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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    "How excited are you that your parents and sister are coming to spend Thanks-giving with us?" Aunt Kate, my wonderful, amazing, and favorite aunt, asked, as she and I worked on some sewing projects (shirts for the both of us). "Are you beyond stoked?""More than you know!" I smiled. "It has been a year since I have seen them in them, and I have missed them dearly!"When I was thirteen years old, I left my parents and twin sister in Chicago, and moved to Los Angeles to live with my Aunt Kate, film movies and my highly successful, well liked, and popular t.v. show. Even though I love my job, and living with Aunt Kate, I find myself missing my family and friends quite often. Due to filming commit-ments, I was not able to come home this past Christmas or summer. However, I will be going home for Christmas this year! Moving on to present day, my parents will be staying with my Aunt and me from today until Saturday afternoon. This makes me more excited than anyone can understand!Before long, Aunt Kate's doorbell rang.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    On Wednesday, I graduated high school. That same night I had my post grad pool party. With this said, you would think that I had a great time. Well, I did...before things went south.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 - 143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I am at a loss for words and over the moon giddy! Tonight at dinner, my boyfriend of three years, Nick Andres, proposed at dinner tonight! Tears streaming down my cheek, I had said yes! After all, why would I not? He is loving, amazing, genuine, kind, and so many other wonderful things! Before I go into detail, let me tell you a little bit on how we met.When I left my family back home in Houston and moved to Los Angeles to live with Aunt Bailey in Los Angeles to start filming my show five years ago, I had first met Nick at our first table read! Instantly, there was a connection and chemistry! After two years of being close friends, just like we are with the entire cast and directors, Nick and I fell in love! Moving on and back to present day, let me tell you what happened after Nick dropped me off at Aunt Bailey's. When Nick and I had walked through the door, Aunt Bailey, Nick's family and Nick's and my directors, cast, and crew were there to surprise us with an impromptu engagement party! Truth be told, it was awesome! On a different note, let me tell you a little bit about what is going to happen tomorrow! At 8:00 AM, Nick and I will be boarding a flight to my home to spend Christmas Day with my family and friends! Even though we have to head back to Los Angeles the next day, it does not change the fact that I am beyond excited about seeing everyone! -Felici

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Tonight was the Mellark School's Christmas ball, and Ashley Jane was totally pumped! Not only would she be dancing the night away with her best friends, good friends, and the other high school students, but Ashley Jane would be going with her best friend and love interest, Gibby. This made Ashley Jane even more excited and happy than anyone could ever imagine.As the girls got dressed into their regular clothes and headed to the register to pay for their dresses, Ashley Jane could not help but feel happy, giddy, and excited. After all, tonight was going to be an amazing night for sure!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Cloud Nine is a wonderful place to be! Why am I on Cloud Nine, you ask? Well, RHYS ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND THIS AFTERNOON, AND I SAID YES!!! When I told my best friends the good news, they went ballistic with excite-ment! Rhys asking me to be his girlfriend is truly the perfect ending to an amazing summer

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 - 88,95 kr.

    It has been three years since I have seen her. Sure, I've seen Zooey on t.v., and heard her on the radio. However, I have not seen her in person for a very long time. However, that is all about to change today. I will finally be getting to see the girl that I have been in love with we were ten. I am so excited that I can hardly wait!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Good morning, Mr. Adams, how are you doing this morn-ing?" Valerie, the onco-logy center of the hos-pital's head nurse smiled at Trey."I'm doing well, Ma'am." Trey smiled back. Frown-ing a little, he asked, "How is our girl doing today?""She's been sick all morning, very emotion-al, and won't allow anyone in her room.""That doesn't sound like her." Trey replied. "Maybe I can help.""Maybe you can." Nurse Valerie smiled.With a bouquet of flowers in hand, Trey made his way to his longtime girl-friend's room.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Smile, my beautiful daught-ers!" Mrs. Camp chimed, taking a photo of her eight-een year old triplets, Caitlyn, Macy, and Leona.As the girls smiled for the camera, they knew that their smiles were sincere and genuine. Not only was tonight Prom night, but today was also the day that Caitlyn, who had battled an aggress-ive form of Leukem-ia for many years, was, as of early this mornign, cancer free, and out of the hospital for good!Due to the fact that their wonder-ful sister was out of the hospital, Macy and Leona had asked Mrs. Camp if they could escort Caitlyn to the prom, and take her dress shopp-ing. Thank-fully, Mrs. Camp had said yes! Shortly after Mrs. Camp had finished taking pictures, the limo was here to escort the girls to the prom.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much for agreeing to come to Albu-querque with me for the night, honey." I smiled at Hyatt, my co-star and amazing longtime boy-friend. "It is truly my pleas-ure, sweet-ie!" Hyatt smiled at me, reaching across the table and gently taking my hand in his. "Just like I love your aunt, I love your parents and family, too!"As my private jet whisked Hyatt and me to Albu-querque to spend the Fourth with my parents, sisters, and best friends, I could not help but feel thankful. Not only did I have an amazing and support-ive aunt that I lived with in Los Angeles, as well as an amazing boy-friend, direct-ors, and cast, but I also had a wonder-ful family, best friend, and good friends back home. Truth be told, I am truly blessed!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Groggily opening up my eyes, and waking up in my oh so comfortable bed, I have to question if I am asleep, and having a wonderful dream. In my dream, Max is here to celebrate Christmas with my family and me, and will be in attendance at my annual Christmas party. A little while later, it hits me that this is not a dream. In fact, this wonderful reality is as real as it gets!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "It sounds great, missy, just like always!" Ben, my music pro-ducer, said over the inter-com, as I finished comple-ting my recent track. "Great job!""Thanks, Ben!" I smiled, taking off the head-phones, and walking out of the record-ing studio to where Ben was sitting.As soon as I arrived there, he smiled and said, "You more than deserve the vacation that you are taking this week. When do you leave for Orlandoand return?""I leave this after-noon, and will be back Friday after-noon." I smiled. "No worries, I will be back and ready to continue record-ing on Mon-day."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Besides hanging out with my besties this summer, lounging, and going to summer camps, I will also be going to Henley Beach. It is a large beach town located in Florida that is located twenty miles outside of Orlando. My parents and I have a beach house out there, and my best guy friend from Colorado, Greg, and his family will be joining us for a month. In fact, we will be meeting them there tomorrow. I am truly excited about seeing the Callum's. After all, it has been two years since I have three years since I have seen them.Before I can dive into summer, however, I have to get through the last day of school first. Hopefully, it won't be too boring or slow today. After all, we have fun activities and parties planned.

  • - The Tryout: A Carson Cooper Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    In thirty minutes, Tatum, Bryce, Eden, and Carson would be trying out with eight other girls for a spot on the Marshall Miners dance team. Even though twelve girls would be trying out, only six of them would make the cut. More than anything Carson wanted her best friends and herself to be part of the six that made the cut.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Performing in front of the crowd at my last concert of the tour, I cannot help but smile and feel energetic! Tonight, the last concert is being held in my hometown of Orlando, Florida! Even though it was fun going on tour and performing all across the U.S., I am glad to be back here! After all, there is no place like home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Three months ago, Dad, Mom, and I found out that Dad was being relocated from our small church in Texas to a large church in Orlando! This would mean moving to a new city the summer before my senior year! Due to the fact that I was bullied at my old school, I didn't mind this, at all. After all, I was looking forward to meeting new people, and being in new surround-ings.Moving on to two days ago, my wonderful parents and I arrived in Orlando, as well as our new mansion and neigh-borhood. I must say, journal, I am quite satisfied with my new surround-ings! On a different note.I am also excited about meeting new people and making new friends this summer! After all, I have a feeling that this summer is going to be a great one!-Claudia xo

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Standing at my best friends' mansion's door, nerves fill my heart. It has been a month since I have talked to them. Even though they hurt me, Victoria and Vincent are not the only ones who messed up. I also said some things that I wish I could take back, However, that is not how life works. You can't take back what you've said and done in life. All you can do is learn from it and move forward. Taking a deep breath, I ring the doorbell.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Exactly one minute ago, Diana turned eighteen years old.She had been anticipat-ing this day for a long time, and now it was finally here. Because how excited she was about turning eighteen, Diana had had trouble falling asleep last night. After lying awake in bed for hours, Diana had decided that the best thing to do was go down-stairs and go swimm-ng. The beach house's pool was located outside on the deck and overlooked the beautiful beach. After getting out of bed and changing into her swimsuit, Diana quietly headed to the pool.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I can't believe it. I don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe that Bella and Carly are dead. I don't want to deal with the fact that I have lost my twin sister and best friend. I don't want to deal with the fact that that both Bella and Carly were killed by a drunk driver last night.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    As Aunt Olivia and I continued to put frosting on the cookies that we had just made, my mind began to focus on Nathan. He is the best boyfriend that I could ever ask for, and I miss him so much. Truth be told, there is a big part of me that wishes he could be here for Valentine's Day. Him being here would make it special beyond words.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    My name is Anna Michelle Brooklyn, and I am a part of a twin. I am also a part of the band, Brooklyn 2. My band member, best friend, and fraternal twin sister, Allison, are a part of our Aunt Kara's highly successful record label, Caleb Records. Thankfully, She also happens to be our manager. Besides getting weekends, the months of November and December off, we also get July and August. This way, even though we are singers, we can still have time to be teenagers. Mom and Dad even get to travel with us on tour! They even take turns driving the tour bus. In conclusion, all of it is truly a great arrangement for my family and me.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Nick Christensen," Patrick began. "This is my good friend, Felicity Dunn.""It's nice to meet you, Felicity." I smiled, gently shaking Felicity's hand."It's nice to meet you, too." Felicity smiled back. "I am a big fan.""I appreciate that." I replied, continuing to smile. "Are you looking forward to a fun camp session? I know I am!""Definitely!" Felicity replied. "What about you?""Same!"I replied. "Would you like to sit with us and chat a little bit?""I would be honored." Felicity smiled, taking a seat by me.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Ever since she was two year old, seventeen year old Ariel Arthur and her parents would spend the second half of June and all of July at their beach house in Maui. Joining them were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur's longtime childhood best friends, Madison and Heath Williams, and their quadruplets, Morgan, Danica, Adam, and Ian. As it would shortly turn out the quadruplets would become Ariel's best friends. Many years later, the summer tradition continues.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    In just three short hours, Mom and I will be picking up my boyfriend, Travis, and my good friends, Travis' twin siblings, Nicholas and Caitlin, at Orlando International Airport. That's right! Travis, Nicholas, and Caitlin will be spending Christmas with Mom and me this year! I am truly excited about seeing them, and having them here for Christmas! It is going to be so much fun!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Brooke Phelan had never been the kind of girl who had been scared of anything. She loved roller coasters, trying out new things, and was never afraid to be herself. However, all people, especially Brooke, have their, shall we say, kryptonite. For fifteen year old Brooke Phelan, it was starting over.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    As Mom continued to help me with my hair and makeup, I thought about what tonight would bring. I would be performing in front of 20,000+ people in Dallas, Texas. Due to the fact that it was my first concert of my six week tour, I considered tonight as the beginning of the tour. After all, that is what it was.

  • - A Raegan Settle Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Moving to Michigan was hard, because that meant that I had to leave my best friends, Emma, Ezra, and Scott behind. Leaving my many other good friends from church and school behind was not fun, either. Thankfully, the move to Michigan did not stop me from seeing my friends back home. During Christmas break and summer vacation, I would come and visit. Since the twins (Emma and Ezra) and their parents had made it very clear from the beginning that I always had a second home with them, and could come and stay with them whenever I visited, I would always end up staying with them. Besides getting to spend quality time with Scott and the twins, I also got to spend time with my many other friends from Orlando, as well!Even though I made lots of friends in Michigan, I am truly happy and excited about moving back to my hometown. At this very moment, in fact, my plane is touching down at the Orlando International Airport. It feels so good to be home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Even though I am going to miss you like crazy this year, I agree with and respect with what you are doing." Tess said, as she led me to my gate at the airport. "Will you please tell every-one there hi for me?""Of course I will!" I smiled. Giving Tess a big hug, I smiled and said, "I love you and I will see you in May.""I love you more, and am looking forward to it." Tess smiled, hugging me both gently and tightly at the same time.

  • - Henley Beach
    af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    I am truly excited about spending Christmas at Henley Beach. Not only will I get to see Mr. and Mrs. Meyers(my second Mom and Dad), but I will also get to see their son, my good friend, and new co-star, Teddy (The guy that I have been secretly in love with fior as long as I can remember).Even though I saw Teddy last week, that does not change the fact that I am truly excited about seeing him.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    When my parents and I moved to Albuquerque from Dallas two years ago, it meant leaving my best friend and secret love interest, Derek, our plethora of good friends, and our good friends in our youth group behind. Thankfully I kept in touch with all of them. Speaking of Derek and my old youth group, I will be getting to meet up and spend time with them at Geriton Church Camp. Due to the fact that this is the main time that I get to see them, I look forward to this week long camp stay greatly!As the limo pulled into the GCC parking lot, I could not help but smile! After all, I was finally here!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, I just got the best news that a girl could ever ask for! Even though I will be moving before my junior year of high school, it doesn't change the fact that I am so excited! In fact, it makes me even more excited! At dinner tonight, Mom and Dad informed me that their job was transferring them back to Orlando, Florida. This meant that our family and I would be moving back to Orlando in July!