Bøger af Karl R. Popper
1.473,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.473,95 kr.
77,95 kr. Karl Popper stellt in seinem Hauptwerk, der Logik der Forschung, die Erkenntnistheorie als Methodologie dar, die erklärt, warum unser Wissen fehlbar ist und warum wir nicht primär aus erfüllten, sondern aus gescheiterten Erwartungen lernen: Der Erkenntnisfortschritt resultiert aus Versuch und Irrtum. Die bedeutendsten Resultate des Buches sind das Falsifizierbarkeitskriterium zur Abgrenzung wissenschaftlicher Sätze und Poppers Vorschlag zur Lösung des Problems der empirischen Basis der Wissenschaft."[...] gehört Poppers Buch zu den wichtigsten gegenwärtigen Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaftslogik. [...] Es wird Zustimmung und Widerspruch auslösen..."Rudolf Carnap in Erkenntnis, Bd. 5 (1935) S. 294
- Bog
- 77,95 kr.
- New One-Volume Edition
257,95 kr. One of the most important books of the twentieth century, Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies is an uncompromising defense of liberal democracy and a powerful attack on the intellectual origins of totalitarianism. Popper was born in 1902 to a Viennese family of Jewish origin. He taught in Austria until 1937, when he emigrated to New Zealand in anticipation of the Nazi annexation of Austria the following year, and he settled in England in 1949. Before the annexation, Popper had written mainly about the philosophy of science, but from 1938 until the end of the Second World War he focused his energies on political philosophy, seeking to diagnose the intellectual origins of German and Soviet totalitarianism. The Open Society and Its Enemies was the result. An immediate sensation when it was first published in two volumes in 1945, Popper's monumental achievement has attained legendary status on both the Left and Right and is credited with inspiring anticommunist dissidents during the Cold War. Arguing that the spirit of free, critical inquiry that governs scientific investigation should also apply to politics, Popper traces the roots of an opposite, authoritarian tendency to a tradition represented by Plato, Marx, and Hegel. In a substantial new introduction written for this edition, acclaimed political philosopher Alan Ryan puts Popper's landmark work in biographical, intellectual, and historical context. Also included is a personal essay by eminent art historian E. H. Gombrich, in which he recounts the story of the book's eventual publication despite numerous rejections and wartime deprivations.
- Bog
- 257,95 kr.
1.250,95 kr. The problem of the relation between our bodies and our minds, and espe cially of the link between brain structures and processes on the one hand and mental dispositions and events on the other is an exceedingly difficult one. We believe in humanism: in human rationality, in human science, and in other human achievements, however fallible they are.
- Bog
- 1.250,95 kr.
361,95 kr. A sampling of the philosophical writings of Karl Popper includes discussions of rationalism, knowledge, human freedom, and the scientific method.
- Bog
- 361,95 kr.
348,95 - 349,95 kr. Condemns Plato, Marx, and Hegel as "holists" and "historicists". The author tells that a holist believes that individuals are formed entirely by their social groups; historicists believe that social groups evolve according to internal principles that it is the intellectual's task to uncover.
- Bog
- 348,95 kr.
- udvalgte essays om videnskab og samfund
89,95 kr. Karl R. Popper (1902-1994) er først og fremmest kendt for de synspunkter, at vores viden er provisorisk og at den udvikles ved, at vi fremsætter dristige hypoteser om verdens indretning, som vi derefter prøver at gendrive. Jo flere massive forsøg på gendrivelse en teori overlever, desto mere tillid kan vi have til den.Poppers politiske skrifter er en skarp kritik af den totalitære tradition i europæisk tænkning, hvis fornemmeste repræsentanter – ifølge Popper – er Platon, Hegel og Marx. Grundlaget for denne tradition er en kollektivistisk tænkning, hvor individet konsekvent underordnes helheden. Denne tradition angriber Popper ud fra sit ideal om det åbne samfund.Dette udvalg består af et repræsentativt udvalg af Poppers mere tilgængelige skrifter indenfor erkendelsesteori, videnskabsteori og politisk filosofi.
- Bog
- 89,95 kr.