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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As the Walt Disney World shuttle bus took Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Keely, Steven, Phillip, and I from Orlando International Airport to Walt Disney World and Disney's Contemporary Resort (This is the hotel that the six of us will be staying at during our trip), I could not help but feel excited! After all, we were on our way to Walt Disney World!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    "Sweetheart, you did amazing tonight!" Mom exclaimed, as she, Dad, and I made our way from backstage to my dressing room. "It was definitely one of your best concerts so far, and all of them have been amazing!" Dad pipedI felt a little off tonight." I confessed. "In fact, I've been feeling a little off since we left for tour.""Does this have anything to do with what happened between you and Cole?""Yes." I replied. "He really hurt me, and it is taking time for me to feel better about it."Before I left for tour, I had confessed to Cole that I liked him as more than friends. Much to my dismay, he had laughed in my face, and told me that there was no way in the entire world that he could ever feel the same way about me. Truth be told, that had really hurt. Even though he had left me apologetic voice mails and texts, I had ignored and deleted them. After all, there was no way that I was going to speak to that jerk after what he did.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    The time for Karlie, her best friend, and teammates to compete at State, and the stakes are high. There are thirty teams competing but only one can be picked to go to Nationals later ithis Spring. In this book of fun and competition, follow one girl, her best friend, and their teammates as they compete for the State title.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Before I tell you about this amazing opportunity, I want to give you a little bit of a background."Smiling, Mrs. Kingwood continued, "I have a best friend who lives in Los Angeles, California by the name of Katrina Harper. She is a famous director, and has been assigned to direct an upcoming movie musical. It is going to be called "The Journey of Alicia Winter." It is going to be about a girl who rises above being bullied and, with the help of her family and best friend becomes one of the greatest singers of all time.""That sounds incredible, Mrs. Kingwood, but where do I tie into this?""I have been talking to Katrina about you, and about your acting, singing, and dancing skills, and she and I think that you should go to Los Angeles next week and try out for the part."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Mom and I made our way to Flatirons Mall, excitement and happiness filled my heart. Tonight, I will be surprising my best friends and good friends at their home-coming dance. However, I will be spending the day with Mom getting primped and pampered. Not only are we getting our hair trimmed, as well as mani/pedis, but Mom will be buying me a dress for tonight! Truth be told the primping session with Mom is going to be awesome!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    If you were to ask anyone in the world about forgiving someone, they would all say the same thing: Forgiving someone is one of the hardest things one will have to do in this lifetime. Just ask eighteen-year-olds-Lanica Miller and Bonnie Combs. After the school bully and two of the girl's former best friends humiliated them at the beginning of the summer, the last thing that the girls ever wanted to do was forgive them. However, when the three girls reach out to Lanica and Bonnie asking that they meet them for lunch, the girls begin to have a change of heart.In this story of forgiveness and reconnection, find out what happens when two girls let their guard down and open their hearts to forgiveness.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    For a moment, Katie felt as if her rear end was glued to the seat. The fact that her legs felt like jelly didn't help the situation, at all. Had Principal Clarkson just asked her to come up on stage? Had she really been nominated for homecoming queen? There was no way that this was possible. This had to be a wonderful dream. It just had to be. Katie had always wanted to be nominated for such a prestigious title as this. However, she had never in her wildest dreams imagined that this would actually happen. Taking a deep breath, Katie rose from her chair. This is going to be a very long walk, she thought to herself. However, Katie quickly realized that this was not the case. Feeling happy that she was proven wrong, Katie smiled to herself. Throughout the cheer and applause, Katie could hear her friends, teammates and boyfriend cheering her name. This was partially due to the fact that they were the ones cheering the loudest. After what seemed like ten seconds, Katie arrived onto the stage and took her place beside the other nominees for Homecoming Queen. Immediately, Ryan's gaze met Katie's. Very discreetly, he gave his girlfriend a wink. In return, Katie smiled and did the same. My boyfriend and I are homecoming court nominees, Katie thought to herself, giddily. How amazingly cool is that

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Instead of having a dinner with his parents and the Jacobs' for his birthday, Jordan had wanted to take Joey on a date to a nice restaurant. Much to his excitement and happiness, Joey had immediately said yes! As the two of them enjoyed dinner, conver-sation, and laughter, both of them could not help but have a great time!

  • - A Jessa Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 - 78,95 kr.

    As Mom and I listened intently to what Dr. Misty and Nurse Julie were saying, I felt my spirits lift higher than they had been in a long time. Apparently, I was in remission and ready to go home. Immediately, Mom and I began to cry and hug one another. I had waited such a long time to hear the words that my doctor and nurse were telling me. This piece of news was the best seventeenth birthday gift that I could ever ask for.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "There, that should do it, gor-geous!" Mom said, putting the finishing touches on my makeup."How do I look, Mom?" I wanted to know."Why don't you go into the bath-room mirror and see for your-self, gor-geous?"Doing as I told, I went into my hospital room's bath-room mirror. Instant-ly, I gasped and put my hand over my mouth! The bald girl looking back at me in the mirror looked beautiful in her makeup and, strap-less sweet-heart neck-lined, a-lined dark magenta dress!"Miss Cindy, I have a feeling that you will steal alot of hearts tonight!" Nurse Bonnie, my main and favorite nurse, smiled, standing in my door-way. "Espe-cially mine." My best guy friend and secret love interest, Charles, smiled, standing in my door-way. Giving me a once over, Charles smiled and said, "Cindy, just like always, you look stunn-ing.""You look great, your-self." I smiled back, feeling my face turn hot.Before I knew what was happen-ing, Charles was display-ing a gorge-ous and breath-taking wrist corsage and tying it around my right wrist. After pictures were taken, as well as Nurse Bonnie remind-ing me that I needed to be back here no later than 11:00, Charles and I headed out.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Sweet -heart, I'm super proud of you for going to Phoenix for a few hours to surprise your sister at her birthday party." Seth said, gently. "After the way that she and your best friends hurt you, I think it is big of you to go, and I am glad that I get to go with you.""Me too!" I smiled. "Not only am I ready to forgive, but I have some-thing special to ask them..." I smiled, looking down at the beautiful ring that was placed on my left ring finger. Gently putting my hand in his, I said, "You propos-ing last night was the best birthday gift that I could ever ask for!"Before Seth could reply, my private jet was touching down at the airport.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    For eleven years, Caroline had been bound to a wheel chair. Two months ago, she had started going to physical therapy. Much to Caroline and her parent's happiness, she had been assigned to Elizabeth for her physical therapy.As the months had gone by, Caroline had grown stronger. However, she had not tried walking yet. However, today was different. Today was the day where Caroline would be attempt-ing to walk again.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, At Ferretti Christian Camp, it is a tradition in tthat a big party be held for the high schoolers and high school counselors that have birthdays in the months that camp is in session (One is held the second Friday of the month for June and July). With this said, tonight is the night that the birthday people who have birthdays in June will be celebrated. With this said, two of the people that will be celebrated tonight are my two best friends (Their birthday was on the 5th). Truth be told, I am so excited about tonight that I can barely stand it!-Laurel

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, After spending two months with my parents, boyfriend and his parents, it is time for our families to depart Henley Beach to-morrow, and return home. While Marcus and his parents will be return-ing to Chicago, my parents and I will be returning to Dallas. Even though I am looking forward to return-ing to Dallas, I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to Marcus, his family, and the amazing summer that all of us have had here at Henley Beach.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is a big day for my best friends and me! That's right, journal! We are graduating high school this morning! I have been looking forward to this day for a long time, and now it is finally here!Even though I am excited about graduation, I am also sad. Graduating today means that the time is almost here where I move to Los Angeles for good to pursue my career and live with my amazing and favorite aunt. Even though I am extremely excited about this, I am also sad. After all, it means saying goodbye to my parents, best friends, and good friends.Before I can think about this however, I want to focus on graduation! After all, that is the present excitement!-Nor

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, The Fourth of July has come around again and I could not be more pumped! Not only will the Fourth of July parade be taking place, but my family and Mason's family be coming together for an awesome barbeque! It is going to be held at Mason and Meggie's. I am so excited about this, that I can barely stand it! With all of the wonderful things going on today, I have a good feeling that today is going to be amazing and awesome!-Miria

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "How do you feel about today being senior Sun-day?" Mom asked me, as we made our way to church."I feel both excited and sad." I replied. "Today is my last day at our church before I graduate on Thurs-day, and leave for LA on Friday. With this said, it is both exciting and bitter-sweet."To my best friends and fellow gradu-ates, this week marks gradu-ation. For me, it marks more than that. Not only does it mean today being my last Sunday at Porter UMC, my lifelong church home, it also marks the week that I leave for LA, move in with my wonder-ful and favorite aunt, Kelly, and beginn-ing the filming process of my new show that I am starring in on Monday.Moving on to today, let me tell you about today. Today at the 11:00 service, my best friends, Melissa, Chloe, and I will be singing a solo with our high school choir. Truth be told, I am very excited about it!

  • - A Lyndsey Kelley Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    83,95 kr.

    Logan Keller. Just saying that name gives me chills and my heart skip a beat. Ever since the fourth grade, I have been in love with Logan. Besides my parents, Logan's twin sister and my best friend, Lilliana, is the only one that knows of my crush. You would think that it would weird Lilliana out a little bit, but it doesn't in the least. In fact, she thinks it is quite cool that I like her brother. On a different note, when I return to Orlando this summer, I plan on making my feelings known. Even though I am nervous about telling Logan how I feel, I know that it has to happen. After all, if I don't say anything soon, my heart will surely burst!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Landon and I made our way to the restaurant, my heart and head could not help but feel excited. Two days ago after we finished filming for the day, Landon had come up to me and asked me to do him the honor of joining him for dinner tonight. Of course, I had said yes! After all, I was secretly and completely in love with the guy!As we pulled into the restaurant parking lot, I could not help but smile! After all, I was on a date with Landon Page!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Today is a big day for my choir and me. Not only is today the 2020 National Choir Competition, but it is my last competition as a choir member and captain. Even though I am excited about graduating from high school one week from today, as well as today's competition, it was also bittersweet. Gathering my team together, I said, "Alright, guys, we are at the largest competition of the year. Let's go out there and show the judges just how powerful we are! Most importantly, however, let's have some fun!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    On a different note, something else magical is happening. Ross and I are becoming closer and closer. In fact, I have a feeling that he likes me as more than a best friend, just like in the same way that I like him. I don't think I can hold my feelings in anymore, and plan on telling him on Friday. Even if Ross doesn't feel the same way about me, it's okay. It is just important to me that he knows how I feel about him, either way.

  • - Simone
    af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Are you okay, Captain?"Jessica Keller wanted to know. "You don't look so good.""I am just nervous about this game, that's all." I replied, tying the laces of her soccer cleats."How come?""Besides it being the last game of the season, talent scouts from Schreiner, Baylor, and Texas Tech are going to be there today.""Simone, there is no reason to be nervous." Jessica smiled, reassuring-ly. "Need I remind you that this team has not lost a game the past two seasons because of you?"Before I had a chance to thank Jessica for her kind words, Coach Sara was informing us that it was time for the game to start.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Usually, I am not a morning person, but today it seems like I am . Not only am I up because Dolce, Lauren and I have a 6:45 am massages,8:00 facials, 9:00 mani/ pedis, and 10:00 hair appt's, but I am so excited that I can barely stand it! Not only are Devon and Dolce here for a few days(They got here last night. Not only did they come in for my birthday, but they also came in to help me get ready for Los Angeles, and will be flying back with me to LA on Monday), but today, journal, is my eighteenth birthday. While I am having a birthday/ farewell party at the Grand Hyatt Denver, I am having a sleepover party with my closest friends, including Dolce, the girls from my class and my best friend, Lauren. Yes, it is truly going to be a wonderful and fun-filled night!-Vanna

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Dancing and singing as my best friends, boy-friend, and the mem-bers of my youth group danced besides and in back of me, I could not help but feel happy, excited, and in the moment! This morning truly could not have gone any better! Not only did all of us get to ride a couple of amazing rides, and be filmed while doing it, but we all got to do it to-gether!Without a doubt, Today will be in my mind and memory for quite a long time!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    When I had arrived at the Valen-tine's Day dance, I had expect-ed to meet Jack, my boy-friend of six and a half months, and dance the night away. When I had arrived, that is not how it had played out, at all! Instead, I had caught him and my best girl friend, Marcia, dancing close and kissing each other on the lips. Breaking apart, the two back-stabbers looked at me and paled.Even though they had tried to say some-thing, I slapped them both in the face and told them that I was done with them.Fast forward to now, anger and pain fill my heart, tears are stream-ing down my face, and I am making my way to the school's main door. After all, I have had enough of this night.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 173,95 kr.

    Ever since his best friend in the world, Emily Friar, had been diag-nosed with a rare and aggress-ive form of cervical cancer a year and a half ago, Miles Lockhart had made it a point to be at the hospital each week-end, summer, and day that he was free to be there for Emily at the hospital. After all, he knew that she needed him dearly.Moving on, today is the last day of school, and Miles' mom had given him permiss-ion to skip today to see Emily. After all, she knew that that is where he needed and wanted to be.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    Moments later, my best friends made their way from backstage onto the stage."Ladies and gentlemen, these are my best friends in the entire world, Alice and Allen. These two wonderful people mean the world to me, and I do not know what I would do without them."Moments later, the crowd let out applause, cheers, and awes. After they finished doing these things, I smiled and began to speak again."For the last song of the evening, these two wonderful people will be singing our favorite song, All-4-One's "Someday" with me." Turning to my best friends, I smiled and asked, "Ready?""Ready!" Allen and Alice smiled.Moments later, the music began to play.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Remem-ber, sweet sweet, you have to be back here by 9:00." Nurse Kelly, my main and favorite nurse, said, zipping up the back of my sleeve-less dress. "Is that under-stood?""Yes, Ma'am." I smiled. Putting on my bow head band over my bald head. Turning to face Nurse Kelly, I asked, "How do I look?""You look perfect." Nurse Kelly smiled. Before I could say any-thing else, there was a knock on my open door. Turning around, I saw that it was my wonder-ful Mom. Instant-ly, we smiled, ran towards one another, and embra-ced in a big hug."Oh, sweetie, you look so beaut-iful!" Mom gushed, giving me a once over. "Are you ready to go?""Yes, Ma'am!" I smiled, excite-ment filling my chest.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "How are you feeling, captain?" Archie asked, gently, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Are you nervous?""Not with you by my side." I smiled at Archie. "I have a feeling that our duet is going to be great!"Today is a big day for my dance team and me. We are competing at the 2020 National Dance Competition here in Houston, Texas. The first part of the competition were the group dances, and my team and I took home first place in that category.After intermission, the duets and solos will compete. For this, my best friend and secret love interest, Archie will be dancing to Banks' "Gimme". Truth be told, I am looking forward to this dance!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Since today was Christmas, it meant that the band and their families would come together at the Weir's mansion and celebrate Christmas. Second of all, tonight was also the Weir's annual Christmas party. This meant that the Weirs, the Kellingtons, and their friends and family would gather at the Weir's mansion once more to celebrate the birth of Jesus.In conclusion, the band and their families had alot to be excited about.