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Bøger af Leon Tolstoi

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  • af Leon Tolstoi
    316,95 kr.

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    305,95 kr.

    Leon Tolstoy's 'Katia' is a gripping and emotionally charged novel about love, duty, and the search for meaning in life. Set in 19th-century Russia, the story follows the young Katia as she navigates the complexities of family relationships, romantic entanglements, and the social mores of her time. Tolstoy's vivid and intimate portrayal of the characters and their struggles has made this book a beloved classic of Russian literature.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    283,95 kr.

    "On m¿a conduit aujourd¿hui à l¿administration départementale pour m¿examiner. Les avis sont partagés. Après avoir discuté, ils ont décidé que je ne suis pas fou. Mais s¿ils ont pris une telle décision, c¿est parce que j¿ai fait appel à toutes mes forces pour ne pas exprimer mon opinion. Je n¿ai rien dit parce que j¿ai peur de la maison d¿aliénés, j¿ai peur qüon ne m¿empêche là-bas de faire mes affaires de fou. Ils ont reconnu que j¿ai des lésions et d¿autres choses encore, mais quand même la possession de mes facultés intellectuelles. Ils m¿ont reconnu tel, mais je sais que je suis fou. Le médecin m¿a prescrit un traitement en m¿assurant que si je m¿y conforme exactement, ma maladie disparaîtra. Tout ce qui m¿inquiète disparaîtra. Oh ! que ne donnerais-je pas pour que cela disparaisse. On en souffre trop. Je vais raconter en détail comment et d¿où vient cette constatation, comment je suis devenu fou et comment j¿ai dévoilé ma folie..."

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    228,95 kr.

    Léon Tolstoï is best known for his works in Russian literature, and there's no widely recognized work by him with the title "Le Diable" in French.

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    283,95 kr.

    "La Sonate à Kreutzer" (in English, "The Kreutzer Sonata") is a novella written by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, known as Léon Tolstoï in French. This work is a powerful and controversial exploration of themes related to marriage, jealousy, and morality.The story is narrated by Pozdnyshev, who reflects on his failed marriage and the circumstances that led to the tragedy. The central focus of the novella is the intense jealousy Pozdnyshev feels, particularly regarding his wife's relationship with a violinist named Trukhachevsky and their performance of Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata.Tolstoy delves deep into the psychological and emotional aspects of jealousy, love, and human nature. "La Sonate à Kreutzer" is celebrated for its exploration of morality, relationships, and the consequences of irrational jealousy.

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    343,95 kr.

    "La Pensée de l'Humanité" (in English, "The Thought of Humanity") is a work by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, known as Léon Tolstoï in French. This work delves into philosophical and moral considerations and is reflective of Tolstoy's deep insights into human nature and society.Tolstoy is best known for his novels like "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina," but he also wrote essays and philosophical works. "La Pensée de l'Humanité" is likely one of these philosophical writings.The title suggests that the work explores the collective thoughts and consciousness of humanity, raising questions and offering reflections on the nature of human existence, morality, and our place in the world.

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    343,95 - 458,95 kr.

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    228,95 kr.

    "Family Happiness" is a novella written by the renowned Russian author Leo Tolstoy. It was first published in 1859.The story revolves around the life and emotions of a young woman named Masha, who narrates her own life story. Masha marries Sergey Mikhaylych, a man who is considerably older and more experienced than she is. At the beginning of their marriage, Masha experiences what she believes to be "family happiness," a period of contentment and marital bliss.However, as time passes, Masha's idealized view of her marriage begins to fade. She starts to feel a sense of boredom and dissatisfaction, and she realizes that her husband's interests and priorities differ significantly from hers. The novella explores the evolution of Masha's feelings and her struggle to find lasting happiness within the confines of her marriage."Family Happiness" delves into themes of love, marriage, and the shifting dynamics within a romantic relationship. It offers a nuanced exploration of the complexities of human emotions and relationships.Leo Tolstoy, best known for his epic novels such as "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina," demonstrates his skill at portraying the human condition in this shorter work. "Family Happiness" is a reflection on the nature of contentment and the evolving dynamics of love.In summary, "Family Happiness" by Leo Tolstoy is a novella that tells the story of a young woman's journey through the ups and downs of her marriage and her quest to find enduring happiness within her family life. It offers a thoughtful exploration of love and the complexities of human emotions.

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    228,95 kr.

    "Deux hussards" est une nouvelle écrite par le célèbre écrivain russe Léon Tolstoï. La nouvelle a été publiée en 1856.L'histoire se déroule pendant la guerre de Crimée, un conflit qui a opposé l'Empire russe à l'Empire ottoman, à l'Empire britannique et à la France au milieu du XIXe siècle. La nouvelle suit deux hussards, Omer et Kostia, qui sont camarades d'armée. Omer est d'origine tatare et musulman, tandis que Kostia est russe et chrétien orthodoxe.Malgré leurs différences religieuses et culturelles, Omer et Kostia sont unis par une profonde amitié et une camaraderie sincère. Ils partagent des expériences de guerre, des moments de danger et de réflexion. La nouvelle explore la manière dont leur amitié survit aux horreurs de la guerre et aux défis posés par leurs identités culturelles distinctes."Deux hussards" est un récit court mais puissant qui met en lumière l'humanité commune qui transcende les différences religieuses et culturelles. Léon Tolstoï, l'un des plus grands écrivains russes, est connu pour son talent à explorer les aspects profonds de l'âme humaine et à dépeindre des personnages authentiques et complexes.Cette nouvelle illustre la capacité de l'amitié et de la compréhension mutuelle à briser les barrières culturelles et religieuses, même dans un contexte de guerre. Elle offre également un aperçu des expériences de ceux qui ont combattu pendant la guerre de Crimée.En résumé, "Deux hussards" de Léon Tolstoï est une nouvelle qui raconte l'histoire de deux hussards, Omer et Kostia, qui sont unis par une profonde amitié malgré leurs différences religieuses et culturelles. La nouvelle explore les thèmes de l'amitié, de la guerre et de la compréhension mutuelle.