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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As I awoke from a good night's sleep, I looked around my bedroom. The posters that once hung on my bedroom walls were gone. The picture frames that used to sit on the shelves were packed away in boxes. Even my computer was packed away.As I looked around my room, I was once again reminded of what today was. Today, June 18th, 2018, is moving day.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr. When my family and I arrived at the beach house, the Christian Cole whom I remembered having glasses and braces was not there. In his place was a Christian Cole that had grown at least four inches since the last time that I had seen him, was glasses and braces free, is tall, toned, hot, and extremely gorgeous. I used to think that he was cute and gorgeous. Now he is gorgeous. Don't get me wrong, I am in and have always been in love with Christian Cole due to his kind and genuine heart. However, he is now completely easy on the eyes. I have never been shy around Christian Cole, but I think that that is about to change quickly.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    For Christmas this year, the Nash's were returning to Henley Beach, Florida, to spend Christmas with their longtime good friends, Meyers' at their beach house. Lindy was excited about this for more reasons than one. Besides being excited about seeing the Meyers' and spending Christmas with them, Lindy was even more excited about seeing her boyfriend of seven and a half months, Teddy. The last time that Lindy had seen him was in June. As you can imagine, Lindy had missed him greatly, and was beyond excited about seeing him.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I cannot believe that tonight is the last night of camp!" Julia exclaimed. "This week has gone by so fast!""It sure has." Heather replied. "I'm going to miss you guys.""I'm going to miss you guys, too." Devan said, sincerely. As she, her counselor, and good friends/cabin mates put their arms around each other, and made their way to open mic night, "On a different note, are you guys going to get up on stage, and sing tonight?""No, what about you?: Giselle wanted to know."I will be singing a duet with Danny." Devan smiled, blushing a little."Oh my gosh, you are totally blushing!" Heather exclaimed. "How long have you had feelings for him?"Before Devan could answer, she and the others were arriving at the activity center.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    On a different note, there is another reason of why I am excited! Tonight is my annual end of the year sleepover! Five of my closest girlfriends and me get together on the last day of school and have a big time before we go our separate ways for the summer. This has been an annual tradition since the summer before high school! It is truly a tradition that I look forward to every year!-Freya

  • - A Dinah Gray Novlel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, After two months of hard work and rehearsal, tonight is the opening night of Dreier's production of Wicked. Productions of the show will take place tonight and tomorrow night at 6 pm. Due to the fact that I am a lead role in the play, I am extremely excited and nervous at the same time. However, due to the fact of endless rehearsals and practicing lines, I know that it is going to go well tonight. It also helps that my two best friends, whom also happen to be leads, will be up there with me. -Dinah

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    93,95 kr.

    "Oh my gosh, Miss Brynn, it is so great to see you under such great and special circum-stances!" Mrs. Donner, the founder and owner of the pediatric cancer hospital that I was a patient at many years ago, piped, giving me a hug! "Thank you so much for volunteer-ing to do private concert for everyone here to ring in your birthday.""I promise you, the pleasure is all mine." I smiled, squeezing Mrs. Donner, tightly. As we broke apart, Mrs. Donner smiled and nodded behind me, and asked, "Who are these two that you brought with you today?""This is my best friend, Trina, and my boyfriend, Roger." I beamed. "They are two of my backup dancers and have been with me since day one. I truly don't know what I would do without them.""It's a pleasure to meet you both." Mrs. Donner smiled, bringing them into a big hug. "It is so nice of you two to escort her here, and support her."Before Trina or Roger could reply, Mrs. Donner smiled at me and asked, "Are you ready?""Always." I smiled, as Mrs. Donner led the three of us to the perfor-mance room.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 - 143,95 kr.

    About a month ago, Ivy's twin sister, Kayla, and their best friends, Marie and Zack (Ivy's longtime secret love interest, had sent nasty texts to her phone, and had started a club on Facebook called "Ivy Sucks". Even though everyone had seen it, nobody had joined. Instead, the page received messages about how Ivy was awesome and that those three should be ashamed of themselves for starting a nasty page such as that. Even though Ivy had not known why her sister and best friends had done these awful things, she had a feeling that it was due out of jealousy.Even though her sister and best friends had come to their senses, taken the page down, and tried to get in touch with Ivy to apologize for everything, Ivy ignored them and wouldn't hear of it. That is how angry and hurt she was. Eventually, they had stopped trying to get in contact with her.Fast forward to today, Ivy is ready to forgive them, start over, but is appre-hensive about it. After all, the last thing she wants is to get hurt again.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    As Maya DeVore and her parents held on to one another, her heart broke into a millon pieces. Dr. Lamberg had just told the DeVore's that Maya's Leukemia had come back. She had been cancer free since she was ten. Almost six years later, Maya thought it would be gone for good. Evidently, Maya had been wrong.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    At Burman, things went a little different-ly from what I was used to for schooling. Number one, there was a zero tolerance bullying policy. Two, you only had one teacher for academics, like Math and Science. Afterwards, you went to two different teachers for your elective and sport. This year, I had gotten Miss Goodrich for my main teacher, Miss Ansel for Art, and Coach Joanna and Coach Lacey for cheer practice. Finally, school went from 8-12 and the week lasted from Monday-Thursday. As my best friends, Bryce and Blakely, and I boarded the bus for school, I could not help but feel excited. Being a student at Burman was going to be awesome!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    For as long as she could remem-ber Joss James her parents, Janie and Jere-miah, and their lifelong best friends, Layla and Landon Luka-siak, and their son, Lucas, and their daught-er, Lucy, would spend one week in July at the James' extra large and amazing beach-house in Henley Beach, Florida. When her career had started, how-ever, Joss was unable to make it, and spend time with them. Even though she was able to see her parents on holidays and a few trips to see one another, Joss was unable to see the Luka-siaks, especial-ly Lucas and Lucy. Even though they talked, face-timed, and texted often, it was not the same.How-ever, today was differ-ent! Right now, as we speak, Jere-miah is escort-ing Joss from the private plane part of Orlando Int'l Airport to Henley Beach to spend the final day and night of the week long beach vacation with her family and the Luka-siak's! The best part? Lucas and Lucy have no idea about this!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much for picking me up at the airport, guys!" I smiled from the back seat. "I really appre-ciate it!""Are you kidding? It is our plea-sure!" Dad piped, as he drove away from Orlando Int'l Airport to Henley Beach, Florida. "It sure is!" Mom added, a huge grin on her face. "We are so happy that you get to spend Christ-mas after-noon and night with all of us!""Same here!" I smiled. "On a different note, Pam and Peter are the only ones who know that I am coming, and not Patrick, corr-ect?""Corr-ect." Mom replied. "We made sure to tell them not to say anything to Patrick about you coming today."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Fifteen months ago, I was diag-nosed with an aggress-ive form of Leu-kemia. Instant-ly, I had been register-ed into the hospital. Fifteen months and a plethora of surger-ies, chemo and radiation treat-ments later, I am cancer free, as of last night. Even though my parents know that I am cancer free, and out of the hospital, my awe-some twin brother, Harvey, our best friends, Julia (Har-vey's long time gf), and Geoff, as well as our plethora of good friends, don't know. Due to the fact that Harvey's end of the year sleep-over tonight, all of them will be here tonight! Truth be told, I cannot wait to surprise them!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, The night of my Junior Prom has finally arrived! I feel absolutely amazing in my strapless, red dress and black wedge heels. However, the fact that I look beautiful is not the only reason that I feel amazing.I am finally in a good place with my best friends, Mae, Elizabeth, and Jake (my crush).In fact, Jake asked me to go to the Prom with him! I am so excited that I can barely stand it!I am truly looking forward to spending time with my best friends and sharing special moments with them. After all, I leave for my two month U.S. tour tomorrow. Even though I am going to miss them dearly, I can leave tomorrow with peace in my heart. After all, our friendship is one that is strong and unbreakable.

  • - Prom
    af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    "Hi, Nikki," Jason Holloman, a good friend of Nikki and her best friends, smiled. "May I have this dance?""SureI" Nikki smiled. Looking over to Nick, she asked, "Nick, is that okay?""Of course!" Nick smiled. Getting up from her seat, Nikki let Jason lead her to the dance floor for a slow dance.As Nick watched Jason and Nikki share a slow dance to ZAYN and Taylor Swift's "I Don't Wanna Live Forever", a tiny bit of jealously filled his heart. Even though Nick knew that Jason and Nikki were just good friends, that didn't make his jealousy go away. Truth be told, he wanted to be the one dancing with Nikki. As this came to mind, something else did, as well. He was in love with Nikki.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 - 173,95 kr.

    "I have been looking forward to this birthday weekend getaway for weeks, and now it is finally here!" Fallon cheered, leaning back into one of the many comfort-able lounge chair seats on Abigail's private plane. "Abby, it is so cool of you and your family inviting all of us to your hometown this weekend, and celebrate with you this weekend.""Of course!" Abigail smiled and piped. "What do we always say? Wherever one goes...""We all go!" Bryan, Chris, Daughtry, Elaine and Fallon smiled, piped and finished for Abigail!"Very good." Abigail smiled. "On a different note, my family and best friends are excited about seeing you guys again!""Well, we are just as excited about seeing them, too!" Elaine piped. "All of us love them to death!""The feelings mutual." Abby smiled. "It's definitely mutual."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "So, no one besides you and Dad know that I have been released from the hospital for the day to spend Christ-mas with you guys?" Seven-teen year old Dacia Meyer asked."That is correct, my dear!" Mrs. Meyer piped. "This will be one surprise that no one will see com-ing!""That it won't!" Dacia smiled and chimed. "I am truly looking forward to seeing every-one, inclu-ding my twin sister, and our best friends!" When she was fifteen years old, Dacia was diag-nosed with an aggress-ive form of bone cancer. Due to how severe it was, it was rare that she got to leave the hospital for a day, or even an hour. Two years later, Dacia is stronger than she ever thought that she could be, and is about to exper-ience one of those rare times today.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Are you sure that you don't want to go tonight, girl?" Abbie asked. "A good distraction would possibly do you some good.""I appreciate where you are coming from, girl, and I love you for it." Alanna smiled. "However, I think that I am going to sit this one out."Ten days ago, Alanna's boyfriend (a fellow actor), Albert Giddings, her boyfriend of a year and a half, called it quits. Even though he claimed that it was due to the long distance, Alanna highly doubted that that was the reason. In her heart, Alanna believed that the breakup was due to the fact that Albert had fallen out of love with her. Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about the girl's day that Alanna and Abbie had planned for today. Not only were the girls getting their hair trimmed, they were also getting massages, facials, and mani/pedis. While Abbie was getting them to prep for tonight's Homecoming dance, Alanna was getting them to relax and recharge. After all, she wanted to take care of and treat herself.

  • - A Lyndsey Kelley Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Senior field day and Graduation. What do they have in common? If you guessed that they have to do with high school seniors, than you would be correct. However, that is not the only thing that they have in common. These two things bring high school seniors one step closer to saying goodbye to high school. As I prepare for these two things, I cannot help but feel excited about saying goodbye to high school. Don't get me wrong, high school is a blast. My friends, teachers, and classes are awesome. However, I am ready to graduate.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I walked through the door of the mansion, I was greeted by my mother. She had the largest grin on her face."Oh, Kaci, you look beautiful." Mom whispered as she gave me a hug."I feel beautiful." I smiled and whispered back, squeezing her tight. As we broke apart, I smiled and asked, "How come you look so happy?""Well, let's just say that there is a voice-mail on the machine that you really should hear."My heart thumping inside of my chest, a single thought ran through my mind. Could the voice-mail that has Mom so excited be from Aunt Hailey? Shaking my hand quickly, I attempt-ed to erase that thought from my mind. At the end of the band's audition, Aunt Hailey had informed the band and I that the earliest that we would hear back from them would be this up-coming Wednes-day. Besides the audition had been held just this morning. With this said, there was no way that that could be what the call was about...could it

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Cass, honey, you must promise me that you will let me know if you start getting tired, and we will leave." Mom said, gently. "I just don't want to push it on your first day out of the hos-pital.""I promise and agree." I said, sincere-ly. "Even though I am cancer free and out of the hospital, I want to take it slow." After two years of being in the hospital battling an aggress-ive form of Leu-kemia, I was pronoun-ced cancer free today. Truth be told, this news made today one of the greatest days of my life.As Mom and I made the way to the Morris' (Our lifelong best friends) house for their annual Fourth of July party, I could not help but smile. After all, God was truly good!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Sweet-heart, it's time to wake up and get ready to go to the barbe-que." Mom whisper-ed, gently shaking my arm."Where am I?" I asked, groggily, trying to familiar-ize myself with my surroun-dings. "Am I still at the hos-pital?"'No, sweetie, you are in your own bed and home for good." Mom smiled. "You were pronoun-ced cancer free and dis-charged from the hospital earlier this morn-ing.""That's right." I smiled, stretch-ing. "Sorry about the confu..""Don't think about apolo-gizing, sweet-ie." Mom whisper-ed, sitting down beside me, and gently rubbing my back. "It is going to take you a while for you to get used to being home again, and your Dad and I totally under-stand that.""I want you to know that, even though it will take me a little while to get accla-mated to being back home, it doesn't mean that I am not happy about it." I smiled, gently laying my head on Mom's should-er. "Truth be told, I am happy as a clam!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, a few months ago, I entered a contest to win the role of Jude Carter's love interest in his upcoming music video. In the end, I had won! With this said, I had a chance to meet him in person and found out that him being kind and genuine was not just a rumor, but very true. It was a true pleasure working with him!Fast forward to today, I get a call from Jude asking me if he could take me out to a pre-birthday dinner! Of course, I had said yes! After all, it is not every day that your favorite singer and celebrity crush asks you out to dinner! On a different note, my parents are even excited for me! After all, they met Jude on the set of his music video, and thought very highly of him!-Cynthia x

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    67,95 kr.

    For as long as the girls could remember, their high school held a winter and spring showcase. During this showcase, students got a chance to show off their talents. On a different note, it also gave the girls of the school's dance team a chance to show off some of their dance moves. Tonight, that is exactly what Chelsea, Cassie, and their dance team would be doing. On a different note, it would be the final time that the girls and the rest of the seniors of the dance team would be dancing on the team. Truth be told, it was kind of emotional and bittersweet.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, In exactly four hours, I will be perform-ing at the 2018 Gospel Music Awards. In addition to per-forming, I will also be present-ing an award, as well as be in the running for Artist of the Year. I have never been this nervous and excited in my life. I truly wish that my boyfriend, Jake, and my best friends, Elizabeth and Mae were here in California with me, as well as getting to see the show. After being apart from them for two months, and I miss them greatly. Now more than ever, I wish they were here to tell me that I am going to do great, as well as remind me that everything is going to be okay. It may be due to extreme nerves, or anxiety, but I am un-certain about tonight going well.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Finishing setting the table, and putting the freshly cooked food on it, I here the door open."It smells great in here!" Dad exclaimed, as Aunt Mandy, Uncle Oliver, Brent, and Mom made their way through the front door. "Someone has definitely been hard at work!""I sure have!" I smiled, as everyone entered the dining room. Turning to Brent, I let out a little squeal and exclaimed, "Brent!""Gia!" Brent smiled and exclaimed, looking almost as excited as I felt. As we engulfed each other in a big hug, he continued, "It is so great to see you!""You, too!" After we broke apart, and after I gave Uncle Oliver and Aunt Mandy a big hug, it was time to eat dinner!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Today is my eight-eenth birthday, and I am truly excited about it! Not only do I get to be out of the hospital until 6:00 tonight, I also get a girls day with my wonder-ful mom! Truth be told, I have a good feeling that today is going to be ama-zing!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    288,95 kr.

    Moments after Addison and Jade's private plane landed in the personal plane area of Orlando Int'l Airport, and they gathered their luggage, Addison's lifelong best friends, fraternal twins, Kaci and Ellia had arrived in Kaci's large 2021 SUV to pick the girls up. Upon arrival, Kaci and Ellia were rushing up to Addison and Jade, and shared a big hug with them. After a moment, the twins traded spots with each other and took turns hugging the girls. Even though Jade had never met Ellia and Kaci before, she had heard a lot of amazing things about them, including how nice, sweet, genuine, real, down to earth they were. With this said, she had instantly return the girls hugs and smiles, with big and sincere hugs and smiles. After all, she could see herself becoming close with these girls, and becoming close to them! This made Jade VERY happy, and made her look forward even more to this month with Addison and her family, even more than she already had!After the girls put Jade's and Addison's things in the back of the SUV, the girls climbed inside, buckled up, and drove away from the airport.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    While on my flight from Los Angeles to Denver, I feel both excited and relaxed about returning to Colorado. Starting today is my two day vacation. I will be spending time with my family and best friends for the next couple of days, and I could not be more pumped! There is also the tiny fact that I will be turning eighteen tomorrow! Like I said, I am excited about returning to Denver, even if it is only for a couple of days!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As I made my way downstairs and to my party, everyone smiled, gasped and looked at me. As I smile and say hello to everyone, my eyes immediate-ly meet Jeremiah's. Smiling at him, I wave at him. Instantly, he smiled and waved back.