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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Why in the world did I agree to do a solo on my last day here, when I am emotion-al right now?I asked myself, as my best friend, Heather, boy-friend, Jack, and the rest of the high school choir mem-bers, and I got ready to go into the sanc-tuary. These past few days have been quite eventful and emotion-al for me. While I gradu-ated from high school on Thurs-day, and had my farewell party yester-day (I leave for Los Angeles today to live with my wonder-ful and favorite Aunt Joan, and start filming my new show Tues-day), I am singing my final solo today. Like I said, it has been an emotion-al few days.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    On Tuesday nights at Camp Water-wood, the high school campers get involved in a talent show. Over the years, the talents have included magic tricks, singing, etc. Truth be told, the talent show is one of my favorite activities during my week at camp!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As I made my way off of the stage with the rest of the Varsity Women's soccer team, excitement filled my heart. I had just been named the WCA Varsity Women's soccer team 2017 All-Star player. To make things more exciting, Nina and Jeff had been named the 2017 All-Star players of the Varsity Lady Basketball and Varsity Football Teams! What would make this win even better would be if Maggie was named the 2017 All Star Player of the Varsity volleyball team! After all, she was the one who deserved that prestigious honor the most!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Flopping down on her large and comfy bed, seven-teen year old Demi Marker smiled and let out a content sigh. She and her wonder-ful mom were finally back in their large beach house in Henley Beach, FL for their annual month long summer stay. Truth be told, this was Demi's favorite summer activity. Not only did Henley Beach, FL offer good restaur-ants, shops, beautiful houses, and an awe-some teen club, it also offered some of the most beautiful beaches in the entire world! In fact, one was right outside Demi and her mom's beach house! Getting up from her bed, Demi decided to change into her swim-suit, and hit the waves! After all, they were calling her name!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    It has been two years since I have seen her in person. Sure, we text, talk on the phone, and FaceTime constantly. However, that is not the same as seeing her in person. I have missed her so much it hurts. The fact that I am secretly and completely in love with her makes it hurt even more.On a different note, I am very excited. After two years of not seeing each other, Astrid and I will finally be reunited. As my parents and I make our way from Orlando International Airport to Henley Beach, excitement and anticipation fills my heart!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Do you have everything, sweetie?" My wonderful and amazing manager, Bianca, asks, as the tour bus pulls to a stop in front of my mansion."I sure do." I smiled back. Giving Bianca a big hug, I say. "Thank you so much for a fun summer. I truly had the time of my life!""I did, too!" Bianca replied. "Just like always, it is a pleasure and privilege to travel and work with you."After giving me another hug, Bianca gave me a gentle look and said, "Sweetie, how are you feeling about seeing Brent again, after being away the entire summer?""I honestly don't know." I replied, thoughfully. "There is a part of me that wants to talk to him and see him again. However, there is another part of me that doesn't want to. Even though I hate not talking to him, he really hurt me.""I completely get it." Bianca replied. "The best thing that you can do is follow your heart."Before I left for tour back in May, my best friend and lifelong secret love interest, Brent, and I had gotten into a huge argument. He had said some really hurtful things. This fight had caused me to ignore Brent the entire summer, even though he had called plenty of times. Even though I was ready to surrender and let it go, I was still angry at Brent. Even though I hated feeling this way, that is just how I felt.

  • - A Jameson Ridge High Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Ignoring Sage's calls and quickly making my way to first period Physics, I could not believe what I had just heard. The football players had persuaded Sage to break up with Michelle? Was being captain more important to Sage than his relationship with Michelle? Obviously it was.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    My hair wrapped in a towel, and my body wrapped in a comfort-able rob, I look down at the beautiful and elegant forest green dress that is laid careful-ly on my bed. It takes me a moment to realize that the dress is actually mine, and that I AM going to my junior/ senior prom. If you were to tell me yester-day morning that I would be going tonight, I would have laughed. After all, I was in a wheel-chair. As of yester-day after-noon, I am not. After all, I am, after so many years of physical therapy and surger-ies, I am finally able to walk on my own. Moving on, one thing that I am excited about it sur-prising my best friends and good friends. After all, they do not know that I am able to walk again!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Mom, do you think that they will like me?" Seventeen year old Lila Howell asked, as she and her Mom, Lindsay, made their way from Orlando Int'l Airport to Henley Beach, Florida, a beautiful beach town located twenty miles outside of Orlando."They are going to LOVE you, sweet-heart, I promise." Lindsay smiled. "Besides, what is there not to love?"Even though it had been many, many years since Lindsay and her lifelong best friend, Holly had seen each other. So, when Lindsay and Lila had received an invite from Holly to spend the month of June with her, her husband, Hayden, and their teenage twins, Hadley and Henry, Lindsay and Lila had instantly agreed! Not only had Lindsay not met the husband and twins, but Lila had not met any of them!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As I stepped onto the platform that would transport me from underground and on to the stage, I tried to calm my nerves. I was the opening act for the 2020 Teens Of Today Awards. I would be singing the song that my character, Stacey, sang on the show to audition to become a singer.On a different note, I am extremely excited. Not only is "Stacey Henley" a nominee for T.V. Show of the Year, but I am also a nominee for Newcomer of the Year. Even if my cast mates and I don't win, I won't be disappointed. After all, at least we were nominated.

  • - A Dinah Gray Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "How is it that we are now SENIORS "I asked, as Dylan, Dinah, and I made our way to the school for the end-of-school dance."I know, right " Dinah smiled. "Summer is here, and senior year is right around the corner!""Yeah, cool." Dylan said from the backseat in a distracted tone."Girlie, what's wrong?" Dinah asked, turning in her seat to face Dylan."Jenny Box has been harassing me lately with mean texts. It's gone on for two weeks now.""Have you told anyone, besides us, about this?" I asked. "It's important to let someone know.""The only people I have told are my parents and Principal Schuman." Dylan said, her voice cracking. "Not only have my parents talked to Mrs. Schuman, but Mrs. Schuman has also tried suspending Jenny a couple of times. My parents have even tried talking to Mr. and Mrs. Box, but Jenny's parents keep shrugging it off.""Do you still have the texts?" Dinah asked, gently. "If so, may I see them?"Without saying a word, Dylan handed the phone to Dinah. Immediately, Dinah gasped and put her hand over her mouth. It was at that moment that I knew that these texts must be really bad.When we stopped at a stoplight. Dinah quickly handed the phone to me. Reading these texts, anger filled my heart. These texts were saying some mean, hurtful and untrue things. It made me mad as a wet hen that someone was attacking my best friend through text messages."This has to stop, like right now." Dinah said, thoughtfully."I agree with you 100%." I replied, sincerely."Same here." Dylan said. "What do you propose that should be done about it?""Don't worry, I have an idea." Dinah smiled at Dylan and me.

  • - A Jerica Samuels Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    My best friends in the entire world, Anya, Jamie, and Shelby Corren, are fraternal triplets. They were born on September 12th, 2000, exactly six months before I was born. They are truly some of the most caring and kind individuals that I have ever met. I am truly lucky to call them my best friends.Moving on, let me tell you about our Christmas tradition. Two days before Christmas, the four of us get together for a Christmas gathering and gift exchange. The reason that we get together on Christmas Eve Eve, and not Christmas Eve, is because my parents and I leave for Florida on Christmas Eve to meet up with Jesse and his family.Ringing the Corren's door bell, I could not help but smile. After all, some serious fun was about to take place.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    When my cabin mates, counselors, and I got back to our cabin after the race, we found an envelope taped to the cabin door with my name on it. After opening the letter, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the letter was from none other than my secret admirer. Ever since camp began in June, I have been receiving little gifts and notes from an anonymous person. The more often that the notes came, the more that I found myself wondering who this person was. As you can imagine, I am determined to find out who has been sending me these notes. In fact it is my mission to find out before the dance on Thursday night. After all, I am running out of time and chances to find out who this person is.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    After a year and a half of being completely smitten with Hadley, Henry decides to take a chance and ask her on a Valentine's Day date. During dinner, he decides to tell Hadley how he feels about her. Will Hadley end up returning his feelings, or will Henry be left completely heartbroken?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, It has been a fun and amazing summer on the road. I have toured the U.S. with my wonderful and amazing parents (a.k.a my managers and bodyguards), and performed in some amazing concerts. Even though I had fun, I am glad to be heading back home to my hometown of Seattle, Washington! Speaking of Seattle, my parents and I are a little under one hour away from officially being home!Even though there are a billion reasons of why I am excited about being home, only one stands out I am looking forward to being reunited with my best friends, Lucy and Linus. Before I left, I got into a fight with them that ended with us saying things that we did not mean! Even though I was angry earlier, and haven't spoken to them since I left, I am not angry anymore. In fact, I am ready to surrender and apologize. After all, I miss and have missed my best friends dearly!-Lara

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I am seventeen years old and am one of the most well known teen Christian artists of all time. I have an amazing manager, who also just happens to be my wonderful and amazing mother. I am a three time Grammy winner who will be leaving her hometown of Dallas, Texas in five days for my fourth annual U.S. Summer tour. I, Janet Elizabeth Carter, should be over the moon. However, that is the exact opposite of how I feel.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Packing her things for her new church's youth groups end of the year high school lock in, seven-teen year old Anne Calebs' heart filled with excite-ment. Tonight at the lock in, she would be intro-duced to the youth group. Or shall I say, REintro-duced? Due to the fact that her Dad had been reassign-ed at Avalon UMC, Anne's favorite church of all time, she would be reunited with every-one that she loved, especial-ly her best friends, Tara, Jake, and Axel. Due to the fact that Anne was good friends with every-one in the youth group, she was especial-ly excited about tonight's reveal.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Mr. and Mrs. Dixon," Dr. Hayden gently said, hoping not to wake Henrietta. "May I have a word?"Nodding, they made their way out of Henrietta's room, and gently closed it."What is it, doctor?" Mr. Dixon wanted to know. "What's going on?""I am so, so sorry to have to tell you this, but Henrietta is not responding to the treatments, and they are doing nothing for her.""What does that mean for now?" Mrs. Dixon asked, tears streaming down her cheeks, and knowing what the answer was."At this point, even though it would be the hardest thing in the world for all of us, we would stop treatments."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 - 228,95 kr.

    "It is so great to see you, sweet sweet!" Dad piped, as we made our way from Orlando to Henley Beach. "We are so excited to have you here!""Same here!" I smiled and piped. "I just wish that I could have been here on Monday and yester-day, too.""I wish the same thing, too, but getting to see you today- Friday is way, way better than not seeing you, at all.""That's true." I smiled. "On a different note, you, Mom, Emily and Max are the only ones who know that I am here, corr-ect?""That is correct, my dear." Dad smiled. "After all, none of us want to ruin this surprise for Jimmy."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much for taking me out for my birthday, Nick!" Nikki smiled. "I truly appreciate it!""Anytime!" Nick smiled back. "I had a great time tonight!""Me too!"Today was Nikki's eighteenth birthday, and it had been a big yet fun day! While Nikki had enjoyed a birthday breakfast at IHOP with her parents, she and Nikki had spent the afternoon at the spa! After Nikki had returned home and gotten cleaned up, it had been time for her and Nick to go out for her birthday dinner. Fast forward to now, they were arriving at his mansion to enjoy some ice cream sundaes. Truth be told, it was and had been the perfect day.As Nick and Nikki arrived at and opened the door, and turned on the lights, Nikki's parents, Nick's parents, and about 35 of their closest friends came out of hiding and yelled "surprise!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, We all have moments in our lives in which we never want to forget . Tonight was my turn to have a moment like that. The moment came for me when I was dancing the last slow song of the night with Scot

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Miss Page, I cannot thank you enough for doing a back to school perform-ance for all of us!" Mrs. Utely, the principal of my best friends and good friends high school, beamed. "The staff and I have been looking forward to this for such a long time!""I am more than happy to do it, Mrs. Utely." I smiled. "On a different note, none of the students know that I am here, and will be perform-ing a concert for them, do they?""Not a clue, I prom-ise. After all, neither the staff nor myself would ruin a surprise like this!"

  • - An Everly Brown Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Today was a big day for the students of Etterton Christian School. It was the last day of school, and the first day of summer vacation. For seventeen year old Everly Brown, it meant that it was time for her to go on her U.S. summer tour. Speaking of her U.S. tour, Everly had plenty to be excited about. Not only would she be leaving on Sunday, but she would be asking her best friends to join her on tour. Everly and her parents had already asked all of the parents, and they had instantly agreed. This was going to make Everly's surprise for her best friends even more sweet.As the four best friends made their way to Chick-Fil-A, Everly could not help but feel excited. After all, she had a big surprise in store for them.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    The last time that I was a student at The Braxton School was in eighth grade. Three years later, I am returning as a junior in high school. I am a little nervous, because it has been a while since I have been here as a student. However, the excitement that I have in my heart triumphs over my nerves.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "What if I make a fool of myself while I am singing?" Sicily asked. "That is the last thing that I want to do.""Girl, I have heard you sing a million times, and you sound amazing each and everytime!" Spencer chimed, reassuringly. "She's right, Sicily." Sam said, putting his arm around Sicily's shoulder. "You have an amazing voice!"Two days ago, Spencer, Sicily, Shiloh, and Sam had gotten together to talk about what they wanted to do tonight. In the end, it had been decided that the four teens would go do karaoke. After all, it was something different .

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "I can't stop looking at it, it's so elegant and pretty!" I smiled, gazing at the beautiful ring on my left ring finger. Kissing my duo partner/ fiancée, Derek on the cheek, I smiled and said, "You propo-sing to me last night was the best birthday gift that I could ever ask for!""It was amazing for me, too, sweet-heart." Derek smiled, kissing me on the fore-head. "It was hard for your parents and me to keep it a secret for the past eight mon-ths.""Wait a minute, my parents knew?"They sure did. When we were visiting your family in Houston for Christ-mas, I asked them if I could propose to you on your birthday, and they said yes.""That was very gentle-man of you to ask them, and I applaud you for it." I smiled. "Does my sister know?""No, but she will be finding out tonight when we crash her birthday party tonight and per-form."Before Derek or I could say anything else, our private jet was landing at the airport.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Thank you so much for picking me up at the airport, Millie!" I smiled, as she and I drove away from the airport. "I truly appre-ciate it!""Oh, sweetie, it should be me thanking you!" Millie smiled. "It means a lot to Michael and me me that you are flying in to surprise Miles at his party!""Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it for the world!"Ever since we were babies, I have been best friends with Millie and Mich-ael's son, Miles, as well as Miles and my best friends, Halsey and Isaac. Going back to Miles, today is his eighteen-th birthday, and he is cele-brating by having a party at the Hyatt Regency Albu-querque!Due to the fact that I haven't seen him and and our other best friends for a long time, I have been looking forward to this for weeks!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "How are you feeling, birthday girl?" Courtney asked. "Are you feeling relaxed yet?""More than you know." Caroline replied. "I have not felt this relaxed in a long time.""Well, I'm glad that you are feeling relaxed, especially today." Chelsea added."Same here." Caitlin replied. "After all, you deserve a relaxing and awesome birthday."Today was Caroline Matthews eighteenth birthday, and it was turning into a packed, busy, and awesome one! After Caroline and the Calliber's returned from taking Caroline out to breakfast, Caroline and her best friends had met up at Florida Mall to do some shopping for Caroline's birthday party for tonight. After shopping and eating lunch, the girls had gone to the spa to receive massages, facials, and mani/pedis. Like I said, today was turning into a big, packed and awesome day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Waiting outside of the ballroom to be welcomed into the Hyatt Regency Cypress ballroom that was filled with my parents and a plethora of my closest friends to celebrate my eighteenth birthday, I could not help but smile. Today had been an exceptionally good day. Not only had I received some awesome gifts, as well as gone to breakfast with Mom and Dad, but Mom and I had also enjoyed a spa morning/early afternoon. Afterwards, we had returned home to eat lunch, rest, and get showered, dressed, and ready for my big party tonight. Like I said, today has been an exceptionally good day.Before I could think any more about my wonderful day, the DJ was announcing my presence. Moments later, I smiled and made my way into the room that was filled with clapping and cheering people.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 - 108,95 kr.

    Seventeen year old Alex Johnson is not your typical teenager. She has a wonderful boyfriend, loves sports, and is the most popular girl in her class. Even the fact that she has been confined to a wheelchair for the past three years does not change that for Alex. However that all changes on the next to last day of school. When Dr. Anna makes an announcement that changes everything that Alex has known, it forces her to rewrite her future. In the first of the Miracle series, follow one brave young woman as she learns that change is not always a bad thing.