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Bøger af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva

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  • - Det tredobbelte drab på Frederiksberg
    af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    158,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Jeg klarer mig, mor – det tredobbelte drab på Frederiksberg skildrer Phillips barske historie. Som blot 19-årig bliver han, og to andre unge mænd, likvideret i en lejlighed på Frederiksberg. Phillips mor, Liselotte Rasmussen, fortæller i bogen om sin desperate kamp for at redde sin søn fra at gå til grunde. Beretningen bygger på en omfattende aktindsigt i Phillips liv og kriminelle løbebane, der endte brat som led i et internt bandeopgør. Jeg klarer mig, mor handler om en familie i opløsning, ønsket om at bryde den sociale arv og følelsen af personligt svigt, uden at placere skyld eller drage endelige konklusioner.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 - 165,95 kr.

    I 1995 stiger tre børn og en mor forvirrede ud af en flyvemaskine i Københavns Lufthavn. Laura er den yngste og klamrer sig til sin mor. De er rejst hele vejen fra slummen i Brasilien, fordi moren skal giftes med en dansk mand. Et forhold, der får livslange konsekvenser for børnene.Om morgenen hyler jeg som en ulykkelig dyreunge, når Mama og mine søskende siger farvel i hoveddøren og efterlader mig tilbage i lejligheden sammen med ham. „I må ikke gå fra mig!“ trygler jeg … Jeg hader hende for det. Ved hun slet ikke, hvad det er, han gør ved mig?Kommunebarn er en selvbiografi om massivt svigt. Om at lande i en anden kultur, om overgreb, anbringelse og oprejsning.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    116,95 - 263,95 kr.

    Abeo bor i Afrika. Hendes øjne er blå. Og hun ligner ikke de andre i landsbyen.Folk siger, at hun er en heks. Hun bliver forvist.Abeo er helt alene. Men så hører hun slangens stemme …Bogen er skrevet i lix 17 og er en del af serien, Havfolk.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    116,95 - 263,95 kr.

    Yara og Bobo bor i Amazonas sammen med deres stamme.Træerne bliver fældet. Og bag dem brænder skoven.Yara og Bobo løber mod floden.Lever flodens folk både på land og i vand?Bogen er skrevet i lix 17 og er en del af serien, Havfolk.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    116,95 - 263,95 kr.

    Thor er født på havet. Søn af en fisker.Under en storm falder Thor over bord. Han kommer til Rans rige. Der er mange knogler og kranier. Er det død eller liv?Bogen er skrevet i lix 17 og er en del af serien, Havfolk.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    116,95 - 263,95 kr.

    Katla bor på Færøerne.Hun kan lide at læse bøger. Synge. Se på havet … Ikke nogle seje ting, synes Katlas kusine.Til ólavsøka mødes alle.Katla føler sig alene. Men så hører hun selkiernes sang ...Bogen er skrevet i lix 16 og er en del af serien, Havfolk.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    116,95 kr.

    The creature's white fur glows in the dark. A huge pink tail whisks across the floor. Around its neck it is wearing a necklace of teeth.Luiz risks opening his eyes just a little bit more. Can what he is seeing really be true?Luiz has gotten his first loose tooth. His big brother, Romeo, helps him pull it out. But who is the creature with the white fur and big tail who visits them?Dark Creatures – The Tooth Thief is the first book in a series about the Brazilian brothers, Romeo and Luiz, and is inspired by the South American legend about El Raton Pérez.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    116,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Under vandoverfladen findes der en verden, som mennesker ikke kender til.Tag på eventyr med havets døtre og mød havfruer fra alle verdenshavene.Her er mange smukke og spændende ting at få øje på for både store og små havfruefans.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    116,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Luiz and Romeo are going to celebrate a Brazilian Christmas together with their family. Grandma's boyfriend tells Luiz old stories about the Yule Goat. When Luiz and Romeo have gone to bed, they hear a noise coming from the living room. The brothers look more closely into the matter and discover that the Christmas presents have disappeared ... They venture out on a scary Christmas adventure to find out who has stolen their gifts. Dark Creatures – The Revenge of the Yule Goat is the third book about the Danish-Brazilian brothers, Romeo and Luiz, and is inspired by the old Norse mythology about the Yule Goat and by the Brazilian way of celebrating Christmas.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    116,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Lobisomem stands erect like a man. His fur is dark gray but he is clearly muscular underneath it. Two black eyes look straight at Luiz' chest. Right where the heart is. Luiz and Romeo are going to scout camp. Luiz is looking forward to moving up to the next level where he becomes wolf. But are wolves actually dangerous? Not unless there's talk of a werewolf, according to his big brother, Romeo. At night Luiz hears someone howling from the woods.Soon the Sandman is standing in front of Luiz carrying his black umbrella in his hand. Dark Creatures – The Sandman's Black Umbrella is the second book in a series about the Danish-Brazilian brothers, Romeo and Luiz, and is inspired by the Brazilian werewolf Lobisomem.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    148,95 kr.

    The creature's white fur glows in the dark. A huge pink tail whisks across the floor. Around its neck it is wearing a necklace of teeth. Luiz risks opening his eyes just a little bit more. Can what he is seeing really be true?Luiz has gotten his first loose tooth. His big brother, Romeo, helps him pull it out. But who is the creature with the white fur and big tail who visits them?Dark Creatures – The Tooth Thief is the first book in a series about the Danish-Brazilian brothers, Romeo and Luiz, and is inspired by the South American legend about El Raton Pérez.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 - 168,95 kr.

    På havets bund lever Koral et fredeligt liv sammen med andre havfruer - lige indtil dagen, hvor havforurening bliver en del af deres verden.Koral ofrer en lok af sit magiske hår til Margyge, som tilkalder alle havets døtre. Kan de redde havet?Havets døtre er en tegneserie om havfruer, venskab og klimaudfordringer.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    235,95 kr.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 kr.

    13-year-old Jákup gets a stomachache while hunting puffins with his dad.The puffin population is dwindling, and the Faroe Islands have already lost a bird species. His older sister Bjarma worries about the high mercury concentrations in whale meat. At night, something weird occurs. All the adults’ eyes turn silver-colored, and they start acting like madmen…Goose pimples – A horror story from the Faroe Islands is the second independent volume in the scary series Goose pimples, which focuses on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.ABOUT THE FIRST VOLUME IN THE SERIES”I like that you both learn new things and become terrified.Skolebibliotekaren_LeneGoose pimples – A horror story from China was nominated for the Orla Award 2022 in the category ‘Horror and thriller’.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 kr.

    12-year-old Leo learns about overpopulation and China in school. He has a great imagination and a Dad who enjoys telling horror stories. The summer holidays are just around the corner, and suddenly, Leo is in Wuhan with Mia, the cutest girl from his class.Goose pimples – A horror story from China is the first horror book about the climate and environment. The book is based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.”A frightening climate book, which will spark conversation afterwards. I have awarded the book 6 out of 6 stars.” pimples – A horror story from China was nominated for the Orla Award 2022 in the category ‘Horror and thriller’.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 kr.

    Malik’s dad researches polar environments. Greenland is changing; the inland ice is melting because of global warming. Now horrific diseases are resurfacing from dead people underneath the ice…A horror story from Greenland is the third independent volume in the horror series Goose pimples, which focuses on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.ABOUT THE FIRST VOLUME IN THE SERIES”I like that you both learn new things and become terrified.Skolebibliotekaren_LeneGoose pimples – A horror story from China was nominated for the Orla Award 2022 in the category ‘Horror and thriller’.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    148,95 kr.

    Malik’s dad researches polar environments. Greenland is changing; the inland ice is melting because of global warming. Now horrific diseases are resurfacing from dead people underneath the ice… A horror story from Greenland is the third independent volume in the horror series Goose pimples, which focuses on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.ABOUT THE FIRST VOLUME IN THE SERIESGoose pimples – A horror story from China was nominated for the Orla Award 2022 in the category ‘Horror and thriller.’

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    148,95 kr.

    12-year-old Leo learns about overpopulation and China in school. He has a great imagination and a Dad who enjoys telling horror stories. The summer holidays are just around the corner, and suddenly, Leo is in Wuhan with Mia, the cutest girl from his class.Goose pimples – A horror story from China is the first horror book about the climate and environment. The book is based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.”A frightening climate book, which will spark conversation afterwards. I have awarded the book 6 out of 6 stars.” pimples – A horror story from China was nominated for the Orla Award 2022 in the category ‘Horror and thriller’.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    148,95 kr.

    13-year-old Jákup gets a stomachache while hunting puffins with his dad.The puffin population is dwindling, and the Faroe Islands have already lost a bird species. His older sister Bjarma worries about the high mercury concentrations in whale meat. At night, something weird occurs. All the adults’ eyes turn silver-colored, and they start acting like madmen…Goose pimples – A horror story from the Faroe Islands is the second independent volume in the scary series Goose pimples, which focuses on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.ABOUT THE FIRST VOLUME IN THE SERIES”I like that you both learn new things and become terrified.Skolebibliotekaren_LeneGoose pimples – A horror story from China was nominated for the Orla Award 2022 in the category ‘Horror and thriller’.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    273,95 kr.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 kr.

    Væsnets hvide pels lyser i mørket. En stor lyserød hale pisker hen over gulvet. Om halsen hænger en halskæde af tænder … Luiz vover at åbne øjnene en lille smule mere. Ser han virkelig rigtigt? Ja … Der er et monster på værelset.⁠Luiz har fået sin første rokketand. Storebroren Romeo hjælper Luiz med at hive tanden ud. Men hvem er væsnet med den hvide pels og store hale, som kommer på besøg?⁠Da Luiz løfter hovedpuden, er tanden væk, men han har ikke fået nogen penge … Brødrene begiver sig ud på et uhyggeligt eventyr for at finde ud af, hvem der har stjålet Luiz’ tand. ⁠Mørke væsner – Tandtyven er første bind om de dansk-brasilianske brødre Romeo og Luiz og er inspireret af det sydamerikanske sagn om El Ratón Pérez. Sydamerikas svar på Tandfeen.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 kr.

    Lobisomem står oprejst som en mand. Men ellers er der ikke meget menneske over ham. Pelsen er mørkegrå, men han er tydeligt muskuløs inden under den. To sorte øjne kigger direkte på Luiz’ brystkasse. Lige der, hvor hjertet sidder.Luiz og Romeo skal på spejderlejr.Luiz ser frem til oprykningen, hvor han bliver ulv. Men er ulve egentlige farlige? Ikke medmindre der er tale om varulve ifølge storebroren Romeo.Om natten hører Luiz, at nogen hyler fra skoven.Snart står Ole Lukøje foran Luiz med sin sorte paraply i hånden.Sammen med Ole Lukøje begiver brødrene sig ind i mørket.Mørke væsner – Ole Lukøjes sorte paraply er andet bind om de dansk-brasilianske brødre Romeo og Luiz og er inspireret af den brasilianske varulv Lobisomem.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 kr.

    Luiz og Romeo skal holde brasiliansk jul sammen med deres familie.Mormors kæreste fortæller Luiz gamle historier om Julebukken.Da Luiz og Romeo er gået i seng, larmer det inde fra stuen. Brødrene undersøger sagen nærmere og opdager, at julegaverne er forsvundet sammen med Julebukken af halm og røde bånd …De begiver sig ud på et uhyggeligt juleeventyr for at finde ud af, hvem der har stjålet deres gaver.Mørke væsner – Julebukkens hævn er tredje bind om de dansk-brasilianske brødre Romeo og Luiz og er inspireret af de gamle nordiske fortællinger om Julebukken og af den brasilianske jul.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Maliks far er observatør af polarforskningsmiljøerne.Grønland er i forandring.Den globale opvarmning får indlandsisen til at smelte, og under isen genopstår uhyggelige sygdomme fra de døde …Grønlandske genfærd er tredje selvstændige bind i den uhyggelige serie, Myrepatter, som har fokus på FN’s verdensmål.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    273,95 kr.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    273,95 kr.

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Once there was a time when humans and aliens lived separated from each other.Now, soccer has united them. Ronni-Romario plays on Team Earth which is an 11-player soccer team. The first match of the Solar System Championship is to be played on their home turf, but can the team beat the aliens from Neptune who are both older, faster and stronger than themselves? Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets - Earth Versus Neptune is the first book in a space adventure series about soccer, team spirit and friendship. Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets are the coolest soccer books in the universe. – Robinio, 11 years old

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Once there was a time when humans and aliens lived separated from each other. Now, soccer has united them. After beating Neptune, Team Earth travels to Mars. The second match of the Solar System Championship is going to take place, however, the boys are challenged by the climate of Mars which is very different from that of Earth. Will Ronni-Romario and his team mates be able to beat the horned aliens from Mars?Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets - Mars Versus Earth is the second book in a space adventure series about soccer, team spirit and friendship.Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets are the coolest soccer books in the universe. – Robinio, 11 years old

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Once there was a time when humans and aliens lived separated from each other. Now, soccer has united them. The Earth is just one ball away from gaining the right to call itself the Soccer Planet. The space voyage transports Ronni-Romario and his team mates to the exotic Venus with its lush nature and pink aliens. Who will win the semi-finals? Can Team Earth make it all the way to the final round? Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets - Venus Versus Earth is the third book in a space adventure series about soccer, team spirit and friendship. Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets are the coolest soccer books in the universe. – Robinio, 11 years old

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    128,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Once there was a time when humans and aliens lived separated from each other. Now, soccer has united them. Team Earth has made it all the way to the finals. The winner of the Solar System Championship will be determined on Mercury where the aliens are made of rock. Great challenges lie ahead. Ronni-Romario and his team mates will need to make full use of all of their soccer skills. Do they stand a chance against the stone giants of Mercury?Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets - Mercurvy Versus Earth is the fourth book in a space adventure series about soccer, team spirit and friendship. Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets are the coolest soccer books in the universe. – Robinio, 11 years old