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Bøger af Lindsay Anderson

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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, this year has been a wonderful year for my choirmates and myself. Not only did we once again win at State this year, but we once again won at Nationals this year, too! It has truly been a wonderful year for us! On a different note, the pressure is on again. Because we won at Nationals last year and this year, my choir mates and I are in New York City to compete at Worlds! This means that in three hours, choirs from around the world will congregate at the Radio City Music Hall to compete for the title of World Honor Choir Champions! Not only will the winning choir receive the winning title, large first place trophy, individual trophies and gold medals, and a $1,000,000check for their school, they will also be featured in next month's issue of Choirs Today magazine! I am truly excited about today that I can hardly wait!Love and God Bless, Lillia

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Tonight, Kevin's parents and my parents are throwing Kevin and me a joint graduation party. It will be taking place at Kevin's mansion. Dancing(Kent will be DJ), swimming, and awesome snacks are on the list for tonight. With this said, tonight is going to be awesome!

  • - An Everly Brown Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    As I awake in my bed and stretch, I cannot help but smile and feel happy. My favorite holiday has finally arrived! Today is Christmas Day, and I cannot feel more excited! Not only will my parents and I enjoy a big lunch, as well as exchanging gifts, but my boyfriend, best friends, and some of our close friends will be coming over tonight for my annual Christmas party. Without a doubt it is going to be an exciting day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Are you sure that you want to do this, girl?" my best girl friend, Diana, asked, putting on my tiny clip on micro-phone piece on my shirt. "I know that you are deathly afraid of singing in front of people.""That's why I am doing it, to conquer a fear." I smiled. "I want to start off the summer by doing some-thing brave and out of charac-ter.""I applaud you for that, girl." Diana smiled. "Go get 'em, girl."Rolling myself out on stage, I could not help but smile. After all, me being brave and singing was not the only surprise that I had for the audi-ence.

  • - A Lyndsey Kelley Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    83,95 kr.

    Today, 1/28/17, is the National Choir Competition.This year, it is being held in Denver, Colorado, which happens to be the city that I live in.This year, fifty teams from around the U.S.A are competing for the ultimate prize. What is the prize, you ask? The team that wins Nationals today goes on to compete at the World Choir Competition in March. As you have probably guessed, the stakes are higher this time around than they ever have been.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    73,95 kr.

    Taking a good and relaxing shower, I thought about what this wonderful day had brought. Not only had it brought a wonderful and quick flight from Los Angeles to my wonderful and amazing family, best friends, and good friends (Due to my career as an actress, I live with my wonderful, amazing, and favorite Aunt Noelle), in Dallas, I also enjoyed a Christmas lunch that Mom had made. Next, my fraternal twin sister, Natalie, Mom, Dad, and I had sat around the tree and exchanged gifts.Even though today had been jam packed with fun, the fun was not over yet. My family's lifelong best friends, the Koloff's (While one of the fraternal twin boys, Kent, is my best friend and my sister's longtime boyfriend, the other twin, Jacob, is my sister's and my best friend, as well as my longtime secret love interest.) will be keeping up the lifelong tradition of meeting up for dinner. This year, we will be enjoying a dinner at the Koloff's. Like I said, the fun will be continuing tonight!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    "I am so thankful to God that your nurses and doctors are letting you out of the hospital until later tonight!" Mom smiled, taking my hand in hers. "Tara is not going to know what to do with herself when she sees you!""I am truly excited to be here for her big birthday, and surprise her!" I smiled and piped. "Due to the fact that it will be the last time that I see her before she leaves for Baylor, I am especial-ly thankful that I get to be out of the hospital and help her cele-brate her birth-day!"Before Mom or I could say anything more, we were arriving at my family's and my man-sion.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Spending the entire summer with my family and my best friend Aaron's family at Henley Beach, Florida is something that I look forward to every year. After all, both families are lifelong good friends with one another and consider each other as family. The fact that our families live in different states doesn't change that. In fact, it makes the bond stronger. Even though I am usually automatically happy when I am here, today is not the case, and here is why. Yesterday, I found out that my boyfriend of four years had been cheating on me with a girl that I thought was my best friend. Without wasting any time, I had cut ties with both of them. After all, I do not need people like that in my life! Even though I did the right thing for myself, and that it will make me stronger in the end, my heart is shattered. On a different note, I am glad to be here at my family's beach house in Henley Beach, and with my best friend. After all, I know that being here will help me get through the pain.-Angela

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Because I go back home tomorrow, Donovan, Mia, Seth, and I are spending the day together (Piper would be with us too, but she left for camp on Monday). Besides going to Universal studios and going surfing today, the four of us are going to enjoy an early birthday barbecue for me at my aunt and uncle's tonight. After all, I turn eighteen on Saturday. Even though I am excited about going home tomorrow and seeing my Dad and best friends, I am going to miss my aunt, uncle, cousin, boyfriend, and good friends. I had such an amazing summer with them and am not excited about having to say goodbye to them tomorrow. I am going to miss them very much.Thankfully, I have one more full day with them.

  • - The Duet: A Carson Cooper Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Before Thanksgiving Break had begun, Kenneth had asked Carson to sing a duet with him at this morning's Christmas talent show. Instantly, Carson had agreed. For the Christmas Talent Show, Carson and Kenneth would be singing "You Can Come To Me" from Austin and Ally.Over the past month and much to Kenneth and Carson's liking, Kenneth and Carson had ended up spending lots of time together after school and on weekends to practice. Sometimes, they even went to the arcade or mall to hang out, get some ice cream, etc. Carson truly enjoyed and cherished the time that she got to spend with Kenneth.As Carson anticipated singing a duet with Kenneth today, the more excited that she became.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    Not only is today the final day of school before Christmas vacation (which my best friend, Milo, our choir mates, and I are getting to miss by the way), but it is also the day of the 2018 Regional Choir Competition. This year, it is going to be held here in Orlando. The winning choir goes to Hawaii and represents their state at Nationals in the spring. For the group song, my choir and I will be singing Christmas songs by Amy Grant. While my choir and I will be singing "The Night Before Christ-mas," I will be singing "Grown Up Christmas List". Even though I am nervous about Regionals, I am also very excited! After all, I have a good feeling about today!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "You have been watching the girl for a week now, and have not done anything about it." Mason's twin sister, Meggie, pointed out, as Mason watched from the window, as the blonde headed girl read a book on the beach. "When are you going to get up the courage, and finally say hello to her?""I haven't gotten that far yet." Mason replied. "I'll let you know when I do, though.""You had better do it soon." Meg replied, thoughtfully. "After all, summer doesn't last forever."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Dancing around my bed-room, I kept having to mentally pinch and remind myself that I was actually able to do this again! You see, when I was a young girl, I had been involved in a car crash, and became para-lyzed. This had left me in a wheel-chair. Twelve surger-ies, and a plethora of physical therapy appoint-ments later, I am out of the wheel-chair as of this morn-ing! Even though I unfort-unately had to miss the last day of my junior year for this appoint-ment, it was so worth it!

  • - A Jameson Ridge High Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, What a week it has been at Lake Blue Ridge Christian Camp! First off, my best friends, Erin, Katy, Geri Lynne and myself were placed in a cabin with four other amazing girls! Their names are Brooke, Taylor, Anna, and Lindsay. Our counselor is amazing, too! Her name is Heather and just like my best friends and me, she is from Denver.Second, I have made many friends from other states and churches. Some of the friends that I have made, however, live in Denver. Some even go to Jameson Ridge High School like my best friends and I do! One cute friend that I have made sticks out in my mind. His name is Michael, and like my besties and myself, is going to be a Junior. With all of the friends that I have made and all of the fun and educational activities coming my way, this summer just may turn out to be one of the best ones that I have ever had!

  • - A Juliet Larsen Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "Was it just me, or did Juliet sound completely out of it when she called us this afternoon?" Johnathan wanted to know."She definitely sounded different." JoAnna replied, solemnly. "Guys, I get the feeling that Juliet isn't having us come over tonight so we can laugh and have a good time." Staying silent in the backseat, I knew that JoAnna was right. As Juliet's boyfriend, I could tell when something was wrong. By the tone of her voice on the phone tonight, I could tell that something was definitely up. To be quite honest, I am scared to find out what she has to tell us.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Even though I am excited about tomorrow, I am also a little nervous. After all, I will be the "new girl" on set. The reason I say "new girl" is because I am new to the professional acting world. I am also new to my co-stars who probably all know each other. I just hope that they are nice and accepting.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    Ever since June, Stella had been competing on a teenage t.v. singing competition called,"The Real Deal". It was a show where teens ages 13-17 competed each week to get one step closer to winning the ultimate prizes: $1,000,000, and a recording contract with Cookman Records. When the show had begun this season, there were 120 contestants. Now, at the show's season finale, there were only two left. One is a girl from Colorado, and the other is my best friend, Stella

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As Mrs. Weir drove Westlyn to Kellington Records, Westlyn could not help but feel excited. Today was the first day that she and the rest of the band were going to work on recording their first album. Truth be told, Westlyn had only dreamt and fantasized about being in a band and becoming a singer. Now it was actually happening.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Riding the waves with my family, my mind drifts. Sometime this afternoon, I am supposed to hear back from Elizabeth about if I got the part of Stacey Henley or not. With all of my heart, I am praying that I have been chosen for the lead part. If I am chosen for the role of Stacey Henley, I would be moving to Los Angeles the week after school ends, moving in with Aunt Olivia and Uncle Nate(My favorite aunt and uncle of all time), and leaving my family, best friends, and friends behind. Even though moving and saying goodbye would be one of the hardest things that I would ever have to do, it did not change the fact that I really want this part. After all, I knew deep down in my heart that I was meant to play it.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    It is the first day of my senior year of high school. Even though part of me is excited, another part of me is nervous. Returning to school means having to face my ex best friends and ex boyfriend. Before I left on tour, they told me that they didn't want anything to do with me. That crushed me, and was something that I had not seen coming, at all. I am nervous about seeing them at school, because seeing them means having to face what happened. That is definitely not something that I am looking forward to. However, I am a strong person, and plan on making this day the best day that I can.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome number 134 to the stage!" The announcer said into the microphone.As the crowd clapped and cheered for me, and as I made my way onto the stage, I thought about where I was, and all that had happened today.Today, my dance team and I are competing at State. The first part of the competition had been the group dances. I am proud to say that my dance team and I came in second! After the intermission, it was time for the solo part of the program. With this said, I find myself making my way onto the stage to display my solo. Getting into position, I pray that my solo wins first place. After all, I have put everything that I have into perfecting it!

  • - A Katie Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    103,95 kr.

    As the curtains opened, the crowd cheered. They cheered even louder when they saw that it was me behind the curtain.Dressed in my sleeveless black dance out fit with the flowing skirt, black rhinestone headband with the silver rhinestone flower, and black ballet shoes, I truly felt beautiful and ready to dance.Before I knew what was happen-ing, the message that I had recorded to the girls began to play."Marty, Shelby, Gretchen and Eliza, words cannot describe how much I have enjoyed dancing with you during these past two years. Congratulations on your high school grad-uation, and may God bless you with the many oppor-tunities that life has to offer. Love always and God Bless, Katie Russell."Ten seconds later, Amy Grant's "Oh How The Years Go By" began to play.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    78,95 kr.

    "My heart is so broken that it hurts to breathe." I said, tears filling my eyes. "I know that I did the right thing for myself, but I didn't know that the aftermath of the situation would be this hard.""I can appreciate what you are going through, and am so very sorry that you are going through it." Preston said, gently, giving the upper part of my back a gentle rub. "I am always here for you if you need, to talk, cry, vent, etc.""I appreciate that, Preston, and right back at you."After all of us had returned from dinner, Preston had asked me if I wanted to take a walk on the beach with him, just the two of us. Instantly, I had said yes. After all, time with Preston sounded good. As we walked on the beach, I was able to calmly express and release how I was feeling. Truth be told, walking on the beach with Preston and him being there for me was helping a lot.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As the four of us made our way to the center where the Positively Teen Awards were going to take place, my siblings and I were doing everything we could to help Tory relax. This afternoon, she would be the opening act for today's awards show. To be more specific, Torywould be dancing the solo that she danced in the first "Alex McDaniel" movie. She even had a beautiful costume and everything.On a different note, all of us were very excited about this afternoon. Not only was "The Alex McDaniel Files" movie up for Movie of the Year, but Tory was also up for Best Newcomer, and Best Female Lead. With this said, Nicholas, Travis, and I are praying and hoping that we nab this award, and that Tory nabs the other awards, too.After all, she deserves them.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    108,95 kr.

    "Before I give you your Christmas gifts, I have some-thing to say." Collette smiled. "For your Christmas gifts this year, I used some of the modeling money that I had saved up over the years, and got you something really special. What I ask is that you guys open your envelopes first and then the box. This is because I want to save the best for last. I will answer any questions that you may have after you open the gift. On a different note, I want to say that you guys mean so much to me, and I could not imagine my life without you. Merry Christmas."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    As Collette got up from her seat that she had sat in for the past year, and gathered her things, she could not help but smile. In five hours, she would be on a plane home to Colorado. She was truly excited about seeing her family and best friends. However, this time, Collette was not going home for the summer. She was going home for good.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    88,95 kr.

    "I still cannot believe that we are in the infamous Henley Beach, Florida at you and your parents awesome beach house for a until Friday celebrating the Fourth!" Tess exclaimed, as she and I unpacked our things. "We have only been here for thirty minutes and I can already tell why you love it here so much. It is truly beautiful.""That it is." I smiled. "I am so glad that you, Troy, and Todd could come with my parents and me.""Us too, believe me." Tess smiled. "I have a feeling that these next couple of days here are going to be awesome!""That they are, girlie!" I smiled. "That they are!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    173,95 kr.

    As I wake up in my super comfy bed, and look around my amazing and familiar bedroom, it takes me a little bit to process how and why I am here and not at Aunt Kelsie's. All of a sudden, the wonderful reality hits me as fast as the speed of light! Back in May, it was decided that, due to the fact that my show wrapped up filming on July 1st, and that my next show would begin filming in July 2022, that I would move back home for the year to be with my parents, best friends, plethora of good friends, and everyone that I loved for my senior year of high school! Even though I would be home-schooled, it didn't matter! I would still be with everyone that I loved! However, my parents are the only ones who know I am home!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    143,95 kr.

    Tonight is my last night in Henley Beach, and I am both excited and sad. While I am stoked about starting my new adventure, I am sad about leaving everyone behind. On a different note, I am going to get to say goodbye in a good way. Tonight is my farewell party, and my family, best friends and good friends will be in attendance. This party will give me a chance to be with everyone one last time before I leave. Without a doubt, I know that I am going to have a good time. However, I know that there is a possibility that a few tears will be shed.