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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • - A Jameson Ridge High Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    For the longest time, Michelle had been scared to tell Sage the truth about how she felt. However, she was not scared anymore. Tomorrow night, when she and Sage were slow dancing, she was going to come right out and say how she felt about him. Hopefully, Sage would feel the same way in return.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "You look beautiful just like always, gorgeous." Christian smiled at me from the other side of the iPhone screen."Thank you, handsome." I smiled. Frowning a little, I said, "I miss you so much, and wish that you could be here for the party tonight.""I miss you more, and wish that I could be there, too." Christian replied.Around the time that I had finished getting showered, dressed and ready for my birthday party tonight, Christian had FaceTimed me to wish me a happy birthday. That was fifteen minutes ago. To be quite honest, Christian is the best boyfriend that I could ever ask for.With this said, I wished more than anything that he could be here for my eighteenth birthday, and celebrate with me at my party tonight.Moments later, we said our goodbyes and blew kisses to one another (The real kisses were so much better though). After all, the limo was here to escort me to the party (FYI, my parents were already there, checking to make sure everything was in place).

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As they continued to listen to the conver-sation, Robyn and Aidan thought about this summer. Aidan and Robyn had definitely gotten closer, and feelings had started to bloom. Maybe this was their hearts telling them that it was okay and right to have a second chance at love.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    My limo pulling up to Hartford Coli-seum, my heart beat excitedly inside of my chest! In just a few minutes, I would watch my sister, Kayla, and our best friends, quadru-plets, Shane, Ross, Lillie, and Naya, walk across the stage and receive their di-plomas! The best part? None of them, besides my parents, and my best friends' parents knew that I was here!As I got out of the limo and thanked the driver, my smiling and excited mom met me outside with a big hug and kiss! Mo-ments later, she was taking my hand and leading me inside of the coli-seum and to where she and dad were sitting!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    While hanging out with Adriana this afternoon, I challenged her to a race, I told her that if she won, I would take her out on a date to celebrate her birthday early. It is tomorrow, after all. I also told Adriana that if I won, I would get to take her out on a date tonight to celebrate her birthday early. Thankfully, Adriana had liked and agreed to this idea.As I pull into the restaurant, I cannot help but smile. After all, I am on a date with kind, sweet, genuine, down to earth Adriana! Life was truly sweet!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "It's so great to have you home, sweet-ie!" Mom exclaim-ed, as she, Dad, my older sister, Belle, and I sat down to a scrump-tious looking birthday break-fast that Mom and Belle had made. "We've missed you so much this summ-er!""I've missed you guys, too!" I piped. "Being on tour this summer was fun and amazing, but I missed being home."Starting on June 1st, I had started my summer tour that would take me all around the US! Last night was my last night and concert of the tour. One hour ago, was the first time that I had walked through my family's mansion door all summer. Truth be told, it was the greatest feeling in the world!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much for agreeing to do this." Kevin said, as he and Karis awaited their lunch orders. "It really means the world to me.""Thank YOU for asking me to do this." Karis smiled. "I don't remember the last time that we hung out, just the two of us."This was very true. Due to the fact that Karis was in Orlando for such a short time when she came to visit, she rarely got some alone time with Kevin. This time, however, was different. Today, they would be spending a good amount of time together today. This made both of them extremely happy!

  • - A Dinah Gray Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As Dinah sat in second period U.S. History, she thought about what Dylan had said. Maybe she had been right. Dinah would never know what Doug would have said if she didn't ask him. A feeling of strength and bravery filling her heart, Dinah decided right then and there that she was going to ask Doug to be here date to the Sadie Hawkins dance.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    It is the first day back after spring break, and Emma Greer is feeling both excited and nervous. Today marks the first day of her reign as Captain of the Terrence Hill High School Varsity Lady tennis team. On a less positive note, it is also Emma's first day back to school after her ex best friends pulled a prank on her that landed her in the hospital for three days. At this point, Emma's worst fear is that the kids at school will tease and torment her. However she soon learns that that is not the case at all. As March turns into April, new oppurtunities and longtime kept secrets are brought to light for Emma. As Emma will soon learn, these two things have the power to enhance and rewrite Emma's future...forever.In this story of bravery, new opportunities and revelation, follow one girl on her journey as she finds out what can happen when you conquer your fears, follow your dreams, and open your heart to new things.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    "Great sound check and rehears-al, as always, girl!" My good friend and public-ist, Hannah, smiled, as we made our way back to my dressing room."Thanks, girl!" I smiled back. "I appre-ciate that.""What's wrong, girl?"Hannah asked, putting her arm around me. "You seem a little sad today.""Today is my last concert of the tour, and I wish that my parents and best friends could be here." I explain-ed. "Due to the fact that my concert is in a different state, than which my family, best friends, and I live, I know that that cannot happ-en."

  • - A Beverly Black Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As my alarm goes off, I immediately turn it off. Sitting up in my bed, excitement runs through my body like adrenaline! Today is Thanksgiving Day, and I cannot be more pumped! Today my family and Bentley's family will be coming together for Thanksgiving. Usually, Bea and her family join all of us for Thanks-giving, but she and her family are out of town visiting relatives. Even though all three families come together each year to celebrate Thanks-giving, as well as the fact that Bea and her family will be missed this year for Thanksgiving, there is a part of me that is glad that it is just Bentley's family and my family celebrating this year. After all, that means more alone time with him. Getting up from my bed, I head downstairs to start cooking the meal. After all, I want to surprise my family!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    93,95 kr.

    Two summers ago, Avonlea, Zack, and Caitlin were placed in the hospital for Anorexia. Little did they know that they would become best friends. For Avonlea, however, her friendship feelings for Zack have become more than friendly. When Zack asks Avonlea to Prom, Avonlea is certain that Zack feels the same way about her as she does him. Will her feelings be returned?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As you have figured out by now, today is my eighteenth birthday. Instead of doing something big, it is going to be just another day at camp. However, I am not complaining by any means. I love camp, and spending time here. Even though I am both excited and sad about having to go back home to Texas tomorrow, I am not going to think about it today. After all, I have a big and exciting day ahead of me.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Before long, people started to stare at us and whisper. I even heard some of the people say "That's Leigh Jacobs". During the course of our lunch, a total of about ten people or so came up to our table asking if we were the cast of "Together". Some even asked for autographs and pictures from us. Gladly, we obliged. Even though I had wished that my luncheon could have gone uninterrupted, it felt good to be recognized.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    As Jake and I made our way off of the spinning tea cups ride, and to a drink kiosk, I could not help but smile. Yesterday at my surprise birthday party, Jake had asked me if I wanted to spend the day with him today. Of course I had said yes! So far, we have spent the morning at Magic Kingdom, my favorite Disney park of all time! After this, we are going to go to lunch, and then figure out what else we are going to do today! With this said, I have a feeling that today is going to continue to be great! After all, today has been great!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    As Noah and I ride the morning waves of Anderson Cove, I cannot help but feel happy, calm, and relaxed. Of course I was happy. After all, today is my eighteenth birthday. However, I knew that the calm and relaxed feeling that surfing brought me would quickly be replaced with feelings of jitter and hurry.Besides having a birthday sleepover with the girls in my grade at school, the record label would also be throwing me a party tonight. In conclusion, I had a ton to do to get ready for tonight. However, I was choosing to not focus on that right now. Right now, I was focused on surfing and watching the sun come up with my boyfriend at our special surfing spot.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As my gymnast-ics team, Coach Ella, and I made our way into Disney's Wide World of Sports, my heart did a little flip inside of my chest. After months of preparing for this day, it was finally here. Today, my gymnastics team and I would be competing for the National title in each of our categories. For example, Bailee would be competing against other teams for the title of the 2019 Vault National Champ-ion, and I would be competing against other teams for the 2019 Floor National Champion. The two other girls on our team (two of Bailee's and my good friends), Sara and Emily, would be competing for the bars and beam national title. Without a doubt, today was going to be a big and busy day for everyone.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "I have been looking forward to this for weeks, and cannot believe that it is finally here!" My good friend and cast-mate, Taylor piped, as the limo escorted my good friends/ cast-mates, Taylor and Lindy, as well as myself from Bush Int'l Airport's private plane area to Hotel Icon."I know, right?" Lindy smiled and piped. "I have never crashed a prom or any-thing like this for teens before.""Neither have I!" Taylor piped. "Same!" I chimed, excit-ment filling my heart. "It's going to be great seeing my best friends, former teachers and class-mates again!"Before any of us could say any-thing more, the limo was arriving at the hotel.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    118,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remem-ber, my parents and I have spent the week before school starts in Henley Beach, Florida with Brad (My lifelong secret love interest), and his amazing parents, Callie and Zeke. From what they under-stand, I am unable to come down this summer due to filming commit-ments in Los Angeles.This is what Dad and I want them to think. After all, it makes the surprise of me being here for a couple of days that much more sweet!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 - 143,95 kr.

    "I'm sorry that I can't stop being emotion-al, sweet sweet." Mrs. Moore smiled, wiping her eyes, and holding her daught-er's hand. "I am just so thankful to God and grateful beyond words that my baby can walk again.""Don't apolo-gize, Mommy, I am in the same boat that you are." Eden smiled, wiping her own eyes. "I've only dreamt of this day for years and now it is finally here!"As she and her wonder-ful and amazing mother made their way to the mall from her surpris-ingly final physical therapy appoint-ment to do some swimsuitand summer clothes shopp-ing, Eden thought about today's miracle. Today, Eden had finally gained enough strength to walk on her own. As she had done this, her mom, as well as her physical thera-pist, Court-ney, had gasped. With this said, Eden and Mrs. Moore had left the appoint-ment WITH-OUT the wheel-chair.As she and Mrs. Moore arrived at the mall, Eden asked, "Mo-mmy, do you think that I could go to Robbie's pool party, and surprise him?"Smiling at Eden, Mrs. Moore gently put her hand on her daught-er's cheek, and said, "That can be arran-ged."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    98,95 kr.

    Ever since I was five years old, Mom and I have spent one month out of each summer at Scherer Island. Her childhood best friend, Georgia Mallory, and her annoying son, Andrew, have spent it with us. Andrew Mallory.Just hearing that name makes me want to puke. He is one of the most annoying people that I have ever met in my entire life. I truly can't stand him.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As I get ready for Calum and Veronica to pick me up and go to the hospital to visit Lila, a little bit of sadness fills my heart. Not for me, but for Lila. Six months ago, Lila was diagnosed with Leukemia, and was instantly checked into the cancer hospital. She has resided there ever since. With all of my heart, I wish that she did not have to deal with this, especially today. As her boyfriend, I wish that it was me in the hospital and dealing with this instead of Lila. That is how much I love her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remember, I have flown from Los Angeles to Dallas to spend one week with my parents, best friend, and good friends during Thanks-giving, Christmas, and summer. However, due to the scheduling conflicts of my show, I wasn't able to do that this year. However, I am able to come home for one night to celebrate New Years Eve. Even though it is for one night, Ian uber excited! After all, coming home and seeing everyone for one night is better than not seeing them at all.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    343,95 kr.

    Next week is graduate week, and I am thrilled! Not only is the senior trip next week, as well as gradu-ation, it is also my birthday!Like I said, I am thrilled about the follow-ing week! Before I can get too thrilled, how-ever, I have my finals to focus on. While I took my Econ-omics and Lan-guage Arts final yester-day, and my Chemis-try final last period. Now, I am focused on comple-ting my Math of Money final. Answer-ing the final quest-ion, I get up from my seat and turn my final in.As I head back to my seat, it hits me that this is my last Math of Money class that I will ever take!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much for picking me up at the airport, Grace." Amberly smiled. "I truly appre-ciate it.""Oh, sweet-heart, it is ME who should be thanking YOU!" Grace smiled at me, taking my hand in hers. "Thank you for taking time from your busy sched-ule in LA to surprise the twins on their birth-day!""I wouldn't miss it for any-thing. I just wish I could stay longer instead of until tomorr-ow.""We do, too, but we are happy that you are here for as long as you are."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "I'm so sorry about all of those pictures!" I apologized, as the limo escorted Shea and me to Hyatt Regency. "I had no idea that Mom and Dad were going to take so many!""It's okay, Rhi, I promise." Shea smiled. "They are just really excited for you, that's all.""Not as excited as I am!" I smiled back at Shea. "I cannot believe that I am going to my first home-coming!""I am excited for you, too!" Shea replied. "Thank you for agreeing to go with me to my homecoming.""Thank you for inviting me." I said. "I could not imagine going to homecoming with anyone else but you."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    I love the holidays, especially Christmas! Not only does it mean a two week break from filming my show (Don't get me wrong, I love filming and the people that I work with! I just love my breaks, that's all.), as well as flying home to Denver from Los Angeles (For the past six years, I have lived with my amazing and favorite aunt while filming the show. Even though I love living with her, I miss everyone back in Denver and enjoy seeing them when I can.) for the two weeks, I also love spending time with my parents, fraternal twin sister, my best friends, and, and celebrating Jesus' birthday with them! As I sit in my first class seat, I close my eyes, relax, and smile to myself. After all, it won't be long until I am in Denver.

  • - A Caralee Green Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Today is Valentine's Day, and so far, it has been a good one. Not only did I receive a present from Mom and Dad, but my best friends and I enjoyed a Valentine's Day lunch. Like I said, it's been a good day so far. On a different note, I will be celebrating Valentine's Day alone. While my parents will be going out to dinner, and my best friends going on a date with their boyfriends, I am going to be alone. Don't get me wrong, I am fine with lounging in my pajama pants and gray tank top, as well as enjoying dinner, eating chocolate, and watching a movie at home. I just wish that my amazing boyfriend were here to celebrate with me.-Caralee

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Even though her alarm was set to go off at 7:15, seventeen year old Westlyn Weir had been awake at 6:45. Not only was their plenty to do this morning to get ready for Thanksgiving (Two weeks ago, Westlyn had offered to cook the meal for Thanksgiving, and her parents had taken her up on that offer), but Westlyn was also excited about alot of things, too. Besides the band's first album having been released two days ago, as well as the release party being tomorrow night, her band mates, their parents, and their uncle would be spending Thanks-giving with Westlyn and her family this year. Just like everyone was, Westlyn was very excited.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Ever since Margot had left to spend the summer at Henley Beach, we had missed her greatly. Today, however, my best friends, some of our good girl friends from school, and Margot, would finally be reunited for Margot's eighteenth birthday party and sleepover. While the other girls would be arriving around 5:00, Marie, Missie and I will be arriving in just a few minutes. After all, we wanted some time with Margot before the other girls got here.