryan wanted them to help him pick out the perfect engagement ring. Without giving it a second thought, everyone agreed that they would be happy to help. After all, isn't that what best friends are for?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Speaking of school, my best friends and I start high school next Wednesday! We will be attending Frasier High School, a high school for students with learning differences. One hundred and sixty students total attend the high school. Besides being in concert choir, my best friends and I will be doing other extracurricular activities. While Emma and I will be on the JV cheerleading squad, Scott and Ezra will be playing soccer. Thankfully, the PE hour, which is fourth period, will be used for those practices.On a different note, I am excited about the schedule for my school. On Mondays and Wednesdays, you go to periods 1-4. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you go to periods 5-8. The best part? The school days last from 8-11:50 am, and you only have to go to school from Monday-Thursday! How cool is that? Pretty cool, I would say! I am so excited about starting school next Wednesday, that I can hardly wait!-Raegan

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "HELP!!" I scream as loud as I can, smoke filling up and burning my lungs. "SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP ME!"Even though I am screaming at the top of my lungs, I know that it isn't of any good use. Everyone has already exited the building. I have a few cuts and lacerations on my body, but nothing com-pares to the rest of my body. My arms, legs, neck, and face are in scorch-ing pain. Without a doubt, it is obvious that I have burns on my body. Even though I hear the sounds of ambulances and firetrucks, I am worried that they will not reach me in time. I have already decided that, more than likely, I will surely die here in this restroom.Before I know what is happening, someone is breaking down the door of the rest-room, and getting me out. "Eli." I whisper, before passing out.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Being the most popular girl in school for all of the right reasons comes with many advant-ages. For exam-ple, it comes with true and genuine friends, high respect for you, and many other wonder-ful things. Even when I was confined to a wheel chair at the beginn-ing of the school last year due to a car crash, it did not put a damper on my popular-ity.Moving on, as of yester-day after-noon, I am wheel chair free. Due to the fact that no one knows about this (Includ-ing my best friend, Marnie, and her twin brother/ my longtime boy-friend, Misha), I am a little nervous but definite-ly excited about going to school today! One reason I am excited is because I will be trying for a spot on the dance team for next year. As a matter of fact, Marnie dances on the team. Due to the fact that I love to dance and are good friends with every-one on the team, I hope I get it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, it is finally Spring Break, and I am so excited! After all, my bandmates, our families, and I are in Hawaii!For the first part of the trip we are staying in Oahu at the Aulani Disney Resort. On Tuesday, we will fly to Maui and stay at the Grand Hyatt Maui Resort and Spa. Finally on Thursday morning, we will fly back home to Los Angeles.Some of the things that I am really looking forward to doing while we are here are going surfing, snorkeling, and swimming. Most importantly, I am looking forward to spending time with everyone. After all, it is going to be a truly fun time!-Westlyn

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Evie continued to gaze at herself in the mirror, happiness filled her heart. Thanks to Easton, Evie's best guy friend and the guy that she was secretly and completely in love with, Evie would be going to her school's Christmas ball with him and their best friends. In fact, Evie was Easton's date to the ball.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "How does it feel leaving your last physical therapy appoint-ment without your wheel chair, sweet sw-eet "Dad wanted to know, as he, Mom, and I enjoyed a pre-gradu-ation lunch at IHOP. "Does it feel surr-eal?""It feels exciting, wonder-ful, and surreal all at the same time!" I smiled and piped. "I cannot believe that I will be literally walking the stage tonight with the rest of my gradu-ating class tonight to get my di-ploma."Two hours ago, I was wheel chair clad and running a dress rehears-al with my principal and class-mates for tonight's gradu-ation. After-wards, Mom and Dad picked me up to take me to physical therapy. Little had I known that while at PT, I would be able to walk by myself, and not need the wheel-chair that I had called mine since the car accident that I was involved in when I was seven no longer. Truly, this was the best gradu-ation gift that I could ask for!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    As I boarded the limo that would take me from the airport to my family's mansion, I could not help but feel excited! I was here in Atlanta to surprise Mom for Mother's Day! Even though I would only be able to be here for a few hours, and would have to fly back to Los Angeles this evening, it was completely worth it! Due to the fact that I had not seen Mom, Dad, and my sisters since December, I was more than a little stoked about seeing everyone

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Wondering where her best friend was, Melissa made her way out of the dance hall and to the lobby to look for Miriam. The home-coming dance had started fifteen minutes ago, and Miriam hadn't arrived yet. Just like Melissa, Miriam was never one to be late for things. Before she had a chance to look anymore for her best friend, Melissa stopped dead in her tracks. Her jaw dropping, Melissa watched as Miriam made her way into the lobby with Mason English.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    As I think about the fact that my best friend and secret love interest is here for a little while, the yearning to tell him how I feel about him grows stronger and stronger in my heart. With this said, I plan on telling Gavin how I feel about him in private! Even though doing this scares me, it is something that I need and want to do!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, For years, I have secretly been in love with Landon. We've always been able to have good conversations, and enjoyed hanging out with one another. However, this summer is different. Landon and I have gotten closer. Even though it is unspoken, it is quite obvious. Now, we have more conver-sations, walk and hang out on the beach (just the two of us), and spend as much time alone together as we can.Even though it's new, I cannot deny the fact that I like this change. It fact, I love it

  • - Hensley Georgman
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Knock, knock, knock!"It's open!" I called, closing my suitcase. Moments later, my amazing aunt was making her way into my room."Do you have everything packed and ready to go?" Aunt Hilary smiled at me."Yes, Ma'am." I smiled back. "Thank you so much for letting me go home for this. It really means the world to me!""It's my pleasure, sweetie!" Aunt Hilary replied. "I am excited for you for getting to go to your old school's home-coming, and surprising everyone, especially Hunter, Hank, and Halle! I know that your Mom and Dad are excited about seeing you!""I am truly excited about seeing everyone, too! After all, it has been awhile since I have seen them!" A couple of weeks, I had gotten on the phone with Mom and Dad, and told them about my idea of surprising my best friends and good friends at homecoming! Immediately, they had said yes! In the end, the plan was that I fly into Denver tonight and return to Los Angeles on Sunday after church! Truth be told, the plan cannot be more perfect!"Ready to go?" Aunt Hilary smiled."Definitely!" I smiled back, gathering my suitcase and turning off my bedroom light.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    "Ladies, come on downstairs!" Mom called upstairs. "The Gordons are here!"Immediately, Michelle and I got up from our beds, and hastily made our way downstairs! After all, the Gordon's were waiting for us!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    When I had moved to Los Angeles to live with my favorite and amazing aunt and film my new show, "Alma and the All-Stars", I didn't know what would become of it. Little had I known that my amazing co-stars, includ-ing the three other same age as me teenage girls, (the only other teen-agers on the show) would become my second family. Neither had I known that our show would win awards, and our show's music would be a hit, too! Moving on to today, let me tell you a little bit about what is going on. Alicia, Amy, Annie, and I are flying from Los Angeles to Phoenix in my private jet to do a surprise perform-ance at my former high school's last day of school talent show. We will be singing "Testify to Love" by Avalon. The only person who is in on the surprise is my amazing, former princi-pal, Mrs. Holiday. Just like I have with my boy-friend, Adam, and best friend, Ana, I have kept in touch with Mrs. Holiday. As the plane touched down, I could not help but feel excited!