Bøger af Laura Bates
- From incels to pickup artists, the truth about extreme misogyny and how it affects us all
113,95 kr. A ground-breaking investigation into extreme misogyny.
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- 113,95 kr.
108,95 kr. A manifesto for change; a ground breaking examination of sexism in modern day society.
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- 108,95 kr.
- Fra incels til scorekunstnere: sandheden om ekstreme misogyne fællesskaber og hvordan de påvirker os alle.
273,95 kr. I denne eksplosive bog, undersøger den anerkendte og roste feminist Laura Bates de fællesskaber og miljøer, som består af mænd, der hader kvinder. Med udgangspunkt i internettets mørkeste kroge og under dække af profilen Alex, observerer Laura disse grupper i aktion, fra incels og scorekunstnere til manderettighedsaktivster og mænd, der går deres egen vej, og kortlægger hvor effektivt deres idéer er blevet smuglet ind i vores fælles bevidsthed – via internettrolde, medier, kendisser og politikere – hvorefter de dukker op i skoler, arbejdspladser og i magtens korridorer, og gør dødelige skade på både kvinder og mænd.“Forstil dig en verden, hvor titusindvis af kvinder hvert eneste år voldtages, bankes, lemlæstes, misbruges eller myrdes, alene fordi de er kvinder. Forstil dig en verden, hvor der aktivt opfordres til had mod kvinder via udbredte, målrettede mandlige fælleskaber, som kun går op i at hælde benzin på bålet og opildne “sagen” ... Forstil dig en verden, hvor tusindvis af mænd finder sammen i en ætsende vrede, hvor de dæmoniserer og klager over onde, sjæleløse og grådige kvinder, som de malende planlægger at voldtage og ødelægge i et storslået, fanatisk oprør. Forstil dig en verden, hvor nogle mænd faktisk udlever disse fantasier. Hvor de dræber kvinder i massemord og efterlader sig manifester ... Forestil dig en verden, hvor sårbare mænd, fortabte drenge og forvirrede, bange teenagere jages og samles op af fællesskaber, der stimuleres af deres angst og skubber dem i retning af had, vold og selvdestruktion.Faktisk behøver du ikke at forstille dig den verden: du lever allerede i den.”Bogen omfatter eksklusive interviews med tidligere medlemmer af nogle af disse grupper og de mænd, der bekæmper dem, og med deres hjælp forsøger Laura at forstå, hvori tiltrækningskraften består, hvordan de opererer og ikke mindst, hvad vi skal og kan gøre for at stoppe dem.
- Bog
- 273,95 kr.
126,95 kr. Part manifesto, part girl guide - this book explores vital points about sex, body image, pornography, relationships, social media, feminism and more!
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- 126,95 kr.
101,95 - 208,95 kr. - Bog
- 101,95 kr.
248,95 kr. Fiks systemet, ikke kvinderne – ny bog af Laura Bates, forfatter til den anmelderroste Mænd som hader kvinder. I årtier har vi talt om, hvad piger og kvinder bør gøre for at løse kønsuligheden, men nu vender Laura Bates fortællingen på hovedet, og viser os dermed, at det ikke er kvinder (og piger), der er noget galt med, men derimod systemerne, som opretholder samfundets sexistiske strukturer. Hun identificerer 5 økosystemer – politik, politi, retsvæsen, uddannelse og medier – som alle har en stærk og for mange af os stadig ubevidst indvirkning på, hvordan vi betragter og forstår køn og dermed os selv i verden, herunder den forskelsbehandling og de overgreb, piger og kvinder udsættes for i langt højere grad end drenge og mænd. Med udgangspunkt i egne og de over 200.000 oplevelser, mennesker fra hele verden har delt på Everyday Sexism Projects internationale hjemmeside, kaster hun et skarpt blik på de stereotyper, som helt fra barnsben af former piger og drenges selvforståelse, og som op igennem voksenlivet informerer måden, hvorpå vi som samfund og enkeltindivider forholder os til for eksempel forskelsbehandling på arbejdspladsen og seksualiserede overgreb – hvordan vi betragter piger og kvinder som ikke blot skyldige i den forskelsbehandling og de overgreb, de udsættes for, men også som ansvarlige for komme med løsningerne.Kønsstereotyper har negativ indvirkning på alle køn, og det er på tide, vi gør op med deres delvist skjulte indflydelse i vores liv og vores samfund.
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- 248,95 kr.
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- 218,95 kr.
123,95 kr. I read this with great optimism and hope Dr Pragya Agarwal_____________________________________________________Too often, we blame women.For walking home alone at night. For not demanding a seat at the table. For not overcoming the odds that are stacked against them.This distracts us from the real problem: the failings and biases of a society that was not built for women. In this explosive book, feminist writer and activist Laura Bates exposes the systemic prejudice at the heart of five of our key institutions.EducationPoliticsMediaPolicingCriminal justiceCombining stories with shocking evidence, Fix the System, Not the Women is a blazing examination of sexual injustice and a rallying cry for reform.________________________________________________PRAISE FORMEN WHO HATE WOMEN';Brilliantly fierce and eye-opening' Guardian';Profoundly important a book everyone should read' Observer';Laura Bates is showing us the path to both intimate and global survival' Gloria Steinem
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- 123,95 kr.
213,95 kr. Already an international bestseller, this empowering survival guide provides no-nonsense advice on sex, social media, mental health, and sexism that young women face in their everyday life—from one of the emerging leaders in the feminist movement.They told you that you need to be thin and beautiful. They told you to wear longer skirts, avoid going out late at night, and move in groups—never accept drinks from a stranger, and wear shoes you can run in more easily than heels. They told you to wear just enough make-up to look presentable but not enough to be a slut; to dress to flatter your apple, pear, hourglass figure, but not to reveal too much. They warned you that if you try to be strong, or take control, you’ll be shrill, bossy, a ballbreaker. Of course it’s fine for the boys, but you should know your place. They told you “that’s not for girls”—“take it as a compliment”—“don’t rock the boat”—“that’ll go straight to your hips.” They told you “beauty is on the inside,” but you knew they didn’t really mean it. Well, screw that. Laura Bates is here to tell you something else. Hilarious, bold, and unapologetic, Girl Up exposes the truth about the pressures surrounding body image, the false representations in media, the complexities of sex and relationships, the trials of social media, and all the other lies society has told us. Praise for Girl Up “In Girl Up, Laura Bates has given women of every age a fast, frank, seductively readable guide to surviving in the time of social media, impossible body images, feminist hopes, internalizing fault, standing up for ourselves and each other, and yes, confronting Donald Trump. She leaves no doubt about what consent is, where the clitoris is, what our rights are, and what our hopes could be. This is an owner’s guide to our world and our bodies. It will definitely save sanity, and might save lives.” —Gloria Steinem “Girl Up is an essential compendium of wit, wisdom, advice, and straight-talk. They should give out copies in the delivery room every time another girl enters the world. Or a boy, for that matter—they ought to be reading Girl Up too.” —Sarah Knight, bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck "This is the book young women need—one that teaches them about the anatomy of their vulva instead of how to impress their crush. While many of the topics covered are still relevant to me now, I really wish I'd had this book as a young adult.” —Beth Newell, editor/cofounder of Reductress
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- 213,95 kr.
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- 243,95 kr.
128,95 kr. When a small plane crash ends with a group of seven teens washed up on a deserted island, their first thought is survival. With supplies dwindling and the fear of being stranded forever becoming more of a reality, they quickly discover that being the most popular kid in high school doesn't help when you're fighting to stay alive. And when strange and terrifying accidents start to occur all around them, the group realizes that they are being targeted by someone who was on the plane, and that the island isn't their only danger. A terrible secret from a party the night before the flight has followed them ashore--and it's clear that someone is looking for justice. Now survival depends on facing the truth about that party: who was hurt that night, and who let it happen?--
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- 128,95 kr.
128,95 kr. - Bog
- 128,95 kr.
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- 1.328,95 kr.
94,95 kr. - Bog
- 94,95 kr.
148,95 - 177,95 kr. - Bog
- 148,95 kr.
108,95 - 198,95 kr. - Bog
- 108,95 kr.
98,95 kr. No matter how you try to hide it, the truth will always come out . . . After a plane crash sees a group of seven teens washed up on a desert island, their first thought is survival. But a terrible secret from a party the night before has followed them ashore. Facing deadly threats and the fear of being stranded forever, they quickly discover that being the most popular kid in High School doesn't help when you're fighting to stay alive. As the island deals each of them a dangerous blow, it's clear that someone is looking for justice. Now survival depends on facing the truth about that party: who was hurt that night, and who let it happen? From multi-award-winning author and gender equality activist, Laura Bates, this thought-provoking drama will start an important conversation and keep you guessing to the end. 'Laura Bates is one of the most important feminist voices we have and The Trial is engaging and clever, thought-provoking and thrilling. I inhaled it in one sitting.' - Louise O'Neill, author of Asking For It 'A book that teens and young adults should be adding to their contemporary mystery and feminist reading lists' - Culture Fly 'Laura Bates has written another unputdownable (I mean this, I had to give up on getting anything done to consume this story) novel, which as you can imagine asks some important questions too.'- Lucy-Anne Holmes, editor Women on Top of the World
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- 98,95 kr.
- The True Scale of Sexism
118,95 kr. A collection of essays from the bestselling author and founder of The Everyday Sexism Project, Laura Bates
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- 118,95 kr.
108,95 kr. The compelling YA debut from Laura Bates, founder of The Everyday Sexism Project, bestselling author of Girl Up and leading voice for women's rights
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- 108,95 kr.
223,95 kr. A professor and a prisoner, and how Shakespeare saved them both Larry Newton, one of the most notorious inmates in the prison's supermax, was trying to break out. But Laura Bates, one of the most persistent teachers the prison had seen, was trying to break in.
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- 223,95 kr.