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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, In just three days, Orlando's Originals will be performing at the Lindsey Records Annual Halloween Extravaganza! This performance will be our debut as a band, and introduce us to the other big names of Lindsey Records. Even though our first debut as a band was at the twin's birthday party this summer, our performance will mark our official first debut in the music world. I am so excited that I can hardly wait!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I am so proud of you, girl!" Lana exclaimed, as her, our four campers and I made our way to the activity center for the final night of camp talent show. "You are going to sound great tonight!""I feel confident that I am!" I replied. "After all, I have really worked hard on preparing for it!"Before this camp session, singing in front of a group of people, one or two people even, had terrified me. Now, however, I am not afraid. In fact, I enjoy it!Speaking of tonight's talent show, I will be singing the Glee cast version of "Roots Before Branches". After all, it is one of my favorite songs of all time!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    As my lifelong best friends, coach, and I made our way to the State meet, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Today was the final compe-tition of the semest-er, as well as the largest one that we would have this semes-ter! It was the State meet. Not only were we all hoping to place in the top three in our gymnast-tics cate-gories, but we were hoping to place in the top three teams! As you can imagine, we are all feeling both excited and stressed at the very same time!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Tomorrow, my best friends and I leave for my U.S. tour. I have been preparing for this for a while now, and it is finally here! It is going to be so much fun touring with my best friends, and my amazing and super sweet publicist/ manager/ bodyguard, Lindsay.Even though I am prepared and excited about the tour, there is something that I could never be prepared for. Besides going on tour tomorrow meaning saying goodbye to my parents and younger sisters, it also means having to say goodbye to my older sister, Stacey. Since she leaves for college towards the end of July, that means I will not see her when I get back. Just like I am going to miss the rest of my family members, I am going to miss Stacey so much. Like I said, saying goodbye is something that I could never be prepared for

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    93,95 kr.

    I have not felt this healthy and happy in a long time. I am eating three meals a day, and actually enjoying them. I am exercising and getting fresh air daily. However, I am not pushing it like I used to. Most importantly, I am learning to love myself more and more each day.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, At 3:00 AM this morning, I officially turned sixteen years old! I have been anticipating this day all summer, and now it is here! My sixteenth birthday is finally here! I am so excited that I can barely stand it!

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "I would like to make a toast to all of you." I began, raising my can of Coca-Cola. "You guys are beyond amazing, and I cannot think of anyone better to share senior year with. Cheers.""Cheers!" My best friends, classmates and I cheered, gently clinking our cans of soda together.As the white limo escorts all of us to Hotel Icon to participate in Porter's homecoming, I cannot help but feel happy and excited. Tonight, my best friends, classmates, as well as the rest of the high school students, will be coming together for an awesome homecoming dance. Last night was the homecoming football game (My teammates and I won, by the way), and tonight is the homecoming dance. Just like I said, I am excited and happy!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, ALLIE'S SON IS NONE OTHER THAN MY FAVORITE ACTOR, A.J. PAXTON! This is both exciting and nerve-wracking! Before I get into the exciting part, let me lay down the nerve-wracking part of this whole situation.A.J, Paxton is my favorite actor of all time. He is blonde, hot, sexy, toned, tall, and extremely gorgeous, and completely talented. I also know for a fact that he is down to earth, kind, and genuine. Not only did he offer to take Mom's and my bags up to our rooms, but he was very polite and asked questions about me while we headed in the beach house with the luggage! He also said that he was looking forward to getting to know me this summer, Truthfully and sincerely, I said the same thing! With this said, I have a feeling that these six weeks are going to be awesome!Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about Allie. She is kind, awesome, and an all around sweet and people oriented person. After having a little bit of alone time with Allie, as well as knowing her for a few hours, I like her already!-Annabelle

  • - A Farrah Taylor Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Once again the time has come for my parents and me to fly to Florida to spend the summer with the Hanks at their beach house. For every summer for as long as long as I can remember, my parents and I have spent the summer with their lifelong best friends, Romy and Rick Hanks, as well as their son, Reese. Even though I have known Reese all of my life, we are not best friends. To be totally honest, we aren't friends and don't really get along. It's not that we hate or don't respect each other, it's just that we are too different. On a different note, it will be nice being away from Los Angeles for awhile. After all, I need a break from the spotlight, and time to process the breakup with my longtime boyfriend.-Farrah

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Going on tour is one of my favorite things to do. Not only do I get to spend the summer touring and going to differ-ent places, but I get to sing my heart in them. This year, touring is going to be extra special because my best friends in the entire world will be with me.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Awaking from her nap, Brianna Carter was sur-prised to see her amazing nurse's son, Harvey John-son, sitting in the lounge chair with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.For as long as Brianna could remem-ber, she and Harvey would pick at and tease one another, and found each other annoy-ing. How-ever, she did not find him annoy-ing today. In fact, she found it calming that he was there.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tonight is Henley Beach United Methodist Church's youth group's end of summer lock in. What this means is that the students and youth leaders will be locked inside of the youth building for one night, and participating in fun activities. Ever since Amberly had heard about it, she had immediately wanted to go. After all, she had quickly became good friends with everyone in the youth group.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Mom, your break-fast casser-ole, muffins and fruit salad are amazing as always." I smiled, taking the last bite of my break-fast. "Thank you so much.""My pleas-ure, sweet-ie!" Mom smiled, giving me a big hug. "After all, it is not every day that one cele-brates their 18th birth-day!"As we broke apart, I asked, "Whe-re's Dad?""He had some-thing to pick up and should be back shortly."Before I could say any more, Mom smiled and asked, "Would you like to open one of your presents early?""Sure, but I thought you, Dad, and I were opening togeth-er.""We are, but he gave me per-mission for you to open this one early."As Mom left to get the present, I could not help but wonder what the present was, and why Dad is letting me open it early. Before I knew what was happen-ing, I heard a faint mew. As Mom maid her way to where I was sitting, I gasped and clasped my hands over my mouth. In Mom's hands was the most tiny and precious black teacup kitten that I have ever seen."Sweet-heart," Mom began. "I would like you to meet Sapp-hire."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Letting the water wash over her face and body, seven-teen year old Celine Johnson felt a strong sense of peace and excite-ment. This morning is the last time that she woke up and shower-ed in the hospital. This was due to the fact that she was pronoun-ced cancer free yester-day, and got the green light to go home this mor-ning. The only people who knew about this were her parents, Janine and Tom. Her twin sister, Caitlin, and their best friends, twins Kate and Jill, did not have any idea about Celine getting out of the hospital for good.Moving on, let me tell you about the plan that Celine and her parents came up with to surpri-sing Caitlin, Jill, Kate, and every-one. Janine and Tom were going to sneak Celine into the high school that Caitlin, Jill, and Kate go to, and Celine is going to surprise Caitlin while singing on stage! Truth be told, it is going to be awe-some!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    For the first part of the music video, my best friends, our good friends, and I had been filmed riding rides, playing games, and dancing. After lunch, my best friends and I were going to change clothes, go to hair and makeup, and get ready to film the concert part of the music video. With this said, today was turning out to be an awesome and productive day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    When I was twelve years old, Mom and I moved from Dallas to LA to pursue my acting career. Five and a half years later, I am the lead in a long running tv show, have starred in a few movies, won a plethora of awards, etc. Truth be told, I love my career! Even though we love living in LA, Mom and I miss our lifelong best friends, the Hoovers (The Mom is Debbie and the hot, sexy, son who is one year older than me is Trent). Speak-ing of the Hoovers, them, Mom, and I came up with a plan to still be able to see each other. Before we moved to LA, all of us had decided that we would set aside 12/29-1/1 to spend the last few days of De-cember, includ-ing my birthday and New Year's Eve together each year at Mom's and my extra large beach house in Henley Beach, Florida, which is located twenty miles outside of Orlando. So far, this has worked out perfect-ly!As you and I speak right now, Mom and I are on a plane to Orlando. I am so excited about this vacation that I can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    For my big birthday this year, my parents, best friends, and I spent it at Walt Disney World! After we ate a good breakfast, and I opened my gifts, we all got changed into our swimsuits and headed to Blizzard Beach. While there, we took turns going down Summit Plummet. Even though it was as scary as hell, it was also equally as fun, if not more! After a few hours of fun in the sun, we headed back to the bus to get showered and relax. Since I was the birthday girl, I got to shower first. Moving on, the fun does not stop just yet. Tonight at 7:00 PM, I will be performing in my televised birthday concert that will be held tonight at Epcot! I have been looking forward to this concert for weeks and now it is finally here!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 - 143,95 kr.

    When she was thirteen years old, Heidi and her family moved from their hometown of Dallas, Texas, to Los Angeles, California, to pursue her acting career. Even though this move was exciting, it was also hard. This was due to the fact that the move meant leaving Heidi's best friend and secret love interest, Hutch, his family, and their good friends behind. To make the move easier, Hutch's family and Heidi's family had come up with a plan. On New Year's Eve through the day after New Year's Day, Heidi would fly down to Dallas and stay with Hutch and his wonderful and amazing family. Years later, that plan is still in tact.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Oh my gosh, Cynthia, thank you so much!" I exclaim-ed, as my longtime agent and I hung up the phone."Girlie, what's going on?" My best friend, Chloe, and our best friends, identical twins, Natasha and Natalie, made our way to the Galleria. "You know how I had that audition for the main role in that TV show that is suppo-sed to start filming next summer in LA?""Yes?" My best friends asked in unison, with a hint of excite-ment in their voices."Well, I have been chosen to star as the lead!""Serious-ly, girl? That is such AMA-ZING news!" Natasha ex-claimed, giving me a shoulder rub from the back-seat."Con-grats, girl!" Natalie piped from the back-seat. "We are all so very proud of you! What a great birthday gift to find out that you were cho-sen!""Due to the fact that you were chosen, I will cover your lunch today, girl!" Chloe chimed, grinning from ear to ear.Before I could respond, Chloe was pulling into the Galleria.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Ever since they were ten eleven years old, Halsey and her best friends had spent six weeks out of the summer at Vesper Side Church Camp, a 6th -12th grade church camp located forty five minutes outside of Houston, TexasA. During the years as campers at VSCC, Halsey, Bella, Bella's boyfriend/Halsey's best friend, Luke, and their best friend, Shane, had made a plethora of wonderful memories and lasting friendships with the counselors and fellow campers.As the girls made their way to their cabin, they could not help but feel excited! After all, a fun and exciting camp term was ahead of them!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, As of today, I am officially a high school graduate! I am also, as of 12:00 am, eighteen years old! That's right, journal! Not only is today my graduation day, but it also happens to be my birthday! I have been looking forward to this day for awhile now, and it is finally here! Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about tonight! Tonight my best friends, and a plethora of our good friends will be gathering at my family's mansion tonight for a joint party (my graduation party and birthday party). Truth be told, I am so excited that I can barely stand it!-Ang

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Thanks for letting me ride with you to the restaurant, Pearce!" I said. "I really appreciate it!""Anytime!" Pearce replied. "After all, it gives a chance to hang out!""That it does!" I chimed. "Hopefully, we will have more chances to hang out together this summer!""I am looking forward to it!" Pearce piped. On Wednesday afternoon, the six teens of the movie, had come up with the idea of going to P.F. Chang's to celebrate the completion of the table readings, as well as the filming process that would be beginning on Monday. After all, we deserved it! Even though celebrating this was the main reason that the six of us were going to dinner, it was not the only one. All of us had been good and close friends for years, and had not seen each other for a long time. This dinner gave us a good chance to truly catch up and hang out! Truth be told, this time to catch up made me very happy!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    When I was eleven years old, I left my parents and every-one else that I loved back in Hous-ton, and moved in with my favorite Aunt Stacey who lives in LA. The same week that I moved in, I started reading and filming the TV show that I had been chosen to be the star of. When I started this journey, I had had no idea that the entire cast, espec-ially the teens, would quickly become my family. Seven years later, we are still a big and strong family! Moving on, let me fill you in on what is happen-ing. For my big birthday this year, I had asked Mom and Dad if I could bring my teen cast mates, girl besties Cara, Hannah, and Elliana, my best guy friend, Nate, and my wonder-ful longtime boy-friend, Sam to stay from tonight until Satur-day morning to stay with them and cele-brate my big day! Thank-fully, they had said yes! As all of us sat down at the table, and said grace, I could not help but smile to myself. After all, this birthday was going to be awe-some!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    The time for my best friends, parents, and I to go on tour has finally arrived! All of us have been anticipating this for weeks, and now it is finally here! All of us are super excited that we can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    My team mates and I are here at Walt Disney World com-peting in the 2020 National Dance Competition. While the fifty solos will be judged today, the fifty group dances will be judged tomorrow. With this said, I will be competing on both days. Being honest with myself, I really want to win both days. After all, I am a senior this year, and winning both days would be an awesome way to end my dance career as a high school student.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remember, I have secretly been in love with my best friend and band mate, Ricky Gavin. Not only is he tall, sexy, extremely gorgeous, and kind, Ricky is also a man of God. Truth be told, he is everything that I look for in a guy. Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about today. Today is Ricky's and my eighteenth birthday. To start off our big day, we are going to go to IHOP, and enjoy a good lunch (Who says that you can't have breakfast for lunch, sometimes?). Afterwards, we are going to head to our record label headquarters, and partake in a small birthday party. Afterwards, Ricky is going to drop me off at my mansion, then head back to his mansion. After all, we need rest and time to get ready for his and my joint birthday bash that is going to take place tonight!Doing a once over in my floor length mirror, I head out of my bedroom, and downstairs. After all. I don't want to keep Ricky waiting!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tonight is a night that I have been looking forward to for weeks now! Tonight, I am going to my first Home-coming! I have the date, the dress, the limo, glamorous messy bun hairstyle, fresh mani/ pedi, etc. With this said, I am so ready for tonight!

  • - A Leona Daniels Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    After our plane had landed at LAX, and we had gotten our large rental car, we had decided to not go to the beach house just yet. Instead, we had decided to go grab some Chick Fil-A. Not only was it dinner time, but we were also very hungry.As Mom, Dad, Lisa, Luke, Leona, and I enjoyed dinner, I thought about our cool and awesome spring break tradition. Ever since Leona and I were young, our parents and ourselves would fly from Houston to Los Angeles, and drive from the airport to Anderson Cove, California to spend a few days there at my family's and my beach house. Not only does Anderson Cove have beautiful, white sanded, blue clear water beaches, it is also a beautiful town itself.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Four days ago, Scott had asked Sicily out on a breakfast date to kick off his eighteenth birthday. Much to his joy, she had happily agreed! As they sat at their table and got ready to order, Scott could not help but smile! After all, he was on a date with the girl that he was secretly and completely in love with!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Making my way up the front walkway to my family's and my mansion, I couldn't help but think that something was going on. Not only had there been a day at the spa getting primped and pampered, as well as getting our hair done, but there was also the fact that Mom bought me a dress, shoes, and jewelry at Macy's, and asked me to wear it out of the store. Even though the spa trip, hair trip, and shopping trip were all normal things, it didn't feel normal today.Unlocking and opening the door, and turning on the light, Dad, Jake, a plethora of our good friends, as well as some family friends came out of hiding and cheered, "Surprise!"