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Bøger af Karen Whetung

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  • af Karen Whetung
    157,95 kr.

    Wanting to belong can be hard, and walking away can be even harder.  When a storm plucks four eaglets from their nest to the forest fl­oor, the displaced eaglets proceed on a journey across Turtle Island to rediscover where they belong. One by one, the eaglets encounter communities of creatures who claim them. Will these lost eaglets grow the courage needed to soar in their truths?Inspired by the Students and Communities she has worked with, Nishnaabe author Karen Whetung shares an allegory of survivance and the desire to tell our stories, share our truths, and claim our place in the world in Four Fallen Eagles.   A powerful allegory, each animal the eaglets encounter in this story speaks to historical and ongoing aspects of oppression of Indigenous Peoples in North America. This includes Indian Boarding and Residential Schools, the effects of urbanization on Indigenous  communities, and the impacts of the Church and government.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.

  • af Karen Whetung
    118,95 kr.

    Le sage vieux chef devrait bientôt laisser sa place et la jeune Linny rêve d¬être choisie pour le remplacer. Alors qu¬elle a de la di culté à passer le test, Linny apprend, de la façon la plus inattendue et avec l¬aide de sa famille, ce qu¬il faut vraiment pour devenir chef...Cette histoire est racontée avec des poupées traditionnelles d¬enveloppes de maïs. Les poupées de maïs protègent la maison, le bétail et le bien-être personnel du fabriquant et de sa famille. Les poupées de maïs sont fabriquées dans certaines cultures autochtones depuis le début de la culture du maïs, il y a plus de mille ans, et on en fabrique encore aujourd¬hui.

  • af Karen Whetung
    138,95 kr.

    A story of hard work, perseverance, developing leadership skills, and reaching your goals! With the wizened old chief set to step down, young Linny dreams of being chosen as his replacement. As she struggles to pass his test, Linny learns with the help of her family what it really takes to become chief... in the most unexpected way.This story is told with the help of traditional corn husk dolls. Corn dolls protect the home, livestock, and personal wellness of the maker and their family. Corn husk dolls have been made in some Indigenous cultures since the beginning of corn agriculture more than one thousand years ago, and continue to be made today.Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.