Bøger af Liane Moriarty
148,95 - 163,95 kr. Da succesforfatteren Frances Welty drejer op foran porten til helsecenteret Tranquillum House, hvor hun har investeret en lille formue i et kurophold, er hun på sammenbruddets rand. Hendes forlag har lige afvist hendes seneste kærlighedsroman, hendes kæreste har forladt hende uden et ord, og hun er midt i en hedetur fra helvede. Men da de øvrige gæster begynder at ankomme, stiger hendes humør et par grader, og det bliver kun bedre, da hun møder stedets karismatiske ejer og leder, russiske Masha, en statelig kvinde, der har prøvet at dø og synes at vide lige præcis, hvad Frances har brug for. Men ved hun det, eller skal Frances se at komme væk fra Tranquillum House, mens hun stadig er i stand til det? Det varer ikke længe, før de ni andre gæster begynder at stille sig det samme spørgsmål.
46,95 - 118,95 kr. Min mands hemmelighed har fået en fantastisk succes i udlandet, og på Amazon står læsere i kø for at rose Liane Moriartys seneste bog. Cecilia Fitzpatrick lever et pletfrit, borgerligt husmoder liv med sine børn, sin mand og deres hjem som det helt centrale nøglepunkt. Det hele er velorganiseret, de tre døtre er glade og trives, og Cecilia er tilfreds med sit liv. Hendes mand rejser en del i forbindelse med si tarbejde, og under en af hans forretningsrejser finder Cecilia et brev fra ham, som kun må åbnes i tilfælde af hans død. På den ene side ved hun, at hun ikke bør åbne det, mens hun på den anden er ved at sprænges af nysgerrighed. Så hun åbner det - og alt, hvad hun hidtil har troet på, kollapser.Sideløbende følger vi Will, Tess og Felicity, som har succes med et lille firma, de sammen har skabt. De er venner og familie - Will og Tesser gift, og Felicity er Tess' kusine. Derfor er det også lidt af en bombe i hendes liv, da Will og Felicity afslører, at de igennem længere tid har haft en affære, som de er nødt til at udleve. Exit Tess, som rejser med sin søn Liam til Sydney, hvor hun slår sig ned hos sin mor, indtil hun igen får greb om sit liv. Hun møder en gammel kæreste på skolen, hvor hun lader sin søn indskrive, og det viser sig, at Cecilia er er blandt skolens toneangivende mødre. Tess' gamle flamme er pludselig under mistanke for at have myrdet en lille pige for år tilbage, og på den måde flettes de medvirkendes liv sammen i en helt utrolig spændingsbog, der holder sin læser fanget.
168,95 - 206,95 kr. Joy Delaney og hendes mand Stan lever på livets solside. Omgangskredsen misunder deres fire perfekte børn, velsmurte familieimperium og evner på tennisbanen, og efter halvtreds års ægteskab og salget af deres tennisakademi kan de se frem til en gylden pension. Men lykken vender, da Joy forsvinder ud af det blå og rygterne begynder at svirre. For hvordan fik Stan et sår i hovedet? Og hvem var Savannah, den mystiske fremmede, der bankede på deres hoveddør en sen nattetime, kort før Joy forsvandt?De fire Delaney-børn – Amy, Logan, Troy og Brooke – var tennisstjerner i deres egen ret, men som deres far har gjort klart for dem, havde ingen af dem det, der skulle til. Nu står børnene over for et tragisk dilemma, som truer med at ødelægge hele deres familie: Skal de anmelde deres mors mystiske forsvinden til myndighederne, selvom den hovedmistænkte er deres egen far? Søskendeflokken forstår pludselig, hvordan vores nærmeste er dem, der har størst magt til at ødelægge os.Æblet falder ikke er en fængslende thriller med psykologisk dybde. Det er fortællingen om en familie i opbrud, skumle hemmeligheder og en frygtelig sandhed, som vil frem i lyset.
115,95 - 168,95 kr. Der er én ting, som Sophie Honeywell fortryder bitterligt: At hun forlod drømmemanden Thomas Gordon, lige inden han skulle til at fri til hende på Fiji. Da det endelig går op for hende, at han måske alligevel er den rette, er det for sent. Et år senere er han allerede gift og har fået et barn, mens Sophie stadig ufrivilligt er single.Deres veje krydses igen, da Sophie uventet arver Thomas’ afdøde tante Connies hus på den sagnomspundne ø Scribbly Gum. Sophie flytter dertil og begynder et nyt liv. Hun føler sig fri og lykkelig, lige indtil det hele kompliceres. Hun bliver en del af en ukonventionel familie, hvor alle bærer på et spind af hemmeligheder.
103,95 - 115,95 kr. Sam og Clementine deler et skønt, omend travlt, liv: De har to små piger, Sam er lige startet på et nyt drømmejob, og Clementine er travlt optaget af at forberede sig til sit livs optagelsesprøve som cellist. Er der noget, de altid kan regne med, så er det hinanden. Erika er Clementines ældste ven. Et enkelt blik delt mellem dem gælder for en hel samtale. Men samtidig er deres forhold kompliceret, så da Erika pludselig inviterer til en grillfest med hendes naboer, Tiffany og Vid, tøver Clementine og Sam ikke; Tiffany og Vid er farverige personligheder, som vil være en velkommen tilføjelse til selskabet. To måneder senere falder regnen uafbrudt, og Clementine og Sam spørger igen og igen sig selv: ”Hvad, hvis vi ikke var taget med?” I Vanvittig skyldig tager Liane Moriarty fat på ægteskab, sex, forældreskab og venskab – selve fundamenterne i vores liv. Hun viser hvordan skyld kan eksponere brudlinjer i tilsyneladende stærke forhold; hvordan det, vi lader være usagt, har mere kraft og magt end vores handlinger; og hvordan vi alt for sjældent forstår at sætte pris på det ekstraordinære i det ordinære – indtil det er for sent.
- The Number One Sunday Times bestseller from the author of Big Little Lies
118,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- From the bestselling author of Big Little Lies, now an award winning TV series
118,95 kr. A gripping exploration of love and obsession from the bestselling author behind the Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning HBO series Big Little Lies.How far would you go to keep the man of your dreams?Hypnotherapist Ellen is fascinated by what makes people tick. So when she falls in love with Patrick, the fact that he has a stalker doesn't faze her in the slightest. If anything it intrigues her, and the more she hears about Saskia, the more she wants to meet this woman. But what Ellen doesn't know is that they've already met . . . Saskia has been posing as one of Ellen's clients. Unable to let go of the life she so abruptly lost, she wants to know everything about the woman who took her place. And the further she inches her way into Ellen's world, the more trouble she stirs up.Ellen's love story is about to take an unexpected turn. But it's not only Saskia who doesn't know where to stop: Ellen also has to ask herself what lines she's prepared to cross to get the happy ending she's always wanted.Thought-provoking, sympathetic and smart, Liane Moriarty's The Hypnotist's Love Story is a novel for anyone who's ever loved, lost or found it hard to let go.'A complex, nuanced look at relationships, and the nature of romantic attachment' Telegraph If you loved The Hypnotist's Love Story, don't miss Liane's new book, Nine Perfect Strangers, available now.Praise for Liane Moriarty'Staggeringly brilliant, literally unputdownable' Sophie Hannah'Keeps you guessing to the very end - perfect summer read' Reese Witherspoon 'Gripping, acutely observed, thought-provoking and funny' Marie Claire 'The writing is beautiful: sometimes funny, sometimes sad but always compelling' Good Housekeeping 'Captivating' Closer
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
103,95 - 115,95 kr. Er det mord? En tragisk hændelse? Eller bare forældre, der ikke kan opføre sig ordentligt. Sikkert er det i hvert fald, at nogen er død. Store små løgne følger tre kvinder, som har hver sine udfordringer. Madeline er en stærk kvinde, sjov og skarp, lidenskabelig - og ikke den tilgivende type. Hendes ex-mand og hans nye yogi-kone er flyttet ind i Madelines elskede kvarter, og deres datter er startet i samme børnehave som Madelines yngste. Som om det ikke kunne være nok, lader det til, at hendes teenagedatter er begyndt at foretrække sin far fremfor Madeline. Celeste er så smuk, der får folk til at standse op og kigge efter sig. Hun har et krævende sæt tvillinger, som skal starte i børnehaveklasse, og Celeste og hendes mand er på næsten royal vis klar til at indtageskolen, men sådan en position får man ikke uden videre. Den tredje kvinde, vi lærer at kende, er den enlige mor, Jane, som er så ung, at de andre tror, hun er barnepigen. Hun er tænksom, indadvendt og bærer på dybe hemmeligheder om sin søn. Da Madeline og Celeste tager Jane under deres vinger, har ingen af dem nogen ide om, hvor meget det vil ændre og påvirke deres liv. Store små løgne er et skarpt portræt af ex-mænd og deres nye koner, mødre og døtre, skolegårdsskandaler - og de små farlige løgne, vi fortæller os selv for at klare hverdagen. Om forfatteren: Liane Moriarty (f. 1966) har et stort forfatterskab bag sig og har ligget øverst på bestsellerlisterne verden over. MIN MANDS HEMMELIGHED, hendes første roman oversat til dansk, har været månedens bog på Amazon. Forfatteren bor i Sydney med sin mand og deres to børn.
- From the bestselling author of Big Little Lies, now an award winning TV series
118,95 kr. From the bestselling author behind the addictive, EMMY and GOLDEN GLOBE-winning HBO series Big Little Lies, comes a cocktail of friendship and modern love - spiked with a little deception.Six responsible adults, two best friends - and one day that changes everything.'This is a story which begins with a barbecue in the suburbs. . .'By the end of it a lifelong friendship will be in tatters, a marriage on the rocks and an innocent bystander dead.In just one evening six lives will change for ever . . . If you aren't already a Moriarty addict, you will be after this utterly obsessive read.'If you liked The Husband's Secret, or Big Little Lies, you will love Truly Madly Guilty. Filled with so many twists and turns. Keeps you guessing until the very end. Perfect summer read' Reese Witherspoon'If, like us, you've been obsessively enjoying Big Little Lies, then you must clear a reading slot for this novel by the same author . . . Truly Madly Guilty is as brilliantly accomplished as it is dark, twisty and compulsive. No wonder Reese Witherspoon is such a huge Moriarty fan' Heat'Straight-from-life characters, knife-sharp insight and almost unbearable suspense will have you racing through it' Good Housekeeping'A riveting drama packed with suspense and secrets' Woman & Home
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- The No.1 bestseller behind the award-winning TV series
108,95 - 118,95 kr. THE NO.1 BESTSELLER BEHIND THE AWARD WINNING TV SENSATIONGet ready for the highly anticipated second series of Emmy & Golden Globe Winning Big Little Lies, starring Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon & Nicole Kidman, by reading the first book . . . ____________Perfect families, perfect houses, perfect lives.Three mothers, Jane, Madeline and Celeste appear to have it all . . . but do they? They are about to find out just how easy it is for one little lie to spiral out of control._____________Single mum Jane has just moved to town. She's got her little boy in tow - plus a secret she's been carrying for five years.On the first day of the school run she meets Madeline - a force to be reckoned with, who remembers everything and forgives no one - and Celeste, the kind beautiful woman who makes the world stop and stare, but is inexplicably ill at ease. They both take Jane under their wing - while careful to keep their own secrets under wraps.But a minor incident involving the children of all three women rapidly escalates: playground whispers become spiteful rumours until no one can tell the truth from the lies. It was always going to end in tears, but how did it end in murder?_____________'Blame and guilt, forgiveness and retribution, love and betrayal. A tense, page-turning story . . . a great read' Mail on Sunday'Blending romance, comedy and mystery, this is a wonderful book - full of brains, guts and heart' Sunday Mirror'A hell of a good book. Funny and scary' Stephen King'Brilliant, standout, superbly clever. Moriarty writes vividly, wittily and wickedly' Sunday Express
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- 108,95 kr.
103,95 - 115,95 kr. Niogtyvårige Alice er lykkelig. Hun er dybt forelsket i sin mand og gravid med deres første barn. Alt er, som det skal være. Efter et uheldigt fald i fitnesscenteret ryger hun er tur på hospitalet, og da hun vågner der, er intet, som det skal være.Faktisk uendeligt langt fra. Alice er 39 år gammel. Hvedebrødsdagene er i den grad forbi, hun har tre børn og står overfor en skilsmisse. Alice må langsomt stykke et årtis levet liv sammen på ny. Hun må finde ud af, hvorfor hendes søster ikke taler til hende længere, og hvordan hun er blevet til en superslank mortype med ekstra dyrt tøj på hylderne. Og endeligt må hun finde frem til, om det, at miste hukommelsen, er forbandet eller velsignet, og om det er muligt at begynde helt forfra. Om forfatteren: Liane Moriarty (f. 1966) har et stort forfatterskab bag sig og har ligget øverst på bestsellerlisterne verden over. MIN MANDS HEMMELIGHED, hendes første roman oversat til dansk, har været månedens bog på Amazon. Forfatteren bor i Sydney med sin mand og deres to børn.
103,95 - 115,95 kr. Hvad gør en mand interessant? Sådan rigtig interessant? At han er pæn? Ja, det er godt - og pæn, det ER Patrick, som terapeuten Ellen O’Farrell tumler ind i midt i sit i forvejen omtumlede kærlighedsliv. Han er også single, Patrick. Han har et godt job og det lader til, at han kan lide hende på samme måde, som hun kan lide ham. Og så er der lige den ekstra ting, der gør ham virkelig spændende: Der er en anden, der vil have ham. Patrick har en stalker. Hans ekskæreste er slet ikke så færdig med ham, som han er med hende. Og det er jo interessant. Faktisk er det så interessant, at Ellen får uimodståelig trang til at møde hende. Til at lære stalkeren at kende. Hun ved bare ikke, at lige præcis det, har hun allerede gjort. Om forfatteren: Liane Moriarty (f. 1966) har et stort forfatterskab bag sig og har ligget øverst på bestsellerlisterne verden over. MIN MANDS HEMMELIGHED, hendes første roman oversat til dansk, har været månedens bog på Amazon. Forfatteren bor i Sydney med sin mand og deres to børn.
124,95 kr. NATIONAL BESTSELLER • “A riveting story so wild you don’t know how she’ll land it, and then she does, on a dime.”—Anne Lamott, #1 New York Times bestselling authorIf you knew your future, would you try to fight fate? Aside from a delay, there will be no problems. The flight will be smooth, it will land safely. Everyone who gets on the plane will get off. But almost all of them will be forever changed. Because on this ordinary, short, domestic flight, something extraordinary happens. People learn how and when they are going to die. For some, their death is far in the future—age 103!—and they laugh. But for six passengers, their predicted deaths are not far away at all. How do they know this? There were ostensibly more interesting people on the flight (the bride and groom, the jittery, possibly famous woman, the giant Hemsworth-esque guy who looks like an off-duty superhero, the frazzled, gorgeous flight attendant) but none would become as famous as “The Death Lady.” Not a single passenger or crew member will later recall noticing her board the plane. She wasn’t exceptionally old or young, rude or polite. She wasn’t drunk or nervous or pregnant. Her appearance and demeanor were unremarkable. But what she did on that flight was truly remarkable. A few months later, one passenger dies exactly as she predicted. Then two more passengers die, again, as she said they would. Soon no one is thinking this is simply an entertaining story at a cocktail party. If you were told you only had a certain amount of time left to live, would you do things differently? Would you try to dodge your destiny? Liane Moriarty’s Here One Moment is a brilliantly constructed tale that looks at free will and destiny, grief and love, and the endless struggle to maintain certainty and control in an uncertain world. A modern-day Jane Austen who humorously skewers social mores while spinning a web of mystery, Moriarty asks profound questions in her newest I-can’t-wait-to-find-out-what-happens novel.
- Bog
- 124,95 kr.
213,95 kr. If you knew your future, would you try to fight fate? Aside from a delay, there will be no problems. The flight will be smooth, it will land safely. Everyone who gets on the plane will get off. But almost all of them will be forever changed. Because on this ordinary, short, domestic flight, something extraordinary happens. People learn how and when they are going to die. For some, their death is far in the future—age 103!—and they laugh. But for six passengers, their predicted deaths are not far away at all. How do they know this? There were ostensibly more interesting people on the flight (the bride and groom, the jittery, possibly famous woman, the giant Hemsworth-esque guy who looks like an off-duty superhero, the frazzled, gorgeous flight attendant) but none would become as famous as “The Death Lady.” Not a single passenger or crew member will later recall noticing her board the plane. She wasn’t exceptionally old or young, rude or polite. She wasn’t drunk or nervous or pregnant. Her appearance and demeanor were unremarkable. But what she did on that flight was truly remarkable. A few months later, one passenger dies exactly as she predicted. Then two more passengers die, again, as she said they would. Soon no one is thinking this is simply an entertaining story at a cocktail party. If you were told you only had a certain amount of time left to live, would you do things differently? Would you try to dodge your destiny? Liane Moriarty’s Here One Moment is a brilliantly constructed tale that looks at free will and destiny, grief and love, and the endless struggle to maintain certainty and control in an uncertain world. A modern-day Jane Austen who humorously skewers social mores while spinning a web of mystery, Moriarty asks profound questions in her newest I-can’t-wait-to-find-out-what-happens novel.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
143,95 - 268,95 kr. - Bog
- 143,95 kr.
163,95 kr. De la autora de Big Little Lies, una novela deliciosamente oscura sobre matrimonios, hermanos, secretos y cómo la gente que más queremos es la que nos puede hacer más daño. Los miembros de la familia Delaney se quieren con locura...es solo que a veces se asesinarÃan. Para todos los que los conocen, los Delaney son una familia envidiable. Incluso después de todos estos años, los padres, Stan y Joy, siguen teniendo una quÃmica evidente y continúan arrasando en las pistas de tenis. Y ahora que han vendido su exitosa academia tienen todo el tiempo del mundo para relajarse y disfrutar de la vida. Sus cuatro hijos nunca llegaron a triunfar en el deporte, aunque han acabado teniendo éxito a su manera y la posibilidad de que empiecen a aparecer nietos en el horizonte llena a todos de felicidad. Pero ahora Joy Delaney ha desaparecido y la policÃa está interrogando a Stan. Para tratarse de alguien que afirma ser inocente, parece tener mucho que ocultar. Y sus hijos han comenzado a contemplar el matrimonio de sus padres y su historia familiar con nuevos, y aterrorizados, ojos. Dos de ellos creen que Stan es inocente, los otros dos... no están tan seguros. Y cuando los dos bandos se enfrenten en el más importante partido de sus vidas, todos los secretos de los Delaney van a salir a la luz. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION #1 New York Times Bestseller From Liane Moriarty, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect Strangers, comes Apples Never Fall, a novel that looks at marriage, siblings, and how the people we love the most can hurt us the deepest. The Delaney family love one another dearly--it's just that sometimes they want to murder each other . . . If your mother was missing, would you tell the police? Even if the most obvious suspect was your father? This is the dilemma facing the four grown Delaney siblings. The Delaneys are fixtures in their community. The parents, Stan, and Joy, are the envy of all of their friends. They're killers on the tennis court, and off it their chemistry is palpable. But after fifty years of marriage, they've finally sold their famed tennis academy and are ready to start what should be the golden years of their lives. So why are Stan and Joy so miserable? The four Delaney children--Amy, Logan, Troy, and Brooke--were tennis stars in their own right, yet as their father will tell you, none of them had what it took to go all the way. But that's okay, now that they're all successful grown-ups and there is the wonderful possibility of grandchildren on the horizon. One night, a stranger named Savannah knocks on Stan and Joy's door, bleeding after a fight with her boyfriend. The Delaneys are more than happy to give her the small kindness she sorely needs. If only that was all she wanted. Later, when Joy goes missing, and Savannah is nowhere to be found, the police question the one person who remains: Stan. But for someone who claims to be innocent, he, like many spouses, seems to have a lot to hide. Two of the Delaney children think their father is innocent, two are not so sure--but as the two sides square off against each other in perhaps their biggest match ever, all of the Delaneys will start to reexamine their shared family history in a very new light.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Shailene Woodley y Laura Dern son algunas de las protagonistas de la nueva miniserie de HBO basada en el libro Pequeñas mentiras Algunas veces las pequeñas mentiras son las más letales Madeline es una fuerza de la naturaleza. Es divertida, mordaz y apasionada, lo recuerda todo y no perdona a nadie. Ni a su exmarido y su nueva esposa, que se acaban de mudar junto a ella.Celeste posee el tipo de belleza que hace que el mundo se pare a mirar. Aunque a veces puede parecer un poco nerviosa ¿quién no lo estarÃa con ese par de gemelos traviesos? Ella y su marido llevan una vida de ensueño, pero los sueños tienen un precio, y Celeste tiene que decidir cuánto está dispuesta a pagar. Jane, madre soltera y nueva en la ciudad, es tan joven que la confunden con la niñera. Además alberga preocupaciones impropias de su edad y tiene ciertas dudas secretas sobre su hijo. Pero... ¿por qué? Pequeñas mentiras es una extraordinaria historia sobre estas tres mujeres en una encrucijada, sobre exmaridos y segundas esposas, madres e hijas, escándalos de patio de colegios y las peligrosas mentirijillas que nos contamos a nosotros mismos para poder sobrevivir. La crÃtica ha dicho... «Es un libro realmente bueno. Divertido y siniestro a la vez. Da en el clavo con las relaciones entre madres.» Stephen King «Irresistible... Moriarty se ha convertido en una especialista en dejar al descubierto las grietas de lo que aparenta ser perfecto... Su perspicaz humor y agudo ingenio te hará seguir pasando las páginas hasta que descubras lo que ocurre.» People Magazine «Leer una novela de Moriarty es un poco como beberse un Cosmopolitan aderezado con arsénico... Pequeñas mentiras es una lectura divertida, entretenida y, a veces, perturbadora.» USA Today «Una novela que te convertirá en un ávido devorador de libros... Moriarty ha escrito otro éxito absorbente y satÃrico.» The Huffington Post «Fascinante e inteligente... Una estupenda lectura llena de agudos destellos sobre las múltiples variedades de las relaciones humanas: madre-hijo, marido-mujer (y exmujer) y, fundamentalmente, sobre el poderoso vÃnculo de la amistad femenina.» Bookpage ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Pirriwee Public is a beautiful littlebeachside primary school wherechildren are taught that 'sharing iscaring.' So how has the annual SchoolTrivia Night ended in full-blownriot? Sirens are wailing. People arescreaming. The principal is mortified.And one parent is dead.Was it a murder, a tragic accident orjust good parents gone bad? As theparents at Pirriwee Public are about todiscover, sometimes it's the little liesthat turn out to be the most lethal...Big Little Lies is a brilliant take onex-husbands and second wives, mothers and daughters, school-yardscandal, and the dangerous little lieswe tell ourselves just to survive.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
212,95 kr. FROM THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF BIG LITTLE LIES Ellen O'Farrell is a professional hypnotherapist who works out of the eccentric beachfront home she inherited from her grandparents. It's a nice life, except for her tumultuous relationship history. She's stoic about it, but at this point, Ellen wouldn't mind something long term. When she meets Patrick, she's optimistic. He's attractive, single, employed, and best of all, he seems to like her back. Then comes that dreaded moment: He thinks they should have a talk. Braced for the worst, Ellen is pleasantly surprised. It turns out that Patrick's ex-girlfriend is stalking him. Ellen thinks, Actually, that's kind of interesting. She's dating someone worth stalking. She's intrigued by the woman's motives. In fact, she'd even love to meet her. Ellen doesn't know it, but she already has.
- Bog
- 212,95 kr.
198,95 kr. **DISCOVER THE THRILLING NEW NOVEL FROM THE WORLDWIDE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLING AUTHOR** 'Liane Moriarty is a genuine GENIUS. Here One Moment is off the scale brilliant' Marian Keyes'A master story teller . . . brilliant and satisfying' Bella Mackie 'An absolute masterclass. I treasure every word Liane writes, because she has such a rare and deep understanding of people and human behaviour' Joanna Cannon'A compulsive plotline, intriguing characters, great writing, surprises, humour and tragedy. It'll stay with me' John Boyne'You will devour this doorstop of a book' The Times, Book of the Month'Easily my favourite Liane Moriarty book so far . . . it is just perfection!' ***** Reader Review 'Funny, frightening, heartbreaking and life-affirming . . . I adored it' Chris Whitaker'A genre-defying gem' Woman & Home'A real page-turner. . . Gripping, well-executed, with fascinating characters' Grazia 'Keeps you guessing right to its satisfying conclusion' Heat'A gem of a book, unique and compelling' ***** Reader Review ----We're all so busy, caught up in life's moments, big and small . . .The flight attendant working on her birthday.The mother struggling with two young children.The newlyweds off to their tropical honeymoon .The overworked father missing his kid's big show.The young man returning from his best friend's funeral.The ER nurse wondering what retirement will bring. All strangers. All unsuspecting. All on their own journey - or so they imagine. Because they are each about to encounter an elderly woman. In just a few words, she will make a prediction, tying herself to them all. And, in being bound to her, these disparate strangers will be drawn together . . . Who is this woman? Is she a clairvoyant? A charlatan? The answer to prayers, or a harbinger of nightmares?They are about to find out - here one moment . . .---'Brilliant, thought-provoking' Fabulous'A tense read that asks many questions about what we want to know about the ends of our lives' Prima 'We drop everything for a Liane Moriarty read!' Bella'A riveting story so wild you don't know how she'll land it, and then she does, on a dime' Anne Lamott'An absolute masterclass in storytelling. I treasure every word Liane writes, because she has such a rare and deep understanding of people and human behaviour' Joanna CannonPRAISE FOR LIANE MORIARTY 'One of the few writers I'll drop anything for' Jojo Moyes 'An engrossing mashup of family drama and psychological suspense that offers a mystery. Complex and satisfying. Perfect holiday reading' Guardian 'Keeps you guessing until the very end' Reese Witherspoon'Moriarty writes vividly, wittily and wickedly' Sunday Express'Had me utterly hooked' Daily Mail
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
258,95 kr. Los miembros de la familia Delaney se quieren con locura...es solo que a veces se asesinaíran. Para todos los que los conocen, los Delaney son una familia envidiable.
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- 258,95 kr.
508,95 kr. The #1 "New York Times" Bestseller... "A novel that's perfect for vacation reading." --"People" "It's a knowing, touching, and entertaining page-turner. What a wonderful writer--smart, wise, funny." --Anne Lamott ""The Husband's Secret" is so good, you won't be able to keep it to yourself." --"USA Today" "Shocking, complex and thought-provoking, this is a story reading groups will devour. A knockout!" --Emily Giffin, "New York Times" bestselling author""The Husband's Secret "is a smart, thoughtful read... [a] lip-smacking and intelligently written novel." --"Entertainment Weekly" "For a provocative page-turner, read "The Husband's Secret" by Liane Moriarty." --"Woman's World" "Brilliant." --Sophia Hannah, international bestselling author of "The Wrong Mother "At the heart of "The Husband's Secret "is a letter that's not meant to be read My darling Cecilia, if you're reading this, then I've died. . . Imagine that your husband wrote you a letter, to be opened after his death. Imagine, too, that the letter contains his deepest, darkest secret--something with the potential to destroy not just the life you built together, but the lives of others as well. Imagine, then, that you stumble across that letter while your husband is still very much alive. . . . Cecilia Fitzpatrick has achieved it all--she's an incredibly successful businesswoman, a pillar of her small community, and a devoted wife and mother. Her life is as orderly and spotless as her home. But that letter is about to change everything, and not just for her: Rachel and Tess barely know Cecilia--or each other--but they too are about to feel the earth-shattering repercussions of her husband's secret. Acclaimed author Liane Moriarty has written a gripping, thought-provoking novel about how well it is really possible to know our spouses--and, ultimately, ourselves.
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198,95 kr. DON'T MISS SEASON 2 OF THE GOLDEN GLOBE AND EMMY AWARD-WINNING HBO SERIESSTARRINGREESE WITHERSPOON, NICOLE KIDMAN, SHAILENE WOODLEY, LAURA DERN, ZO KRAVITZ, AND MERYL STREEPFrom the author of Nine Perfect Strangers,Truly Madly Guilty, and The Husband's Secret comes the #1 New York Times bestselling novel about the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive.A murder...A tragic accident...Or just parents behaving badly? What's indisputable is that someone is dead.Madeline is a force to be reckoned with. She's funny, biting, and passionate; she remembers everything and forgives no one. Celeste is the kind of beautiful woman who makes the world stop and stare but she is paying a price for the illusion of perfection. New to town, single mom Jane is so young that another mother mistakes her for a nanny. She comes with a mysterious past and a sadness beyond her years. These three women are at different crossroads, but they will all wind up in the same shocking place.Big Little Lies is a brilliant take on ex-husbands and second wives, mothers and daughters, schoolyard scandal, and the little lies that can turn lethal.
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