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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Today, Holly and her best friend/bandmate/ the guy that she was secretly in love with, Finn, would be departing this morning for their summer U.S. tour. They would be leaving today and would be returning home on Friday, July 27th. Even though she would miss her parents, best friends, and her plethora of good friends, Holly was truly excited about this tour. After all, touring was one of her favorite parts of being a singer

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Blow drying my hair, I hear the doorbell ring. Turning off the blow dryer and tying my fluffy, white bathrobe around me, I make my way downstairs to open the door. As I open the door, my heart stops, and fresh feelings of hurt and anger fill my heart.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    A couple of days ago, Hadley had received a message in her Twitter inbox. It was from the girl who had bullied her back in middle school, and had put her through hell. In the message, the girl had asked Hadley if she was available to meet up at Starbucks this afternoon so they could talk, and so this girl could have a chance to apologize to Hadley. Since we would be in Houston for our final show of the tour, Hadley had agreed. Even though my best friends, girlfriend, and I are proud of Hadley and respect her decision, Henry and Scott will be going with her. After all, they want to be there for Hadley.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    I am anticipating that this Christmas is going to be the best Christmas that I have had in a long time. Not only are my boyfriend, our parents, and I going to Disney World for Christmas, but I will also be performing in Disney World's Christmas Day Parade. I even get my own float and everything! I am so excited that I can hardly wait!On a different note, there is also something that I am very excited about that is going to be taking place tonight. Tonight, I am hosting a Christmas party for my classmates and me. Due to the fact that all of us will be doing our own thing for Christmas this year, I wanted all of us to get together for a happy, merry, and jolly celebration. A good time is truly going to be had by all tonight!

  • - A Cecily Cambridge Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    After the last slow dance of the evening had stopped, Cecily's Uncle Mark had made his way up onto the platform. After greeting the guests, Uncle Mark had told Cecily that her birthday present had just arrived. Afterwards, he had instructed everyone to head to the driveway.When Cecily and everyone else had reached the driveway, Cecily stopped dead in her tracks. Sitting in the driveway with a big bow on top of it was the red 2016 Mustang that Cecily had been dreaming of for months. Even though it was what she had wanted, it was not just the car that had her excited. It was the people standing by the car that had Cecily weak at the knees.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, for as long as I can remember, Monica and Jonah Tate, as well as their son, Eli, have come to Texas to spend December 23rd-December 26th with my family and me. This is due to the fact that Monica and Jonah have been best friends with each other since Kinder-garten. However, Eli and I have never gotten along. In fact, we would bicker 24/7 every time they visit. However, I am going to make it a point this year not to bicker with Eli. After all, it recently occurred to me that I would bicker with him, because I am in love with him, and always have been!-Ellen XO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Jud-ging by the fact that you keep gazing at the engage-ment ring that on your left ring finger, I take it that you are more than a little excited and happy about the fact that Michael pro-posed to you last night." Aunt Kate smiled, as we enjoyed the break-fast that she had cooked for me for my big day. "I truly am happy for you, honey. Michael is truly a great guy.""He's the best." I smiled. "I am truly looking forward to spend-ing the rest of my life with him!"Before I could say anything more, the doorbell was ringing."I think that that is for you, my dear."Aunt Kate smiled.Wonder-ing what was going on, I got up from my seat and went to open the door.As I opened the door, I gasped and squeal-ed out of excite-ment! After all, my parents and best friends, Nina, Carly, and Amy were standing on the other side of the door!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Hi, Mom!" Rochelle called, making her way into her family's mansion, and into the kitchen."Hi, sweetie!" Mrs. Jenner smiled, looking up at her daughter. "How was your day?""It was really good!" Rochelle, smiled taking a bite of a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. "I was named the women's gymnastic team's captain for next year.""You were?!? Oh, honey, that's incredible!" Mrs. Jenner exclaimed, smiling and giving her daughter a huge hug. "Just like always, I am so very proud of you!""Thanks, Mom." Rochelle smiled, hugging her mom back. As she and her mother, disembraced, Rochelle asked, "Are my Dad and sisters home yet?""Raquel is staying the night at Gianna's, and your dad is still at the office, but Ren is." Her voice lowering, Mrs. Jenner said, "Ren has not had the best day today.""Why, what happened?" "Ron broke up with her as he dropped her off ."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Easterwood Christian Camp was a camp about twenty minutes outside of Santa Fe. It was a camp for kids ages 12-18. Long before they began their careers, Rhiannon and Shea would attend this camp with their youth group from church. Up until last summer, Rhiannon and Shea had attended the camp each summer. The only reason that these two had not attended camp last summer was because they had been on their U.S. tour. This year, however, the two of them were finally able to return to ECC with their youth group!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    As the dance progressed on, Ellie and Shepp-ard held each other close and looked into each other's eyes. As they continued to dance, some-thing hit them. They were both in love with the other one, and had been ever since their duo came to be. Maybe, it was even before they had become a duo. Why it had taken them until now to see it, I don't know. However, Ellie and Sheppard were finally admitt-ing their feelings to themselves.As Ellie and Sheppard silently admitted their feelings to them-selves, they were a little nervous. However, they were also complete-ly and utterly happy at and by the realization.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "I have been wonder-ing this all week, but I wonder who our surprise guest is going to be!" Jamie Goodfair piped, as she and her best friends, Riker, Lindy, Sara, and longtime boy-friend, Marcus took their seats in the auditior-ium. "It must be big if the staff is keeping quiet about it.""Ag-reed!" Marcus, Riker, Lindy, and Sara piped. Clearing his throat, Riker asked, "Would-n't it be insane if it was Jackie who was the special guest?""That would be, but unfor-tunately, I don't think that that is possi-ble."Before Jamie could explain that that was because Jackie was in LA working on her latest album, Principal Marshall was making her way onto the stage.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    In exactly one hour from now, I will be performing in the Christmas Day parade here at Walt Disney World. I will even have my own float! Afterwards, all of us are going to eat breakfast with the characters at the Crystal Palace. After breakfast, we are going to ride some rides. Next, we are going to eat lunch. After lunch, we are going to ride more rides, than go back to the hotel and relax. Tonight, we are going to have dinner at the hotel and open presents! With this said, it is truly going to be a fun and remarkable day had by everyone!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "It smells so good in here, sweet sweet!" My favorite and amazing Aunt Marcia smiled, making her way into the kitchen and siting down at the table. "Are you sure you don't need any help?""I appre-ciate the offer, but I am good." I smiled at Aunt Marcia. Today is Thanks-giving Day, and I am SO pumped! My wonder-ful and amazingparents are flying in from Atlanta to spend Thanks-giving with my aunt and me. To add on to the excite-ment, my amazing and genuine co-star and long time boy-friend, Flynn Jacobs, and his amazing parents, Freddie and Fiona, will be joining us tonight for dinner! Due to the fact that every-one gets along well, I believe tonight is going to be great!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    When Mom and Dad first told me back in April that we would be moving to Denver in June, I was both excited and nervous. Ever since I was two years old, I have considered Colorado as my second home. This is because the three of us have spent every summer there for as long as I can remember. However, I have never considered the thought that my family and I might actually live there someday. On a different note, starting over at a new school and church terrified me somewhat. Would I fit in with my new youth group and peers at school? Would I make new friends? Would my best friends from back home, Lisa and Sarah, and I still keep in touch? I truly hope so. Would I be bullied just like I had been in the past? Goodness, I hoped not. That was the last thing that I needed. As soon as I had arrived, however, I learned that I had worried for nothing.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As the plane took off, Agnes could not help but smile and feel excited. After all, she would be spending two months in Los Angeles filming the second movie of the trilogy that she and Ralston were signed on with. She would also be spending quality time with the Nixons. Without a doubt, the next two months in L.A. were going to be amazing.

  • - A Dinah Gray Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "So, what parts are you guys going to try out for today?" Doug asked, as he and his best friends, Dylan and Dinah made their way to seventh period Drama."Galinda, for sure!" Dylan smiled. "I've always wanted to play her.""I feel the same way about playing Elphaba." Dinah smiled, as well. "It would be so amazing to play her.""I am trying out for Fiyero." Doug piped. As the three best friends made their way to Drama, all they could talk about were today's auditions for Wicked. They would be taking place during Miss Stevenson's class. However, auditions had already taken place in her previous classes, too. With this, the stakes were high as to whom would be chosen to play the role of Galinda, Elphaba, and Fiyero. "Do you guys think that I have a chance to be picked to play Elphaba?" Dinah asked."I think that you have a great chance" Doug smiled. "You have a killer voice.""That you do!" Dylan smiled, as well. "Just like Doug, I think that you have a great chance!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Seven-teen year old actress Clare White had been waiting and antici-pating this trip for the longest time. Not only did her well de-served week long vacation start yester-day, but she had just flown into Maui to meet her parents (Who had flown in from Texas) and her family's lifelong best friends, Mike, Carly, Katie and Thomas Carter (Who had flown it from Nevada) for a fun couple of days in Maui (Both families would be staying there from today until late Thurs-day after-noon). As she stepped off the plane and onto the grounds of Kahulu Airport, excite-ment and peace filled her heart!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    From the age of twelve to now, Adelaide had lived in Los Angeles with her favorite Aunt Susan to star in a popular and success-ful TV show. Due to the fact that she had a year before her new show began filming, Aunt Susan, Ade-laide, Mrs. Alaman had decided that it would be best for Adelaide to spend her senior year in Houston with her Mom and best friends.After she grad-uated from her home-school, Adelaide would move back in with Aunt Susan. Before focusing on that, Adelaide decided to focus on the fact that she was finally home with her Mom, best friends, and plethora of good friends

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Opening up my eyes to the bright sun, it takes me a little while to process where I am! Slowly, it comes back to me. I am with my best friend, Geoff, at his family's beach house for the day, spend-ing my last day of my vacation with him. After I process this, I begin to process some-thing else. I am laying down on my side in a big and comfort-able bed, and Geoff has his arm wrapped around my waist. Smiling and blushing to myself, I go back to sleep for a little while longer.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Up until a couple of summers ago, it had been a tradition that my best friends, parents, and I stay at my parents and my large beach house for two weeks in Henley Beach, Florida. The tradition had begun the summer before sixth grade. After being away for awhile, all of us are back for two weeks of relaxation and fun in the sun! Truth be told, words cannot describe how happy I am to be back!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    The final week before Christmas break has arrived, and the students of Norrington High School could not be more pumped. This is especially true for seventeen-year-old Simone Smith.After all, she has three blissful weeks of Christmas Vacation to look forward to!Even though she is truly looking forward to this wonderful event, Simone must do one of the hardest things that she has ever done in her life: Forgive the two girls whom she believed to be her best friends. Even after Shannon and Shelby Ashton ditched her for no reason at all this past summer, Simone believes that there is a chance that the tattered friendship can be repaired. With this said, Simone is hopeful that it truly can be. In this story of forgiveness and moving forward, follow Simone, her boyfriend, Scott, Shelby, and Shannon as they learn what it takes to forgive and move forward.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Moving on, let me tell you a little bit about what my wonder-ful and amazing boy-friend and I are doing right now. We are on a private jet that is escort-ing us from Los Angeles to Dallas to spend Christ-mas with my family(We spent Thanks-giving with his family last month). It has been awhile since I have seen every-one back home, and I am so excited to see them!

  • - A Juliet Larsen Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    The month of April has rolled around which means that the time for the high school students of Ziegler Academy to perform in the annual talent show has come. While Juliet and her best friend, Joanna, will be performing a dance with their dance team, Juliet will also be performing a solo. For Joanna's boyfriend, Johnathan amd Juliet's secret crush, Jamie, it is a different story. Unbeknownst to Juliet, Johnathan and Jamie will be performing a song with the rest of their choir that will be dedicated to Juliet. Will Juliet leap with joy at this sweet gesture, or will she be unappreciative? Find out in Juliet Larsen, the first novel of the Juliet Larsen series.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Mom, why does it have to hurt so bad?" I sobbed, burying my face into my mother's shoulder. "It just does, Honey." My wonderful and amazing Mom whispered, stroking my pixie styled brown hair. "I wish more than anything that I could take your place and deal with the pain.""Believe me, Mom, you don't." I sniffed, looking up at my Mom. "I wouldn't want you to, because the pain I feel right now is a pain that I would not wish on my worst enemy."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    From kinder-garten to 8th grade, I attended Henson Acad-emy, a k12 school for students with learning disabili-ties with my sister. While there, I met Jamie's and my best friends, Sara and Ashley, as well as the rest of our good friends, all of whom made up our gradu-ating class! Even though I moved to LA, Jamie stayed put at Henson. Today, on the day of her high school gradu-ation, I have the honor of watch-ing my sister, and her twenty nine other class-mates gradu-ate!Even though Callum and I have to fly back to LA tonight, I would not change getting to see my sister, family, best friends, and good friends for a day, hour, or minute.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "How are you feeling about becom-ing a Gordon Glad-iator again, sweet sweet?" Mom smiled and asked, as she drove me to school. "Ex-cited? Ner-vous? Both?""Both definite-ly!" I piped. It has been a long time since I have been in a Gordon uniform, as well as the fact that it has been awhile since I have seen every-one.""I under-stand how you feel, sweetie, but don't you think that every-one will be happy and sur-prised to see you? After all, these people have been best friends and good friends with you for years.""You're right, Mom, and always know what to say." I smiled, as Mom pulled up to the curb of the middle/ upper part of Gordon.Giving me a kiss on the cheek, Mom smiled at me, and said, "I love you, sweetie! Have a great day!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Every summer since I was eleven years old, Mom and I would fly to Orlando, FL from our hometown of Los Angeles, CA, to spend the first Monday-Friday of August to stay with Mom's lifelong best friend, Tara, and her tall, sexy, gorgeous toned, blonde haired son, Talon, at their mansion in the beautiful beach town of Henley Beach, Florida, which is located twenty miles outside of Orlando. Due to the fact that Talon and I found each other annoying, and bickered constant-ly, this trip was something that I have NEVER looked forward to. As you can imagine, before arriving at Aunt Tara and Talon's house, I had my doubts that this week was going to go well, at all.However, once Mom and I got there, my doubts slowly started to fade away, and here are the reasons why:1)When Mom and I arrived at the mansion, Talon greeted me with a big hug, sincere smile, and looked genuinely happy to see me.2) He willingly assisted me in taking my things up to my room. In fact, we stayed there for a few minutes laughing and catching up)3) We talked at lunch, laughed, and had partici-pated in great conver-sation, something that we had NEVER attempted or been able to do before.As I prepare to settle down for a nap, I cannot help but, dare I say it, happy. As you can imagine, my mind is starting to change itself about this vacation, realize that this trip could be cool and good for a change, and finally... there is a good possibility of Talon and me becoming real and genuine friends.-Lana XO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    Making my way across the platform to receive my diploma while every-one clapped and cheered for me, I could not help but feel accom-plished. The diploma that I was receiv-ing now marked the com-pletion of my high school career. Smiling to myself, I could not help but think of all what high school had brought me: Great grades, "A" honor roll, gym-nastics compe-titions, acting in plays, etc. Truth be told, high school had been a truly amazing exper-ience! On a different note, I also had a new and amazing career ahead of me! Truth be told, life is great, and I have alot to look forward to!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, This past September, I auditioned for the lead role in an upcoming movie that will be filmed this summer in Los Angeles. Two weeks later, I received the call saying that I had picked! Due to the fact that a plethora of my good friends in the acting business will be starring in the movie, I am stoked about spending the summer in L.A. with my amazing and favorite aunt, and filming the upcoming movie! Even though I will miss everyone back here in Houston, I am truly excited about what this summer has to offer!XOXO, Pet

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    .As I sit on the plane that is heading to Los Angeles, California, I can not help but feel excited. Not only will I be starting my acting career, but I will also get to see Teddy and his family. In fact, I will be staying with them for the next couple of months. It has been almost four months since I have seen them, and I am so excited about seeing them.On a different note, I am excited about what the next couple of months have to bring! After all, I know that great things are to come!