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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Making my grand entrance into the Hotel Icon ballroom, Mom, the DJ, best friends stood up smiled, clapped and cheered for me. Coming into my big birthday bash and having this reaction made me feel like a star and princess. Truth be told, I was feeling exactly what every girl should feel like on her eighteenth birthday.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As my dance team and I partook in our class party and exchanged gifts, I came to the conclusion that now was a good time to hand out my gift to the class. Getting up from my seat and retrieving my backpack, I pulled out the rest of the envelopes. Smiling to myself, I went around to everyone and handed out my envelopes. After all, everyone was about to be in for a big surprise.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Sweet-heart, let me just say that I am so happy beyond words that you were born!" My wonder-ful and amazing Aunt Marie, exclaim-ed, as we made our way to Disney-land. "I love you so much!""I love you, too, favorite aunt!" I smiled, giving Aunt Marie's hand a gentle squeeze.When I say that Aunt Marie is my favorite aunt, I mean it! Aunt Marie is the most kind and support-ive aunt that I could ever ask for. Six years ago, when I moved to LA from my home in Dallas to start filming my show, she had volun-teered for me to live with her. After making all of the arrange-ments, I left my home, family, and best friends in Dallas, and moved in with Aunt Marie. To this day, I am so grateful and glad that I moved in with her. Don't get me wrong, I love every-one back in Dallas, and miss them greatly! It's just nice that my Aunt's home is my second home while I reside in LA, that's all!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Today is my eighteenth birthday. To celebrate my big day, my boyfriend, best friend, and a plethora of our good friends will be gathering at my family's and my mansion for a party filled with good food and fun.Even though I am extremely excited about all of this, I am also a little sad. This is the second birthday in a row that my Dad won't be here to help me celebrate my birthday. Ever since last May, he has been deployed to Iraq. Even though I am so grateful and proud of what he does, I miss him dearly, and wish that he could be here tonight.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, the day that I have been waiting for for the past two weeks has finally arrived. Today is the day that my twin sisters, Kelly and Sara, as well as our best friend in the entire world, Kaci Long, have a long overdue girls day. To start off the girls day, the four of us are going to receive haircuts, facials, massages, manicures, and pedicures at the spa that Mom owns. Afterwards, we are going to go enjoy some lunch at Pei-Wei, and then head to Flatirons Mall to do some camp shopping. On Monday, Kelly, Sara, our twin brother, Keith, Kaci, her twin brother and Kaci's longtime boyfriend, Kyle, and I will be heading to Camp Lamar for two weeks. Due to the fact that she was battling Stage 4 Breast Cancer, and residing at the treatment centers in Houston, Texas, Kaci has not been able to go to camp or do the things that she was able to before she got sick. As luck would have it, Kaci is healthy, cancer-free, and finally back where she belongs. Even though my sisters and I found out two weeks ago that Kaci would be able to join us at camp this year, that does not change the fact that all of us, especially my sisters and I, are beyond excited that Kaci is going!Love and God Bless, Court XOXO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    The time for Braxton's annual Christmas ball has finally arrived, and Blythe and her best friends could not be more pumped! Not only do they have the nice outfits for the evening, but they are also excited about dancing the night away! On a different note, Trevor is excited for an additional reason. This might be the night that he finally asks Blythe to be his girlfriend. With this said, will Trevor man up and ask the girl of his dreams the question that he has had on this heart for a long time? Find out the answer in this book about fun times, parties, and following your heart!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As I positioned myself on the stage, I took a deep breath. I was both nervous and excited about dancing my solo. If I won, I would win the title of 2018 State Dance Soloist. That would truly be the most amazing thing ever! If I didn't, it would still be alright. I could still say that I competed at State.Before I knew what was happening the dedication recording that I had made two weeks ago began to play."My name is Elizabeth Calebs, and I am the Captain of the McCall Miners dance team in Denver, Colorado. I am dedicating this dance to Eli St. Thomas, a true hero."All of a sudden, the music began to play. Without wasting any time, I began to dance the dance that I had practiced a million times and knew by heart. Most importantly, however, I began to dance with my heart. After all, that was the only way to dance.

  • - A Caralee Green Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "CHAD, this is amazing!" I exclaimed, taking a bite of my eggs benedict. "Where did you learn to cook like this?" "I took some cooking classes while on break from filming." Chad explained, giving me a smile. After a big night last night, everyone had decided to sleep in this morning. Well, everyone except for Chad. He had gotten up and had decided to surprise us and cook a wonderful breakfast, including eggs benedict, fruit, and blueberry muffins. Apparently, he had wanted to surprise all of us with a big Christmas breakfast.Speaking of Christmas, my favorite holiday ever has finally arrived! Not only does it mean eating good food and opening gifts, it also means being with family and friends who are family, and most importantly, celebrating the birth of Jesus. After all, He is the reason for the season.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    I have never been so afraid in my life than I am right now. You would think that coming home to see my parents, twin sister, and our best friends would make me excited, but it doesn't. Well, scratch that, I am uber excited to see my parents. After all, they weren't the ones that abandoned and disowned me when I needed them the most. That, unfortunate-ly, that was the doing of my twin sister and ex best friends.As my wonderful and amazing parents drive me from the airport to our mansion, I begin to yearn for January 1st to get here as fast as it can, so I can go back to Los Angeles.

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    I don't know if I can go through with this, Beverly thought, as she and her Dad waited in the parlor for Pastor Bree to get them. I am not ready to say goodbye.Last week, Beverly and her mother had been involved in a car crash with a drunk driver. Even though the drunk driver had survived, Beverly's Mom had not been so lucky. Tears filling her eyes, Beverly, like many, many times over this past week, wished that she could have taken her Mom's place. After all, it was unbearable for Beverly living with out her Mom.Moments later, Beverly felt her Dad's arms wrap around her."It's okay, sweetheart." Mr. Black whispered. "I'm here."Immediately, Bree turned around, wrapped her arms around her father, and started to sob.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Besides hanging out with Landon and many things that come with vacationing at Henley Beach, Florida, one of my most favorite things include hanging out on the white sand and clear, blue water beach that is just outside of my parent's beach house. While there are times where I run or walk on the beach, surf and swim, or even tan and relax, one of my most favorite things to do is practice my gymnastics moves on the beach. After all, I have to stay in tact for the competitive gymnastics team I am on at school. As I practiced my skills, I noticed an extremely hot and gorgeous guy smiling, waving, and making his way towards me.Standing back on my two feet, I could not help but stare. My jaw dropping slightly, I realized that it was Landon.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I don't want to be mad at Dana, Darsey, and Dallas anymore. It is the last week of October, and I have spent the past few months not talking to them. I want to tell them that I forgive them and want to slowly become best friends with them again. Besides making them happy, it would make me happy, too. I am ready to surrender.-Debby

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Not only was today my eighteenth birthday (Which will be celebrated later today), as well as the Fourth of July (Which would also be celebrated later, too), it was also the day that I would be shooting my music video for my upcoming single.I have been anticipating this video shoot for weeks, and now it is finally here! One of the reasons that I have been anticipating it is because my best friends had agreed to be in the video. While my best friend, Kyla, would be playing my best friend, my other best friend, Keenan, would be playing my love interest (Truth be told, Keenan is my secret longtime love interest in real life).

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today marks the one year anniversary of when my life changed forever. One year ago today, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. After seven surgeries, including a Double Mastectomy, and grueling chemo and radiation treatments, I was released from the hospital this past December. That was truly a great day. After being released from Texas Children's Hospital, I was immediately sent to Johnson Rehabilitation Center. Thankfully, the center is only five minutes away from my house, and two minutes away from The Parra School. That is where my best friends, Zoe Stinson and Erin Brekke, as well as my wonderful boyfriend of nine months and Erin's twin brother, Seth, and I attend high school. I am truly looking forward to returning to Parra this coming August. But first, however, I am looking forward to spending time with my friends this summer. After all, I have some lost and precious time with them to make up. Even though I may have to spend some more time here, looking forward to an amazing summer!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    It's so great to have you home, even if it is only for a couple of days!" Dad smiled. "Your mother, sister, and I have missed you so much!""I've missed you guys, too, and it is so great to be home!" I smiled back. "On a different note, Aunt Caitlin told me to tell everyone hi.""Well, tell her that her big brother says hi, and thank you for taking such good care of you in Los Angeles.""Don't worry, Dad, I thank her every day!" I confirmed, thoughtfully. Four years ago when I found out that I had been cast as the lead in the current t.v. show(which is highly successful, well liked, and popular) that I star in, my amazing and favorite Aunt Caitlin had invited me to live with her in L.A. while filming my show. Immediately, my family and I had taken her up on that offer! Even though it had been hard to leave my family, best friends, and our good friends back in Dallas, moving in with Aunt Caitlin had made the transition to my life as a t.v. star more easy than I had thought it would be. Moving on, I could not be more happy than I am today! Not only is it Christmas Day, but I am also back in Dallas from today until Friday! Merry Christmas to me!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    For the past six summers, Bonnie, our best guy friend, Shea Thompson (AKA: The guy that I have been in love with since forever), and I have attended Mt. Oberlin Church Camp. It is located on the outskirts of Ft. Lauderdale. It has twenty eight beautiful cabins (Since grades 6-12 are served, each grade gets four cabins each), Three cafeterias, Two large swimming pools, two canteens, a large sports field, one large infirmary, one chapel, two large dance halls, two large worship centers, Two large indoor gyms, a gift shop, a large kickball and sports field, and a plethora of meeting classrooms. Even if it were just a shack by a lake, it would still be one of my favorite places on Earth. It also happens to be a great escape from life in general. Two weeks ago, Bonnie and I were stabbed in the back by two girls whom we thought were our best friends. Ironically, the two girls are Shea's twin sisters, Stacy and Sarah.Even though, it was Shea's sisters who hurt Bonnie and me, Bonnie and I did not blame Shea for what happened. After all, he was not a part of it.Because of how bad the situation was, my parents had sent me to for a month long stay with Aunt Kara. Thankfully, Kara is my favorite Aunt ever. From last Sunday until today, I stayed with her. The trip was good for me, because a lot of healing took place. Because we would both be flying to Ft. Lauderdale today, Bonnie flew up to Orlando from Albuquerque and stayed with Aunt Kara and me. For now, I am ready to put what happened aside and be in the present. After all, I am planning on making my five week stay at Mt. Oberlin Church Camp as amazing and stellar as it can possibly be!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today at 6:45, I arrived in my hometown of Orlando, Florida. From today until Saturday morning, I will be spending it with my parents and best friends. The twist on this trip, however, is that my parents are the only ones who know that I am here. My best friends and good friends think that I am I L.A. with my wonderful and amazing Aunt, filming my show, and do not know that I have been granted a small but awesome vacation! This will be one surprise that they didn't see coming!-Darie

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal.Robert and Rylee surprised my best friends and me with a big surprise and gift! Due to the fact that we have been doing so well on tour, as well as the fact that we have one free day in Minneapolis before we had to leave for our next state and performance, Robert and Rylee are giving my best friends and me $500 each (Robert and Rylee will be covering snacks, lunches, and admissions to the amusement park and attractions), and treating us to a day at Mall of America! Due to the fact that this mall has practically everything that you could imagine in a mall, and much more, all of us are very excited about this little escapade! On a different note, Robert and Rylee say that this is a well deserved trip for my best friends and me. To be honest, my best friends and me cannot help but agree with them!-Rochell

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Sisters, I must say that we look FIERCE in our outfits!" Natalie piped, as she and her band-mates, Ruby, Tawny, and Aubrey sat in their extra comfort-able recliner lounge chairs as their extra, extra large private jet escorted them from Anderson Cove to Denver."I have to agree!" Tawny exclaimed. Turning to Aubrey, she smiled and said, "Girl, your idea of our outfits being the combin-ation of black, one shoulder-ed crop tops, camo-flauge, cargo capris in our favorite color, as well as clean, comfort-able white tennis shoes was pure genius!""It definitely was, girl!" Ruby smiled and piped."Thanks, guys!" Aubrey smiled and piped. Reaching into her purse, Aubrey pulled out three small white jewelry boxes and handed them to the girls.Without saying anything the girls opened the gifts. Instantly, they gasped. Inside each of the girl's boxes was a beautiful, beaded black bracelet, with a small and dainty tassel in their favorite color, as well as a small charm by the tassel that was the first initial of their first name."I wanted to make you guys matching bracelets that matched mine that you could wear at our perform-ance tonight.""Oh, Aubrey, their beautiful." Tawny breathed. "Thank you so much!""Thank you!" Natalie and Ruby smiled and chimed. Getting up from their seats, all four girls cheered, "Sister hug!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Five years ago today, I was involved in a car crash that left me parlay-zed from the waist down. A month ago today, due to the fact that I was finally able to walk on my own again, I had my last physical therapy appt. Due to the fact that I can walk again, my family and I are finally able to return to Henley Beach, Florida to spend the week with our best friends, Ginny, Adam, and Matt (My hot, sexy, genuine, and kind best friend in the entire world) Godfrey at their beautiful and extra large beach house! Up until my acci-dent, my family and the God-frey's spent one Monday-Friday of July at the beach house. When I had my acci-dent, that stopped.Even though this tradition was put on pause, both families were able to see each other. For example, the God-frey's would come to visit once and a while. Due to the fact that I am able to walk again, the beach tradition is back on, and I could not be more excited and happy!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    93,95 kr.

    As I lay in my sleeping bag, I cannot help but smile. When I arrived at the sleepover, I had expected to meet a new girl. However, I had not expected that the girl and I would become friends. It also did not hurt that Jason Jones, my favorite actor of all time, is one of my new friends, too! The fact that his Mom is my Mom's new AdministrativeAssistant's son is pretty cool, too!As I fell asleep, I thanked God for giving me this fresh start.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As I put yet another spray of hairspray in my pixie styled dark brown hair and finished getting dressed for my solo, something dawned on me. I was about to enter my final dance competition ever. Whether I liked it or not, I was in the final stretch of my dance career, as well as my senior year of high school. Even though I had had a good run and enjoyed high school greatly, I was looking forward to high school being over. I was ready to start the next chapter of my life. The start of the next chapter would include me graduating high school in three weeks, as well as starting my four year term at Texas Tech University with my boyfriend, Eli, and his twin sister and one of my best friends, Emily. However, before I could get excited about any of that, I had to focus on the competition that lie ahead. After all, I was determined to take my teammates and myself to the top.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    After two years of battling brain cancer, seven-teen year old Ellie Erspin found out today that she had beat it, and that the cancer was gone. Today was also the day that she had been released from the hospital. As you can imagine, today had been a great and big day for both Ellie and her Mom.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Imogen participated in the eating the delicious meal that was prepared and taking part in conversation with the people that she adored, she could not help but have a good time. Her best friends, boyfriend, Aunt, Uncle, and classmates had come together to make this night truly special for Imogen. There were not any words to describe just how truly blessed and happy Imogen felt.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As I roll over and turn off my alarm, I cannot help but feel excited. Today is my first day at Zanner Brooks Academy, as well as of my final year in high school.You may think that I am nervous, but I am not. Not only do I have alot of new friends at ZBA and am on the football team, but my wonderful and amazing girlfriend, Zooey, will also be there. Like I said, I am very excited about today.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    To start off this Christmas Day, I participated in the winter fashion show. Even though I wished that this show could have been scheduled on any other day than Christmas, I still had fun. As a compensation package, my fellow models and I got to keep the clothes and purses that we modeled with today."What are you going to do with this plethora of free merchandise that you get to keep?"Mom asked, as she, Dad, and I made our way out of the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress hotel."I am going to give Mags a purse and outfit, keep two outfits and a purse for myself, and donate the rest of it to charity.""That sounds like a wonderful plan." Mom smiled."Agreed." Dad replied. As we arrived at our car, Dad smiled and asked, "Now, who is ready for a late breakfast and present time?""Me!" Mom and I smiled and cheered, getting into the car.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    After having a major argument with Talon the day before Christmas Eve, the last thing that Bea wants to do is go to T.J. and Tyler's Christmas party. This is because she knows that she will definitely run into her boyfriend there. After alot of convincing from Bella and Brooke, Bea decides to go. While there, she runs into Talon. As Bea will soon learn, however, running into him was the best thing in the world.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As the plethora of guests sang "Praise To The Lord, The Almighty", and Pastor Holly led Dad and me to our seats, I could feel the plethora of the attendees eyes on us. Even though it made me happy that a plethora of people (including my teachers, friends, boyfriend, best friends, and their parents) had shown up, it kind of made me a little nervous.On a different note, sadness once again filled my heart. Walking down with the walkway with Dad, and sitting in our seats reminded me once again that Mom was gone. Words cannot describe how broken this realization made me feel.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tomorrow, Kalani, her boyfriend, Kevin, and his parents, Kimberly and Kent(Kevin and Kalani's managers and bodyguards) would be leaving for their summer tour. With this said, today would consist of Kalani finishing packing, getting her hair done a massage, facial, and her nails and toes done, too, and getting ready to leave tomorrow. Last Friday, Kalani had asked her longtime good friend, Allie, if she would like to go to breakfast and get pampered with her. Immediately, Allie had agreed."So, where should we go for breakfast?"Allie asked."Our usual?" Kalani smiled."Sounds good to me." Allie smiled back.Moments later, the girls were exiting on the exit that would lead them to Chick Fil-A.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Two years ago, I had arrived in L.A. to work on the t.v. show that I was the lead in. Two years later, I am returning home to Denver. Even though I am excited about seeing every-one back home, espec-ially my parents and besties, there is a part of me that is sad to leave.