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Bøger af Lila L. Flood

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  • af Lila L. Flood
    253,95 kr.

    Cassandra Hamilton dreams of her first season and of becoming the wife of Dan, her brother's best friend. To become the Marchioness of Maidstone she has worked hard but it seems that it is not enough due to the reactions of her possible husband.

  • af Lila L. Flood
    193,95 kr.

    Para Cypher Hall, ser mãe de meninos gêmeos está longe de ser fácil. Ela tem que trabalhar em dois empregos apenas para manter a cabeça acima da água e ainda sente que está se afogando. Ela não tinha um relacionamento desde o pai de seus filhos, oito anos atrás, e começou a perceber que o Príncipe Encantado pode nunca montar em seu cavalo branco e salvá-la. No fundo do coração, Cypher quer que seus filhos cresçam em uma casa cheia de amor, não uma mãe que às vezes tem que perder eventos importantes porque ela é o ganha-pão. Cypher nunca imaginou que fazer uma tatuagem em seu aniversário mudaria o curso de sua vida para sempre.Houston Robinson sofre uma infeliz tragédia e, da noite para o dia, é responsável por dois filhos que não criou biologicamente. Isso não importa porque Houston andaria descalço no inferno por essas crianças. Quando a mulher em sua vida parece não conseguir lidar com seu novo estilo de vida, Houston não tem nenhum problema em libertá-la. Uma vez que ele fica solteiro, outro relacionamento é a última coisa em sua mente, mas como um bom amigo disse uma vez a ele, às vezes você tem que passar pelo BS para chegar ao bom peixe. Houston pode descobrir que isso é verdade quando a mãe solteira Cypher e seus filhos gêmeos entram em sua vida.

  • af Lila L. Flood
    258,95 kr.

    In the coastal resort of Scarborough in northern England, a student's body has been discovered. Months of searching in the dark are followed by a similar murder. The two victims don't seem to be related in any way. Valerie Almond, a driven police officer, holds on to the all-too-obvious: a schism in the family of the second victim. However, for a very long time, she is unable to see the poison that is affecting this family and whose origins she would have to go back very far in time.And it takes almost too long for Valerie Almond to realize that a sick criminal has not yet quenched his thirst for revenge...

  • af Lila L. Flood
    308,95 kr.

    Quatro amigos de infância de David Bellino, sua adorável amante Laura e o chefe de um império corporativo americano se reencontram após anos separados graças a um convite para a véspera de Ano Novo de 1990. Mas ninguém quer tirar férias. Eles vieram acertar as contas com David desde que sua ambição e ganância implacável destruíram seus planos para sempre. Mas antes mesmo do debate acalorado começar, David é encontrado morto em seu escritório. Seis retratos da vida - seis destinos - que foram conectados - e destruídos - pela necessidade de amor e amizade emergem durante interrogatórios de uma hora, diálogos emocionais entre si e de lembranças atormentadas.Ao unir a Berlim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, um elegante internato inglês, as sarjetas e os bairros ricos de Nova York e Londres, bem como as ruas românticas de Viena, Lila L. Flood cria uma teia de conexões trágicas, apaixonadas e assustadoras. . Ela retrata as emoções subjacentes aos nossos comportamentos com sensibilidade e instinto aguçado. Foi assim que ela conseguiu criar um livro contemporâneo envolvente que não apenas expõe um crime, mas também suas causas ocultas.

  • af Lila L. Flood
    258,95 kr.

    Detective Kate Linville chooses to use her last weekend off before joining the North Yorkshire police to visit the spa that her Scotland Yard coworkers have gifted her as a farewell present.When a girl appears, being pursued by a man brandishing a gun, Kate is sitting on the train headed to her destination. The bullet's course is changed by the detective's swift action, but the stranger runs away.A mountain bike accident involving a teacher occurs a few days later as a result of a wire that was left in the road. After the young woman hits the ground, a shot can be heard.The firearm used in both incidents may be identified by looking at the cartridges that were seized. Although the two women did not know one another and there is no obvious connection between them, the police are certain that the two instances are connected and may even be the work of the same individual. Or if?Unaware that her life is in jeopardy, Kate Linville takes care of the investigation right away.

  • af Lila L. Flood
    278,95 kr.

    Four of David Bellino's childhood pals, his lovely lover Laura, and the head of an American corporate empire all reunite after years apart thanks to an invitation to New Year's Eve 1990. But nobody wants to take a vacation. They've come to settle scores with David since his ambition and ruthless greed destroyed their plans forever. But before the heated debate even starts, David is found dead in his study. Six life pictures-six destinies-that were connected-and destroyed-by the need for love and friendship emerge during hour-long interrogations, emotional dialogues with one another, and out of tormented recollections.By tying together the Second World War Berlin, a posh English boarding school, the gutters and affluent neighborhoods of New York and London, as well as the romantic lanes of Vienna, Lila L. Flood creates a web of tragic, passionate, and frightful connections. She depicts the emotions that underlie our behaviors with sensitivity and acute instinct. This is how she was able to create a gripping contemporary book that not only exposes a crime but also its hidden causes.

  • af Lila L. Flood
    223,95 kr.

    Antares Letcia, a young woman fascinated about living in the interior, the region's famed caverns and waterfalls, and, most importantly, the stories and mystique that surround the city, resides in the lovely So Tomé das Letcias, Minas Gerais. At the age of 18, she accepts a job as a tour guide for a group from So Paulo. It is during this time that she meets Bruno Romão, a handsome, reclusive man who can make her feel an unsettling sense of familiarity. With yearning. Antares senses that they have known each other from somewhere for some reason, and as they draw closer, this feeling intensifies.Antares and Bruno Romão have a powerful connection. And every time the girl looks into that deep pair of lavender eyes she realizes a passion that not even time has been able to erase.

  • af Lila L. Flood
    228,95 kr.

    The powerful Duke of Bedford, John Russell, is undoubtedly much outside of his comfort zone.John can only imagine how frustrating it is to be forced to travel in a hurry to South America on an almost impossible mission to try to save his sister's honor - a scatterbrained young woman on the run from any adventurer. It all starts with that terrible language, which he doesn't understand a word of.Upon disembarking at the port, in Salvador, behold, the first misfortune of what will be a mission to test the limits of a sensible man: a daring attempt to steal it.The duke just didn't expect that such an unpleasant event with the little pickpocket would make his path cross that of the beautiful and mysterious Felícia.Disguised in masculine rags, but with the refined manners of a perfect English lady, she is a true enigma to him. One that, by a stroke of fate, also speaks the local language, and will certainly be of great use.This is the beginning of a beautiful journey to discover yourself, face the past and, above all, fall in love.

  • af Lila L. Flood
    278,95 kr.

    Un secreto preciado que debe ser protegido incluso después de la muerte, un corazón tan blanco como la nieve y un amor que arde como un huracán. Ivy estuvo rodeada por la nieve que adora toda su infancia, creciendo cerca de lagos congelados y hermosos bosques. Como resultado, cuando la obligan a ir a California después de quedarse huérfana, todo lo que puede pensar es en lo que ha dejado atrás. Su país, Canadá, es un vacío que no se puede llenar. La niña tiene tejido en su interior un espantoso secreto de su pasado, al que está tan apegada que lo ha escondido entre esas montañas. John, su amable padrino y su familia son los únicos que quedan. Sin embargo, no le cuesta mucho entender que el hijo de John, Mason, ya no es el niño desdentado que veía en las fotos cuando era niña. Ha crecido ahora y tiene los ojos agudos de una bestia salvaje, una cara como una guarida de sombras. Y cuando sonríe sombríamente por primera vez, frunciendo sus labios perfectos, Ivy se da cuenta de que su vida juntos será más difícil de lo esperado. Mason, de hecho, no la quiere allí y no hace nada para ocultarlo. Mientras él trata de mantenerse a flote en las olas rompientes de su nueva vida junto al océano, Canadá y sus misterios siguen acechando a Ivy. ¿Podrá su corazón, blanco como la nieve, volver a florecer superando las heladas invernales? La nueva novela de Lila L. Flood. Mientras trata de mantenerse a flote en las olas rompientes de su nueva vida junto al océano, Canadá y sus misterios no dejan de acechar a Ivy. ¿Podrá su corazón, blanco como la nieve, volver a florecer superando las heladas invernales? La nueva novela de Lila L. Flood. Mientras trata de mantenerse a flote en las olas rompientes de su nueva vida junto al océano, Canadá y sus misterios no dejan de acechar a Ivy. ¿Podrá su corazón, blanco como la nieve, volver a florecer superando las heladas invernales?

  • af Lila L. Flood
    278,95 kr.

    Un secret chéri qui doit être protégé même après la mort, un cœur aussi blanc que la neige et un amour qui brûle comme un ouragan. Ivy a été entourée par la neige qu'elle a adorée toute son enfance, grandissant près de lacs gelés et de beaux bois. En conséquence, lorsqu'elle est obligée d'aller en Californie après être devenue orpheline, elle ne pense qu'à ce qu'elle a laissé derrière elle. Son pays, le Canada, est un vide qui ne peut être comblé. La jeune fille a un secret effrayant tissé en elle de son passé, auquel elle est tellement attachée qu'elle l'a caché parmi ces montagnes. John, son gentil parrain, et sa famille sont les seuls qui restent. Cependant, il ne lui en faut pas beaucoup pour comprendre que le fils de John, Mason, n'est plus l'enfant édenté qu'elle a vu sur les photos lorsqu'elle était enfant. Il a grandi maintenant et a les yeux perçants d'une bête sauvage, un visage comme un repaire d'ombres. Et quand elle sourit d'un air sinistre pour la première fois, retroussant ses lèvres parfaites, elle Ivy se rend compte que leur vie ensemble sera plus difficile que prévu. Mason, en effet, ne veut pas d'elle là-bas et ne fait rien pour le cacher. Alors qu'il essaie de rester à flot sur les vagues déferlantes de sa nouvelle vie au bord de l'océan, le Canada et ses mystères continuent de hanter Ivy. Son cœur, aussi blanc que la neige, pourra-t-il refleurir en surmontant le gel de l'hiver ? Le nouveau roman de Lila L. Flood. Tout en essayant de rester à flot dans les vagues déferlantes de sa nouvelle vie au bord de l'océan, le Canada et ses mystères ne cessent de hanter Ivy. Son cœur, aussi blanc que la neige, pourra-t-il refleurir en surmontant le gel de l'hiver ? Le nouveau roman de Lila L. Flood. Tout en essayant de rester à flot dans les vagues déferlantes de sa nouvelle vie au bord de l'océan, le Canada et ses mystères ne cessent de hanter Ivy. Son cœur, aussi blanc que la neige, pourra-t-il refleurir en surmontant le gel de l'hiver ?

  • af Lila L. Flood
    253,95 kr.

    Nora Maia's first job is far from being the job she dreamed of, and even further from the professional field she wants to follow and fought tooth and nail to get into college, medicine. Instead, Nora has sacrificed everything to work as a housekeeper for one of the richest and most desirable men in the country, Attila Douglass. But every sacrifice is valid to help those you love.Átila Douglass was born in a golden cradle, is a great drinker and woman, advantages of being heir to a large brewery chain. Its name is known worldwide for the Douglass quality brand. However, behind the gallant smile and good status, there is a rude man with a difficult temper to deal with. No person has been able to withstand her stormy personality for long, with the exception of her.Isolated on an island, dark secrets come to light, as does the feeling that awakens between the two. However, in the face of a difficult and disturbing moment, the greatest sacrifice will still be made, all in the name, of course, of love.

  • af Lila L. Flood
    223,95 kr.

    Poker is the only thing Rose and Levi have in common besides a troubled past. He spent his life stripping in casinos all over the world in hopes of one day becoming the best, but she was born with a talent. Only Tito Ferragni, his enduring foe, stands in his way now that he has reached the pinnacle of his abilities. If Levi's honor has kept him from disclosing Tito's numerous infractions to the public thus far, he will no longer stand by it.Only one man will take home the title of World Poker Tour champion this year, and that man is him. He asks Rose, a walking lie detector looking for quick cash, to help him with this. She accepts to become his secret weapon because she can detect who is lying and who is bluffing. But Rose plans to make things challenging for Levi if he refuses to let his attraction to her take over.In Las Vegas, everything becomes conceivable between retaliation, lies, and secrets….

  • af Lila L. Flood
    278,95 kr.

    A cherished secret that must be protected even after death, a heart as white as snow, and a love that burns like a hurricane. Ivy was surrounded by the snow she adores her entire childhood, growing up near frozen lakes and lovely woods. As a result, when she is made to go to California after becoming an orphan, all she can think about is what she has left behind. Her country, Canada, is an emptiness that cannot be filled. The girl has a frightening secret woven inside her from her past, which she is so attached to that she has hidden it among those mountains. John, her kind godfather, and his family are the only ones left. However, it doesn't take much for her to understand that John's son, Mason, is no longer the toothless child she saw in photos as a child. He's grown up now and has the sharp eyes of a wild beast, a face like a den of shadows. And when she smiles grimly for the first time, curling her perfect lips, she Ivy realizes that their life together will be more difficult than expected. Mason, in fact, doesn't want her there and does nothing to hide it. While he tries to stay afloat on the crashing waves of his new life by the ocean, Canada and her mysteries keep haunting Ivy. Will her heart, as white as snow, be able to flourish again overcoming the winter frost? The new novel by Lila L. Flood. While trying to stay afloat in the crashing waves of his new life by the ocean, Canada and its mysteries do not stop haunting Ivy. Will her heart, as white as snow, be able to flourish again overcoming the winter frost? The new novel by Lila L. Flood. While trying to stay afloat in the crashing waves of his new life by the ocean, Canada and its mysteries do not stop haunting Ivy. Will her heart, as white as snow, be able to flourish again overcoming the winter frost?