Bøger af Ken Wilber
- spiritualitet og healing i Treya Killams liv og død
198,95 kr. Dette er en gribende kærlighedshistorie fra det levede liv. En smuk og tragisk historie om at få konstateret kræft, alle de spørgsmål, der melder sig, og hvordan man kan leve i visheden om at skulle gå bort.Hvorfor lige mig? Har jeg gjort noget forkert i mit liv? Kan jeg lægge nogle ting i mit liv om? Skal jeg vælge at blive behandlet i det etablerede system – og i så fald hvilken type behandling? – og/eller det alternative? Og tusindvis af andre spørgsmål.Endnu inden de nyforelskede Ken og Treya Wilber kommer af sted på bryllupsrejse, får Treya konstateret brystkræft, og deres liv er forandret for altid.‘Ukuelighed og nåde’ er den verdensberømte filosofs bog om hustruen Treyas kræftforløb. Den veksler mellem erindringer, Treyas egne optegnelser under forløbet, båndede samtaler og Kens kommentar og analyser.En klog bog for alle, som gerne vil vide mere om, hvordan man kan leve med store og smertefulde, livstruende sygdomme.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth
188,95 kr. A simple yet comprehensive guide to the types of psychologies and therapies available from Eastern and Western sources. Each chapter includes a specific exercise designed to help the reader understand the nature and practice of the specific therapies. Wilber presents an easy-to-use map of human consciousness against which the various therapies are introduced and explained. This edition includes a new preface.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
208,95 kr. A new edition of the best-selling work from one of the most forward-thinking and important philosophers of our time.Join one of the greatest contemporary philosophers on a breathtaking tour of time and the Kosmos-from the Big Bang right up to the eve of the twenty-first century. This accessible and entertaining summary of Ken Wilber's great ideas has been expanding minds now for two decades, providing a kind of unified field theory of the universe and, along the way, treating a host of issues related to that universe, from gender roles, to multiculturalism, to environmentalism, and even the meaning of the Internet. This special anniversary edition contains as an afterword a dialogue between the author and Lana Wachowski, the award-winning writer-director of the Matrix film trilogy, in which we're offered an intimate glimpse into the evolution of Ken's thinking and where he stands today. A Brief History of Everything may well be the best introduction to the thought of this man who has been called the "Einstein of Consciousness" (John White).
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy
298,95 kr. The goal of an "integral psychology" is to honor and embrace every legitimate aspect of human consciousness under one roof. This book presents one of the first truly integrative models of consciousness, psychology, and therapy. Drawing on hundreds of sources-Eastern and Western, ancient and modern-Wilber creates a psychological model that includes waves of development, streams of development, states of consciousness, and the self, and follows the course of each from subconscious to self-conscious to superconscious. Included in the book are charts correlating over a hundred psychological and spiritual schools from around the world, including Kabbalah, Vedanta, Plotinus, Teresa of Ávila, Aurobindo, Theosophy, and modern theorists such as Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Jane Loevinger, Lawrence Kohlberg, Carol Gilligan, Erich Neumann, and Jean Gebser. Integral Psychology is Wilber's most ambitious psychological system to date and is already being called a landmark study in human development.
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
- Om østlige og vestlige veje til personlig udvikling
223,95 kr. “Hvem er jeg?” Dette spørgsmål har sandsynligvis præget mange af os, helt tilbage fra tidernes morgen og den dag i dag er det fortsat et af de måske mest nagende af alle de spørgsmål, som vi søger svar på.Der er svar, der strækker sig fra det hellige til det verdslige, fra det komplekse til det enkle, fra det videnskabelige til det romantiske, fra det politiske til det individuelle. Men i stedet for alene at undersøge de mange svar på spørgsmålet, så anviser bogen den specifikke og grundlæggende proces, der finder sted, når et menneske stiller og besvarer spørgsmålene: “Hvem er jeg? Hvad er mit virkelige selv? Hvad er min grundlæggende identitet?”I bogen præsenterer Ken Wilber et letforståeligt kort over den menneskelige bevidsthed og skaber orden i den store forvirring, der hersker på området, hvor utallige teorier og praksis hver især beskriver sig selv som den rigtige. I sidste ende drejer al personlig udvikling som om at nå til bage til den bevidsthed, hvor mennesket føler sig som værende 'et med alting.Bogen viser, hvordan du trin-for-trin kan gøre denne rejse. "Ken Wilber" der er en af dette århundredes mest banebrydende personligheder inden for bevidstheds forskning er psykolog og filosof – og er anerkendt som en af vor tids mest vidtspændende tænkere. Han skrev sin første bog som 23-årig og har siden udvidet sit forfatterskab med mere end 20 bøger, hvoraf flere efterhånden er oversat til dansk. Han er desuden grundlæggeren af The Integral Institute, som er en tænketank, der forsker i integral teori og praksis.Bogen er oversat til dansk i et tæt samarbejde med ID ACADEMY, hvor den indgår, som en vigtig del af undervisningen på psykoterapeutuddannelsen.
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- en moderne vej til fysisk velvære, følelsesmæssig balance, intellektuelt klarsyn og spirituel indsigt
118,95 kr. 'Integral livspraksis' handler om, hvad det vil sige at udvikle en livspraksis, der hjælper dig med at være vågen og nærværende i det liv, du lever, og som gør det lettere at rumme såvel hverdagens vanskeligheder som glæder. Bogen omsætter en teoretisk ramme – ‘den integrale perspektivisme’ – til et arbejdsredskab for at udvikle en helhedsorienteret livspraksis, hvor du ikke kun arbejder psykologisk med din tænkning og dine følelser, men også med din krop, din spiritualitet, dine relationer og din etiske indstilling til dine omgivelser. Dette helhedssignal ligger i bogens undertitel: 'en moderne vej til fysisk velvære, følelsesmæssig balance, intellektuelt klarsyn og spirituel indsigt'.'Integral livspraksis' handler om at praktisere mindfulness, meditation, filosofisk livspraksis, psykologisk selvhjælp og kropslig sundhed og giver gode anvisninger til at arbejde med disse ting. Og den giver tillige et teoretisk grundlag for at forstå, hvad dette arbejde kan bidrage med i forhold til at skabe et godt liv. Det liv, der udvikler sig godt ved indsats og opmærksomhed på, hvordan man regulerer og engagerer sig selv i forskellige forhold i sin tilværelse, i et balanceret forhold mellem lyst og pligt, med en mindfull tilstedeværelse i dét, man gør. En måde at sætte sig en kurs for et sådant liv på kan være at skabe sig en livspraksis. Det er bogens tema.'Integral livspraksis' lægger ikke op til, at man skal gøre bestemte ting på bestemte måder, men at man skal finde sin egen vej, skabe sig sin egen livspraksis.
- E-bog
- 118,95 kr.
- A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions - More Inclusive, More Comprehensive, More Complete
363,95 kr. - Bog
- 363,95 kr.
- A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening
308,95 kr. Over the last thirty-five years, Ken Wilber has developed an Integral "theory of everything" that makes sense of how all the world''s knowledge systems—East and West; ancient, modern, and postmodern—fit together and can elevate our awareness. Drawing on science, psychology, human development, spirituality, religion, and dozens of other fields, Integral Theory is a revolutionary framework for understanding ourselves and the world we live in. Now there is a way to not just think Integrally, but to embody an Integral worldview in your everyday life. Integral Life Practice is not just a new approach to self-development and higher awareness, but a way of making sense of—and making best use of—the existing treasure trove of insights, methods, and practices for cultivating a more enlightened life. It offers a uniquely adaptive approach to awakened living that''s suitable for everyone: people with busy careers and families, college students, retirees, even hardcore athletes and yogis. It''s geared for devout—and irreverent—people of any religion, or no religion! This highly flexible system will help you develop your physical health, spiritual awareness, emotional balance, mental clarity, relational joy, and energy level, within a framework that integrates all aspects of your life. Combining original exercises, vivid examples, cutting-edge theory, and illustrative graphics, Integral Life Practice is the ultimate handbook for realizing freedom and fullness in the 21st century. For more information, visit www.Integral-Life-Practice.com.
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- 308,95 kr.
428,95 kr. - Bog
- 428,95 kr.
118,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World
363,95 kr. - Bog
- 363,95 kr.
- Bog
- 448,95 kr.
- – spiritualitet og healing i Treya Killams liv og død
238,95 kr. Endnu inden de nyforelskede Ken og Treya Wilber kommer af sted på bryllupsrejse, får Treya konstateret brystkræft, og deres liv er forandret for altid!‘Ukuelighed og nåde’ er en gribende kærlighedshistorie fra det levede liv. En smuk og tragisk historie om at få konstateret kræft, om alle de følelser og tanker, der løber gennem den kræftramte og de pårørende, og hvordan man kan leve i visheden om at skulle gå bort.Bogen tager livtag med de helt store universelle spørgsmål: Hvorfor lige mig? Har jeg gjort noget forkert i mit liv? Kan jeg lægge nogle ting i mit liv om? Skal jeg ælge at blive behandlet i det traditionelle system – og i så fald hvilken type behandling? – og/eller det alternative? Hvordan føler og tænker den kræftramte, og hvad med de pårørende? Kan man bevare håbet og alligevel se døden i øjnene?Alle disse svære problemstillinger tør Treya og Ken Wilber forholde sig til, og etop derved bliver bogen en optimistisk og livsbekræftende skildring af livet og døden, som alle kan få glæde og gavn af. Og det gælder, uanset om du er sund og rask, ramt af en svær sygdom eller pårørende til en, der er sygdomsramt.
- E-bog
- 238,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Revised edition of: Trump and a post-truth world. Boulder: Shambhala, 2017.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
328,95 kr. "Many of us are seeking personal transformation or a deeper meaning in our lives. We turn to religion, science, our therapist, or perhaps the latest pop-culture wisdom. According to Ken Wilber, our search for growth is often incomplete. Wilber integrates the wisdom of spirituality, psychology, shadow work, science, and integral theory to offer us a path to a radical and complete Wholeness of Waking Up, Growing Up, Opening Up, Cleaning Up, and Showing Up. He includes practices in each category to lead us to direct experiences that we can integrate into our lives. In this way, we truly understand Wholeness and can make room for everything life brings our way. No other path of growth includes these five categories-each of which is a unique path to wholeness. By combining them and integrating them, one comes to a realization of what Wilber calls Big Wholeness-a completeness in which everything in our experience comes together to pull us into this deep meaning, where we feel in touch not only with all of the important aspects of ourself but also with everything in our world"--
- Bog
- 328,95 kr.
258,95 kr. Bogen er en original begavet og tilgængelig beretning om mænds og kvinders plads i et univers af kønsforskelle, sjæl og ånd.Ken Wilber betragter evolutionen som den udfoldede manifestation af ånd. Fra materiale til liv til sind til de højere stadier af spirituel bevidsthed, hvor ånd er bevidst om sig selv. På hvert stadie er der der mønstre, der går igen. Ved at betragte mønstrene kan vi skaffe os viden om verdens nuværende vanskeligheder og om den retning vi er nødt til at bevæge os i. Dette for at en positiv global forvandling kan blive til virkelighed.Wilber giver os en række rammende og usædvanlige synspunkter om de emner, som interesserer os alle og skaber kontroverser omkring kønsrollemønstre, frigørelsesbevægelser, multikulturelle samfund, økologi og miljøetik samt konflikten mellem verdslige og verdensfjerne veje til det spirituelle. Resultatet er en berigende og livsbekræftende rejse gennem kosmos og i selskab med en af vor tids største tænkere.Resultatet er en berigende og livsbekræftende rejse gennem kosmos i selskab med en af vor tids største tænkere. KEN WILBER – psykolog og filosof.Han skrev sin første bog som 23-årig og har siden udvidet sit forfatterskab med mere end 20 bøger, hvoraf flere efterhånden er oversat til dansk. Han er desuden grundlæggeren af The Integral Institute, som er en tænketank, der forsker i integral teori og praksis.Bogen er udarbejdet i et tæt samarbejde med ID ACADEMY, hvor den indgår, som en vigtig del af undervisningen på psykoterapeutuddannelsen.
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
248,95 kr. In one of the first attempts to bring an integral dimension to sociology, Ken Wilber introduces a system of reliable methods by which to make testable judgments of the authenticity of any religious movement. A Sociable God is a concise work based on Wilber's "spectrum of consciousness" theory, which views individual and cultural development as an evolutionary continuum. Here he focuses primarily on worldviews (archaic, magic, mythic, mental, psychic, subtle, causal, nondual) and evaluates various cultural and religious movements on a scale ranging from egocentric to ethnocentric to worldcentric to Kosmic. By using this integral view, Wilber hopes, society would be able to discriminate between dangerous cults and authentic spiritual paths. In addition, he points out why these distinctions are crucial in understanding spiritual experiences and altered states of consciousness. In a lengthy new introduction, the author brings the reader up to date on his latest integral thinking and concludes that, for the succinct and elegant way it argues for a sociology of depth, A Sociable God remains a clarion call for a greater sociology.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
268,95 kr. "As you look deeply into your own awareness, and relax the self-contraction, and dissolve into the empty ground of your own primordial experience, the simple feeling of Being-right now, right here-is it not obvious all at once? Were you not present from the start? Did you not have a hand to play in all that was to follow? Did not the dream itself begin when you got bored with being God? Was it not fun to get lost in the productions of your own wondrous imagination, and pretend it all was other? Did you not write this book, and countless others like it, simply to remind you who you are?" -Ken Wilber The author of nineteen books of philosophy and psychology, Ken Wilber is a pioneering thinker who has developed an integral "theory of everything" that embraces the truths of both Eastern spirituality and Western science. Yet while he is best known for his scholarly research into the world's contemplative traditions, Wilber is also an accomplished spiritual practitioner and mystic in his own right. In order to highlight the personal wisdom of this popular author, the editors of The Simple Feeling of Being have assembled a collection of inspirational, mystical, and instructional passages drawn from his publications. These heartfelt writings, born of Ken's own meditation practice and inner experiences, include: • Poetic passages of contemplative insights and reflections • Inspired descriptions of Spirit, Nondual Awareness, the Witness, One Taste, and other topics • Commentary on the spiritual contributions of figures such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Saint Teresa of Ávila, Meister Eckhart, and Ramana Maharshi • Anecdotes of personal experience and glimpses into Wilber's inner world • Practical spiritual instructions and guided meditations
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- 268,95 kr.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
253,95 kr. - Bog
- 253,95 kr.
228,95 kr. - Bog
- 228,95 kr.
193,95 kr. There is arguably no more critical and pressing topic than the relation of science and religion in the modern world. Science has given us the methods for discovering truth, while religion remains the single greatest force for generating meaning.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- meditation and guidance to the terminal care. With an essay by Ken Wilber
218,95 kr. - Bog
- 218,95 kr.
513,95 kr. Volume Seven of The Collected Works of Ken Wilber includes: • A Brief History of Everything (1996) "Combining spiritual sensitivity with enormous intellectual understanding and a style of elegance and clarity, [this book] is a clarion call for seeing the world as a whole."— San Francisco Chronicle . • The Eye of Spirit: An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad (1997) uses the spectrum model to create an integral approach to psychology, spirituality, anthropology, cultural studies, and art. • "An Integral Theory of Consciousness," an essay previously unpublished in book form, presents one of the first theories to integrate first-, second-, and third-person accounts of consciousness.
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- 513,95 kr.
533,95 kr. Volume Four of The Collected Works of Ken Wilber includes: • Integral Psychology, a concise version of Wilber''s long-awaited textbook of transpersonal psychology, presenting one of the first truly integrative models of consciousness, psychology, and therapy. • Charts correlating over one hundred developmental and evolutionary theories, ranging from ancient mystical traditions to modern theorists. • Essays on human development, art, meditation, spirituality, yoga, women''s studies, death and rebirth, science and mysticism, and transpersonal psychotherapies. • Wilber''s thoughtful replies to criticisms of his work.
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- 533,95 kr.
528,95 kr. - Bog
- 528,95 kr.
478,95 kr. Grace and Grit is the compelling story of the five-year journey of Ken Wilber and his wife, Treya Killam Wilber, through Treya''s diagnosis of breast cancer, treatments, and finally, death. During this period, Ken put his own work on hold in order to offer full-time support to Treya. In fact, it would be nearly ten years before he published a new full-length theoretical study (Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, Volume Six of this series). Nonetheless, this personal narrative contains a wide-ranging commentary, including critiques of both conventional and New Age approaches to illness. Ken''s account of the couple''s struggle to integrate this catastrophic event into their spiritual practice, combined with excerpts from Treya''s journals, produces an unforgettable portrait of health and healing, wholeness and harmony, suffering and surrender. The book contains a new introduction and index.
- Bog
- 478,95 kr.
- And the Future of Spirituality
208,95 kr. An edifying view of Buddhism from one of today's leading philosophers: a look at its history and foundational teachings, how it fits into modern society, and how it (and other world religions) will evolve.What might religion look like in the future? Our era of evolution in social consciousness and revolution in science, technology, and neuroscience has created difficulties for some practitioners of the world's great spiritual traditions. How can one remain true to their central teachings while also integrating those teachings into a new framework that is inclusive of ongoing discoveries? Taking the example of Buddhism to explore this key question, Ken Wilber offers insights that are relevant to all of the great traditions. He shows that traditional Buddhist teachings themselves suggest an ongoing evolution leading toward a more unified, holistic, and interconnected spirituality. Touching on all of the key turning points in the history of Buddhism, Wilber describes the ways in which the tradition has been open to the continuing unfolding and expansion of its own teachings, and he suggests possible paths toward an ever more Integral approach. This work is a precursor to and condensed version of Wilber's The Religion of Tomorrow.
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- 208,95 kr.