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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Earlier this week, my best friends and boyfriend came up with an idea. The idea was for Isaiah to throw a co-ed sleepover for me at his mansion. The purpose of the sleepover was to help me have a good time and feel better for just a little while. After talking to his parents and my Dad, they agreed. Pretty soon, my best friends, boyfriend's, and a group of our closest friends were in. After all, they thought it was a good idea, too. As the doorbell rang, I kissed my Dad and headed out the door to meet Isaiah. After all, I had a party to get to.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    For as long as they could remem-ber, Denise Hyatt and Mandy Grey had been best friends. They even had their children, Dharma and Miles three days apart! After the kids were born, Mandy and Denise had decided that each June, them and their kids would spend the month of June the Hyatt's beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. Even though the moms got along, the kids had never have. They were as different as night and day, and picked on each other constant-ly. With this said, the moms hoped and prayed that this year was going to be differ-ent!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As Dad pulled into the drive-way, I could not help but feel both nervous and excited! There were cars parked every-where, which meant that a big crowd was in my family's man-sion!"You ready, guys?" Dad smiled at Wren and me."Rea-dy!" Wren and I chimed, getting out of the car and grabbing our things.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As my family, Valerie, Hannah, and I enjoyed the wonderful and scrumptious birthday breakfast that Mom and Dad had cooked, I could not help but feel happy and excited. For my birthday this year, I had asked my parents if my good friends and co-stars, Valerie Clark and Hannah Adams, could come home with me for my birthday and stay until Tuesday (We arrived yesterday evening). After all, next week was our spring break. Thankfully, Mom and Dad agreed to it. Taking a bite of my breakfast, I could not help but smile. This birthday was, without a doubt, going to be one of the best birthday ever!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Going through airport security is my least favorite thing about going on a trip. However, as my parents and I go though it as we speak, I don't mind it that much today. Why, you ask? Well....I AM ON MY WAY TO SEEING TUCKER AND SPENDING THE WHOLE SUMMER WITH HIM, HIS PARENTS, AND MY PARENTS! Yes, life is good.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Two weeks ago, I had gotten word that my favorite book, "The Journey of Hailey Witte" was going to be made into a movie. When I heard that auditions would be held at a large and local hotel near my mansion today, I knew that I had to audition. After all, I knew deep down that I could rock this role if given the chance.

  • - A Farrah Taylor Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, A couple of days ago, I asked Farrah if she would do me the honor of going to dinner and dancing with me tonight. Smiling at me, Farrah had asked if I meant it as a date. Smiling back at her, I had said yes. Continuing to smile at me, Farrah had a said that she had hoped that I had meant it as that, and had agreed to go out with me on a date. Instantly, my heart had become full of joy and happiness. Two days later, it still has not gone away!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Moving on, let me tell you about the other reason of why I am excited! This morning at around 10:30, my best friends are going to pick me up, and take me to the Dallas Galleria to do some last minute summer shopping before I leave for Florida tomorrow. They will also be taking me there to get a makeover! The makeover was my idea, and my best friends strongly agreed to help me. The makeover is going to consist of getting a new haircut and style (Short and pixie styled. After all, I am tired of my long hair), getting my makeup done, as well as my nails and toes painted. With this said, I am excited about getting a new look!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Dude, this school one of the largest high schools that I have ever seen!" Sophie exclaim-ed, as she and all of us got ready in the girls bath-room for our surprise perform-ance for the post gradu-ation lock in. "How in the world did you find your way around this place, Jam?""For a little while, I used a map, and then it just came natur-ally." Finish-ing putting on my lip stain and gloss, I smiled and said, "Thank you so much for agree-ing to do this with me, guys. I've missed every-one here so much, and it is going to be a fun surprise when every-one sees us for a few hours.""It is truly not a problem, girl!" Carly piped. "Be-sides, it is us who should be thanking you."She's right, girl!" Ivy piped. "After all, we have never done anything cool like this with people our own age!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, The fifteen other members that make up Ronald Reagan Christian School's Class of 2018, the senior teachers, the guidance counselor for the high schoolers, and myself leave for Lakewood Retreat Center tomorrow. That is where the 2017 Senior Retreat will be taking place. We leave tomorrow morning and will be returning lon Friday afternoon. Besides doing trust exercises and lots of fun activities, we will also be going on a hayride, sitting by a camp fire and making s'mores, etc. I am so excited that I can hardly wait!-Bea

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, After working hard finishing our first album, going to photo shoots, and doing a plethora of other fun things that have to do with our music, the band and I finally get a break. Don't get me wrong, we love doing what we do and working with Angela and the other staff. However, the band and I need a little break. Well, journal, that is exactly what we are going to get. At 10:00 am, my best friends, some of the kids from our youth group, and I will be heading to church camp. The camp is located in a small town outside of Titusville. The camp is called Mount Mist Church Camp, and it will be my first time going to this camp. With this said, I am so excited about going to camp, I can hardly wait!-Amberly

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As I put the cookies into the oven, I could not help but think of today's past and future events. After Mom, Dad, and I had enjoyed a good breakfast, it had been time to open gifts. For Christmas this year, I had gotten Mom a nice purse, and Dad some books that he had had his eye on for the longest time. For Christmas, my parents had given me gift cards, clothes, and a beautiful red sewing machine. About an hour later, we enjoyed a good lunch. After all of us had cleaned up the table, it was time for me to start making my famous Christmas cookies for Bentley's Christmas party.Moving on to future events of today, let me tell you a little about what is going to go down tonight. At around six o'clock, Bentley, Bea, a bunch of our good friends, and I will be gathering together at Bentley's for his sixth annual Christmas party. Not only will the party consist of a good dinner and fun games, but it will also consist of dancing! Truth be told, I am quite excited about tonight!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Besides my large birthday party that was going to be held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, I was also having a sleepover with my best friend and some of our good friends from school and church. Including Bailee and myself, twelve girls would be in attendance at my sleepover. With all of the wonderful things that have happened today and will happen tonight, this is truly the best birthday that I could ever ask for.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Hi, Mom, we're home!" Sicily called, as she and Marnie made their way into Sicily and her family's mansion."Hi, girls!" Mrs. Donahue smiled, making her way out of the kitchen. "Did you guys find any good dresses for tonight?""We sure did!" Marnie smiled, as she and Sicily displayed their dresses for Mrs. Donahue to see."How pretty!" Mrs. Donahue smiled. Turning to Sicily, she continued, "Honey, you have some birthday guests that arrived about thirty minutes ago who are waiting anxiously to see you.""Really?" Sicily asked, a surprised tone in her voice."Really." Mrs. Donahue smiled. Heading to the stairs, she called upstairs and said, "Ladies, come on down!"Within seconds, Sicily and Marnie gasped and clasped their hands over their mouths. After all, Sicily's good friends and former co-stars, as well as Marnie's favorite actresses, identical twins, Julie and Jamie Harley were making their way down the stairs.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As the Hemsworth's past the "Welcome To Henley Beach" sign, excitement filled Miriam's heart. She and her family were back at their summer home. With this said, Miriam was extremely excited to spend from now to July 27th with her family in Henley Beach.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Besides my school's Christmas Ball being tonight, the video shoot for "Walk Like An Egyptian" is going to be taking place this morning.The video shoot hasn't even begun yet, and I can already tell that it is going to be my favorite video to make. I personally think it is because my best friends, good friends, and boyfriend are going to be in it. With this said, I am truly looking forward to filming it.On a different note, I am also looking forward to tonight's Christmas Ball. Noah will be escorting me to it. I am so excited that I can hardly wait! Love and God Bless, Natal

  • - Book Four
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Bea 's senior year has finally arrived and she could not be more pumped! With taking awesome classes and competing in ther city's cheerleading competition, Bea has a lot on her plate! Taking place during the first two months of her senior year, follow Bea and her, boyfriend, and best friends as they enjoy the beginning of their senior year to the fullest!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Denton Point High School's Junior/Senior Christmas Ball has arrived, and seventeen year old Marion Johnson is more than ecstatic! Not only is she in the running for Winter Queen, but her best guy friend and crush of two years, Wes Jameson, has asked her to be his date! Speaking of Wes, Marion cannot help but wonder if he feels the same way about her. Even though there have been many times that the evidence of Wes feeling the same way has presented itself, Marion is truly curious about Wes's feelings towards her. As Marion will soon learn, however, the ball may just be the place where Marion's secret question of how Wes feels about her will be answered.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "I still cannot believe that you are here, sis!" Tia, my second youngest sister, exclaimed, giving me yet another big hug (I did not mind this one bit. After all, I wanted to take all of the hugs that I can get while I am here.). "It is so great to see you!""It sure is!" Tasha exclaimed, joining in on the hug, "I seriously thought I was going to start crying when I saw you walking down the aisle towards the stage.""I did, too!" I replied, sincerely. "I was feeling such a huge wave of emotion that it wasn't even funny."After the program and school had ended, my family and I had gone to Baskin Robbins to get some ice cream, and bring it home to eat. As we ate our ice cream, and I opened my birthday presents from my family, we talked about the show, and how excited that all of were about me being here in Phoenix until Sunday."So have you thought about what you want to do for your birthday dinner tonight?" Tia asked."She has plans already." Dad smiled, sneaking a glance and wink at me. "Thomas is taking her out tonight."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Even though the best friends loved where they lived, and what they were doing, Troian and Teddy missed each other line crazy. With this said, it made it extremely hard for them to be apart. Thankfully, however, they were able to have visits like this.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Standing on stage and singing Mike and the Mechanic's "The Living Years", a knot formed in my throat. It hit me hard that I would have three goodbyes over the next couple of days. While I was saying goodbye to my teachers and graduating class today, I would be saying goodbye to my best friend and good friends tomorrow at my birthday/goodbye party tomorrow. Finally, I would be saying goodbye to my parents on Saturday when I left for Los Angeles to live with my favorite Aunt, and start the filming process of my new show. Even though I was excited about the events and activities that these next couple of days were going to bring, I was also a little sad.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Sweet sweet, wake up." Mom whisp-ered, giving me a kiss on the top of my bald head. "We're home."Waking up in my first class seat, I gently lifted my head up off Mom's should-er, and stretch-ing. As the plane landed and made its way to the gate, I could not help but smile. After six months of being away from Dad and my twin sister, Kat, Mom and I were finally home, and would be reuniting with them shortly. What made this awe-some is that I am cancer free and home for good!

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As the limo escorted the members of Porter's class of 2019 to Beverly's family's mansion, Beverly could not help but be excited! Not only had her parents let her have a pre-party, but they were letting her have an after party co-ed sleepover (Beverly's best friends and good friends had dropped off their stuff when they had arrived for the pre-party)! Even though everyone was a little tired from dancing the night away, they were also excited and pumped for the sleepover! After all, it was going to be epic!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Right before I left for my tour, Louis and I had gotten into a huge fight. I don't know how it started, but it ended with Louis saying he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. That had truly hurt my heart like a knife. The fight had taken place back in May before I left on tour, and we haven't spoken to each other since.Before I could think about it even more, it was time for me to go on

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    As the girls continued to set up for Olivia's co-ed sleepover/ pool party, they could not get Onni, Olivia's twin sister and Katie and Julie's mutual best friend out of their minds. Instead of being in Atlanta celebrating her birthday with her twin sister, best friends, and good friends, Onni was in Los Angeles living with her and her sister's favorite Aunt, and filming her t.v. show. Even though Olivia and everyone else were super proud of Onni, it did not change the fact that they missed her, especially today.Unbe-knowst to them, and the rest of their good friends who would be attending the party tonight, Onni was on a flight home to Atlanta for the night to surprise her sister for her birthday.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Making my way into the Grand Hyatt Denver, and towards the ballroom, my heart thuds inside of my chest. In a few minutes, I will be reunited with my best friends and good friends, all of whom I have not seen since last Christmas. Truth be told, this makes me both excited and nervous!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "Thank you for picking me up at the hospital, Dad." I smiled, letting out a relaxed sigh. "I really appre-ciate it.""It's my pleas-ure, sweet sweet." Dad smiled. "Your Mom, Kallie, and I are so happy that you got per-mission to come home for the day to cele-brate Christ-mas with us and the End-ers's.""Speak-ing of them, do Mr. and Mrs. Ender, as well as Ezra and Emily know that I am coming home for the day and will be cele-brating with all of you?""Yes, and all of them are VERY excited about seeing you!"Before either of us could say anything more, Dad was pulling the car into my family's man-sion's three car garage.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much for doing this, Tucker." I smiled. "It means a lot to me.""Thanks for asking me!" Tucker smiled back, getting the camera set up and ready. "I am excited about doing this video with you!"A few days ago, I had come up with the idea for Tucker and me to make a video to put up on YouTube. In the video, we would be dancing to Adam Lambert's "Cuckoo". After a few days of practicing our dance, it was time for Tucker and me to show off and film our dance.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "Surprise!!!" My class-mates cheered and applaud-ed, as Ben, Lillian, and I made our way into Lillian's house."What is all this " I smiled, putting my hand over my heart."It's a surprise party for you!" Ben smiled. "You didn't actually think that we were just going to shrug off the fact that you won last night, did you?"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Frown-ing a little, Aaron asked, "Freya, judging by the look on your face, you seem a little nervous. What's up?""The last time that I saw my so called good friends, was when they disown-ed me. I'm just a little nervous facing them, that's all.""You have nothing to be nervous about, baby." Finn said, gently, kissing Freya on the fore-head."He's right, girl." Amy said, gently. "You have us, and we are behind you 100%."Before Freya could thank every-one, the limo was pulling up to the school.