Bøger af Larry Cuban
- Elevpositioner og digitale kompetencer i et dannelsesperspektiv
307,95 kr. I de forenklede Fælles Mål fra 2014 har fire tværgående temaer fået særlig opmærksomhed med en selvstændig vejledning samt ved at være integreret i målene og omtalt i læseplanen for de enkelte fag. Omdrejningspunktet for bogen It-didaktik i teori og praksis - elevpositioner og digitale kompetencer i et dannelsesperspektiv er det tværgående tema It og medier med udgangspunkt i fire elevpositioner, der repræsenterer fire måder at forholde sig på i omgangen med it.Bogen består af seks kapitler, hvor de første to beskriver udfordringen med at integrere it meningsfuldt i skolesammenhæng. Kapitel 1 argumenterer for, hvilke digitale kompetencer eleverne må udvikle i forhold til digital dannelse, mens det næste henter eksempler fra en amerikansk kontekst på, hvordan integration af it ikke i sig selv fører til omfattende ændringer i undervisningspraksis. Herefter følger fire kapitler, der retter sig direkte mod praksis ved at tage udgangspunkt i hver enkelt af de fire elevpositioner, som er:Eleven som kritisk undersøgerEleven som analyserende modtagerEleven som målrettet og kreativ producentEleven som ansvarlig deltager.I disse fire kapitler kommer forfatterne med bud på, hvori udfordringerne består, hvilke forståelser, redskaber og kompetencer eleverne bør udvikle, og hvordan undervisningen kan foregå, anskueliggjort med konkrete forslag til undervisningsforløb. Desuden afsluttes hvert af disse kapitler med refleksionsspørgsmål og opgaver til lærerteamet eller studiegruppen, så de på den måde leder frem mod en reflekteret praksis.På bogens hjemmeside www.dafolo.dk/it kan relevante redskaber downloades, printes og deles, og der linkes til relaterede sites og videoer.
- E-bog
- 307,95 kr.
278,95 - 1.093,95 kr. - Bog
- 278,95 kr.
288,95 kr. With this significant new work, Larry Cuban provides a unique and insightful perspective on the bridging of the long-standing and well-known gap between teachers and administrators. Drawing on the literature of the field as well as personal experience, Cuban recognizes the enduring structural relationship within school organizations inherited by teachers, principals, and superintendents, and calls for a renewal of their sense of common purpose regarding the role of schooling in a democratic society.Cuban analyzes the dominant images (moral and technical), roles (instructional, managerial, and political), and contexts (classroom, school, and district) within which teachers, principals, and superintendents have worked over the last century. He concludes that when these powerful images and roles are wedded to the structural conditions in which schooling occurs, "managerial behavior" results, thus narrowing the potential for more thoughtful, effective, and appropriate leadership. Cuban then turns to consider this situation with respect to the contemporary movement for school reform, identifying significant concerns both for policymakers and practitioners.This honest, thought-provoking book by a leading scholar, writer, and practitioner in the field represents an invaluable resource-an insightful introduction for those just entering the field and a fresh, new perspective for those long-familiar with its complexities. Cuban's ethnographic approach to the development of his own career and viewpoint, as well as his highly readable style, make this a work of lasting value.
- Bog
- 288,95 kr.
- Computers in the Classroom
243,95 kr. One of the most respected voices in American education demonstrates that when teachers are not given a say in how new technology might reshape schools, students and teachers use that technology far less in the classroom than they do at home, and that teachers who use computers for instruction do so infrequently and unimaginatively.
- Bog
- 243,95 kr.
- What School Reform Brought to Austin
382,95 kr. Cuban takes a richly detailed history of the Austin, Texas, school district, under Superintendent Pat Forgione, to ask the question that few politicians and school reformers want to touch: given effective use of widely welcomed reforms, can school policies and practices put all children at the same academic level?
- Bog
- 382,95 kr.
- Why Schools Can't Be Businesses
457,95 kr. In this provocative new book, Cuban takes aim at the alluring cliche that schools should be more businesslike, and shows that in its long history in business-minded America, no one has shown that a business model can be successfully applied to education.
- Bog
- 457,95 kr.