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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Today, on our final day at Henley Beach, Greg and I will be spending the day together. Even though we have spent alot of time together (Much to Greg's and my complete and utter happiness) this summer, today is extra special because it's our last day here. With this said, I predict that today is going to be a great last day! After all, I will be spending it with my wonderful and amazing boyfriend!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "It is so great to be here!" Finn smiled. Smiling at me, he asked, "How does it feel to be back here after two years?""It feels great." I smiled back. "It really does." This was definitely true. Due to the fact that the past two summers had been spent filming movies, I had not been able to come to camp then. Due to the fact that I had no movies to film, and that Connors, Inc. had wrapped up for good (The final episode of the series aired last Tuesday.), I am able to be at camp with my best friends this year.This truly makes me happy more than anything.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As the four best friends made their way to Adam's New Year's Day party, Karlie thought about what her best friends were saying. No one else besides her parents knew that she could sing. Maybe her best friends were right. Maybe it was time that she showed everyone that she could sing.

  • - A Savannah Sterling Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    It was finally time for the moment of truth. Had Savannah blown the auditions and interviews out of the water, or had her chances of making it big sunk to the bottom of the sea? Savannah wanted the parted of Savannah Starr so badly, that she had given it everything that she had and more. Hopefully, Paula and Derek had thought she was the perfect fit.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    At 6:15, my flight from LA to Houston arrived. At 6:20, Dad and I meet at the baggage claim. Five minutes later, we are leaving the airport, and heading home. Truth be told, I could not be more happy than I am right now.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Ever since our parents, who have been lifelong best friends since first grade, met up during the first Tuesday-Friday of July and stayed at Molly's family's beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. Even though our parents got along great, it was a whole different story for Molly and me. We are as different as night and day, and rarely got along.However, this summer, I am going to make an effort to not fight with Molly. After all, I am tired of it, and do not want to do it anymore.On a different note, I want to stop for Molly's sake. After what she has been going through with her longtime boyfriend cheating on her, and it being published in the tabloids, I don't want to add to her hurt.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    I have always been one who LOVES the holidays! Besides my birthday, Thanks-giving and Christmas are my favorite holidays! Due to the fact that I am only able to come to one of these holidays a year, due to filming commit-ments in Los Angeles, they are that much more special to me.Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about the surprise that is taking place. From what Mom and Dad understand, I am only able to come down for Christmas this year. What they don't know is that the director of my show said last minute that all of us are able to have both holidays off! With this said, I am on a plane right now to Dallas to surprise my wonderful family for a few hours. I am so excited that I can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Sweet-ness, why don't you go inside and say hi to your mother while I get Lucia and your things?" Dad asked, smiling at me. "I know that she has been anxious-ly awaiting to see you.""Sounds good, thanks, Dad!" I smiled, making my way towards the front door.As I unlock-ed the door, the lights turned on, and Mom, my best friends, and our plethora of good friends came out of hiding and cheer-ed, "Sur-prise!!!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Mom and I received a visit from Sergeant Johnson today. He informed us that my Father had been killed in Iraq. My heart is broken.

  • - An Isla Danney Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "By the way, Katie, the rest of the group, and myself are done with you and Landon.""What?" Molly asked."You heard me." Kristin said, angrily. "We don't want to best friends with someone who would backstab one of their own best friends in the worst way possible.""After all, how do we know that you wouldn't do what you did to Isla and Ian to one of us?" Katie wanted to know."Because I wouldn't!" Molly exclaimed. "Guys, please, you have to trust me.""Trust you?" Katie asked, wondering if she had heard that right. "How could you ask us that after what you did to Isla and Ian?" Without saying another word, Kristin and Katie left. After all, there was nothing left to be said.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As Mom, Annie Jacobs (Mark's Mom and some-one whom I consider my second mom. That is how close we are), and I checked into the spa for our spa morning, I could not help but wonder what was going on. After all, they had been very set on a girl's spa day before Mark's and my concert tonight. Even though I was curious, I was also happy to have a spa day with these two wonder-ful ladies. After all, who was I to pass up a spa morning with them that included citrus facials, hot stone massa-ges, gel mani/ pedis, and mud baths?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Even though the flight from Houston to Orlando is a drag, the destin-ation is so worth it! After all, arriving in Orlando means that my parents and I get to spend a week in our cabin at Henley Beach with our lifelong best friends, Marlie, Doug, and Camer-on Jake (Side note: Camer-on has to be the hottest and nicest guy that I had ever come across!)!As the plane touched down at Orlando Internat-ional Airport, I could not help but smile! After all, it was not long before my parents and I would be arriving at Henley Beach!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is my eighteenth birthday, and I am so excited! Not only are the Kuentz's and my family going to Disney's Animal Kingdom, but we are also going to have a birthday dinner for me tonight. Even though I am excited about what today and tonight will bring, I am also excited about what today brought. This morning, Aidan and I got to watch the sunrise from the ocean. By the way this was Aidan's idea. Watching it with Aidan was an awesome way to start off my birthday! After all, he truly means the world to me. Love and God Bless, Adriana

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Ross pulled his uniform over his head, confidence and nerves filled his heart. Tonight was his final football game as a high schooler. It was also his final game with his team mates that had become like family to him. As their captain, Ross knew that it was important to keep up their perfect season, and lead his team to victory one final time.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Mom, are you sure that Hillary does not know htat I am cancer-free, and out of the hospital for good?""I'm sure, sweet sweet." Mom smiled at me, as we made our way from the hospital to the mall. "Due to the fact that she is at the hotel getting ready for the party and for the sleep-over there after-wards, Hillary will not know that you are here until the party."As you can probably tell, today is a big day for my family and me. While I was pronoun-ced cancer free last night, and was dischar-ged from the hospital this morning, my amazing and awe-some sister, who will be leaving for UCLA in a few weeks, turns nine-teen today!As Mom and I made our way to the mall to get me a dress for my sister's big party, I could not help but feel excited! Not only was I going to surprise Hillary, but I would also be surpris-ing my best friends and good friends who happen to be mutual friends of Hillary's and mine!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Five years ago today, I was on a plane to Los Angeles to live with my favorite aunt, and star on a t.v. show that would end up winning a plethora of awards. Five years later, the show is complete, and I am on my way home to Albuquerque. I had the choice of spending my senior year in Los Angeles with my aunt, but chose to return home to my family and best friends. After all, I had missed them greatly. As tne plane touched down at Albuquerque International Sunport, I could not help but smile and feel excited. After all, I knew that I had made the right decision.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Well, here I am again, I thought to myself as I unpacked my suitcase. Goody, how fun.Ever since I was four years old, Mom, her best friend, Pamela. Her sone, Patrick, and I would spend the month of June at Mom's and extra large beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. It's not that I minded the beach or Pamela. In fact, I liked them greatly. It was Patrick however, that I could not stand. He was dorky and annoying, and always teasing me. I will admit that there have been a plethora of times that I wanted to smack the heck out of him but didn't. After all, I knew that I would get in trouble. As I finished packing, I prayed and hoped that this summer would be different.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Tonight is the final prom night of my high school career, and I am so excited. Besides getting to dance the night away with my best friends and good friends, my boyfriend, Landon Landers, will be escorting me to prom! It has been a month and a half since I have seen him, and I have missed him dearly!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I usually find Brett Baker to be annoying beyond all reason. Today, however, that was not the case. After dinner, we sat on the balcony and spent two hours catching up. Turns out we have a lot in common. I also found that I actually liked talking and spending time with him. In fact, I would have to admit that I have developed a crush on him. On a different note, Brett has gotten extremely hot over the past year, too. Journal, for the first time, I am actually looking forward to spending an entire summer with Brett!-Blake

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Tonight was Harwood's Junior/ Senior Prom. Not only would I be dancing the night away with my best friends, boyfriend, and the seniors, but I also be dancing the night away with the people that I loved more than anything.This made me almost as happy as when Hadley's and my dance team took home first place in the solo and group depart-ment at regionals back in March.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Today is my eighteen-th birthday, and I am excited beyond words! Even though it's an exciting day, it is also kind of a sad one. My twin sister, who is practi-cally one of my best friends, is in the hospital battling cancer, like she has been for the past two years. She is truly one of the most strong people that I have ever met! With this said, I look up from my food, and clasp my hand over my mouth. After all, Elaina was making her way into our family's kitchen where my girl-friend/ Riker's twin sister/ Elaina's best girl friend, Rachel, and our best guy friend, Riker, were sitting.Looking up from their break-fast, Riker and Rachel gasped and clasped their hands over their mouths, too."Am I too late to join you guys?" Elaina asked, gently.Tears flooding down my cheeks, I shook my head. Wrapp-ing my arms around my sister, I began to cry. Hugging me tightly, Elaina began to cry, too. Mo-ments later, Riker and Rachel were wrapp-ing their arms around my sister and me and began to cry with us . Even though all of us were a blubbery mess, it didn't matter. My sister was here, and that's all that matter-ed.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "It's so great to have you home, sweet-heart!" Mom exclaimed. "I am so excited that you are home for good!""Me too, Mom!" I exclaimed, giving my Mom's hand a gentle squeeze. "Filming the show and living in L.A. with Aunt Sarah for the past few years was awesome, but it was not nearly as awesome as being home with everyone."This was very true. For the past few years, I had lived with my favorite Aunt in Los Angeles, while filming my show. Even though it was cool living in L.A. and filming my show, I had missed my family dearly. Due to the fact that the show wrapped and finished filming it's final season, I am finally back home with my family.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Good morning, sweetie." Mrs. Quinn smiled, as her daughter, Agnes, made her way to the kitchen. "You look bright and cheerful this morning.""Thanks, Mom." Agnes smiled. "I'm just excited about today, that's all.""Does the fact that it's the last day of school have anything to do with it?" Mrs. Quinn smiled."It has everything to do with it." Agnes smiled. "I love school, but I am ready for a break."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Taking a good and relaxing shower at my family's mansion, I went over in my head what had happened so far, as well as what was going to happen today.At around 8:30 this morning, Mom had picked me up at the airport, and taken me out to a birthday breakfast. After coming home, I rested a little, then got in the shower. After all, I wanted to look my very best for what was going to happen this afternoon.After lunch, Mom and I were going to the school that Dad is the principal of. My sisters, good friends, and best friend attend that same school, and are not aware that I am here in town. They are also not aware that I will be here until Sunday.With this said, I am going to surprise everyone at their last day before Christmas Break talent show. I am so excited that I can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Hey, guys, I will be right back." Rhiannon said, heading to the women's restroom."Take your time." Heather smiled."We'll be right here when you get back." Sue added.As soon as Rhiannon was out of ear shot, she asked, "Do you think that Rhiannon has any idea of the surprise that awaits for her when we take her home?""I highly doubt that she does." Heather smiled. "Without a doubt, she is going to be surprised!" A couple of weeks ago, Heather and Sue, two good friends of Rhiannon and Shea, had asked Rhiannon if she was available to go shopping and to a movie today. Instantly, she had said yes.After Shea had found out about this, he had told Heather and Sue about his plan to ask Rhiannon to go with him to home-coming. This had made Heather and Sue very excited!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    By the time I had made it to my locker and put my things away, at least fifty people had congratulated me on a job well done at State. Giving each of the people who had congratulated me on a job well done, I thanked them sincerely.As I made my way to first period Environmental Science to take my final exam, I could not help but smile. Besides feeling confident about my exam, I also felt extremely happy. Knowing that I came through for the team made me feel amazing.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I think you should tell Joy how you feel, dude." Jason offered. "It is quite clear that she feels the same way about you, too.""Do you really think so?" Jeremiah wanted to know."Definitely." Jonathan smiled. "We've had a hunkering that Joy has liked you for a while now.""Even Mom has, too." Jake added. Giving Jeremiah a thoughtful look, Jake asked, "Jeremiah, how much do you like Joy?"To be honest, I love her more than anything.""Would you do anything to make that known to her?""Of course I would.""That's good to hear, because I have an idea on how you could tell her." Jake smiled, clasping his brother on the shoulder.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    For as long as Scott and Sicily could remember, their families had been longtime close friends. In fact, that started before Scott and Sicily were born! With this said, many amazing traditions were made over the years! One example is the Fourth of July barbeque at the Donahue's mansion. Ever Fourth of July, Scott and his family would come over to the Donahue's mansion, and Mr. Donahue would barbeque for everyone. After dinner, everyone would watch the fireworks in the sky. Truth be told, it was an awesome tradition!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "I am so excited beyond words that your dad agreed to let me take you on a day trip to Henley Beach!" Sam piped, as he and I made our way from our home-town of Orlando, to Henley Beach, an awe-some and beautiful beach town located twenty miles outside of Orlando."Same here!" I chimed, as my best friend in the entire world drove his range rover to Henley Beach. A year and a half ago, I was diag-nosed with a rare and aggress-ive form of brain cancer. Two weeks ago, I was pronoun-ced cancer free, and got the okay to go home, as well as return to school next Wednes-day. When Sam had gotten word of this, he had come up with the idea of taking me on a "cele-brate" day trip to Henley Beach to cele-brate my good news and me. Thank-fully, both Dad and Sam's parents had agreed to it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, My hair is trimmed, and I am facialed, massaged, and have a fresh mani/ pedi. Physically, I am ready to graduate high school my eleven other classmates/ good friends. However, I don't know if I am emotionally ready. Even though I am excited about graduating, I am also sad. Graduating means that I leave everyone behind tomorrow, move to Los Angeles to film my new show, and live with my favorite aunt. Don't get me wrong, I am excited about starting my new adventure! I am just sad about saying good bye to my best friends, good friends, and family