Bøger af Keri Smith
- at skabe er at ødelægge
113,95 kr. Wreck This Journal er en unik bog skrevet af den talentfulde forfatter Keri Smith. Udgivet af Gyldendal i 2015, er denne bog en sand skat for læsere, der elsker at udforske og udfordre deres kreative grænser. Bogen falder inden for genren af interaktive bøger, der inviterer læseren til at deltage aktivt i læseprocessen. Wreck This Journal er ikke bare en bog, det er en rejse, der opmuntrer til destruktion: prik huller i siderne, tilføj fotos og mal dem, kast bogen ud fra en højde, kort sagt - gør noget for at ødelægge den! Keri Smith har skabt en bog, der ikke kun skal læses, men opleves. Med sin innovative tilgang til læsning og skrivning, har Wreck This Journal inspireret millioner af læsere rundt om i verden til at tænke ud af boksen. Udgivet af Gyldendal, en af de mest anerkendte forlag i Danmark, er Wreck This Journal en bog, du simpelthen ikke kan tillade dig at gå glip af.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
- To Create is to Destroy, Now With Even More Ways to Wreck!
133,95 kr. Wreck This Journal is a captivating book authored by the talented Keri Smith. Published by Penguin Books Ltd in 2013, this unique piece of literature invites readers to explore their creative side. The book belongs to the genre of interactive and self-help books, challenging the traditional notion of keeping a journal. Smith encourages her readers to think outside the box by offering a variety of prompts that inspire artistic expression and self-reflection. The author's unconventional approach to journaling has made Wreck This Journal a must-have for those seeking a novel way to express themselves. The book is a testament to Keri Smith's creativity and Penguin Books Ltd's commitment to publishing innovative literature. Dive into this remarkable journal and let your creativity run wild.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
148,95 kr. Wreck This Journal: Now in Colour is a unique and engaging book by the renowned author Keri Smith. Published by Penguin Books Ltd in 2017, this book invites readers to embrace their creativity and break away from the constraints of conventional art-making. The genre of this book is hard to pin down, as it is part diary, part sketchbook, and part scrapbook, with a dash of self-help. It is a book that encourages readers to let go, to make mistakes, and to fill pages with their thoughts, ideas, and expressions in a riot of colour. The author, Keri Smith, has a knack for bringing out the hidden artist in everyone, and this book is no exception. If you're looking for a book that is different from the norm and allows you to express yourself in colour, then Wreck This Journal: Now in Colour is the book for you.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
123,95 kr. Ny bog af forfatteren bag fænomenet Wreck This Journal. Endnu et oplagt hit til alle dem, der elsker det kreative univers.Dette er ikke en bog, men hvad er det så? I hvert fald en form for publikation, der helt igennem er skør og appellerende og i den grad sætter spørgsmålstegn ved, hvad en bog er og ikke er.Tegn, skriv, riv, hop, fold, farv, klip, lim - gør hvad som helst. Det er dig, der bestemmer, hvordan indholdet skal være. Ingen vil nogen sinde lave noget magen til. Fantasien skal på turbotur, alle tøjler kan slippes - i jagten på at give den indestængte kreative kraft frit spil.
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
148,95 kr. From the internationally bestselling creator of Wreck This Journal, a collaborative creative journey where you become the author...One dark and stormy night, author Keri Smith found some strange scattered pages abandoned in a park. She collected and assembled them, trying to solve the mystery of this unexpected discovery, and now she's passing the task on to you, her readers.Your mission is to become the new author of this work. You will continue the research and provide the content. In order to complete the task, you will have to undergo some secret intelligence training, which is included in this volume. Since no one knows what lies ahead, please proceed with caution, but know...this book does not exist without you.
153,95 kr. Helps you to rediscover the world around you. In this book, you are encouraged to explore the world as both artists and scientists.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Provides a secret message - a note on it for a stranger, and leave it in a public place; a recording device - have everyone you contact today write their name in the book; and an instrument - create as many sounds as you can using the book, like flipping the pages fast or slapping the cover.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Featuring dozens of new activities as well as some of the most popular prompts from the original, this title will have you travelling the city streets and country byways, filling the pages with man-made and natural objects, recording what you see, drawing, doodling - and destroying pages as you go.
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- 118,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Prompted to think about landscape, place names, maps, currency and more, this book encourages everyone to push their imaginations to the limit.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
163,95 kr. “Not gonna lie, this is probably the coolest journal you’ll ever see. . . . Wreck This Journal is here to inspire you.” —BuzzfeedThe internationally bestselling phenomenon with more than 10 million copies sold—and an excellent holiday gift! Paint, poke, create, destroy, and wreck—to create a journal as unique as you are For anyone who''s ever had trouble starting, keeping, or finishing a journal or sketchbook comes this expanded edition of Wreck This Journal, a subversive illustrated book that challenges readers to muster up their best mistake- and mess-making abilities to fill the pages of the book—or destroy them.Through a series of creative and quirky prompts, acclaimed guerilla artist Keri Smith encourages journalers to engage in destructive acts—poking holes through pages, adding photos and defacing them, painting pages with coffee, coloring outside the lines, and more—in order to experience the true creative process. With Smith''s unique sensibility, readers are introduced to a new way of art- and journal-making, discovering novel ways to escape the fear of the blank page and fully engage in the creative process.To create is to destroy. Happy wrecking!
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- 163,95 kr.
153,95 kr. Helps you to collect a spectrum of quirky items: something that is miniature, a stain that is green, something from the year you were born, a used envelope, and more.
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- 153,95 kr.
- The Manual of Accidents and Mistakes
178,95 kr. Explores what it feels like to throw themselves off balance - on purpose. This book helps you to open yourself up to the possibility of creating something new and unexpected.
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- 178,95 kr.
683,95 kr. - Bog
- 683,95 kr.
124,95 kr. What if there were a book that changed every time you read it? Actually, every book does this. We are all part of the books we read, because our individual reactions, ideas, and emotions make the book whole, and these things are changing all the time. Keri Smith has helped millions of people free their creativity and find their own voice with her interactive books, and now she brings that sensibility to children and to the act of reading. This picture book is an invitation to honour your own vision and to welcome imperfection. Kids will discover that reading can engage all five senses, and that what they themselves bring to a book is an important contribution. (And of course they'll be invited to do a bit of harmless wrecking!)Praise for Keri Smith:A conceptual artist and author luring kids into questioning the world and appreciating every smell, texture and mystery in it." --TIME"Keri Smith may well be the self-help guru this DIY generation deserves." --The Believer"Not gonna lie, this is probably the coolest journal you'll ever see. . . . Wreck This Journal is here to inspire you." --BuzzFeed"Smith pushes kids (and adults) to break convention by seeing the world as inspiration, rather than simply 'things.'" --GeekDad (of The Pocket Scavenger)
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- 124,95 kr.
- Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 12
478,95 kr. This book presents studies of types of hybrid identities: transnational, double consciousness, gender, diaspora, and beyond.
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- 478,95 kr.
- An Adventure into the Unknown
113,95 kr. Keri Smith is a bestselling author, illustrator and thinker. Her books include Wreck this Journal, This is Not a Book, How to Be an Explorer of the World, Mess, Finish This Book, The Pocket Scavenger, Everything Is Connected, and The Imaginary World of . . . as well as Wreck This App, This is Not an App and the Pocket Scavenger app.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.