Bøger af Lars G Petersson
- State Authorised German Perversion
215,95 kr. Description 'Strip naked; pull back the foreskin; turn; bend forward; spread your buttocks.' In the hands of a perverted military establishment generations of German young men have always done what they were told. And, it has got worse with time: during the Nazi era at least male doctors performed the degrading military 'medicals'; thereafter, as a bizarre result of 'equal opportunities', zealous women have taken over. Mental anguish due to such humiliation is widespread in society, but nobody seems to care. Protection of young men is not a priority. It is true, economic woes (not calls for human rights) will soon end conscription. But, on a smaller scale the abuse will continue - now with 'volunteers' as victims. MEDICAL RAPE presents a shocking story that might look like fictitious sadomasochistic porno. However, it isn't: it is a true account of state-authorised sexual abuse. Therefore, in the name of millions of defenceless young victims, the author calls for an unconditional apology for what they were exposed to by their own country. He also demands an immediate stop to further ill-treatment.
- Bog
- 215,95 kr.
- Daily Life In Britain's Nursing Home Industry
249,95 kr. Description A large part of Britain's care home sector has in recent years been outsourced to private companies. From time to time appalling conditions in some of these homes are disclosed to the public by undercover journalists. But, unfortunately, no significant change seems to happen as a result. Very soon it's all 'forgotten' and life goes back to 'normal'. This book is different from many of these newspaper stories and TV documentaries. It is different because it's written by an insider with extensive personal knowledge of the profit-obsessed industry behind the abuse. As a trained nurse Lars G Petersson has spent years working in British nursing homes - from Surrey in the south to Edinburgh in the north - and in abuse.uk he takes his reader on a detailed tour behind the curtains of a world where so many Britons end their lives in utter misery. By doing so, he paints a picture of not only shockingly low standards and abusive care but also of systematic staff exploitation, toothless regulators and a catastrophically flawed government control system. Abuse.uk is a book about a failed system that betrays those it was meant to shelter and care for. It is also a book about a business that closes its ranks against the 'pestilential' dissident and supports the perpetrators' efforts to keep it all in the dark.About the AuthorLars G Petersson is a Swedish-born Londoner, activist and free-lance writer with special interest in peace, mental health, social justice and human rights. He is the author of a large number of articles (most of which were published in Danish newspapers and journals) and one previous book, Deserters - a story about German war resisters from World War II. Trained as a nurse - with speciality in mental health, social issues and addiction - he has persistantly used his professional knowledge and insight to disclose matters otherwise hidden from public scrutiny. In a number of cases this has led to serious public debate and major improvements for vulnerable people.
- Bog
- 249,95 kr.
- Staatlich legitimierte Perversion
318,95 kr. Description Ab 17 müssen sich deutsche Jungen laut Wehrpflichtgesetz wiederholten erniedrigenden Untersuchungen unterziehen. Bei überwiegend weiblichen Ärztinnen und deren Assistentinnen heißt es dann: nackt ausziehen, Hoden abtasten, Vorhaut zurückschieben, umdrehen, bücken und Pobacken spreizen. Wie es einst Hitler machte, so zwingen deutsche Behörden der männlichen Jugend heute immer noch sinnlose körperliche Untersuchungen auf, die ursprünglich nur zur Einschüchterung und Erschaffung gehorsamer Soldaten benutzt wurden. Als Folge davon sind bei den Männern seelische Schäden weit verbreitet. Doch niemand will die Verantwortung übernehmen. Alle drücken sich, nicht nur das Verteidigungsministerium, sondern auch die Ärztekammern und die Gesundheitsbehörden. Mit diesem Buch wird nun ein Skandal gesellschaftlichen Ausmaßes enthüllt, über den bisher als Tabu geschwiegen wurde.About the AuthorLars G Peterson, 58, wurde in Schweden geboren und wohnt heute in London. Er ist Menschenrechtsaktivist und Autor mehrerer Bücher. Außer MUSTERUNG und einer Vielzahl von Artikeln - von denen die meisten in dänischen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften veröffentlicht wurden - hat Petersson DESERTERS - ein Buch über die Geschichte der über 50000 Wehrmachtsdeserteure geschrieben, welches von dem Verlag des Dänischen Freiheitsmuseums 2004 in dänischer und englischer Sprache herausgegeben wurde sowie ABUSE UK eine Abhandlung über erschreckende Verhältnisse in britischen Pflegeheimen - erschienen bei CHIPMUNKA 2010 verfasst.
- Bog
- 318,95 kr.
216,95 kr. - Bog
- 216,95 kr.