Bøger af Lauren Groff
- the #1 New York Times bestseller
108,95 kr. Every story has two sides. Every relationship has two perspectives. At age twenty-two, Lotto and Mathilde are tall, glamorous, madly in love and destined for greatness. A decade later, their marriage is still the envy of their friends, but behind closed doors things are even more complicated and remarkable than they have seemed.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
213,95 kr. A servant girl escapes from a colonial settlement in the wilderness. She carries nothing with her but her wits, a few possessions, and the spark of god that burns hot within her. What she finds in this terra incognita will bend her belief in everything that her own civilization has taught her. A taut and electrifying novel.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
208,95 - 243,95 kr. Matrix er en sanselig og visionær roman fra et middelalderkloster og en fortælling om skaberkraft, begær og kvindelige fællesskaber. Den prisbelønnede forfatter Lauren Groff tegner et lyslevende og dybt originalt portræt af en for længst glemt historisk kvindeskikkelse, Marie de France.Marie de France er af adelsslægt, men egner sig hverken til hofliv eller ægteskab: Hun er for høj, for virkelysten og ikke tilstrækkeligt køn. Som syttenårig sendes Marie væk fra dronning Aliénor af Aquitaines hof til et ludfattigt kloster i England. Her skal hun som priorinde lede klosteret.Klosterets nonner er plaget af sult og sygdom, men Marie er fast besluttet på at udstikke en ny og modig kurs for de kvinder, hun nu skal lede og beskytte. Med sin handlekraft får Marie sat skik på klosteret og sætter sig i respekt i lokalområdet. På magtfuld vis formår hun at skabe rammerne om et blomstrende, driftigt og kreativt fællesskab af hellige kvinder i en brutal og konfliktfyldt verden.Matrix er en sanselig og visionær roman om middelalderen. Det er både et portræt af den historiske person og digter Marie de France og en overbevisende moderne hyldest til kvindelige fællesskaber og kvindeligt begær."En enestående roman fuld af sprudlende liv og mod … en overbevisende moderne fortælling om lederskab, ambition og skaberkraft og om individers fælles liv."The Guardian"Groff har skrevet en smuk bog helt uden for kategori, en queer fortælling, som genfinder en stor digter fra fortiden og vækker hende pragtfuldt og sanseligt til live."The Observer"En helt og aldeles strålende roman … Marie de France er en karakter, som er blændende kompleks."The Times"Matrix og skildringen af Marie de France giver Groff et litterært springbræt til en fortid, hvis temaer spejler vores tidsalder."The New York Times Book Review
139,95 - 198,95 kr. "Skæbne og hævn" er en blændende fortælling om kærlighed, løgne og hemmeligheder i et tilsyneladende lykkeligt ægteskab. Lotto og Mathilde bliver stormende forelsket på college og kort efter gifter de sig. Som 22-årige er de smukke, glamourøse og med storslåede fremtidsudsigter. Ti år senere ser vennerne stadig med misundelse på deres liv og ægteskab. Med en ildevarslende gysen går det dog op for læseren, at forholdet er mørkere, mere kompliceret og usædvanligt end det ser ud. Med rystende afsløringer og overraskende twists giver Lauren Groff os fortællingen om Lotto og Mathildes ægteskab set fra et andet perspektiv. Alle historier har nemlig to sider - også historien om livslange kærlighedsforhold. "Lauren Groff er en forfatter med et sjældent talent, og ‘Skæbne og hævn’ er en skamløst ambitiøs roman, der leverer – med komedie, tragedie og velanvendt lærdom og umiskendeligt skær af talent hele vejen igennem." – New York Times"En banebrydende triumf." – Washington Post "En legesyg og fængslende læseoplevelse, der stiller spørgsmålstegn ved, hvorvidt kærligheden kan være sand, når den en er indhyllet i usandheder." – People Magazine
118,95 - 233,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.
123,95 kr. - Bog
- 123,95 kr.
128,95 kr. **A BARACK OBAMA BOOK OF THE YEAR****2018 National Book Awards Finalist**In these vigorous stories, Lauren Groff brings her electric storytelling to a world in which storms, snakes and sinkholes lurk at the edge of everyday life, but the greater threats are of a human, emotional and psychological nature.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
128,95 kr. FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF FATES AND FURIESIn the fields of western New York State in the 1970s, on the grounds of a decaying mansion called Arcadia House, a few dozen idealists set out to live off the land.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
170,95 - 223,95 kr. En ung kvindes kamp for at overleve i vildmarken. En tjenestepige flygter fra en puritansk nybyggerkoloni i 1600-tallets Nordamerika og ud i vildmarken på egen hånd. Hun har ikke andet med sig end sin forstand, nogle få ejendele og en religiøs gnist, der brænder i hende. Det, hun møder i vildmarkens ingenmandsland, overgår alle hendes forestillinger og vil bøje hendes tro på alt det, civilisationen har lært hende. Vildmark er en nervepirrende flugtfortælling af en stor stemme i amerikansk litteratur. Det er en storslået og eventyrlig fortælling om mødet med vældig natur og en roman om at finde nye måder at leve på i en verden underlagt kolonialistisk magt. Lauren Groff skriver krystalklart om en enkelt kvindes skæbne på et særligt punkt i historien, som trækker tråde til vores egen tid. „Lauren Groff har genopfundet eventyrromanen.“ – Los Angeles Times
117,95 - 133,95 kr. A servant girl escapes from a colonial settlement in the wilderness. She carries nothing with her but her wits, a few possessions, and the spark of god that burns hot within her. What she finds in this terra incognita is beyond the limits of her imagination and will bend her belief in everything that her own civilization has taught her. Lauren Groff's new novel is at once a thrilling adventure story and a penetrating fable about trying to find a new way of living in a world succumbing to the churn of colonialism. The Vaster Wilds is a work of raw and prophetic power that tells the story of America in miniature, through one girl at a hinge point in history, to ask how-and if-we can adapt quickly enough to save ourselves.
- Bog
- 117,95 kr.
153,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
298,95 kr. "A servant girl escapes from a colonial settlement in the wilderness. She carries nothing with her but her wits, a few possessions, and the spark of god that burns hot within her. What she finds in this terra incognita is beyond the limits of her imagination and will bend her belief in everything that her own civilization has taught her"--
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
178,95 kr. A servant girl escapes from a settlement. She carries nothing with her but her wits, a few possessions, and her faith in god. What she finds is beyond the limits of her imagination and will bend her belief of everything that her own civilization has taught her, telling the story of America in miniature at a hinge point in history.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
173,95 kr. The prestigious annual story anthology, now in its third year with a new guest editor format. Continuing a century-long tradition of cutting-edge literary excellence, this year's edition contains twenty prizewinning stories chosen from the thousands published in magazines over the previous year.
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- 173,95 kr.
138,95 kr. AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE 2022 JOYCE CAROL OATES PRIZE FINALIST FOR THE 2021 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR FICTIONOne of Barack Obama's Favorite Books of 2021Named a Best Book of the Year by The New York Times, The Washington Post, TIME, NPR, The Financial Times, Good Housekeeping, Esquire, Vulture, Marie Claire, Vox, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today and more!“A relentless exhibition of Groff’s freakish talent. In just over 250 pages, she gives us a character study to rival Hilary Mantel’s Thomas Cromwell .” – USA Today “An electric reimagining . . . feminist, sensual . . . unforgettable.” – O, The Oprah Magazine “Thrilling and heartbreaking.” –Time Magazine “[A] page-by-page pleasure as we soar with her.” –New York TimesOne of our best American writers, and author of the highly anticipated THE VASTER WILDS, Lauren Groff returns with this exhilarating and groundbreaking novelCast out of the royal court by Eleanor of Aquitaine, deemed too coarse and rough-hewn for marriage or courtly life, seventeen-year-old Marie de France is sent to England to be the new prioress of an impoverished abbey, its nuns on the brink of starvation and beset by disease. At first taken aback by the severity of her new life, Marie finds focus and love in collective life with her singular and mercurial sisters. In this crucible, Marie steadily supplants her desire for family, for her homeland, for the passions of her youth with something new to her: devotion to her sisters, and a conviction in her own divine visions. Marie, born the last in a long line of women warriors and crusaders, is determined to chart a bold new course for the women she now leads and protects. But in a world that is shifting and corroding in frightening ways, one that can never reconcile itself with her existence, will the sheer force of Marie’s vision be bulwark enough? Equally alive to the sacred and the profane, Matrix gathers currents of violence, sensuality, and religious ecstasy in a mesmerizing portrait of consuming passion, aberrant faith, and a woman that history moves both through and around. Lauren Groff’s new novel, her first since Fates and Furies, is a defiant and timely exploration of the raw power of female creativity in a corrupted world.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- A Novel
249,95 kr. AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE 2022 JOYCE CAROL OATES PRIZE FINALIST FOR THE 2021 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR FICTIONOne of Barack Obama''s Favorite Books of 2021Named a Best Book of the Year by The New York Times, The Washington Post, TIME, NPR, The Financial Times, Good Housekeeping, Esquire, Vulture, Marie Claire, Vox, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today and more!“A relentless exhibition of Groff’s freakish talent. In just over 250 pages, she gives us a character study to rival Hilary Mantel’s Thomas Cromwell .” – USA Today “An electric reimagining . . . feminist, sensual . . . unforgettable.” – O, The Oprah Magazine “Thrilling and heartbreaking.” –Time Magazine “[A] page-by-page pleasure as we soar with her.” –New York Times One of our best American writers, Lauren Groff returns with her exhilarating first new novel since the groundbreaking Fates and Furies.Cast out of the royal court by Eleanor of Aquitaine, deemed too coarse and rough-hewn for marriage or courtly life, seventeen-year-old Marie de France is sent to England to be the new prioress of an impoverished abbey, its nuns on the brink of starvation and beset by disease. At first taken aback by the severity of her new life, Marie finds focus and love in collective life with her singular and mercurial sisters. In this crucible, Marie steadily supplants her desire for family, for her homeland, for the passions of her youth with something new to her: devotion to her sisters, and a conviction in her own divine visions. Marie, born the last in a long line of women warriors and crusaders, is determined to chart a bold new course for the women she now leads and protects. But in a world that is shifting and corroding in frightening ways, one that can never reconcile itself with her existence, will the sheer force of Marie’s vision be bulwark enough? Equally alive to the sacred and the profane, Matrix gathers currents of violence, sensuality, and religious ecstasy in a mesmerizing portrait of consuming passion, aberrant faith, and a woman that history moves both through and around. Lauren Groff’s new novel, her first since Fates and Furies, is a defiant and timely exploration of the raw power of female creativity in a corrupted world.
- Bog
- 249,95 kr.
122,95 - 318,95 kr. - Bog
- 122,95 kr.
- And Other Stories
278,95 kr. From Lauren Groff, author of the critically acclaimed and bestselling novel Fates and Furies, comes Delicate Edible Birds, one of the most striking short fiction debuts in years. Here are nine stories of astonishing insight and variety, each revealing a resonant drama within the life of a twentieth-century American woman.
- Bog
- 278,95 kr.
926,00 kr. Groff udfolder sine fortællinger om sorg, ondskab, ensomhed, familie og rendyrket raseri med fintregistrerende præcision, indlevelse, humor og alvor.Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.
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- 926,00 kr.
139,95 kr. "Årest absolut bedste novellesamling" // Finalist til National Book Award 2018 Lauren Groffs novellesamling, "Florida", beskriver skyggesiden af solskinsstaten. Her hersker det farlige, det uperfekte og det mørke - i naturen og ikke mindst: mellem mennesker. I elleve fortættede noveller møder vi bl.a. to pigebørn ladt alene på en øde ø, et barnløst par, en ensom dreng - og ikke mindst: en stålsat, men desperat kvinde, fanget i ægte- og moderskabets kærligt snærende bånd. Groff udfolder sine fortællinger om sorg, ondskab, ensomhed, familie og rendyrket raseri med fintregistrerende præcision, indlevelse, humor og alvor.? ? Det skrev den internationale presse: "Lauren Groff er en fantastisk historiefortæller." - New York Times "Fremragende." - The Boston Globe "Vidunderlig." - The Economist "Årets absolut bedste novellesamling." - Vogue ?
- And Other Stories
133,95 kr. Covers nine stories of vastly different styles and structures, including "L De Bard and Aliette" that recreates the tale of Abelard and Heloise in New York during the 1918 flu epidemic; "Lucky Chow Fun"; and, the title story of "Delicate Edible Birds".
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Willie Cooper arrives on the doorstep of her ancestral home in Templeton, New York in the wake of a disastrous affair with her much older, married archaeology professor. That same day, the discovery of a prehistoric monster in the lake brings a media frenzy to the quiet, picture-perfect town her ancestors founded.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.