Bøger af Kate Riggs
368,95 kr. I denne bog kan I læse om tigre.I kan blandt andet læse om, hvor tigerne lever,hvordan de ser ud, og hvad de spiser.En spændende bog til de yngste om tigre.
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
368,95 kr. I denne bog kan I læse om løver.I kan blandt andet læse om, hvor løverne lever,hvordan de ser ud, og hvad de spiser.En spændende bog til de yngste om løver.
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
368,95 kr. I denne bog kan I læse om giraffer.I kan blandt andet læse om, hvor girafferne lever,hvordan de ser ud, og hvad de spiser.En spændende bog til de yngste om giraffer.
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
368,95 kr. I denne bog kan I læse om elefanter.I kan blandt andet læse om, hvor elefanterne lever,hvordan de ser ud, og hvad de spiser.En spændende bog til de yngste om elefanter.
- Bog
- 368,95 kr.
81,95 kr. Læs om chimpanser i denne fine fagbog med mange billeder og letlæst tekst. Der er fire underarter af chimpanser, og de har navn efter, hvor de bor i Afrika. Læs om chimpanserne, hvad de spiser og om deres familieforhold.Om serien, som nu er oppe på 33 spændende titler, skrev lektøren:"...fremragende fagbøger med gode og relevante fakta om dyrene. Bøgerne har en meget overskuelig opbygning uden for mange grafiske forstyrrelser, med skarpe, smukke farvefotos, der underbygger de faglige informationer."
- E-bog
- 81,95 kr.
81,95 kr. Læs om kameler i denne fine fagbog med mange billeder og letlæst tekst . Der er to slags kameler, dromedaren og den baktriske kamel. Lær om kamelerne og deres pukler, og læs om hvad de spiser, og hvad de bruges til. Om serien, som nu er oppe på 33 spændende titler, skrev lektøren:"...fremragende fagbøger med gode og relevante fakta om dyrene. Bøgerne har en meget overskuelig opbygning uden for mange grafiske forstyrrelser, med skarpe, smukke farvefotos, der underbygger de faglige informationer."
- E-bog
- 81,95 kr.
81,95 kr. Læs om flagermus i denne fine fagbog med mange billeder og letlæst tekst. Der er mere end 1400 arter af flagermus. Læs om hvordan flagermusene lever, og hvad de spiser. Der er flagermus i Danmark og mange andre steder.Om serien, som nu er oppe på 33 spændende titler, skrev lektøren:"...fremragende fagbøger med gode og relevante fakta om dyrene. Bøgerne har en meget overskuelig opbygning uden for mange grafiske forstyrrelser, med skarpe, smukke farvefotos, der underbygger de faglige informationer."
- E-bog
- 81,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of wolves with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these cunning predators. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of tigers with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these striped big cats. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of snakes with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these legless reptiles. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of penguins with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these flightless birds. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of sharks with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these apex predators. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of monkeys with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers encounter the features, diet and social habits of these agile and clever primates. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of gorillas with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these powerful primates. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of lions with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these majestic big cats. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of giraffes with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of the tallest land mammals . Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of elephants with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of Earth's largest land animals. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of dolphins with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these playful marine mammals. A labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of cheetahs with this engaging beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts translated into North American Spanish, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of the fastest land animal. A labeled-image guide reinforces visual learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of wolves with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these cunning predators. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of tigers with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these striped big cats. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of snakes with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these legless reptiles. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of sharks with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these apex predators. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of penguins with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these flightless birds. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of lions with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these majestic big cats. Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of giraffes with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of the tallest land mammals . Labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Explore the world of dolphins with this engaging and informative beginner-level book. Packed with eye-catching photographs, comic-inspired speech bubbles and humor, and fun facts, young readers will encounter the features, diet and social habits of these playful marine mammals. A labeled-image guide reinforces learning. Includes glossary, index, and recommended books and websites.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
438,95 kr. - Bog
- 438,95 kr.
438,95 kr. - Bog
- 438,95 kr.
478,95 kr. - Bog
- 478,95 kr.