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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • - An A.J. Ackerman Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Jamie and I made our way outside of the school, my cell phone rang. Glancing at the caller I.D., my heart did a humongous backflip. It was Andrew, A.J.'s Dad."Hi, Andrew." I said, trying to keep my cool. After a minute of talking with him, I said, "Yes, sir, I will be right there.""Kevin, what's going on?" Jamie wanted to know, looking worried. "Is it A.J.?""Yes." I nodded, trying to process what I had been told. Happy tears filling my eyes, I smiled and said, "Jamie, A.J. woke up thirty minutes ago."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Eighteen years ago, our lives changed for the very, very best!" Nina smiled. Raising her glass of orange juice, Natalie smiled and said, "Happy birthday, Nick and Nia. May eighteen be your best year yet!""Cheers!" The four of them cheered, clinking their glasses together.Today was a big day for Nia and Nick. Today was their eighteenth birthday. Since it was a duo birthday, both Nick and Nia got to pick something fun to do. While Nia had picked to go to Disney's Hollywood Studios, Nick had picked going to a karaoke restaurant for dinner tonight. Much to the teen's excitement, the Mom's had agreed.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    67,95 kr.

    For my birthday, my family and I had rented out the Hotel Icon ballroom for my eighteenth birthday party. With this came all 150 guests that had been invited, great food, and dancing that would begin in a few minutes. Truth be told, it was the most perfect birthday celebration that I could ask for for my eighteenth birthday!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Waking up in my comfy bed this morning, it takes me a moment to gather my surroun-dings, and realize that I am not at my wonder-ful and favorite Aunt Kara's mansion back in Los Angeles.I am visiting my wonder-ful and amazing parents from yester-day to the day after tomorr-ow, and am in my comfy bed in their man-sion. Realiz-ing this, I cannot help but smile. Even though I love living in Los Angeles, I am so excited and happy to be home for a little while!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tonight, my best friends, Molly, Marie, and Missie, and two of our good friends from school, Lane and Chelsea, will be in attendance at my annual Christ-mas sleepover party. Not only will we do our Secret Santa gift exchange, but we ill also make cookies, watch movies, and have alot of fun! I am truly excited about tonight, that I can barely stand it!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Not only was today today the last concert on my summer tour before my parents and I made our way back to Dallas tonight, it was also my eighteenth birthday. In fact, it was my best friends' eighteenth birthday too. Before my parents and I moved from San Antonio to Dallas a couple of years ago, it had been a tradition that we celebrate them together. Un-beknownst to my best friends, but known among their parents, this tradition was going to happen once more. Even though my family and I would be heading back home in a few hours, I could only stay with them for a little while. Due to the fact that they wanted me to have some quality time with my best friends, Mom and Dad are going to grab some dinner themselves while I am at the Hayes' mansion.Truth be told, it is going to be a fun night for everyone!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, This week is spring break, and I could not be more excited! To be specific, even though I am beyond excited about this week being spring break, I am especial-ly excited about today!After all, today is the day that Brady and I will be shooting our music video for our recent single that we re-leased! Not only will it be taken in Ander-son Cove (This is a small beach town twenty miles outside of LA where my parents and my beach house is located, as well as the beauti-ful, white sanded, clear blue watered beach is located), but Brady's and my lifelong best friends from Hous-ton, Shelley, Thomas, Brenda, and Ian will be extras and backup dancers in the video! I am so excited about today that I can barely stand it!Love and God Bless, Judit

  • - A Lyndsey Kelley Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    83,95 kr.

    I can't remember the last time that I felt this nervous. It is probably because I have never felt this nervous in my entire life. Maybe the reason that I am feeling so nervous is because I am feeling the pressure that comes with competing at Worlds. For example, the competition is going to be televised. One slip up and the whole world will be able to see it. How embarrassing would that be? Finally, I want to be the best captain that I can be for my choir. The last thing that I want to do is let them down.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    For as long as both families could remem-ber, it had been a trad-ition that they spend a selected Thurs-day-Sunday in June at the Man-son's large beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. How-ever, ever since Joy Wilde began her singing career, she and her wonder-ful parents weren't able to come each year. In fact, the last time that the Man-son's and Wilde's got together was two years ago. Even though both families kept in touch frequent-ly, it was not the same as seeing in person.Before Craig knew what was happen-ing, a pair of femin-ine, soft, and good smell-ing hands were gently placing them-selves over Craig's eyes."Guess who?"The familiar, kind, and gentle voice said.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Okay, so what period do you guys have English?" Melissa asked, taking a sip of her drink."First." C.J. replied."Same here!"Valerie exclaimed, as she and C.J. gave each other high fives."I have English second period." Melissa frowned. "At least you and I have Math 9 together." Valerie said, trying to make her friend feel better."And let's not forget that the three of us have Geography and P.E. together, too." C.J. smiled, catching on to what Valerie was trying to do."That's true." Melissa smiled. "That's very true."Raising her glass, Valerie said, "I would like to make a toast to a new year and our best friend, C.J.""Cheers." The three girls said in unison, clinking their Star-bucks drinks together." As the girls took sips of their drinks, C.J. could not help but smile. School had not even started yet and she already had a plethora of friends. Much to her excitement, she also had two new and genuine best friends. This truly made C.J. happy more than anything else.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As I change from my school clothes into a tuxedo, my heart is thudding in my chest.I am about to ask the girl of my dreams to the prom. Not only are my best friends in on it, but my teammates from the football team, the girls from the dance team, and Miss Perrie are in on it, too. In fact, Miss Perrie is letting the football players and I disrupt her class in the best way possible.

  • - A Lyndsey Kelley Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    If I could describe how I was feeling right now to you in one word, it would be fantastic. As I am talking to you right now, I am stepping off of the plane and onto the grounds of Orlando International Airport. Instead of going to my Prom tomorrow night, I will be attending Logan and Lilliana's Prom with them. How lucky am I our school proms happened to be on the same night? Very lucky, I would say.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Even though seven-teen year old Emerson Jake loved school with her whole heart, she also loved her summ-ers just as much. With this said, she was especial-ly excited that today was the last school! Not only did it mean an awards cere-mony and year -book signing, it also meant an awe-some talent show, which started first thing in the morning.With this said, this made Emerson really excited! Not only were she and her best girl friend, Amanda, perform-ing MIKA and Ariana Gran-de's "Popular Song", but she had a surprise for every-one, includ-ing Amanda and their best guy friends, twins Beckett (A-manda's long time boy-friend/ one of Emer-son's best guy friends) and Matt, as well as their plethora of good friends, that no one saw coming!

  • - A Cecily Cambridge Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is the last day of the school year! I can't believe how fast the time has gone! It seems like only yesterday that my junior year of high school began! Even though I am excited about the school year ending, there is a part of me that is sad. My best friend (and secret crush), Cameron, and I haven't been speaking for the past two weeks. We got into a big fight a couple of weeks ago, and haven't been speaking since. The funny thing is that I don't even remember why we are fighting at all. All I know is that I am tired of fighting with Cameron, Today at school, I plan on telling him that I am tired of fighting, and that I miss him. After all, it is the truth.XOXO, Cecily

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Besides it being New Year's Day, it is also the six month anniversary of when my family and I moved from Denver to Orlando. Besides feeling excited that we moved back to my hometown, as well as being reunited with my best friends, Shauna and Scott, I also feel content. I am loving homeschool, I have many friends from church and school, etc. I am truly glad that I moved here. Orlando is the place where I truly feel at home.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    Seventeen year old Alex Johnson has had a rough past week and a half. From being publicly humiliated by her sister to being publicly dumped by her ex boyfriend, Jesse, Alex doesn't think things could get any worse than they have become. However, Alex is about to learn that every cloud has a silver lining. When a heartbreaking revelation leads to a heart warming outcome, Alex finds herself stunned yet humbled. In this story of heartbreak and second chances, follow Alex as she learns that letting your guard down is not always a bad thing.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, This past November, Dad and I were involved in a head on collision with a drunk driver. By the grace of God, Dad was unscathed. As for me, however, I was not as lucky.Besides leaving me with a broken leg, wrist, collarbone, nose, I also received multiple bruises, cuts, and lacerations. When I arrived at the hospital, I was rushed into surgery to repair all of the damage. At one point during the surgery, I stopped breathing for an entire minute. For the next couple of weeks, the hospital was my home. However, it was not all bad. My best friends, Bonnie Combs, and Shea, Stacy, and Sarah Thompson, visited me daily. After I was discharged from the hospital, I was sent to Thompson Rehabilitation Center. Due to the fact that the Thompsons owned the facility, I did not have to pay for my treatment, therapy, and room and board. Even after I left the place, my Physical Therapist was still free. Up until today, Mrs. Thompson had been my PT. As you have probably guessed by now, I have not been back to my school since the accident. Because of all of the school that I had to miss, my family and I thought that it would be best if I was homeschooled for the remainder of my Junior year. While at TRC, Quinn Rocha, my kind and awesome tutor, came by the center and helped me with my assignments. She also came to my house after I got home. Thanks to her help, I was able to keep up with my classes. Speaking of school, I will be returning to Brocket Academy, a K-12 school for students with learning disabilities, to see my friends perform in the Last Day Assembly. I am truly excited about returning to a school that I have called home since Kindergarten.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Tonight is the first Friday of the school year, which can only mean one thing: Shea's back to school pool party! You may think that, due to the fact that I am homeschooled and don't go to Shea's high school, that I don't know anyone at the party besides Shea, That is where you are wrong. Not only do a plethora of Shea's and my good friends from church go to school with him, Due to the countless parties that Shea has thrown, I have gotten to know Shea's other classmates/good friends from school, and have befriended them, too. With this said, I am looking forward to tonight

  • - A Jameson Ridge High Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, As Katy, Erin, our campers and myself made our way back to our cabin tonight, Quinn told me that my voice and the song that I wrote were both pretty. She also said that I had inspired her to start singing and writing songs herself. That compliment right there had made my heart smile. It was nice to hear that I had inspired one of my campers. Hopefully, I will continue to inspire my campers in other ways this summer.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Henley Beach, Florida is not your average beach town. It has beautiful houses and man-sions, beautiful beachs, beach shops, nice shops, a beach amuse-ment park called Henley Harbor, beach houses, a plethora of good restaur-ants, nice spas, nice schools, etc. Most import-antly, it is the town where Mom's and my best friends, Laurie and Baxter Daly (Laurie's son and my lifelong best guy friend/ longtime secret love interest) live. We are all so close that Baxter calls Mom Aunt Sarah, and I call Laurie, Aunt Laurie.Right now, as we speak. My wonder-ful and amazing Mom are on a flight from Los Angeles to Orlando for a month long stay with them. I am glad of this because I need a break from filming my show! Don't get me wrong, I love filming, and the wonder-ful people that I work with! I just need a break from it, that's all!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "You sound great, Chels, keep it up!" My amazing Dad/ manager smiled into the micro-phone."You sure do, sweet sweet!" My amazing Mom/ manager piped. "You are going to blow tonight's concert out of the water!""I hope so!" I replied. "After all, this concert means every-thing to me!"This was very true. Tonight, I would be return-ing to my old church camp to perform a concert for the camp-ers! As luck would have it, my best friends, Ginny and Marcus are attend-ing this camp session. Due to the fact that we live in different states (Me in Los Angeles, CA, and them in Dallas, TX), we haven't physi-cally seen each other for a year and a half. Even though we would text and talk on the phone, it was not the same as being able to touch or hug them. With this said, I am more than a little excited about tonight's concert! The best part? The only people who know about the concert are the wonder-ful direct-ors!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Stepping out of the shower, and wrapping a towel around myself, I thought about what today had brought so far. While it had brought an amazing breakfast and lunch, and some amazing gifts (I received gift cards, clothes, and a beautiful long sleeved, a-line, knee length, red dress to wear to tonight's party. My parents also loved the gifts that I got them.), it had also brought Christmas carols and cookie baking. Most importantly, it had brought some much needed quality time with my parents. This was an awesome Christmas gift in itself! As I continued to get dressed, I could not help but feel even more excited! After all, I was about to see my best friends and good friends!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Blakely sang the final notes of Selah's "Bless The Broken Road,"she felt herself relax ever so slightly. At the end of the first audition a few weeks ago, Jessica Lee, the director who would be directing the Rowan's Journey trilogy, had asked her to pick a song to sing for her and Marissa today. Instantly, Blakely had known what she would sing. The specific song that Blakely had chosen to sing meant everything to her. It was the song that her parents played for her quite often when she was battling cancer, as well as long after that. It was also the song that, to this day, Blakely's parents continued to play it for her."That was amazing, Blakely." Marissa Jones breathed, tears of awe welling up in her eyes. "Just like at your previous audition, you personified exactly what I envisioned my Rowan to be like.""I can see it, too." Jessica smiled, warmly. "Blakely, may I ask you something, please?""Yes, Ma'am." Blakely said, feeling overwhelmed with happiness."What would you say if I told you were chosen to play Rowan Jacobs after your first audition?"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "What do you think that your best friends, good friends, and class-mates will think when they see us arrive at their sch-ool's Christ-mas Ball to-night?"Morgan asked tying her black trench coat's tie around her waist and red dress."I think that they will be excited and happy!" Inez smiled and replied, tying her white trench coat's tie around her waist and sky blue dress. "Don't worry, girl. All of them are big fans of ours. How-ever, they are also nice and down to earth people. Speak-ing of my best friends, who are also kind, genuine, and down to earth, they will be more excited about meeting and getting to know you.""That's good, and I am looking forward to getting to know them, too." Morgan smiled."On a different note, I am excited about taking a break from LA and spend-ing the week with you, your mom, and best friends. I am so thankful that you and your mom invited me to come stay the week with you guys.""We are happy to do it!" Inez smiled, giving her best friend a side hug. Before either of the girls could say anything more, Inez's private jet was touching down at the private jet area of Orlando Int'l. Airport!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, if you will please turn you attention to the ballroom doors." The DJ began. "Putting your hands together, please help me welcome in our special guests of the evening, Raquel Brees and Ricky Gavin!" As the 100 guests (including Raquel and Ricky's parents) clapped and cheered, Raquel and Ricky smiled and made their way into the Hotel Icon ballroom. This made everyone cheer even more. After all, the birthday boy and girl had finally arrived!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, It seems like it was just yesterday that my parents and I were arriving at Henley Beach for a good and relaxing summer vacation. It also seems like yesterday that I met my good friends, Meggie and Mason (My favorite actor and secret love interest), as well as both of our families becoming good friends. The truth is that all of this happened back in June, and today is all of our last day here in Henley Beach. While the English's will be heading back to Los Angeles tomorrow, Mom, Dad, and I will be heading back to Orlando. Even though I am excited about seeing Melissa, and our good friends back home, as well as starting the week long summer day dance and cheer camps when I get back, I am going to miss the English's very much. With all of this said, I am planning on making the last day here at Henley Beach the best that it can be! That is a promise!-Miria

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "How is it possible that this year will be our final year at Briar Christian Camp?" I asked, taking a bite of my French fry. "It's insane.""I know, right?" Serena asked. "I have been trying to wrap my head around the same thing that has you in question."Ever since the summer before fifth grade, Serena and I had attended Briar Christian Camp, a 5th-12th Christian camp for campers with learning disabilities located ten miles outside of Los Angeles. Just like always, Serena and I would be spending all of June (Session 1) at this wonderful camp where we have a plethora of good and genuine friends, awesome counselors, great memories, and good times had by all."Here's to a great summer at BCC." Serena smiled, raising her cup of root beer. "Cheers.""Cheers." I smiled back, clinking my cup with hers.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Girl, I am so sorry, but I accident-ally left your presents at my house." Miriam said, as she and Melissa exited The Cheesecake Factory's parking lot. "Is there any way that we can go by my mansion so I can pick them up for you real quickly?""No worries and that sounds good to me." Melissa smiled. As the girls pulled out of the parking lot and made their way to Miriam's, Miriam could not help but smile to herself. The birthday gifts were not the only thing awaiting Melissa. A surprise party was awaiting her, too.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Today is my good friend, Tory's, eighteenth birthday. Tonight, we are celebrating her with two parties.While the first one is a party for with her friends, the second one is a sleepover with her best friends (who are also good friends of mine)and me. Without a doubt, it is truly going to be an awesome evening!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    66,95 kr.

    Making my way with Archie into the school for the dance, an excited shiver ran down my spine. I had gotten up the courage to ask him to go to the dance with me, and he had said yes! This made me very excited! After all, I was attending the dance with the guy that I have secretly been in love with for years!